ࡱ> -/,q bjbjt+t+ )"AA]    @( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( xzzzzzz$ ( ( ( ( (  ( ( ( ( ^ ( ( x ( x   : x(  RF+P n Decision on the Establishment of the Preparatory Committee for the World Trade Organization Ministers, Having regard to the Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization (hereinafter referred to as "the ϲʹ Agreement" and "the ϲʹ"), and Mindful of the desirability of ensuring an orderly transition to the ϲʹ and the efficient operation of the ϲʹ as of the date of entry into force, Hereby agree as follows: 1. A Preparatory Committee for the ϲʹ (hereinafter referred to as "Committee") is hereby established. Mr.P.D. Sutherland in his personal capacity is appointed Chairman of the Committee. 2. The Committee shall be open for membership to all Signatories of the Final Act of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations and to any contracting party eligible to become an original member of the ϲʹ in accordance with Article XI of the ϲʹ Agreement. 3. A Sub-Committee on Budget, Finance and Administration, to be chaired by the Chairman of the GATT CONTRACTING PARTIES, and a Sub-Committee on Services responsible for preparatory work on GATS matters are also established. The Committee may establish additional sub-committees as appropriate. Membership of the Sub-Committees shall be open to all members of the Committee. The Committee shall establish its own procedures and those of its sub-committees. 4. The Committee will make all its decisions by consensus. 5. Only those members of the Committee that are GATT contracting parties eligible to become original Members of the ϲʹ in accordance with Articles XI and XIV of the ϲʹ Agreement may participate in the decision-making of the Committee. 6. The Committee and its sub-committees shall be serviced by the GATT Secretariat. 7. The Committee shall cease to exist upon the entry into force of the ϲʹ Agreement, at which time it will forward its records and recommendations to the ϲʹ. 8. The Committee shall perform such functions as may be necessary to ensure the efficient operation of the ϲʹ immediately as of the date of its establishment, including the functions set out below: (a) Administrative, budgetary and financial matters: To prepare recommendations for the consideration of the competent body of the ϲʹ, or, to the extent necessary, take decisions or, as appropriate, provisional decisions in advance of the establishment of the ϲʹ, with respect to the recommendations submitted to it by the Chairman of the Sub-Committee on Budget, Finance and Administration referred to in paragraph 3 above, in cooperation with the Chairman of the GATT Committee on Budget, Finance and Administration, assisted by proposals from the Secretariat on: (i) the headquarters agreement provided for in Article VIII:5 of the ϲʹ Agreement; (ii) financial regulations, including guidelines for the assessment of ϲʹ members' budget contributions, in accordance with the criteria set out in ArticleVII of the ϲʹ Agreement; (iii) the budget estimates for the first year of operation of the ϲʹ; (iv) the transfer of the property, including financial assets, of the ICITO/GATT to the ϲʹ; (v) the transfer and the terms and conditions of the transfer of the GATT staff to the ϲʹ Secretariat; and (vi) the relationship between the International Trade Centre and the ϲʹ. (b) Institutional, procedural and legal matters: (i) To carry out the examination of and approve the schedules submitted to it in accordance with the "Decision on Acceptance of and Accession to the Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization" and to propose terms of accession in accordance with paragraph2 of that Decision; (ii) To make proposals concerning terms of reference for the bodies of the ϲʹ, in particular those established in ArticleIV of the ϲʹ Agreement, and the rules of procedure which they are called upon to establish for themselves, bearing in mind paragraph 1 of Article XVI; (iii) To make recommendations to the General Council of the ϲʹ concerning the appropriate arrangements with respect to relations with other organizations referred to in ArticleV of the ϲʹ Agreement; and (iv) To prepare and submit a report on its activities to the ϲʹ. (c) Matters related to the entry into force of the ϲʹ Agreement and to the activities of the ϲʹ within its scope and functions: (i) To convene and prepare the Implementation Conference; (ii) To initiate the work programme arising from the Uruguay Round results as set out in the Final Act, such as overseeing, in the Sub-Committee on Services referred to in paragraph 3 above, negotiations in specific services sectors, and also to undertake work resulting from Decisions of the Marrakesh meeting; (iii) To discuss suggestions for the inclusion of additional items on the agenda of the ϲʹ's work programme; (iv) To make proposals concerning the composition of the Textiles Monitoring Body in accordance with the criteria set out in Article8 of the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing; and (v) To convene the first meeting of the Ministerial Conference or the General Council of the ϲʹ, whichever meets first, and to prepare the provisional agenda thereof. ^gi{OJQJ 6OJQJ5CJOJQJ ^idr< w d W  T Zi 7K /1$^idr< w d W  T Zi 7K Dm/1 Dm/' 0. 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