Agreement on Implementation of Article VII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 (Customs Valuation Agreement)

The texts reproduced here do not have the legal standing of the original documents which are entrusted and kept at the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ Secretariat in Geneva.


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Table of contents 

I. General  back to top

A. Concept of Customs Valuation
B. Standard of Review

1. Claims under Articles 1.1 and 1.2(a)

2. Claims under Article 7.1

C. Sequential Nature of the Valuation Methods in Articles 1 Through 7

II. General Introductory Commentary  back to top

A. Text of General Introductory Commentary
B. Interpretation and Application of the General Introductory Commentary

1. General

(a) Adoption of the decisions of the Tokyo Round Committee

(b) Implementation of the Customs Valuation Agreement

2. Transaction value as the primary basis for customs value

III. Article 1  back to top  

A. Text of Article 1
. Text of Interpretative Note to Article 1
. Interpretation and Application of Article 1

1. Valuation of carrier media bearing software for data-processing equipment

2. Article 1.1

3. Article 1.2(a)

(a) Obligation to “examine” the circumstances of sale in a related-party transaction to determine the acceptability of the transaction value as the customs value of imported goods

(b) Obligation to communicate grounds for rejecting declared transaction values

IV. Article 2  back to top

A. Text of Article 2
. Text of Interpretative Note to Article 2
C. Interpretation and Application of Article 2

V. Article 3  back to top

A. Text of Article 3
. Text of Interpretative Note to Article 3
. Interpretation and Application of Article 3

VI. Article 4  back to top

A. Text of Article 4
. Interpretation and Application of Article 4

VII. Article 5  back to top

A. Text of Article 5
. Text of Interpretative Note to Article 5
. Interpretation and Application of Article 5

1. Article 5.1

2. Article 5.2

VIII. Article 6  back to top

A. Text of Article 6
. Text of Interpretative Note to Article 6
. Interpretation and Application of Article 6

IX. Article 7  back to top

A. Text of Article 7
. Text of Interpretative Note to Article 7
. Interpretation and Application of Article 7

1. Article 7.1

(a) Condition for using a valuation method under Article 7

(b) Application of the deductive valuation method under Article 7.1

(i) Procedural aspects

(ii) Substantive aspects — deductions in general and deductibility of sales allowances, provincial taxes and transportation costs under the principles of Article 5.1

2. Article 7.2

(a) General

(b) Paragraph (b)

(c) Paragraph (f)

3. Article 7.3

X. Article 8  back to top

A. Text of Article 8
. Text of Interpretative Note to Article 8
. Interpretation and Application of Article 8

1. Treatment of interest charges in the customs value of imported goods

2. Article 8.1(b)(iv)

XI. Article 9  back to top

A. Text of Article 9
Text of Interpretative Note to Article 9
Interpretation And Application of Article 9

XII. Article 10  back to top

A. Text of Article 10
. Interpretation and Application of Article 10

XIII. Article 11  back to top

A. Text of Article 11
. Text of Interpretative Note to Article 11
. Interpretation and Application of Article 11

XIV. Article 12  back to top

A. Text of Article 12
. Interpretation and Application of Article 12

XV. Article 13  back to top

A. Text of Article 13
. Interpretation and Application of Article 13

XVI. Article 14  back to top

A. Text of Article 14
. Interpretation and Application of Article 14

XVII. Article 15  back to top

A. Text of Article 15
. Text of Interpretative Note to Article 15
. Interpretation and Application of Article 15

XVIII. Article 16  back to top

A. Text of Article 16
. Interpretation and Application of Article 16

1. Nature, scope and extent of explanation to be provided under Article 16

2. Form and timing of explanation to be provided under Article 16

3. Explanations to be provided under Articles 1.2(a) and 16

XIX. Article 17  back to top

A. Text of Article 17
. Interpretation and Application of Article 17

XX. Article 18  back to top

A. Text of Article 18
. Interpretation and Application of Article 18

1. Observer status

2. Rules of procedure

3. Monitoring of the Agreement on Preshipment Inspection

XXI. Article 19  back to top

A. Text of Article 19
. Interpretation and Application of Article 19

1. Articles of the Customs Valuation Agreement invoked in panel and Appellate Body proceedings

XXII. Article 20  back to top

A. Text of Article 20
. Interpretation and Application of Article 20

1. General

2. Article 20.1

3. Article 20.2

4. Article 20.3

5. Annex III

XXIII. Article 21  back to top

A. Text of Article 21
. Interpretation and Application of Article 21

XXIV. Article 22  back to top

A. Text of Article 22
. Interpretation and Application of Article 22

1. Notification

2. Checklist of Issues

XXV. Article 23  back to top

A. Text of Article 23
. Interpretation and Application of Article 23

XXVI. Article 24  back to top

A. Text of Article 24
. Interpretation and Application of Article 24

XXVII. Annex I  back to top

A. Text of Annex I
. Interpretation and Application of Annex I

XXVIII. Annex II  back to top

A. Text of Annex II
. Interpretation and Application of Annex II

XXIX. Annex III  back to top

A. Text of Annex III
. Interpretation and Application of Annex III

1. Paragraph 1

2. Paragraph 2

3. Paragraph 3

4. Paragraph 4

5. Paragraph 6