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Today's world is confronted with major global challenges Pragmatic solutions need to be found now to enhance global governance and better address the problems that our world is facing". Pascal Lamy, 19 February 2011 Core Themes I. Food Security Objectives: To discuss the role and contribution of trade and the ϲʹ multilateral rules-based system, including the Doha Round, to achieve food security. Food price volatility, including food price hikes and the economic costs entailed because of the uncertainty it generates, in particular for poor countries and poor people will also be addressed. Food security is a key international issue that gives rise to keen debate. It refers to the availability of food and one's access to it. In order to ensure lasting food security, a range of different policies will be discussed, including in relation to trade. II. Trade in Natural Resources Objectives: To examine to what extent countries gain from liberalizing trade in natural resources and the effects of international trade on the sustainability of natural resources. Discussion will focus on access to natural resources, and how trade rules can help governments attain better environmental protection and resource management at the national level. In addition, participants will examine the coherence between ϲʹ rules and those of other international agreements in the management of trade and related areas. Sustainability within the context of the trade and climate change debate will also be examined. III. Made in the World and Value-Added Trade Objectives: To debate how the measure of trade flows in value added terms affects the way we analyse international economics and conduct trade policy. In an era of international supply chains and production, where products are made in many countries, the concept of country of origin and the calculation of trade flows may need to be revisited to better reflect the way global business is done today. This in turn, will help policy makers base their decisions on economically meaningful data. As a result, Governments will better understand that raising trade barriers hurts domestic companies dependent on the availability of competitive inputs for their competitiveness. It will also alleviate some of the misunderstandings resulting from inflated bilateral trade imbalances based on the gross calculation of trade figures rather than on a value added basis. IV. What next for the Trading System? Objectives: To identify how the rules-based multilateral trading system should respond to the rapidly changing global environment and promote coherence at the international level to better address global trade challenges. The world has changed. The political, economic, and social contours of the world we live in today are very different to those that existed a decade ago. As a result there is a widening gap between existing trade rules and the new realities. In this context, examining how the ϲʹ should adapt to effectively deal with the new realities becomes a question of paramount significance; one that opens the door to reflect on the ϲʹ's agenda looking forward. Addressing these questions will prompt participants to examine the rules that we have, acknowledge existing loopholes and recognize future areas for rule-making while identifying the virtues of the system and the need to preserve the acquis. The proliferation of preferential trade agreements (PTAs); the shift of power in international politics; new technological developments; the growing role of non-state actors; evolving public attitudes towards the ϲʹ; current reflections on social and environmental considerations; and the future of trade negotiations -multilateral or sectoral are some of the issues that will be debated to ensure the ϲʹ effectively adapts to our fast-changing world. Frequently Asked Questions Who can participate? Representatives of governments, civil society organizations, businesses, trade unions, legislators, academics, students and the public at large are welcome to contribute their views and enhance the dialogue on the multilateral trading system. Who organizes the sessions? Sessions at the Public Forum are organized by the ϲʹ Secretariat as well as interested stakeholders, including, civil society organizations, business groups, law firms, universities and research institutes, trade unions and members of parliaments as well as other inter-governmental organizations. Where does the Public Forum take place? All sessions of the ϲʹ Public Forum take place at the ϲʹ premises at the Centre William Rappard, Rue de Lausanne 154, Geneva, Switzerland. What are the working languages of the meetings? The meetings are held in the three working languages of the ϲʹ: English, French and Spanish. Interpretation will be available in all three languages. How can I register to attend? Those wishing to attend the ϲʹ Public Forum must register online at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.wto.org/publicforum2011" www.wto.org/publicforum2011 Where can I find additional information about the programme? Additional information about the programme can be found on the ϲʹ Public Forum website. Do I need a visa? If you are planning to travel to Geneva to participate to the ϲʹ Public Forum, please, check well in advance of your journey for visa requirements with the Swiss embassy or consulate nearest to you. Please, note that the ϲʹ does not organise visa arrangements. Who pays for my journey? Participation at the Forum is free of charge. Travel and accommodation costs are to be borne by participants. Useful links Getting around Geneva:  HYPERLINK "http://www.geneve-tourisme.ch/" \t "_blank" http://www.geneve-tourisme.ch/ Accommodation:  HYPERLINK "http://www.genevashotels.com" \t "_blank" www.genevashotels.com Weather:  HYPERLINK "http://www.meteoschweiz.admin.ch/web/en/weather.html" \t "_blank" http://www.meteoschweiz.admin.ch/web/en/weather.html Bus Schedule:  HYPERLINK "http://www.tpg.ch" \t "_blank" http://www.tpg.ch Train Schedule: HYPERLINK "http://mct.sbb.ch/mct/en/reisen.htm" \t "_blank" http://mct.sbb.ch/mct/en/reisen.htm Geneva Airport:  HYPERLINK "http://www.gva.ch" \t "_blank" www.gva.ch For more information please contact Mara Prez-Esteve Public Forum Coordinator Email:  HYPERLINK "maria.perez-esteve@wto.org" maria.perez-esteve@wto.org Phone: + 41 22 739 55 46 Fax: + 41 22 739 57 77 Programme in Brief Monday 19 September Tuesday 20 September Wednesday 21 September 07:30-20:30 Registration of Participants/Badge collection08:00-19:00 Registration of Participants/Badge collection08:00-19:00 Registration of Participants/Badge collection10:00-10:30 (CR) Opening ceremony09:00-11:00 (CR) High-level panel 09:00-11:00 (CR) High-level panel10:30-12:30 (CR) High-level panel 11:15-13:15 6 Working sessions 11:15-13:15 6 Working sessions 12:30-14:00 Lunch break13:15-14:00 Lunch break13:15-14:00 Lunch break14:00-16:00 6 Working sessions 14:00-16:00 6 Working sessions 14:00-16:00 6 Working sessions 16:15-18:15 (CR) High Level panel 16:15-18:15 6 Working sessions 16:15-18:15 6 Working Sessions18:15-18:30 Signing ceremony with former ϲʹ Directors-General 18:30-20:15 Dinner Reception18:15-19:15 (CR) Closing session High-level panels are organized by the ϲʹ Secretariat and are designed to address broad issues and to set the tone for further discussions. They feature prominent personalities on the international scene, who share their views on the issues debated. Working sessions provide a more specific insight into a particular issue. The discussion can be more technical and may involve experts, professionals and opinion leaders. The panellists introduce the issue and offer their point of view to the audience, while the moderator engages the participants in a free and open discussion. The dinner reception is open to all registered participants. It represents an occasion for organizers, panellists and the public to meet in an informal get-together and engage in a more relaxed exchange of views and opinions. It is also a good opportunity to network and to create long-lasting contacts. The closing session will provide an overview of the main issues addressed throughout the forum in each of the core themes. It will also highlight the main conclusions and recommendations put forth by participants in each area. An Interactive Forum Public Forum Website and Social Media The ϲʹ Public Forum is about engaging the wider public in the trade discussions held during the Forum. In order to increase its outreach, podcasts of each session will be made available on the forum's website along with summaries of the discussions shortly after each session finishes. There will also be the opportunity to contribute to the debate through online discussion forums. Regular updates will be available on Facebook and Twitter, and highlights of the event will be made available on YouTube. This will allow session organizers to increase their visibility, while allowing internet users to post comments and contribute to the discussion, even if they could not make it to Geneva.     @A]^_`hz_ b m ƺyiViViVFVi6ihmCB* OJQJ^JaJph3fh0B* OJQJ^JaJph3f%hhPB* OJQJ^JaJph3fhmB* OJQJ^JaJph3fh6B* OJQJ^JaJph3fhYB* OJQJ^JaJph3fh/h7 B* CJaJph3f#h 7hm56B* CJaJph3fh/B* CJaJph3fh 7hmB* CJaJph3fhhB* CJaJph3fhmB* CJaJph3fhh7 B* CJaJph3fA^_`    gdmgdJG -D@M 3fgd~&$-DM a$gd37-DM ^gd3gd3gd g &d P3fgdm &d P3fgd~&m q }     ϼϬ|l|YI9h+B* OJQJ^JaJph3fh6B* OJQJ^JaJph3f%h gh gB* OJQJ^JaJph3fhB* OJQJ^JaJph3fhm2B* OJQJ^JaJph3fh gB* OJQJ^JaJph3fh/B* OJQJ^JaJph3fh3B* OJQJ^JaJph3f%hmhmB* OJQJ^JaJph3fhmCB* OJQJ^JaJph3fhmB* OJQJ^JaJph3fhWB* OJQJ^JaJph3f ! % 0 R S  Ͽ}m]L8&h~&hXP59CJOJQJ^JaJ h%59CJOJQJ^JaJh+B* OJQJ^JaJph3fh 7B* OJQJ^JaJph3fhWB* OJQJ^JaJph3fhWh3 hveh3%h3h3B* OJQJ^JaJph3fh?/B* OJQJ^JaJph3fh3B* OJQJ^JaJph3fh gB* OJQJ^JaJph3fhmB* OJQJ^JaJph3fhQ/OB* OJQJ^JaJph3f    a y | } B 'AHɷn[Hn55nHnH%h3hlB* OJQJ^JaJph3f%h3hsB* OJQJ^JaJph3f%h3h<B* OJQJ^JaJph3f%h3hmB* OJQJ^JaJph3fhTB* OJQJ^JaJph3f%h3hUqB* OJQJ^JaJph3f%h3h&B* OJQJ^JaJph3f"hl5B* OJQJ^JaJph3f"h35B* OJQJ^JaJph3f"hJG5B* OJQJ^JaJph3f#h~&hJG9CJOJQJ^JaJ B D IJj"# LM/0 -D@M 3fgd~&gdG`gd\gdUqgdsgd3gdmgdlHIJMNj!"#=YamDzzgWWG7h?/B* OJQJ^JaJph3fhK /B* OJQJ^JaJph3fhB* OJQJ^JaJph3f%h3hWB* OJQJ^JaJph3fhsB* OJQJ^JaJph3f%h3hsB* OJQJ^JaJph3f(h3hs5B* OJQJ^JaJph3f(h3hL5B* OJQJ^JaJph3f(h3hXP5B* OJQJ^JaJph3f%h3h3B* OJQJ^JaJph3fhfkB* OJQJ^JaJph3f #)wxy{ MS[nɹɹɹܦɦnY(h3hUq5B* OJQJ^JaJph3f(h3hXP5B* OJQJ^JaJph3f%h3h3B* OJQJ^JaJph3fhG`B* OJQJ^JaJph3f%h3hUqB* OJQJ^JaJph3fhK /B* OJQJ^JaJph3f%h3hsB* OJQJ^JaJph3fh?/B* OJQJ^JaJph3f%h3h?/B* OJQJ^JaJph3fJUXab{̹ܹv̹aL7(h3h\5B* OJQJ^JaJph3f(h3hG`5B* OJQJ^JaJph3f(h3hXP5B* OJQJ^JaJph3f%h3h?/B* OJQJ^JaJph3fh!B* OJQJ^JaJph3fh+B* OJQJ^JaJph3fh6B* OJQJ^JaJph3f%h3hUqB* OJQJ^JaJph3fh?/B* OJQJ^JaJph3fhK /B* OJQJ^JaJph3f%h3hKB* OJQJ^JaJph3f 1&FVX>HKMbƶƦƦƦ~n^N>hlB* OJQJ^JaJph3fh6B* OJQJ^JaJph3fhB* OJQJ^JaJph3fh+B* OJQJ^JaJph3f(hWh36B* OJQJ^JaJph3f%h3h3B* OJQJ^JaJph3fhWB* OJQJ^JaJph3fhK /B* OJQJ^JaJph3f%h3h\B* OJQJ^JaJph3f(h3h\5B* OJQJ^JaJph3f"h35B* OJQJ^JaJph3f &'>Wgk  ߿߿߿߯Ͽl[ h%59CJOJQJ^JaJ%h3h+B* OJQJ^JaJph3fh1RB* OJQJ^JaJph3fh/B* OJQJ^JaJph3fh3KHB* OJQJ^JaJph3fhlB* OJQJ^JaJph3fh6B* OJQJ^JaJph3fh+B* OJQJ^JaJph3fhB* OJQJ^JaJph3fheAdB* OJQJ^JaJph3f "&./01EFY:Uɷ{kXkXkXkXHk8khUqB* OJQJ^JaJph3fh/B* OJQJ^JaJph3f%hN ohN oB* OJQJ^JaJph3fhN oB* OJQJ^JaJph3f(hN oh45B* OJQJ^JaJph3f(hN ohN o5B* OJQJ^JaJph3f"h~&5B* OJQJ^JaJph3f"h]5B* OJQJ^JaJph3f#h~&h49CJOJQJ^JaJ h%59CJOJQJ^JaJ&h~&h459CJOJQJ^JaJ01F9:V9:j"V$a$gd3gd- gd- gdLgdYgdG`UVW^rsw !ξޮޮ޾ueUBeB%hYhYB* OJQJ^JaJph3fh% B* OJQJ^JaJph3fhYB* OJQJ^JaJph3f(hTWhY5B* OJQJ^JaJph3f"hL5B* OJQJ^JaJph3f"hY5B* OJQJ^JaJph3fhXPB* OJQJ^JaJph3fhTWB* OJQJ^JaJph3fhN oB* OJQJ^JaJph3fhUqB* OJQJ^JaJph3f"hN o5B* OJQJ^JaJph3f!#+689:jz ߼zzgU@U@(hTWhL5B* OJQJ^JaJph3f"hL5B* OJQJ^JaJph3f%hLhTWB* OJQJ^JaJph3fhB* OJQJ^JaJph3fhXPB* OJQJ^JaJph3f"hTW5B* OJQJ^JaJph3fhLB* OJQJ^JaJph3fhTWB* OJQJ^JaJph3f%hYhYB* OJQJ^JaJph3fhYB* OJQJ^JaJph3fh?/B* OJQJ^JaJph3f!"FOSdfghiǷxkXIXIXE5hTWB* OJQJ^JaJph3fh- h- h- 0JOJQJ^J%jh- h- 0JOJQJU^Jh- h- 0JOJQJh- hj0J>*OJQJ!h- hjB* OJQJ^Jph3fh- B* OJQJ^JaJph3fhjB* OJQJ^JaJph3fh B* OJQJ^JaJph3f"hL5B* OJQJ^JaJph3f(hTWhL5B* OJQJ^JaJph3f"hW5B* OJQJ^JaJph3f$'UVWhǵǵǣǓs^N9(hTWhTW5B* OJQJ^JaJph3fhTWB* OJQJ^JaJph3f(hWh|"5B* OJQJ^JaJph3fhB* OJQJ^JaJph3fhK]B* OJQJ^JaJph3fh|"B* OJQJ^JaJph3f"hL5B* OJQJ^JaJph3f"h- 5B* OJQJ^JaJph3f"hW5B* OJQJ^JaJph3f%hhK]B* OJQJ^JaJph3f%hh3B* OJQJ^JaJph3fVWjr s !y!!f""'#p#q####$($C$V$W$gd- -D@M 3fgd- $ a$gd3$a$gd3 gdgdG`hij2 8 9 : o p s !!̹̹l\G2(h|q~h|q~B* OJQJ\^JaJph3f(h|q~h|q~5B* OJQJ^JaJph3fhB* OJQJ^JaJph3f%hC-hC-B* OJQJ^JaJph3f(hC-hC-5B* OJQJ^JaJph3fhC-B* OJQJ^JaJph3f(hLhL>*B* OJQJ^JaJph3f%hLhLB* OJQJ^JaJph3fhLB* OJQJ^JaJph3f"hJG5B* OJQJ^JaJph3f"hC-5B* OJQJ^JaJph3f!! 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