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澳门六合彩官网资料 NEWS: 1999  NEWS ITEMS

14 January 1999
Original: English

India – patent protection for pharmaceutical and agricultural chemical products

Status Report by India

The following communication, dated 14 January 1999, from the Permanent Delegation of India to the Dispute Settlement Body, is circulated pursuant to Article 21.6 of the DSU.

Status Report on the Implementation of the Recommendations and Rulings in the Dispute regarding India – Patent Protection for Pharmaceutical and Agricultural Chemical Products

The Patents (Amendment) Ordinance was promulgated on 8 January 1999 to amend the Patents Act to comply with the obligations as contained in Article 70.8 and 70.9 of the TRIPS Agreement. A Bill to replace the Ordinance will be introduced in the Budget Session of Parliament which is likely to commence in the fourth week of February 1999. As per Article 123 of the Constitution of India, an Ordinance ceases to operate at the expiration of six weeks from the re-assembly of Parliament or if before the expiration of that period, resolutions disapproving it are passed by both the Houses. The matter would continue to remain in the legislative domain till the legislation is approved by Parliament.