
The following index covers the body text of this book but not the text of the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ Agreements. Disputes have been indexed under the name of the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ Member respondent in the dispute and under the subject matter.

Index:  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  Z



“quantitative import restrictions” (AG 4.2 footnote 1) AG 50


quantitative restrictions (ATC 2) (integration process)

agreed administrative arrangements (ATC 2.17), new restrictions (ATC 2.4) and ATC 11

conformity with ATC provisions, need for (ATC 2.4) GATT 1058, ATC 10

administrative arrangements (ATC 2.17) and ATC 11

transitional safeguards (ATC 6) and ATC 845

new restraints not requiring notification, possibility of ATC 7

RTAs (GATT XXIV) as exception/defence GATT 1058


quantitative restrictions (ATC 3)

administration of restrictions (ATC 4)

changes, requirements (ATC 4.2) ATC 14

mutually acceptable solution (ATC 4.4) ATC 14

elimination (ATC 2.1) GATT 597

phase-out programme (ATC 3.2(b)) ATC 13

“restrictions” (ATC 3.1) ATC 13

restrictions not covered by ATC 2 (ATC 3.1) ATC 12


quantitative restrictions, elimination (GATT XI)

see also balance of payments difficulties, developing countries’ right to take import measures (GATT XVIII:B); non-discriminatory administration of QRs (GATT XIII)

AD Agreement and GATT 597

AG Agreement and GATT 644

burden of proof GATT 598

customs unions (GATT XXIV:5(a)) as defence/exception GATT 10079

due diligence requirement GATT 603 n. 855

“export prohibition or restriction” (GATT XI:2(a))

burden of proof GATT 631

“essential products” GATT 634

GATT XX(g) distinguished GATT 635

identity of meaning with GATT XI:1 GATT 632

“prevent or relieve critical shortages” GATT 635

“temporarily applied” GATT 633

GATT II and GATT 641

GATT III and GATT 40510

GATT VI and GATT 641

GATT practice GATT 410, 599, 630, 643

GATT preference for tariffs and GATT 597

as importation measure GATT 4089

GATT practice GATT 410

national treatment (GATT III) and GATT 166, 170, 40510

notification obligations and procedures GATT 6368

“ordinary customs duty” AG 42

“prohibition or restriction” (GATT XI:1) GATT 6001

bonding requirements GATT 601, 626, 639

causal link, need for GATT 604

de facto restrictions GATT 6024

equality of competitive conditions as test GATT 6045

import prohibition GATT 60710

enforcement measures GATT 611

licensing requirements GATT 606, 61214

“limiting condition” GATT 600–600bis

minimum export price requirement GATT 617

obligation to prevent breach by third party, whether GATT 603

private action, relevance GATT 603

prohibition or restriction on exportation or sale for export GATT 6279

Illustrative List (TRIMs 2.2) GATT 409 n. 596, 425, 6279, 646, TRIMs 1516

“r±ð²õ³Ù°ù¾±³¦³Ù¾±´Ç²Ô” GATT 6001, 604

ordinary meaning GATT 600

restrictions on imports by particular persons GATT 618

“restrictions made effective through state-trading organizations” (Ad Articles XI, XI, XIII, XIV and XVIII) GATT 6215, 792

restrictions on ports of entry GATT 620

restrictions on trading rights, inclusion in accession protocols GATT 619

trade balancing condition GATT 616

trade effects, relevance GATT 6045

RTAs (GATT XI) as defence/exception GATT 1004, 10079

Safeguards Agreement and GATT 597

SPS Agreement and GATT 647


quota modulation (SG 5.2(b)) SG 82, 234