ࡱ> TWS{ bjbjQQ .2;;6 <<<<<PPP8<P4K".  JJJJJJJ$MOJ<+++J<<J???+R<<J?+J??r%T&N}R+&JK04K9&zP^P&&0P<&#++?+++++JJ-+++4K++++P+++++++++ : Session 6: Plurilaterals and bilaterals: guardians or gravediggers of the ϲʹ? Overall theme: Is multilateralism in crisis? Moderator Ms Jennifer Freedman, Bloomberg News Speakers H.E. Ms Anabel Gonzlez, Minister of Trade, Costa Rica Ms Arancha Gonzlez, Chief of Staff, Office of the Director-General, ϲʹ H.E. Mr Wayne McCook, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Jamaica to the ϲʹ H.E. Mr Fernando de Mateo, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Mexico to the ϲʹ Ms Naoko Munakata, Director General, Multilateral Trade System Department, Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry (METI), Japan Mr Winand Quaedvlieg, Vice-Chairman, International Relations Committee, BUSINESSEUROPE Mr Christopher Wenk, Senior Director, International Policy, US Chamber of Commerce Organized by BUSINESSEUROPE US Chamber of Commerce Report written by Information and External Relations Division (IERD), ϲʹ Monday 24 September 14:00 16:00 Abstract Confronted with the Doha Round being stalled, a discussion has started on whether or not plurilateral negotiations should be initiated, or whether ϲʹ members should pursue trade liberalization through free trade agreements (FTAs). This panel, jointly organized by BUSINESSEUROPE and the US Chamber of Commerce, will assess whether plurilaterals and FTAs are effective approaches to tackle the challenges currently faced in multilateral trade negotiations. High-level representatives from the business community as well as ϲʹ members will provide different perspectives on this controversial issue, discussing the merits and limitations of these approaches. 1. Presentations by the panellists. A panel of ambassadors to the ϲʹ, representatives of the EU and US Chambers of Commerce together with the ϲʹ Chief of Staff, Ms Arancha Gonzlez, discussed the relevance of plurilateral agreements to the construction of multilateralism. Speakers agreed that bilateral, plurilateral and multilateral agreements are like children you have to like them all. However, there was a discrepancy in the views over the necessity to advance the Doha Round. A panellist recalled that there are different types of plurilateral agreements. First, regional trade agreements (RTAs), and second, coalitions of the willing, such as the Information Technology Agreement (ITA) and the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA). As pointed out by the ϲʹ Chief of Staff, the Tokyo Round was the golden age of plurilateral agreements. However, the international community has felt the desire to go back to the Single Undertaking in the Uruguay Round for reasons of fairness and inclusiveness. Plurilateral and bilateral agreements are building blocks for multilateralism The main argument here is that the three types of agreements reinforce each other. First, they constitute an alternative to the multilateral negotiations in the ϲʹ that are undermined by the sluggishness of the negotiations in the Doha Round. Second, regional agreements are particularly relevant to small developing countries which prefer step-by-step trade liberalization. An example was Costa Rica, which progressively opened its telecommunications sector. Third, coalitions of the willing have proven to be great successes examples include the ITA. The Japanese representative proposed extending such agreements to the environmental goods sectors. Fourth, preferential trade agreements (PTAs) are not a threat to the ϲʹ, as only 16 per cent of world trade is made under PTA regulation. The rest is exchanged through most-favoured-nation (MFN) rules. PTAs impede regulatory convergence of trade standards PTAs undermine the development of an international playing field for negotiations, which would strengthen multilateralism. A recent report from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) shows that many firms are unable to adapt their standards to PTA regulations. Moreover, plurilateral agreements threaten the multilateral trading system if they are designed for strategic purposes. In the current situation, business sector representatives expressed their frustration and their willingness to go further on trade liberalization outside of the Doha Development Agenda (DDA) framework. In their view, agreement on services and trade facilitation would be more than welcome. They also expressed willingness to have an agreement on import tariffs on machinery and chemical goods. Finally, they insisted on the need for transparency in future agreements and cited as a counter-example the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA). 2. Questions and comments by the audience The ϲʹ Chief of Staff stressed the need for countries to advance on multilateralism, pointing out that 40 per cent of exports contain imported goods. The business sector representative called for BRICS (Brazil, the Russian Federation, India, China and South Africa) to negotiate as they will in five years time rather than how they were five years ago. A member of a French non-governmental organization (NGO) denounced trade agreements between states of different economic sizes, referring specifically to the agreement on dairy products between the European Union and India. Mexico added it had benefited a lot from the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).     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