ࡱ> ac` ;bjbj 4Hcc@233@@@@@@@@@8%A 1A@PMAMA:AAAvBDtxD<hPjPjPjPjPjPjPRMULjP@DvBvBDDjPF@@AAPFFFD@A@AhPFDhPFFrOT@@P |{@zEdO,P<P0PrOUFUPF@PDDD3 ?:   Session 23: A pathway to recovery a case for the further development of the multilateral trading system? Sub theme IV: Looking to the future: What post crisis agenda for the ϲʹ in a shifting power scenario? Introductory remarks Lord Brittan, Trade advisor to UK Prime Minister, former Vice-President of the European Commission and Trade Commissioner Moderator Mr Lucian Cernat, Chief Economist, DG Trade, European Commission Speakers H.E. Mr Ujal Singh Bhatia, former Ambassador of India to the ϲʹ Mr Robert B. Koopman, Chief Economist, United States International Trade Commission (USITC) Mr Denis Redonnet, Head of Unit, ϲʹ; DG Trade, European Commission Organized by European Commission Report written by Ms Marlene Rosemarie Madsen, Economist, Chief Economist Unit, DG Trade, European Commission Friday, 17 September 2010 09.00-11.00 Abstract The benefits of a robust, rules-based multilateral trading system have been clearly demonstrated during the financial and economic crisis: a severe recession in the real economy and a sharp drop in world trade did not result in closing of borders. It has been widely recognized that this was largely due to proper observation of ϲʹ disciplines as well as timely peer pressure among the members of the Organization. While effectively administering existing rules is an essential function of the ϲʹ, it does not address new challenges emerging in a fast-changing, globalizing world. ϲʹ members also need to address gaps in the existing rule book that have been exposed by the financial and economic crisis. Existing disciplines on issues such as government procurement and sectoral subsidies have proved inadequate to effectively address the challenges that economic operators are faced with in an increasingly global marketplace. Many advocate that ϲʹ should also tackle a range of modern trade policy issues that are truly global in nature, such as trade and climate change. Trade being a powerful engine of global growth, the ϲʹ membership needs to ensure that multilateral trade rules contribute to a sustainable recovery of the global economy. This calls for increased attention to possible ϲʹ disciplines that can support global efforts to rebalance our economies. The objective of this session was to explore what steps beyond traditional market access negotiations the ϲʹ and governments can take to contribute towards reviving international trade flows, through ϲʹϒs rule-making function. 1. Presentations by the panellists The session was moderated by MrCernat, who initiated it by placing it in a broader content and explaining its rationale. He referred to the question mark in title of the session and set the tone for the debate by referring to MrLamy's opening remarks: We cannot afford to rest on our laurels in the ϲʹ until our rule-book becomes outdated. Nor can we afford to misdiagnose the impasse in current negotiations as being institutional. There is a need to discuss what is needed to make ϲʹ a strong institution and what should be its role in todays world. (a) Lord Brittan, Trade advisor to UK Prime Minister, former Vice-President of the European Commission and Trade Commissioner The panel was introduced by LordBrittan, who noted that the ϲʹ as an organization shows no signs of slowing down. The ϲʹ has many excellent qualities, and its inclusive nature is its main strength. More countries are queuing to join the ϲʹ, which is a clear indication that despite all the criticisms that may be made, it is still important. Unfortunately the same could not be said for the Doha round of negotiations. Trade in an engine of growth and a strong ϲʹ is essential for economic recovery. The ϲʹ has a powerful dispute settlement system, which is one of the few areas in which the rule of law is substituted into international law. Further opening up markets is an important way for governments to boost growth. Although regional trade agreements (RTAs) are currently proliferating due to the strong desire to remove barriers, these RTAs do not damage the ϲʹ, although they render it more complicated. Further work is needed both to ensure that developing countries can partake in and benefit from trade, and to understand how small countries can benefit from these agreements. In addition, there is a need to think carefully about the single-undertaking approach. While the consensus approach has huge advantages, it rends reaching agreement difficult. The concept of critical mass could help and make agreements easier to reach. Finally, with regard to the ϲʹϒs relation with other international institutions such as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and feeding into G20; this type of collaboration is likely to be increasingly important in the future. (b) Ujal Singh Bhatia, former Ambassador of India to the ϲʹ MrSingh Bhatia said that the ϲʹ provides rules and regulations governing global trade and had shown its importance during the crisis. A discussion on further development of the multilateral trading system should start by a shared understanding of what we have. Developing countries have shown rapid growth and the crisis had also demonstrated this dichotomy. The ϲʹ today is different than a decade ago, and therefore some short-term initiatives where consensus is now already possible should be looked into (changes in committee procedures, facilitative mechanism for low threshold disputes, bolder programme for RTAs, integrated database of all tariff measures). For the medium term, it is important to ensure that the work programme is of benefit to all members. A comprehensive work programme of RTAs with the aim of mainstreaming them into the ϲʹ system is essential. Global intellectual property right (IPR) disciplines are necessary to include many new developments in the information and communication technology (ICT) area. Exploring the remaining Singapore issues or looking into expanded agreement on global electronic commerce, etc., could be addressed by plurilateral agreements. He also raised the issue of equity in the global system. There is a need to address asymmetries in value creation across the world and along the global supply chain, which may help to reduce poverty. (c) Robert B. Koopman, Chief Economist, USITC MrKoopman stated how trade and related policies can spur growth, expand markets, and improve economic efficiency. Trade and gross domestic product (GDP) growth are highly correlated, but there is uncertainty as to how big a role trade can play in stimulating growth. However, economic research shows that protectionism does not result in positive economic growth. Some calculations find that the United States would gain 2 to 5trillion dollars from tax liberalization. A complete liberalization of trade would bring less than 20billion dollars to the US economy, however others estimated that it would bring 50billion dollars. Five hundred billion dollars could result from complete liberalization of agriculture and manufacturing. He highlighted the importance of including other policy areas to understand and realize how these work together and impact on each other. Low-hanging fruit for the ϲʹ could be to continue with tariff bindings and reductions, and to clarify and communicate to all members the role and impact of trade policy versus other policies, static and dynamic. For instance, the ϲʹ could seek to increase self-monitoring and reporting through the Trade Policy Review Mechanism (TPRM) and ensure that all countries are trying to measure the broad gains from trade and other policy liberalization. Furthermore, it is important to recognize the growing role of and importance of RTAs, and help define best practice. (d) Denis Redonnet, Head of Unit, ϲʹ; DG Trade, European Commission MrRedonnet noted that the ratchet mechanism; market opening or at least consolidation; and continued production of rules and disciplines are the three public goods that ϲʹ produces. There is also a non-Doha agenda and established areas include: transparency implementation the middle pillar of the ϲʹ where the European Union (EU) tries to be increasingly active in day-to-day life of the organization through notifications and TPRM scrutiny; keeping a watchful eye on coherence bilateral and regional scrutinizing FTA activity, and at some point start re-multilaterilizing them, and contributing to accessions of countries still outside the ϲʹ. New products of the ϲʹ involve policy- and rule-making in regulatory frameworks and in covering new issues that are unchartered in the ϲʹ (energy, trade and climate-change interaction). 2. Questions and comments by the audience MrCernat concurred with the views made by the panellists, who had provided insightful remarks, and opened the floor for questions. The questions raised included one from a member of the Parliament of the Seychelles, who inquired about the value of accession for small islands. He asked whether there will there be space for the ϲʹ to take into consideration the specificities of small islands. All panellists were positive of the benefits, also for small islands, of joining the ϲʹ. The main benefit of the multilateral system is that everyone is involved; meaning that everyone can benefit from what is agreed and everyone is bound by what is being agreed. Furthermore small countries have the same votes as large countries. However, it is true that there are specificities /constraints that need to be addressed. Small island states and small landlocked states can find it difficult to see this system where everything is very much about being able to tag on to economies of scale as being important for them, for which reason the question of differentiation is important. There are many cases of differentiation in ϲʹ. There was also a question concerning environmental issues, and what the benefit of multilateral aspect of environmental issues was. One panellist referred to the importance of sequencing. While we cannot foresee the outcomes of the climate-change negotiations, it is still important to prepare for it. One issue could be green subsidies, and how they conflict with the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures of the ϲʹ. Should the ϲʹ deliberate on this and come up with a constant solution that could allow this, or should products be discriminated on the basis of their carbon intensity. One participant raised doubts whether the ϲʹ would be more effective if the single-undertaking principle were weakened. One panellist agreed with the principle that it is not single-undertaking that complicated the conclusion of Doha. On the other hand, there may be sectoral agreements that may be of more interest to some that to others. Here it is legitimate and beneficial to look at possibility of plurilateral agreements. Another participant raised the point that the Doha round should still be the key goal and asked how we can make a deal for the Doha round. One panellist replied that this is indeed a vast question, which again relates to the question about multilateral versus regional agreements. The overriding priority has to be the Doha round. Alongside this, FTAs should be deep and comprehensive agreements. When the system experiences problems, it is when we have very shallow agreements. The ϲʹ should therefore, in parallel with Doha, measure and evaluate all the different activities, and engage with other forums. This is the way forward in the short term. 3. Conclusions and way forward MrCernat thanked the panellists for their presentations and the audience for their participation. The session aimed at building consensus around how to further develop the multilateral trading system, particularly in the current economic climate. The following key issues were discussed: A strong multilateral trading system is key, and the ϲʹ has proved its resilience particularly in its rules being an important restraint for countries considering protectionist reactions to economic crisis. Trade remains an important engine for growth. There is need to conclude the Doha Round to underpin further strengthening the multilateral trading system. More flexibility is called for in future, including on the single undertaking. Owing to linkages in global value chains, much liberalization is taking place autonomously. This need not be perceived as negative. Countries need to think outside the box and focus on other areas for the ϲʹ. A new work programme might be needed on regional trade agreements, better analysing trends, with the overall aim to bring these gains into the multilateral system. The ϲʹ needs to enhance its cooperative arrangements with other international institutions such as the OECD and UNCTAD.      FILENAME \p \* MERGEFORMAT DivImrd:#Imrd:HelenS:Public Forum:Publication 2010:2. Back from copy editor:Session 23.doc  savedate \@ dd.MM.yy 31.10.10  printdate \@ dd.MM.yy 00.00.00  jkle o W ` x J >%?%&&&*Q*V5u5@:A:C:D:F:G:I:J:L:M:i:j:~:::::::::::;; ; ; ;;ƾƾƴƾƾƬ駬鬧鬧 h`/T*jh`/TUhah`/T\]hah`/T5 hah`/Thah`/TCJOJQJ h h`/Th h`/T5h`/Thah`/TOJQJh`/TOJQJ@kle o X - . 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