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After working at the ϲʹ Secretariat as a trade lawyer from 1999 to 2003, I assumed the post of deputy trade minister for Korea and then moved on to become the trade minister last July. Koreas unique development experience probably also played a part in my invitation. In the span of half a century, Korea was able to successfully transform itself from a poor, war-ridden country to one of the most vibrant and important economies in the world, largely by expanding trade. Based on these unique experiences, both personal and national, allow me to spend the next 10 to 15 minutes touching upon what I think are the three major challenges facing the ϲʹ at its 10th anniversary. These three challenges are: first, the proliferation of free trade agreements (FTAs) or regional trade agreements (RTAs); second, the demand for a greater focus on development; and third, strengthening the political direction of the ϲʹ. Before moving on, I would like to stress that I will be speaking today in my individual capacity, and not as Koreas trade minister. Korea has always upheld the primacy of multilateralism. The rapid proliferation FTAs, however, presents a serious challenge to the multilateral trading system because FTAs derogate from the most favored nation (MFN) principle, the very foundation upon which the ϲʹ system is based. But let us think about why countries negotiate FTAs. First there are political reasons. Recently, economic alliances in the form of FTAs are replacing military pacts of the past. Of course, there are also commercial motives. Countries are pursuing FTAs to secure their market share abroad. Socio-political considerations also play a role in pursuing FTAs. In Koreas case, FTAs is a means to push ahead on domestic economic reforms and to break with the past. Korea needs domestic reforms to continue its economic growth. Reforms must be supported by liberalization measures or they can be undone overnight what good are reform measures if they could be undone overnight? Therefore, liberalization through FTAs is necessary to support the reform process. On the other hand, the multilateral liberalization process was moving too slowly. Thus, bilateral FTAs were needed to move Korea out of the twilight zone or the intermediate stage between a developed and a developing nation. On average, it took six to nine years for nations to advance from per capita income of ten thousand U.S. dollars to twenty U.S. dollars. Koreas national per capita income, however, has been staggering between ten thousand and fifteen thousand U.S. dollars for last ten years. FTAs are expected to introduce new competition and thereby create a new paradigm in the Korean economy. In addition, the market opening will increase the social welfare and benefit the consumers. It is estimated that, through bilateral agreements, Korean consumers will have greater purchasing power even with the same amount of income, which will, for instance, enable an average household to add one or more dishes on their tables. There are also other, less tangible gains from FTAs. For example, successful conclusion of comprehensive FTAs with its major trading partners will upgrade Koreas national credit ratings, which will then help to improve Koreas economy by attracting more foreign direct investment into Korea as well as benefit Korean companies by allowing them to borrow from abroad at lower interest rates. Under these considerations, Korea has concluded FTAs with Chile and Singapore, and is currently conducting FTA negotiations with EFTA, Japan and ASEAN. Korea is also preparing for FTA negotiations with several other countries such as Canada and the U.S. In the short term, it will not be easy to stop the spread of FTAs given the political and domestic policy considerations that lie behind them. This being the case, the urgent task before us is to look for ways to use this situation to our best advantage. I believe that by expanding the scope and increasing the level of liberalization of FTAs in other words, by covering substantially all the trade as stated in the GATT Article XXIV countries will be able to better prepare themselves for multilateral trade liberalization in the future. There will be neither trade diversion nor the so-called spaghetti bowl effect as result of proliferation of FTAs if the agreements are highly liberalizing and comprehensive. As the Sutherland Report has persuasively argued, the most viable long-term response for the proliferation of FTAs would be to reduce MFN tariffs and non-tariff measures through multilateral trade negotiations. Fortunately, history shows that FTAs do not necessarily impede multilateral trade liberalization. It should be noted that conclusion of the Uruguay Round took place around the time of the advent of the EU and NAFTA. The second challenge that the ϲʹ needs to tackle is the growing demands for greater attention to the development dimension. Some express concerns over these demands, stressing that the ϲʹ is a trade organization and not a development organization. However, it should be noted that over 3/4 of the ϲʹ members are developing countries and that their share in world trade is ever increasing. In this situation, I am unconvinced by the argument that development cannot be a core business of the ϲʹ. Indeed there are many ways that the ϲʹ can contribute to the cause of development. Substantial improvement in market access on products of export interest to developing countries, special consideration for products of LDCs and reduction of agricultural supports in developed countries are only a few of the examples. The success of the Doha Development Agenda depends in large measure on whether we will be able to arrive at a substantive outcome on these issues. Equally important is providing Aid for Trade. Aid for Trade is a safety net to help developing countries cushion the negative impact of their integration into the multilateral trading system. Trade liberalization should not be a process where the law of the jungle prevails. To ensure that the momentum for liberalization continues on a sure footing, we need to support weaker countries that cannot bear the adjustment costs of liberalization. To that end, the ϲʹ needs to work more closely with the IMF, the World Bank and other international institutions. Special and differential treatment for developing countries is an important part of the development dimension. Let me stress, however, that I personally have some reservations about approaching this issue exclusively from the perspective of granting lesser ϲʹ obligations, or even exemptions from these obligations, on a permanent basis. The role of the ϲʹ is to provide non-discriminatory market access and uphold a fair and transparent trade system. Taking on the responsibility of liberalization entails a significant degree of pain in terms of market adjustments and less policy space in the short term. However, in the long term, it greatly increases the efficiency of the economy in general, through strengthening the rule of law and increasing competition. In this regard, the positive experience of Korea may prove helpful. Koreas economic development was achieved through a series of painful reforms, involving repeated phases of liberalization and adjustment, which eventually led to her successful integration into the multilateral trading system. As can be seen from Koreas experience in overcoming the 1997 financial crisis, liberalization and reforms went beyond trade, and encompassed the economy as a whole, including the capital markets. This is how the Korean economy prepared the foundation for its new leap forward. Of course, some sensitive areas still remain, such as the agricultural sector. However, even this sector is not exempt from our reform efforts. Korea is currently implementing a long-term agricultural restructuring program worth more than a hundred billion U.S. dollars. Korea was once a country that enjoyed certain privileges under the GSP and other trade preferences. However, it was liberalization and outward-looking policies, rather than theses privileges, which pushed us forward to achieve the current level of economic development. The difference in the outcome between outward-looking policies and the opposite, inward-looking policies is quite evident. One has to look no farther than the South and the North of the Korean Peninsula to decide which is more desirable. The last major challenge I would like to discuss is enhancing the political direction to effectively pursue multilateral trade liberalization and establish trade regulations. The most important lesson that I have learnt from my experience as trade minister for Korea is that the effective management of trade issues, be it of a domestic or multilateral nature, requires clear political direction. With greater globalization, trade issues today affect all aspects of our daily lives, including employment, welfare, environment, health, food safety and culture. Political leadership and policy direction are necessary to bridge the different demands of the various stakeholders. Today, trade issues are highly politicized. It is almost impossible to pursue trade liberalization and settle trade disputes without the engagement of political leaders. In this regard, I support the proposal in the Sutherland Report to hold annual ministerial-level meetings, as well as a summit meeting every five years. An important lesson learned from the APEC was that institutionalized political engagement is a powerful vehicle to generate and reinforce support for the system. We also need to strengthen the power of the ϲʹ Director-General and the Secretariat, so that together as a team, they may act as guardians of the ϲʹ system. As we mark the tenth anniversary of the creation of the ϲʹ, the Director-General and the Secretariat should now play a role in developing a vision of how the ϲʹ should evolve in the next ten years. To support this effort, ϲʹ members should get together and have a serious discussion on pertinent issues, such as bolstering the Secretariats research and analysis activities, allowing submission of initiatives by the Secretariat on deadlocked issues, and explicitly recognizing the Director-Generals role as an honest broker. To further strengthen the role of the Secretariat, it goes without saying that budget and personnel increases would be necessary. I have strong faith that the ϲʹ Secretariat has the capacity to protect the interests of its member countries. Through my personal experiences at the ϲʹ Secretariat, I learned that the Secretariat staff are the most dedicated and talented group of individuals. ϲʹ is faced with challenges that await our wise decisions and timely actions. Let me reiterate that the long-term benefits of trade liberalization under the ϲʹ system are crystal clear. A decade-long experience of the dispute settlement system has renewed the confidence of the member countries that it is both possible and desirable to defend their interests under the umbrella of multilateral rules and regulations. This is why I have so much optimism in the future of the ϲʹ. But we should not be complacent. There is a pressing need to continue strengthening communication and engagement with business communities and the NGOs, including through events like this Public Symposium. I hope that the dialogue here will help us develop constructive ideas to further our common goals. 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