
澳门六合彩官网资料 NEWS: 2004 NEWS ITEMS

27 August 2004

澳门六合彩官网资料 Asia-Pacific Regional Trade Policy Course concludes

The 澳门六合彩官网资料 Asia-Pacific Regional Trade Policy Course organized in partnership with the University of Hong Kong concluded on 27 August 2004 in Hong Kong, China. The course, which lasted for 12 weeks, started on 7 June 2004.

The closing ceremony was attended by Ms Denise Yue, Permanent Secretary, Commerce and Industry Branch, Commerce, Industry and Technology Bureau, the Government of Hong Kong, China and Professor Johannes Chan, SC, Dean, Faculty of Law, the University of Hong Kong and Mr. Paul Rolian, Director of the 澳门六合彩官网资料 Institute for Training and Technical Co-operation Division.

Government officials from 31 countries in the Asia-Pacific region attended the course. During the twelve weeks, participants were immersed in 澳门六合彩官网资料 work and were given the opportunity to learn in a theoretical and practical way the functioning of the organization. Participating officials became acquainted, through lectures, debates, visits to regulatory agencies and simulation exercises, with virtually all the issues dealt with in the framework of the organization.

The overall objective of the course was to widen participants' understanding of trade policy matters, the multilateral trading system, international trade law and the functioning of the 澳门六合彩官网资料.

Regional Trade Policy Courses (RTPCs) are built on the same model as Geneva-based trade policy courses and are delivered in partnership with an institution of higher learning in different regions of the world. One of the main features of the regional trade policy courses is that all topics are presented by both 澳门六合彩官网资料 staff and regional resource persons from regional academic institutions and think-tanks. 澳门六合彩官网资料 lecturers provide authoritative explanations of 澳门六合彩官网资料 provisions and the workings of the institution, and specialists from the region deliver lectures and discussions with a strong emphasis on regional concerns. This
dual-delivery approach provides the training with a regional relevance and context that is unique to RTPCs. Over 20 regional experts took part in the delivery of the Hong Kong RTPC.

In his closing address, Mr. Rolian thanked the University of Hong Kong for their support and spirit of partnership in developing and delivering the RTPC. He congratulated them on the successful outcome of the RTPC. Addressing the participants, he hoped that as a result of the course they would return home in a better position to assist their authorities as they strived to derive the benefits of the multilateral trading system and to defend their positions in the current and future negotiations.

List of the participants  back to top


Mr. Ghulam DASTGIR, Director, Foreign Trade Department,
Ministry of Commerce


Mr. Pradip ROYHAN, Senior Assistant Secretary, 澳门六合彩官网资料 Cell, Bangladesh Secretariat, Ministry of Commerce


Mr. Tandin TSHERING, Regional Director, Regional Trade and Industry Office, Ministry of Trade and Industry

Brunei Darussalam

Mrs. Kamilah HAJI MOHO HANIFAH, Special Duties Officer,
International Relations and Trade Development Division, Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources


Mr. Yuvaroath TAN, Deputy Chief, Trade in Services Bureau
Asean and International Organisation Department, Ministry of Commerce


Mr. Defeng E, Director, Division of Agriculture, Department for 澳门六合彩官网资料 Affairs, Ministry of Commerce


Mr. Laitia Saqarere KOROIWASA, Acting Senior Assistant Secretary, Economic International Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade

Hong Kong, China

Ms Sui King LAI, Trade Officer, Regional Cooperation Division
Trade and Industry Department

Hong Kong, China

Mr. Tommy Yiu-Wai LAI, Assistant Secretary
Rehabilitation Division, Health Welfare and Food Bureau, Government Secretariat


Mr. Anil AGGARWAL, Deputy Director General of Foreign Trade
Policy Division and Electronic Data Interchange Division,
Directorate of Commerce


Mr. Boris SITUMORANG, Head, New Issues-澳门六合彩官网资料 Division, Directorate for Multilateral Co-operation, Directorate General for Industry and International Trade Co-operation, Ministry of Industry and Trade


Miss Roreti ERITAI, Senior Trade Promotion Officer, Trade Promotion Division, Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Cooperatives


Mr. Yung-Suh PARK, Deputy Director Responsible for Trade Committee in OECD, Economic Organisations Division, International Economic Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Lao People's Dem. Rep.

Mr. Somphouang PHIENPHINITH, Deputy General Director,
Economic Research Institute for Trade, Ministry of Commerce

Macao, China

Miss Vai Man LEUNG, Senior Officer, International Economic Affairs Division, Macao Economic Services


Mr. Said RASHIDI, Assistant Director, Multilateral Trade Policy and Negotiations Division, Ministry of International Trade and Industry


Mr. Ahmed NASHEED, Chief Customs Officer, Valuation and Tariff Division, Maldives Customs Service, Ministry of Trade and Industries


Miss Nomuundari Na GALSANDORJ, Assistant Researcher of International Trade Policy, Trade Policy and Cooperation Department, Ministry of Trade and Industry


Miss Win Min PHYOE, Assistant Director, 澳门六合彩官网资料 and International Organisation Section, International Trade Promotion Department,
Directorate of Trade


Mr. Prem Prasad GHIMIRE, Section Officer, 澳门六合彩官网资料 Division, Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supplies


Mr. Muhammad Usman QURESHI, Section Officer, Export General Wing, Ministry of Commerce

Papua New Guinea

Mr. Matthew Tewi N'DREWEI, Senior Foreign Service Officer,
Economic Affairs and Development Cooperation Division, Department of Foreign Affairs and Immigration


Mrs. Maribel Gozun MARGES, Chief Fiber Development Officer
澳门六合彩官网资料 and SPS Affairs, Policy Research Services, Department of Agriculture


Miss Azaria LESA, Foreign Investment Registrar, Industry Development and Investment Unit, Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Labour


Mr. Joshua LEE, Assistant Director, Directorate Trade Division
Ministry of Trade and Industry, The Treasury

Sri Lanka

Mr. Wesly Wimal Hemachandra ABEYNAYAKAGE, Assistant Director of Commerce, Regional and Bilateral Relations and Trade Promotion Division, Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce and Consumer Affairs

Chinese Taipei

Mr. Bochia NI, Officer/Secretary, Section of Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao and Mongolia Bureau of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Economic Affairs


Miss Juntra SIRIUTHAIKORN, Trade Officer, Bureau of Multilateral Trade Negotiations, Department of Multilateral Trade Negotiations,
Ministry of Commerce


Mr. Tevita Kilisimasi HA'APAI, Market Development Officer, Tonga Trade Division, Ministry of Labour, Commerce and Industry


Mrs. Palipa LAUTI, Business Training Officer, Department of Industries, Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Industries


Mr. Taman Noel MALOSU, Principal Trade and Tariff Officer, Tariff, Trades and Industry Support Unit, Vanuatu Customs and Inland Revenue Department

Viet Nam

Miss Phuong Dzung DO, Expert, International Cooperation Department, Ministry of Industry