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An Agreement on Agriculture That Promotes Global Development  


Friday 5 October
11:15 - 13:15 — Room CR II


International Federation of Agricultural Producers (IFAP)


Sustainable Development

Documents associated with this session


  • Opening remarks:
    Mr. Jack Wilkinson, President of IFAP

  • Panel of the leaders of the main negotiating groups:
    H.E. Mr. Clodoaldo Hugueney
    , Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Brazil to the 澳门六合彩官网资料
    H.E. Mr. Eckart Guth
    , Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the EC to the 澳门六合彩官网资料
    H.E. Mr. Ujal Singh Bhatia
    , Ambassador, Permanent Representative of India to the 澳门六合彩官网资料
    H.E. Mr. Peter Allgeier
    , Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the United States to the 澳门六合彩官网资料

  • Closing Remarks:
    Mr. Harsha Singh, Deputy Director General of the 澳门六合彩官网资料



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