


澳门六合彩官网资料 PUBLIC FORUM 2016

Session :

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Organiser(s) :



Antoni Estevadeordal, Manager of the Integration and Trade Sector, Inter-American Development Bank


This session supports the theme of inclusive trade by focusing on how new rules embodied in RTAs can promote innovation and more inclusive trade at the multilateral level. Some of the RTAs that will be discussed in our session include new provisions on intellectual property, investment, telecommunications, electronic commerce, SMEs and trade facilitation, among others, that help companies and individuals take advantage of technology and trade, and provide incentives for SMEs to enter new markets and operate in the global trading system. The promotion of the RTA Exchange platform as a tool to multilateralize best practices also contributes this year's theme. The RTA Exchange allows stakeholders from around the world to engage in dialogue, share information and best practices in an accessible and low-cost way. This helps even the playing field and encourages inclusive trade by allowing stakeholders from countries of varying size and economic level to access information engage and learn. This is especially important for less developed countries and SMEs that have limited experience negotiating RTAs and fewer resources to navigate new rules and regulations.


  • Bernard Hoekman, Professor and Director of Global Economics, European University Institute
  • Lucian Cernat, Chief Trade Economist, European Commission
  • Theresa Carpenter, Executive Director, Graduate Institute Geneva’s Centre for Trade and Economic Integration
  • Jonathan T. Fried, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Canada to the 澳门六合彩官网资料
  • Miguel Rodriguez Mendoza, Independent consultant