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Administrative and Finance Director of ALADI (Latin American Integration Association) 1979-1989); Advisor of Foreign Trade of the Chamber of Industry of Uruguay; Member of the Conciliation and Arbitration Center of the Chamber of Commerce of Uruguay; Arbitrator for the Solution of Controversies among MERCOSUR member States; Vice-president of the United Nations General Assembly (1993); Chairman of the GATT Negotiations Committee, at Ministerial Level (Uruguay Round, 1993-1994); Senator (1990-1995); Minister of Foreign Affairs (1993-1995); Minister of Industry, Energy and Mining (2000-2002). Senator (2005-2010 period). Member of the Inter-American Bar Association; Chairman of the CURI (Uruguayan Council for International Relations); National Academy of Economics; Montevideo Rotary Club; Uruguayan Bar Association; International Consultant in Foreign Trade and International Law. Languages: Spanish, English, Portuguese. 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