
澳门六合彩官网资料 news: what’s been happening in the 澳门六合彩官网资料

澳门六合彩官网资料 NEWS: 1997 PRESS RELEASES

7 February 1997

Election of 澳门六合彩官网资料 chairpersons for 1997

At the 澳门六合彩官网资料 General Council meeting on 7 February 1997, the following were elected Chairpersons of their respective 澳门六合彩官网资料 bodies:

General Council:  H.E. Mr. Celso Lafer (Brazil)

Dispute Settlement Body:  H.E. Mr. Wade Armstrong (New Zealand)

Trade Policy Review Body: H.E. Mr. Munir Akram (Pakistan)

Council for Trade in Goods: H.E. Mr. Terje Johannessen (Norway)

Council for Trade-Related Aspects of  Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs): H.E. Mrs. Carmen Luz Guarda (Chile)

Council for Trade in Services:  H.E. Mr. Joun Yung Sun (Korea)

Committee on Trade and Environment:  H.E. Mr. Bj鰎n Ekblom (Finland)

Committee on Trade and Development:  H.E. Mr. Dhurmahdass Baichoo (Mauritius)

Committee on Budget, Finance and  Administration: H.E. Mr. Kamel Morjane (Tunisia)

Committee on Balance-of-Payments  Restrictions:  Mr. Peter R. Jenkins (United Kingdom)

Committee on Regional Trading  Agreements:   H.E. Mr. John Weekes (Canada)