
The following index covers the body text of this book but not the text of the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ Agreements. Disputes have been indexed under the name of the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ Member respondent in the dispute and under the subject matter.

Index:  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  Z



Korea, Enabling Clause notifications, special treatment of least-developed countries GATT 79


Korea — Alcoholic Beverages (AB), WT/DS75/AB/R, WT/DS84/ AB/R, DSR 1999:I

consultations (DSU 4), evidence obtained during, admissibility in panel proceedings DSU 632 n. 1031

directly competitive or substitutable products (GATT III:2)

criteria, potential to compete as determining factor GATT 234

as dynamic relationship (including possibility of latent demand) GATT 202, 2915, 335

“like products” distinguished/as sub-category GATT 234

“like products” as subset GATT 303

methodology of comparison, “grouping” approach GATT 299, 301

object and purpose GATT 290, 2923

ordinary meaning GATT 2912

relevant factors

Index by Case 2281

cross-price elasticity GATT 2878, 299

distribution channels GATT 299

end-uses GATT 299

market situation in other countries GATT 289

physical properties GATT 299

evidence, acceptability as, evidence obtained during consultations DSU 632 n. 1031

harmless error principle DSU 311 n. 495

interpretation of covered agreements, rules relating to including VCLT provisions

object and purpose GATT 290

same or closely related phrases in different agreements, GATT III/SCM 15 footnote 46 SCM 424

“like product” (GATT III:2 and III:4)

determination of “likeness”, as a relative concept (“accordion”)/ case-by-case approach SCM 424

directly competitive or substitutable products distinguished GATT 234

national treatment, general principle (GATT III:1), “so as to afford protection” GATT 202

national treatment, tax discrimination (GATT III:2)

first and second sentences distinguished GATT 234

“so as to afford protection”, intention of legislators/regulators, relevance GATT 318

ordinary meaning of terms used in covered agreements

“characteristics closely resembling” (SCM footnote 46) SCM 424

“directly competitive or substitutable” (GATT III:2) GATT 2912

panel reports, rationale, need for (DSU 12.7), sufficiency DSU 700

standard/powers of review (AB) (issues of law and legal interpretations) (DSU 17.6), law vs fact, panel as trier of facts DSU 603, 845

standard/powers of review (panel) (DSU 11)

“objective assessment of the facts” /alleged disregard or distortion of the evidence

discretion in assessment of evidence DSU 603 egregious error, need for DSU 615


Korea — Alcoholic Beverages (Panel), WT/DS75/R, WT/DS84/R, DSR 1999:I

composition of delegation

legal representation/private counsel DSU 726

Member’s right to determine DSU 1488

confidentiality of proceedings (DSU 14/DSU 17.10/DSU 18.2/WP 3), obligation to respect/ensure respect for DSU 1488

confidentiality of proceedings (DSU 14/DSU 17.10/DSU 18.2/WP 3/ABWP 27), private counsel/advisers not part of delegation and DSU 915 n. 1444

consultations (DSU 4)

adequacy of consultations (DSU 4.5), Panel responsibilities in relation to DSU 161, 163

confidentiality (DSU 4.6)

disclosure of information obtained in different proceedings DSU 1645

disclosure of information obtained in same proceedings DSU 164

third party participation and DSU 169 n. 206

directly competitive or substitutable products (GATT III:2)

competition and trade law distinguished GATT 206

“d¾±°ù±ð³¦³Ù±ô²â” GATT 297

methodology of comparison, “grouping” approach GATT 299, 301

relevant factors

cross-price elasticity GATT 288, 299

distribution channels GATT 299

end-uses GATT 299

physical properties GATT 299

due process (dispute settlement proceedings), opportunity to respond to evidence/presentations of other parties, timing of submission of evidence (DS 12) and DSU 623

evidence (panel) (DSU 12), time–limits for submission, panel’s right to admit “late” /new evidence, time limit for rebuttal DSU 623

identification of specific measures (DSU 6.2)

identification of product, need for DSU 229

specificity, preliminary ruling on DSU 229

interpretation of covered agreements, rules relating to including VCLT provisions, other treaties, Treaty of Rome (1958) GATT 206

national treatment, general principle (GATT III:1), competition law compared GATT 206

national treatment, tax discrimination (GATT III:2)

determination of violation, elements (GATT III:2, first sentence), aims and effects test/policy purpose GATT 206

determination of violation, elements (GATT III:2, second sentence), burden of proof GATT 285

preliminary rulings on, specificity of request for panel (DSU 6.2) DSU 229

preparatory work (VCLT 32), GATT III:2 GATT 297

private counsel, inclusion in delegation, Rules of Conduct (RoC), non-applicability DSU 1488

third party rights (consultations (DSU 4.11)), confidentiality (DSU 4.6) and DSU 169 n. 206

trade and competition policy, interaction between (Doha 23–5), market definitions, distinguishability GATT 206


Korea — Alcoholic Beverages (Article 21.3), WT/DS75/16, WT/ DS84/14

“reasonable period” for implementation of recommendations and rulings (Article 21.3(c) arbitrations)

entry into force of legislative instrument, relevance DSU 1074

statutory enforcement periods DSU 1074


Korea — Certain Paper (Panel), WT/DS312/R, DSR 2005:XXII

confidential information (AD 6.5)

access to parties’ own confidential information AD 491

“by nature confidential” / “provided on a confidential basis”, distinguishability AD 497

“good cause shown”, “by nature confidential” / “provided on a confidential basis” distinction, relevance AD 497

determination of dumping (AD 2)

calculation of SG&A costs (AD 2.2.2)

actual data “pertaining to”

low-volume sales data AD 58

non-verifiable data AD 59

fair comparison of export price and normal value (AD 2.4), “due allowance”, “differences which affect price comparability” AD 94

determination of injury (AD 3)

country by country analysis/cumulative assessment of volume and prices (AD 3.3) AD 2278

evaluation of injury factors (AD 3.4), all relevant economic factors and indices, need to examine, factors not listed in AD 3.4, right/obligation to consider AD 2556

“positive evidence” / “objective examination” requirement (AD 3.1), price analysis and AD 205

evidence (dumping investigation) (AD 6)

“facts available”, right of resort to (AD 6.8/Annex II)

failure to submit necessary information “in timely fashion” (Annex II para. 3) and, as “reasonable period” / “reasonable time” AD 571

reasons for disregarding information, need for AD 594

on-the-spot verification (AD 6.7), disclosure obligations AD 5278

resort to “facts available” (AD 6.8/Annex II)

“necessary information” AD 566

right to submit further information AD 597

secondary source information … with special circumspection (Annex II para. 7) AD 5856

timely disclosure to interested parties of information relevant for presentation of case (AD 6.4), Parties’ own confidential information AD 491

ex parte communications with panel or AB (DSU 18.1), party’s attempt to place limitation on handling of confidential communications DSU 908

good faith engagement in dispute settlement procedures (DSU 3.10), presumption of DSU 103

implementation of panel or AB recommendations (DSU 19.1)

panel’s decision not to make suggestions DSU 982

panel’s discretionary suggestions DSU 950

interim review (DSU 15), new arguments DSU 802

non-market economies (NMEs), separate legal entities, treatment of AD 627

relationships within and between agreements

AD 2.1/AD 2.3/AD 6.10 AD 627

AD 5.3/AD 6.8 and Annex II AD 608

sampling (AD 6.10), separate legal entities, treatment of AD 627


Korea — Certain Paper (Article 21.5 — Indonesia) (Panel), WT/DS312/RW, DSR 2007:VIII

determination of injury (AD 3), evaluation of injury factors (AD 3.4), opportunity for defence of interests (AD 6.2) and AD 464

evidence (dumping investigation) (AD 6)

notification to all interested parties of essential facts under consideration (AD 6.9)

before final determination AD 613

essential facts AD 614

opportunity for defence of interests (AD 6.2), re-determination of injury factors (AD 3.4) and AD 464

resort to “facts available” (AD 6.8/Annex II), secondary source information … with special circumspection (Annex II para. 7) AD 58890

timely disclosure to interested parties of information relevant for presentation of case (AD 6.4), request, need for AD 488

(investigation of dumping) (AD 6), notification to all interested parties of essential facts under consideration (AD 6.9), “facts” vs “reasoning” AD 614


Korea — Commercial Vessels (Panel), WT/DS273/R, adopted 11 April 2005, DSR 2005:VII

adverse inferences from party’s refusal to provide information, panel’s right to draw (SCM Annex V) SCM 676

consultations (DSU 4)

conditional request DSU 146

identity of specific measures in the consultations and the request for establishment of a panel, relevance DSU 417

preliminary ruling on DSU 417, 427

due process (dispute settlement proceedings), prejudice to party, relevance DSU 318, 417

financial services (GATS), Annex, limitations as aid to interpretation of SCM Agreement GATS 241

interpretation of covered agreements, rules relating to including VCLT provisions, same or closely related phrases in different agreements, GATS Financial Services Annex/ SCM Agreement GATS 241

legal basis of claim / “claim” / “matter referred” (DSU 6.2/7.1)

identification of treaty provisions DSU 318

complementary or alternative claims and DSU 318

preliminary rulings on, identity of measures specified in requests for consultations and establishment of panel DSU 417, 427

relationships within and between agreements, SCM 2.3/SCM 3 SCM 122

“serious prejudice”, procedures for developing information concerning (SCM Annex 5)

adverse inferences from non-cooperation SCM 676

use of information in prohibited subsidy claims SCM 674

“serious prejudice” (SCM 6)

adverse effects on trade interests

as “serious prejudice” SCM 277

as test SCM 274

displacement or impediment to imports (SCM 6.3(a)) SCM 267

elements listed in SCM 6.3, sufficiency to establish SCM 273

genuine causal link requirement, burden of proof SCM 283

“injury” distinguished SCM 274

may arise” (SCM 6.3 chapeau) SCM 275

rebuttal of presumption (SCM 6.2) SCM 276

“significant price undercutting/suppression” (SCM 6.3(c)), “but for” test SCM 280

“serious prejudice” (SCM 6), “significant price undercutting/ suppression” (SCM 6.3(c)), counterfactual analysis SCM 295

“serious prejudice” (SCM 6)

“significant price undercutting/suppression” (SCM 6.3(c))

“in the same market” SCM 3234

non-attribution of adverse effects caused by other factors SCM 287

“s¾±²µ²Ô¾±´Ú¾±³¦²¹²Ô³Ù” SCM 312

special or additional rules and procedures (DSU 1.2 and Appendix 2)

arrangements considered for classification as

SCM 4.2 DSU 17

SCM 4.4 DSU 17

SCM 7.2 DSU 17

SCM 7.4 DSU 17

subsidy, definition (SCM 1.1(a)(1)) (financial contribution)

cumulative nature of SCM 1.1(a)(1) requirements SCM 21

“direct transfer of funds” (SCM 1.1(a)(1))

debt forgiveness/debt-for-equity swaps SCM 21

medium of exchange, relevance SCM 21

“government practice” (SCM 1.1(a)(1)(i)) SCM 1920

participation in, responsibility from SCM 18

“public body”, criteria for classification as, government control SCM 16

subsidy, definition (SCM 1.1(b)) (conferral of benefit)

subsidy programmes as such, right to challenge (mandatory/ discretionary distinction)

burden of proof SCM 767

order of analysis SCM 72 n. 139

subsidy, specificity (SCM 2), subsidy “contingent upon the use of domestic over imported goods” (SCM 2.3/SCM3.1) SCM 122


Korea — Dairy (AB), WT/DS98/AB/R, DSR 2000:I

burden of proof (general rules)

prima facie case requirement

evidence other than that submitted by parties, panel’s right to consider DSU 549

explicit finding, relevance DSU 552

SG 4.2 DSU 549

competence of panels and AB (DSU 3.2/DSU 11/DSU 17), right to develop own legal reasoning including arguments not adduced by parties (jura novit curia) SCM 225, DSU 328

due process (dispute settlement proceedings), prejudice to party, relevance DSU 94, 311

emergency action (GATT XIX)

“as a result of unforeseen developments” (GATT XIX:1(a))

critical date GATT 822

objective/subjective nature of legal standard GATT 816

omission from SG 2.1, relevance GATT 805

as extraordinary/emergency remedy GATT 796

harmless error principle DSU 311

identification of specific measures (DSU 6.2) DSU 94

interpretation of covered agreements, rules relating to including VCLT provisions

effectiveness principle (ut res magis valeat quam pereat/effet utile) GATT 805

meaning to be attributed to every word and phrase °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ 19, SG 1, DSU 15545

preamble of agreement under consideration SG 1

as a whole/holistic/harmonious exercise °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ 19, SG 112 n. 183, DSU 1554

legal basis of claim / “claim” / “matter referred” (DSU 6.2/7.1)

arguments distinguished SCM 225, DSU 305, 328

clarification of claim during proceedings DSU 328

evidence to support claim distinguished DSU 328

identification of treaty provisions DSU 94, 307, 311, 312, 1146

summary “sufficient to present the problem clearly” DSU 193, 302

notification and consultation (SG 12)

“all pertinent information” (SG 12.2) SG 2802

injury factors (SG 4.2(a)) and SG 2802, 290

objective test SG 2801

object and purpose SG 281

right to request additional information, relevance SG 282

timeliness (SG 12.1, 12.2 and 12.3) SG 283

ordinary meaning of terms used in covered agreements GATT 805

“conforms with the provisions” (SG 11.1(a)) SG 4

procedure, international and domestic rules distinguished DSU 599

relationships within and between agreements

GATT XIX:1/SG 2 and 4 GATT 805


SG I and II.1(a)/°ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ II GATT 838

SG 2 and 4/SG 12 SG 290

request for establishment of panel, requirements (DSU 6.2)

clear presentation of the problem/ability to defend itself and DSU 94 n. 107

as two-stage test

safeguard measures, application (SG 5), “to the extent necessary” (proportionality) (SG 5.1), “clear justification” / requirement to explain SG 224

safeguard measures, object and purpose (preamble), multilateral control over safeguards SG 1

safeguard measures (SG)/emergency action (GATT XIX), relationship between GATT 795, 838, SG 1

safeguard measures (SG/GATT XIX), relationship between Safeguards Agreement and GATT XIX, rules for application of GATT XIX (SG 1 and 11.1(a)) SG 4

standard/powers of review (AB) (issues of law and legal interpretations) (DSU 17.6), completion of the legal analysis in case of, contentiousness/omission/ insufficiency of facts DSU 8645

standard/powers of review (panel) (DSU 11)

“objective assessment of the facts” /alleged disregard or distortion of the evidence

evidence other than that submitted by parties, right to consider DSU 549, 599

obligation to examine and evaluate all the evidence available to it DSU 599

°ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ Agreement

cumulative nature of obligations SG 1

as single undertaking (°ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ II:2) °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ 19


Korea — Dairy (Panel), WT/DS98/R and Corr.1, DSR 2000:I

causation analysis (SG 4.2(b)) (determination of serious injury or threat of)

“d±ð³¾´Ç²Ô²õ³Ù°ù²¹³Ù±ð²õ” SG 173, 217

relevance in absence of serious injury SG 217

determination of serious injury or threat of, evaluation of all relevant factors of objective and quantifiable nature (SG 4.2(a))

all factors listed in SG 4.2(a) SG 143

“factors other than increased imports” (SG 4.2(b)) SG 173

segmented domestic industry and SG 166

dispute settlement (SG 14), standard of review (DSU 11), evidence, alleged disregard or distortion by panel, obligation to examine and evaluate all the evidence available to it SG 306

interpretation of covered agreements, rules relating to including VCLT provisions, dictionaries SG 261 n. 423

investigation of conditions for safeguard measures, requirements (SG 3.1/SG 4.2(c))

evaluation of all factors AD 914 n. 1246

obligation of competent authorities to seek information additional to that supplied by interested parties AD 914 n. 1246

published report, absence of claim relating to, effect on possibility of SG 4 claims SG 91

legal basis of claim / “claim” / “matter referred” (DSU 6.2/7.1), identification of treaty provisions, listing of articles without explanation, sufficiency DSU 311, 312

notification and consultation (SG 12)

“adequate opportunity for prior consultations” (SG 12.3) SG 285

successful outcome as evidence of SG 285

“all pertinent information” (SG 12.2) SG 280

content of SG 1(a) notification SG 2789

formats, non-binding nature SG 279


SG 12.1 SG 2612

SG 12.1(a) SG 265

SG 12.1(b) SG 268

SG 12.1(c) SG 2712

translation delays SG 261

“initiation of investigation and reasons for it” (SG 12.1(a)), limitation to SG 2789

AD 5 and SCM 11 distinguished SG 279

SG 3.1 and 4.2 distinguished SG 279

Technical Cooperation Handbook on Notification Requirements, relevance SG 257

notification obligations and procedures, Technical Cooperation Handbook on Notification Requirements, relevance SG 257

nullification or impairment (DSU 3.8), adverse impact/prejudice, relevance DSU 94

relationships within and between agreements


SG 2/SG 4 SG 1718

safeguard measures, application (SG 5), “to the extent necessary” (proportionality) (SG 5.1), adjustment plans, relevance SG 228

safeguard measures, conditions (SG 2)

determination of serious injury or threat (SG 4), violation as violation of SG 2 SG 1718, 18

“under such conditions” SG 512, 57

price analysis, relevance SG 57, 62 n. 104

standard/powers of review (panel) (DSU 11)

relevant factors

evaluation of all relevant factors, need for AD 914 n. 1246

position of Member at time of determination AD 914 n. 1246

standing/right to bring claim (DSU 3.7), economic interest, relevance DSU 85, 177

terms of reference of panels (DSU 7), failure of parties to produce evidence or arguments SG 18

translation, delays caused by (SG 12) SG 261


Korea — Procurement (Panel), WT/DS163/R, DSR 2000:VIII

a, Schedules of Concessions (GPA), as integral part of GPA (GPA XXIV:12) GPA 54

competence of panels and AB (DSU 3.2/DSU 11/DSU 17), “clarification of existing provisions” DSU 57

customary international law rules of interpretation [as codified in the VCLT] as applicable law (DSU 3.2)

customary international law other than customary rules of interpretation DSU 578, GPA 32 n. 45

error (VCLT) DSU 1670

error as to fact or situation, effect on validity of treaty (VCLT 48(1)) GPA 32, 346

good faith (including pacta sunt servanda principle (VCLT 26)), treaty interpretation/performance GATT 98991, GPA 313, 32

Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)

definitions, “central government entities” (GPA: Appendix 1) GPA 613

entities not included in Appendix 1 (GPA I:3) GPA 17

error as to fact or situation, effect on validity of treaty (VCLT 48 (1)) GPA 32, 346

good faith (including pacta sunt servanda principle (VCLT 26)) and GATT 98991, GPA 313

scope GPA 3

service contracts, expansion to cover (preamble) GPA 1

withdrawal of entity following elimination of government control/privatization GPA 47

non-violation claims (GATT XXIII:1(b))

“benefit” /legitimate expectation of improved market access as

customary international law and GATT 991, GPA 30

reasonable anticipation and GATT 984

resulting from negotiations GATT 98991, GPA 2930

GPA claims distinguished GATT 98991, GPA 30

non-violation claims (GPA XXII:2) GPA 2936

ordinary meaning of terms used in covered agreements, “central government entity” (GPA Appendix 1) GPA 7

preparatory work (VCLT 32), improper use of DSU 58

Schedules of Concessions (GPA), interpretation and clarification, VCLT as applicable law GPA 54

separability of provisions (VCLT 44) DSU 1669

State responsibility as rule/general principle of international law (ILC Articles), responsibility for act or omission of, government official DSU 1680


error (VCLT 48), as customary international law DSU 1670

separability of treaty provisions (VCLT 44) DSU 1669


Korea — Various Measures on Beef (AB), WT/DS161/AB/R, WT/DS169/AB/R, DSR 2001:I

General Exceptions (GATT XX(d)), measures necessary to secure compliance with GATT-consistent measure, constituent elements, balance between restrictive effect on international trade and “necessity” GATT 22

Aggregate Measurement of Support (AMS) (AG 1(a)/Annex 3)

“constituent data and methodology” (AG 1(a)(ii)) AG 68, 200

beef, absence AG 7

external reference price, relevant period AG 8

“in accordance with” AG 7

“provisions of Annex 3”, priority AG 7, 8

“taking into account” AG 7

“market price support” (Annex 3, para. 8), “eligible” AG 203

total AMS (AG 1(h)), calculation AG 6 n. 9, 20

agricultural concessions and commitments (AG 3), domestic support (AG 3), limitation to commitment levels specified in Member’s Schedule (AG 3(2)), “subject to provisions of Art. 6” AG 29

General Exceptions (GATT XX), alternative °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ-consistent measure, availability, enforcement of °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ-consistent law and GATT 928

General Exceptions (GATT XX(d)), measures necessary to secure compliance with GATT-consistent measure, constituent elements

intention to secure compliance with GATT GATT 912

“necessary” to secure compliance GATT 912, 91316

balancing of factors GATT 91416

“reasonably available” alternative °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ-consistent measure GATT 91416

“relating to” (GATT XX(g)) distinguished GATT 914 n. 1286

interpretation of covered agreements, rules relating to including VCLT provisions, “ordinary meaning …. in their context …. in light of object and purpose” (VCLT 31(1)) GATT 914

“less favourable treatment”

equality of competitive conditions as test GATT 371

methodology of comparison, formal differences in treatment, relevance GATT 376

market access (AG 4), determination of violation, elements/test GATT 322

market access, measures required to be converted into ordinary customs duties (AG 4.2 and footnote 1)

elimination of QRs (GATT XI) and AG 48


ordinary meaning of terms used in covered agreements

“eligible” (AG Annex 3, para. 8) AG 203

“in accordance with” (AG 1(a)(ii)) AG 67, 80

relationships within and between agreements

AG 1(a)(ii)and annex 3/AG 7.2 AG 80



State trading enterprises (STEs) (GATT XVII), market access, measures required to be converted into ordinary customs duties (AG 4.2 and footnote 1) GATT 753


Korea — Various Measures on Beef (Panel), WT/DS161/R, WT/ DS169/R

Aggregate Measurement of Support (AMS) (AG 1(a)/Annex 3), “constituent data and methodology” (AG 1(a)(ii)), external reference price, relevant period AG 8

Agriculture Agreement (AG), quantitative restrictions (GATT XI) and GATT 644

government assistance to economic development (GATT VII), QRs (GATT XI) and GATT 399

import licensing procedures, rules and procedures distinguished LIC 5

judicial economy, prior decision on another point rendering discussion otiose GATT 399, 405, 745, 749

licensing requirement, as quantitative restriction (GATT XI:1) GATT 613

market access, measures required to be converted into ordinary customs duties (AG 4.2 and footnote 1), “in accordance with” AG 6

national treatment, general principle (GATT III:1), applicability, measures imposed at the time or point of importation (“internal measures”) (Ad Article), STEs (GATT XVII) and GATT 211

national treatment, regulatory discrimination (GATT III:4), “less favourable treatment”, equality of competitive conditions as test GATT 371 n. 546

quantitative restrictions, elimination (GATT XI)

AG Agreement and GATT 644

“prohibition or restriction” (GATT XI:1)

licensing requirements GATT 613

“restrictions made effective through state-trading organizations” (Ad Articles XI, XI, XIII, XIV and XVIII) GATT 6224, 649

relationships within and between agreements

AG 3, 6 and 7 AG 29

AG 4.2/GATT XI GATT 644, AG 48

GATT II:1(a) and XI/GATT III:4 and XVII GATT 166, 745

GATT III/GATT XVII:1 GATT 223, 411, 745

GATT practice GATT 748

GATT III:4 and XVII/GATT II:1(a) and XI GATT 399, 74950

GATT III:4 and XVII/GATT XI and II:1 GATT 166, 170


GATT XI and II:1/GATT III:4 and XVII GATT 166, 170, 405


Schedules of Concessions (GATT II)

“subject to the terms, conditions or qualifications in the schedule” (GATT II:1(b))

inclusion in schedule, need for GATT 142

terms, conditions or qualifications added to import concessions, obligation to include in Schedule GATT 142

treatment no less favourable than that provided in appropriate schedule (GATT II:1(a))

failure to include additional terms, conditions and qualifications to Schedule and GATT 142


State trading enterprises (STEs) (GATT XVII) GATT 6225, 649

GATT XVII:1(a) and 1(b), interrelationship GATT 734

measures affecting imported products (internal measures) and measure affecting importation (border taxes), difficulty of distinguishing/relevance GATT 211, 720

non-discriminatory treatment (GATT I general principle) (GATT XVII:1(a)) and GATT 223, 725

quantitative restrictions (GATT XI:1) GATT 6224, 649

treatment no less favourable than that provided in appropriate schedule (GATT II:1(a)) and GATT 745