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MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION AND THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT ϲʹ, represented by its Director-General (hereafter the ϲʹϔ) and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, represented by its Secretary-General (hereafter the UNCTAD), referred to collectively as the Parties; Recalling the Doha Development Agenda (DDA); the New Strategy for ϲʹ Technical Cooperation for Capacity Building, Growth and Integration; the ϲʹ Annual Plans for Technical Cooperation and Capacity Building; Recalling also the Plan of Action adopted at the Tenth Session of UNCTAD, the action taken by the Trade and Development Board at its 28thExecutive Session in March2002 regarding UNCTADs capacity building and technical cooperation support related to the Doha work programme, and General Assembly Resolution 57/235 on International trade and development; Have agreed as follows: Article I Purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding 1. The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding is to deepen and give practical effect to the strategic partnership between the Parties for the purpose of the implementation of the DDA, cooperating to ensure that trade serves development goals, and for assisting the beneficial integration of the developing and least developed countries into the global economy and the multilateral trading system (hereafter the Strategic Partnership); 2. The Director-General of the ϲʹ and the Secretary-General of UNCTAD shall meet, within six months of the entry into force of this Memorandum of Understanding, and every six months thereafter, to review the content of the Strategic Partnership. Any result of such reviews affecting the operation of this Memorandum of Understanding shall be transcribed in writing in the form of an amendment to this Memorandum of Understanding, as provided in Article VIII below. Article II Fields of Cooperation 1. The Parties agree to cooperate, in the context of their respective mandates, policies and resources, for the purposes of technical cooperation, capacity-building, training, research and analysis as regards both specific inter-agency programmes (JITAP and Integrated Framework) and such other specific areas as may be mandated in the DDA or agreed between the Parties. 2. The Contact Persons referred to in Article VI below shall meet as necessary but no less than four times per year to review the fields of cooperation listed in this Article. Any result of such reviews affecting the operation of this Memorandum of Understanding shall be transcribed in writing in the form of an amendment to this Memorandum of Understanding, as provided in ArticleVIII below. Article III Agreed Activities 1. Within one month of the entry into force of this Memorandum of Understanding, and as necessary thereafter, the Contact Persons referred to in ArticleVI below shall meet to establish a list of activities falling within the scope of Article II above (hereafter the Agreed Activities) for the following 12months. 2. The administrative and financial modalities applicable to each of the Agreed Activities which are not provided for in this Memorandum of Understanding shall be contained in an exchange of letters between the Contact Persons referred to in Article VI below to be concluded before the Agreed Activity concerned takes place. Article IV Forms of Cooperation 1. The Parties shall agree in advance on the programme or content of any Agreed Activity. The Parties shall co-operate in selecting participants to any Agreed Activity. 2. Agreed Activities shall in principle be organized by the Party providing the resources to finance them. When necessary, either of the following forms of co-operation may also be envisaged: (a) The Agreed Activity is organized by one of the Parties and financed by the other; (b) The Agreed Activity is organized by one of the Parties and its financing is shared between the Parties. Article V Administrative and Financial Modalities Applicable to each Form of Cooperation 1. The Party having the responsibility to organize an Agreed Activity under this Memorandum of Understanding, shall apply its own administrative and financial regulations and comply with its own practices, unless provided otherwise in this Article. It shall apply its own practice in terms of organization, logistical arrangements and other activity-specific matters, unless otherwise agreed between the Parties. 2. For Agreed Activities organized by a Party and financed, in full or in part, by the other party, administrative and financial modalities shall be defined in advance between the Parties in a separate exchange of letters according to ArticleIII.2 above. 3. In all instances, each party shall cover the expenses related to the participation of its staff in the Agreed Activities out of its own financial resources. In the case of ArticleV, paragraph2 above, the related cost shall be excluded from the budget to be agreed in advance between the Parties. 4. Other administrative and financial modalities not provided for in this Memorandum of Understanding and which the Parties deem necessary for the conduct of an Agreed Activity may be incorporated in the Exchange of Letters provided for in Article III.2 above. Article VI Contact Persons The Contact Persons for each of the Parties for the purposes of this Memorandum of Understanding shall be: For the ϲʹ: Director Institute for Training and Technical Cooperation ϲʹ Centre William Rappard Rue de Lausanne, 154 1211 Geneva 21 For the UNCTAD: Chief Technical Cooperation Section UNCTAD Palais des Nations 1211 Geneva 10 Article VII Consultations 1. Each party shall accept to enter promptly into consultations at the request of the other party with respect to any matter arising in relation to this Memorandum of Understanding. 2. Each party shall, at the request of the other party and in accordance with its Financial Rules and Regulations, provide any documentary information that the other may require. Article VIII Amendments This Memorandum of Understanding may be amended by mutual written agreement of the Parties. Unless otherwise agreed, amendments may apply only to Agreed Activities which have not yet been implemented. Article IX Dispute Settlement In case of dispute as to the interpretation or application of this Memorandum of Understanding or of any exchange of letters concluded in relation to this Memorandum of Understanding, parties shall first seek to reach an amicable solution. Any dispute which cannot be solved amicably shall be brought before the Permanent Court of Arbitration, The Hague, Netherlands, in conformity with the arbitration clause annexed to this Memorandum of Understanding. Article X Scope of this Memorandum of Understanding No provision of this agreement shall be construed so as to interfere in any way with the ϲʹ and UNCTAD respective decision-making processes with regard to their own respective affairs and operations. This Memorandum of Understanding does not represent a commitment of funds on the part of either the ϲʹ or UNCTAD. Article XI Entry into Force and Duration 1. This Memorandum of Understanding shall enter into force on the date of its signature by both Parties. 2. This Memorandum of Understanding shall remain in force for five years and may be extended through written agreement of the Parties. Either party may terminate this Memorandum of Understanding by giving six months written notice to the other party. 3. In case of termination of this Memorandum of Understanding, the Parties shall cooperate during the period of notice to ensure orderly completion of all pending Agreed Activities. Done at Geneva, on 16 April 2003, in two originals in the English language. For the World Trade Organization For the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Supachai Panitchpakdi Rubens Ricupero Director-General Secretary-General  Throughout this Article, the word "organize" shall be deemed to relate to all the aspects of the organization of an Agreed Activity. This is without prejudice to the right of either party to take all necessary actions regarding the participation of its own staff in the Agreed Activity.  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