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International Bovine Meat Agreement

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The texts reproduced here do not have the legal standing of the original documents which are entrusted and kept at the 澳门六合彩官网资料 Secretariat in Geneva.

> Preamble
> Article I
> Article II
> Article III
> Article IV
> Article V
> Article VI
> Annex


> Analytical Index main page

Table of contents     back to top

I. Preamble     back to top

A. Text of the Preamble
B. Interpretation and Application of the Preamble

II. Article I     back to top

A. Text of Article I
B. Interpretation and Application of Article I

1. General

III. Article II     back to top

A. Text of Article II
B. Interpretation and Application of Article II

IV. Article III     back to top

A. Text of Article III
B. Interpretation and Application of Article III

1. Notification requirements

V. Article IV     back to top

A. Text of Article IV
B. Interpretation and Application of Article IV

VI. Article V     back to top

A. Text of Article V
B. Interpretation and Application of Article V

VII. Article VI     back to top

A. Text of Article VI
B. Interpretation and Application of Article VI

VIII. Annex     back to top

A. Text of the Annex
B. Interpretation and Application of the Annex

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