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Trade in Services

30 April 1996 

Decision on commitments in basic telecommunications

Adopted by the Council for Trade in Services on 30 April 1996

The Council for Trade in Services,

Having regard to the Annex on Negotiations on Basic Telecommunications,

Having regard to the final Report of the Negotiating Group on Basic Telecommunications on the negotiations conducted under the terms of the Decision on Negotiations on Basic Telecommunications adopted at Marrakesh on 15 April 1994,

Decides as follows:

To adopt the text of the "Fourth Protocol to the General Agreement on Trade in Services" (hereinafter referred to as the Protocol) and to take note of the Schedules of Commitments and Lists of Exemptions from Article II listed in the Attachment to the final Report of the Negotiating Group on Basic Telecommunications.

Commencing immediately and continuing until the date of entry into force of the Protocol Members concerned shall, to the fullest extent consistent with their existing legislation and regulations, not take measures which would be inconsistent with their undertakings resulting from these negotiations.

During the period from 15 January to 15 February 1997, a Member which has a Schedule of Commitments annexed to the Protocol, may supplement or modify such Schedule or its List of Article II Exemptions. Any such Member which has not annexed to the Protocol a List of Article II Exemptions may submit such a list during the same period.

A Group on basic telecommunications reporting to the Council for Trade in Services shall conduct consultations on the implementation of paragraph 3 above commencing its work no later than 90 days from the adoption of the Decision.

The Council for Trade in Services shall monitor the acceptance of the Protocol by Members concerned and shall, at the request of a Member, examine any concerns raised regarding the application of paragraph 2 above.

Members of the World Trade Organization which have not annexed to the Protocol Schedules of Commitments or Lists of Exemptions from Article II may submit, for approval by the Council, Schedules of Commitments and Lists of Exemptions from Article II relating to basic telecommunications prior to 1 January 1998.