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Also under the Procedures, where a serving Director-General decides to seek reappointment, he should so notify the General Council Chair before the start of the process, and shall thereby be considered to be a candidate. The Chair should inform Members of the candidature of the incumbent Director-General, in order that they may take this into consideration in submitting their nominations. Accordingly, I wish to inform Members that I have received a communication from the Director-General (copy attached) notifying me of his decision to seek reappointment for a further term. In keeping with the Procedures, the General Council Chair shall be assisted in the appointment process by the Chairs of the Dispute Settlement Body and the Trade Policy Review Body acting as facilitators. They will be, during the remainder of my term until early February next year, Ambassadors Matus (Chile) and Agah (Nigeria), respectively. I would also like to use this opportunity to recall some of the time-lines for the appointment process that have been set out in the Procedures, and to clarify certain administrative details. First, all nominations and supporting information should be addressed to me as Chair of the General Council, and should be received by me not later than onemonth after the start of the appointment process, i.e., by 31December2008 in this case. They are to be distributed to Members as they are received. Nominations and supporting information should be addressed to me as follows: Chairman of the General Council ϲʹ 154 Rue de Lausanne 1211 Geneva 21 In order to ensure that they are properly received and distributed, nominations and supporting information should be submitted to me either by hand or sent to the above address only by express mail, registered mail or courier service (e.g. DHL, FedEx, UPS, TNT, SwissPost). As the Secretariat will likely be closed during the period 25December 2January inclusive, nominations during the 25-31December period should therefore be sent only by express mail, registered mail or courier service (e.g. DHL, FedEx, UPS, TNT, SwissPost). Arrangements will be made for their receipt and distribution over this period. These documents will be copied as received and placed in Members' mailboxes at the Centre William Rappard, and mailed to non-resident Members. Immediately after the close of the nomination period, I shall, as required, communicate to Members a consolidated list of the candidatures received. Second, the candidates nominated have threemonths to make themselves known to Members and to engage in discussions on the pertinent issues facing the Organization, i.e. until 31March. Also, as early as possible after the close of the one-month nomination process, candidates are to be invited to meet with Members at a formal General Council meeting, at which they will be invited to make a brief presentation, including their vision for the ϲʹ, to be followed by a question-and-answer period. A formal meeting of the General Council for this purpose will be convened in the usual way. Third, the process during the remaining two months from 31 March is to be devoted to selecting and appointing one of the candidates. Under the procedures, the appointment process is to conclude with a General Council meeting convened not later than threemonths prior to the expiry of the incumbent's term, i.e. not later than 31May2009, at which a decision to appoint a new Director-General must be taken. I look forward, with your cooperation, to an appointment process that, in line with paragraph1 of the Procedures, is guided by the best interests of the Organization, respect for the dignity of the candidates and the Members nominating them, and of course by full transparency and inclusiveness at all stages. Yours sincerely,  Bruce Gosper Chairman, General Council Communication from the Director-General to the General Council Chair Geneva, 4th November 2008 Mr Chairman, In keeping with the procedures established in document WT/L/509, I would hereby like to notify you of my decision to seek reappointment as Director-General of the World Trade Organisation for a further term upon the expiry of the current one on 31 August 2009. On my appointment as Director-General on 1 September 2005, I undertook to reinforce multilateralism, to work to ensure that trade opening continues to contribute to development and that the interests of developing countries are placed at the heart of the world trading system. I said then and, I believe it is as valid if not more - today, that concluding the Doha Development Agenda Round of trade talks goes a long way in achieving these goals. During the last three years I believe that I have done my best to serve these objectives with dedication and conviction. And although today we are closer to our goal, much remains to be done, not only to conclude the Doha Round negotiations, but also to ensure a better functioning of the multilateral trading system. We have seen the Doha negotiations move closer to the finish line; we have seen the Aid For Trade agenda take a prominent place as a necessary complement to trade opening; we have welcomed five new members into the organisation; we have worked to enhance the participation of all members, in particular the poorest, in the activities of the organisation; we have worked to improve the ϲʹ's public image; we have consistently worked to preserve the integrity and legitimacy of the dispute settlement mechanism; we have built new bridges with many other international organisations, starting with the UN family; we have seen the start of the works to refurbish and expand the ϲʹ premises; and last but not least, we have worked to enhance the motivation and professionalism of the secretariat while being mindful of costs for the members. We have seen all of this and much more but it is undeniable that, today, the tasks ahead of us remain challenging, in particular in view of the current world financial turmoil. All of this, and in particular the Doha Round, will not materialise without a concerted effort by all members, without the capacity to compromise in pursuit of a more open and fairer trading system. For my part, I stand ready to continue to serve the ϲʹ for a second term and to make a contribution to reinforcing multilateralism and development. In closing, I would like to thank you and through you the entire ϲʹ membership for the trust they put in me when they selected me for this job. I look forward to continue to serve this organisation, should the membership so decide. Yours sincerely  Pascal Lamy H. E. Mr. Bruce Gosper Chairman of the General Council ϲʹ OMC Page  PAGE 3 8473 World Trade Organization Organisation Mondiale du Commerce Organizacin Mundial del Comercio Centre William Rappard Rue de Lausanne 154 Case postale CH - 1211 Genve 21 Tlphone: (+41 22) 739 51 11 Fax: (+41 22) 731 42 06 Internet: http://www.wto.org  EMBED Word.Picture.8  *+UVXZ[\eijklpqz|}   G  Ǿǯ{{t{tpl{t{t{t{t{lhh~;hvh(|* hk>fheheh!Ihl h[KaJho5haJho5hwaJhwCJOJQJ hwCJh^,hwaJ hSMaJh^,h^,aJ h: aJ haJ h5aJh5h5aJh5>*aJhhh55>*aJhkixhXaJ(*UVWXjkl|} ' ( n o  0^`0gd5gde. & Fgd(|*.gd(|* "Bgdgd^,$a$gd58gdkix%&&  B C J Q Y e  % & ' ( .    7 m o r y  #$qvͺŶٺѯѯ h) 0hgkh) 0 h) 0hv&hdhCh Thv&h5hLhh hk>fh[Kh[KhI7'heh!IhMh(|*hv?Lkr&*Z\bdtu257JL[\]^ϿëǤàÜ☿ϻϻϻϔûÁhFhF>* hahFhbUh^kh[Khh hhehI"ha>*h) 0he5hFhvhaheh ThhhChv& h) 0hgkh5 h) 0h) 0$hhAh5@CJOJQJ^JaJ116K[]rsBC ygdh8 `^``gd%hY & F^gd[A & F0^`0gd% 0^`0gd[A 0^`0gd5 `^``gdh%/8@Gnqtxx -XY[ԿοԿԶԲ hI7'heh) 0he5hvhh[Ah[Kh,h PShBZhhhFh^kh^kaJ h~;aJhFhFaJ h5aJ h^kaJ haaJ ha>*aJ h^k>*aJ hF>*aJhFhF>*aJ2 S@ADIO&9:>Dx$cӿ׸׸˨h;h~hC haJ hShhhvheh hSheh) 0he5hVhIvh[Ah%hYhNh[K hI7'hI7'h) 0h Th% hI7'he hI7'h8+03BN`"gdNc$a$gdNc ygd[Kd ygdh8.gdV+./025AD`a %)%<%>%?%@%%%%%%%%%谤|sjaXTLTLjhwUhwhw5:CJhw5:CJ hkixhwaJhXD heaJjhXD hXD UaJ hXD aJhkixheaJhkixhe5>*aJhkixhNc5>*aJheCJOJQJ hh8aJ hPaJ h!tBaJh[KdhwaJjh[Kdh[KdUaJ h[KdaJho5hwaJho5h~aJ haJ""?$@$*%+%,%<%@%L%M%N%e%%%%%%%%%%G$ 0"&dPa$ Bgdh8 AgdXD $a$gdNcgdkixgdNc%%%%%%%%%%%%%%& &&&&&&&&&&&&ꟗ꓊hkixhwaJh4j+hwU$jG8 hwCJUVmHnHuh:hYhwCJmH sH  hw:@hTEhn"jhwUmHnHuhwCJOJQJhwjhwUh:mHnHu%%%& & & &`&&&&&&&&& Bgdh8H$ >'d:$dN]a$G G 9^4 0 0&P :pTE. 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