
澳门六合彩官网资料: 2005 NEWS ITEMS

15 July 2005

Chairman urges intensification of Cape Verde negotiations

The Chairman of the Accession Working Party, Mr. David Shark, on 14 July 2005 commended Cape Verde's efforts during the past few months to accelerate its accession process. He urged Cape Verde and members to intensify bilateral contacts with a view to concluding market access negotiations.

Mr. Shark said Working Party could aim to hold its next meeting in the fourth quarter of this year, during which members should consider the first draft of its report. He also called on members and international organizations to step up their technical assistance to Cape Verde.

Cape Verde's Minister of Economy, Growth and Competitiveness Jo鉶 Pereira Silva said that his country is enacting comprehensive legislation to bring its trade measures in line with the 澳门六合彩官网资料. He reiterated Cape Verde's objective to join the 澳门六合彩官网资料 at the 6th Ministerial Conference in December 2005 in Hong Kong, China, adding that a team would be available in Geneva in September 2005 to negotiate with interested members. The Minister called for special and differential treatment in the negotiations as his country graduates from LDC status.