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Now, after more than four years, I believe we are entitled to look back together on a record of solid achievement even if it reminds us how much there is still to do. I would like all of you to reflect that what we have in the ϲʹ is something very important and unique. Firstly, this is an organization based on consensus, a consensus which is negotiated here and approved and ratified by governments. This operating principle of ours is at the heart of the ϲʹ's strength. Unlike a voting situation, all the combined negotiating energy is directed towards finding an agreement based on inclusiveness, not on one side dominating the other. Secondly, we have the non-discrimination principle. The world would have been a far different and a worse place if MFN treatment had not been at the core of the trading system for the last fifty years. Certainly the application of the principle has been less than perfect. But I am pleased that in the ϲʹ's brief history thus far MFN has been reinforced as a fundamental element of the rule-based system. It is also fundamental to the concept of a set of trade negotiations as a single undertaking, a concept that I believe has also become one of the secrets of the ϲʹ's success. It should remain so in the future, provided three necessary elements of flexibility can be maintained. The first is a conscientious application of special and differential treatment for developing countries wherever it applies; the second is to ensure that our technical co-operation effort is adequate and financed mainly through the regular ϲʹ budget; and the third is a negotiating device that has been used lately in Basic Telecommunications, Financial Services and the Information Technology Agreement the concept of the critical mass as an aid to reaching agreements coupled with MFN application of their results. This combination of equality in commitments with flexibility in implementation is the foundation of the ϲʹ's success in building a respected and credible system which has strengthened the rule of law in international system. The attention that the ϲʹ dispute settlement system now receives from the world at large is evidence of its importance and its relevance, and this can only increase as trade issues intersect more frequently with other public concerns. Everyone recognizes, at the dawn of the third millennium, that the rule of law must become the main pillar of an improved management of our globalizing world. The system's record in these four years is impressive: 168cases initiated, of which 20percent have so far been settled out of court. The average time for completion of disputes cases, including the adoption of the report, is 13months which compares favourably with other systems. Of course, like any of our works, it can always be improved, and that is the purpose of the Dispute Settlement Understanding review currently under way. I should also underline the importance I attach to the proposed legal centre for developing countries I think this would make a valuable contribution to improving equality of access to the system in practice. Mr. Chairman, I will not add to the pressure on the Council's agenda by a lengthy review of our other accomplishments together in these four years. Let me just recall some of the highlights: ( We have held two successful Ministerial Conferences, concluded with applause from delegations. ( We have commemorated the fiftieth anniversary of the multilateral trading system, with the participation of Heads of States and Government from all regions, the first time a trade meeting has taken place at such a level. ( The growing rle of our institution in the management of the world economy has also been recognized by invitations to participate in Summit meetings of the G8, the G15, the Summit of the Americas and Mercosur, as well as many ministerial-level meetings. ( Major negotiations to liberalize trade in basic telecoms, financial services and information technology -equal in importance to a major trade round have been successfully concluded. ( We have organized a high-level meeting for the least-developed countries which is bearing fruit in practical action. In particular it saw the launching of an integrated programme of technical assistance with other organizations and initiated a programme to install Internet links between all least-developed countries and the ϲʹ in Geneva. ( An impressive series of symposia have been held, bringing together delegations and interested parties from outside the ϲʹ to exchange views. The most recent and most notable, on trade and the environment and trade and development, were high-level events which brought together 850people over four days including 130non-governmental organizations. ( Cooperation agreements with the UN, the WorldBank, the IMF and the WIPO have helped bring about a greatly improved cooperative relationship with these bodies, as well as our close friends at UNCTAD, for the benefit of the ϲʹ's membership. ( We have taken a new departure in the ϲʹ's relations with civil society, through improvements in transparency and dialogue and not least a highly successful and expanding Website. ( The ϲʹ Secretariat has been established under its own terms and conditions, answerable directly to this Organization's Members. This is far from being an exhaustive list, and I am sure you will agree it is one in which we can all take pride. And yet this Organization faces some public criticism and misunderstanding. We have already agreed that what we need is a major effort to improve our information policy so that the real purpose and values of this Organization can be justly appreciated by public opinion. But a large part of the problem, I am sure, lies in the tremendous pressure that the advance of globalization is putting on this and all other international systems. This pressure now goes well beyond trade and capital movements. It is about a growing awareness of our interdependence fostered by new communications and computer technology, an interdependence which is no longer just a matter for economists but rather a question of the human dimension. The ϲʹ can and must play its part in the process of adapting our institutions to a new global reality. Clearly this Organization cannot drift away from its trade vocation; it would serve neither the ϲʹ nor other causes if we were to pretend we can offer answers to every non-trade issue. Specific responses must be found for specific problems. But equally clearly the ϲʹ cannot operate in isolation from the concerns of the world in which it exists. Reconciling these interests will, I suggest, be one of the major challenges facing the ϲʹ in the future. This means, as I said on Monday in my last public speech as Director-General, that we need to look at the policy challenges we face as pieces of an interconnected puzzle. In that speech which is annexed to this statement, I have proposed a new forum which would bring world leaders together to tackle an expanded policy agenda and the new challenges of globalization. Such an initiative must be linked to a common strategy among international institutions, national administrations, civil society for strengthening the international rule of law and working together on shared problems such as poverty eradication and protection of the environment. It should also be a common strategy for eliminating the greatest part of global trade barriers at least reflecting on a multilateral level what governments have already agreed in regional arrangements. I believe the time has come at the end of the second millennium and the beginning to the third to promote this initiative at future meetings of world leaders. The Millennium Summit, recently decided upon by the General Assembly of the UnitedNations, and which was the occasion of a great consultation of the Heads of all international agencies here in Geneva, could be the appropriate occasion to improve the global architecture we need for managing globalization. The immediate tasks ahead of the ϲʹ are onerous ones -preparing for a very important Ministerial, launching new negotiations and ensuring that they have a balanced agenda, taking account of concerns about the implementation of existing commitments. I am confident that the Organization is more than equal to them. I would like to commend in particular the Secretariat, whose hard work, commitment and integrity has been of immense value to me and to the Members during these four years. I know it will continue to be so. I would also like to pay particular tribute to the interpreters, who lend us their voices. Lastly, let me thank you all once more, and especially you, Mr.Chairman, and your distinguished predecessors in your important position. I am leaving with the sadness that is inevitable when one leaves friends, but also with a sense of satisfaction at what we have done together. You can count on me to be a strong supporter and advocate of the ϲʹ as it goes on to even greater success in the future. __________  _ g HI)*+,BCVW......h'U h h h 5h jhdL hdL>*hdL=qrsE F ~  ] ^ !""FG'()gddL"gddL..)*@ATU^!`!+#,#`%a%((**--...gd gd^gddL....$a$gd  . 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