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I. Overview of Scope and Organization  

A. Scope

1.   The °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ Analytical Index provides a guide to the interpretation and application of all of the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ Agreements.(1)

2.  This third edition covers developments in °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ law and practice from 1 January 1995 to 30 September 2011. It includes extracts and/or summaries of key pronouncements and findings from all panel reports, Appellate Body reports, Article 21.3(c) awards and Article 22.6 decisions circulated prior to 30 September 2011.(2) In addition to jurisprudence, it includes the texts of the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ Agreements; related Ministerial Decisions , Declarations and Understandings; relevant decisions and activities of °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ Committees, Councils and other °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ bodies.

3.   Although the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ Analytical Index does not incorporate the material contained in the GATT Analytical Index(3), appropriate cross-references are made to this earlier work. This volume does not set out the drafting history of the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ Agreements.Material on the negotiating history of the GATT, the work of the GATT 1947 and the transition from the GATT to the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ can be found in the GATT Analytical Index, particularly in the Chapter on “Institutions and Procedure”.

B. Organization of Materials

4.   The material is organized into 21 chapters, with a separate chapter for each of the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ Agreements. The Agreements are addressed in the same order in which they are listed in Annexes 1 to 4 of the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization. Understandings, Ministerial Decisions and Declarations are incorporated into the chapter on the Agreement concerned.

5.   Within each chapter, the information is presented on an article-by-article basis. The discussion of each article is generally sub-divided into two parts: “A. Text of Article […]” sets out the text of the particular article; and “B. Interpretation and Application of Article […]” provides extracts and/or summaries, organized in chronological order, of relevant jurisprudence and other material. Under Section B, extracts are organized systematically under issue-specific subheadings, often beginning with the heading “General” followed by other relevant subheadings. The subheadings are often based on specific words from the particular portion of the text being interpreted.


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II. Editorial Conventions  

A. Abbreviations

6.   This work uses a number of abbreviations and short titles for the various °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ Agreements, °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ bodies, and °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ documents. These are explained in the tables at the end of this chapter.

7.   This work refers to panel and Appellate Body reports and arbitration awards and decisions by their standard short titles. Tables setting forth short titles and full citations for all °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ and GATT dispute settlement reports, awards and decisions are included at the end of this publication.

B. Other Conventions

8.   All extracts, whether of decisions of °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ bodies or of panel, Appellate Body or arbitration reports, are introduced by short explanatory sentences, generally setting out the context for the particular excerpt.

9.   Extracts are generally kept to a minimum. The full text of all materials cited in this work can be accessed on-line through the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ website ().

10.   Original footnotes within extracts are generally omitted except where expressly retained and identified as “(footnote original)”.

11.   No emphasis is added to any of the extracts. Thus, wherever there is any emphasis in an extract, it is found in the original.

12.   Within quoted material, ellipses (“…”) are used to indicate where text within a sentence, a paragraph or larger section has been omitted. Ellipses are not used at the beginning or ending of passages reproduced in quotations. Square brackets [ ] are used to indicate editorial changes, which have been kept to a minimum.

13.   Citations to excerpted materials from °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ bodies are generally limited to the relevant document symbol. A table at the end of this chapter lists °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ document series with the document symbols, which can be used to find them on-line.

14.   For the first six Appellate Body reports, where paragraph numbering was not used, page numbers are given.

15.   Because this work is both for general distribution and for use by Members of the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ, references are provided to some documents which may still be subject to restriction. The rules on document restriction and derestriction are discussed in the Chapter on the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ Agreement.


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III. Short Titles of °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ Agreements  

Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ Agreement
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 GATT 1994(4)
Agreement on Agriculture Agreement on Agriculture
Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures SPS Agreement
Agreement on Textiles and Clothing ATC
Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade TBT Agreement
Agreement on Trade-Related Investment Measures TRIMs Agreement
Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 Anti-Dumping Agreement
Agreement on Implementation of Article VII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 Customs Valuation Agreement
Agreement on Preshipment Inspection PSI Agreement
Agreement on Rules of Origin Agreement on Rules of Origin
Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures Licensing Agreement
Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures SCM Agreement
Agreement on Safeguards Agreement on Safeguards
General Agreement on Trade in Services GATS Agreement
Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights TRIPS Agreement
Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes DSU
Trade Policy Review Mechanism TPRM
Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft Aircraft Agreement
Agreement on Government Procurement Agreement on Government Procurement
International Dairy Agreement International Dairy Agreement
International Bovine Meat Agreement International Bovine Meat Agreement


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IV. Short Titles of °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ Bodies  

General Council General Council
 - Committee on Trade and Environment  - Committee on Trade and Environment
 - Committee on Trade and Development

= Sub-Committee on Least-Developed Countries

 - Committee on Trade and Development

= LDC Sub-Committee

 - Committee on Balance-of-Payments Restrictions  - BOPs Committee
 - Committee on Budget, Finance and Administration  - BFA Committee
 - Committee on Regional Trade Agreements  - Committee on RTAs or CRTA
 - Working Parties on Accession  - Working Parties on Accession
 - Working Group on the Relationship between Trade and Investment  - WGTI
 - Working Group on the Interaction between Trade and Competition Policy  - WGTCP
 - Working Group on Transparency in Government Procurement  - WGTGP
 - Working Group on Trade, Debt and Finance  - WGTDF
 - Working Group on Trade and Transfer of Technology  - WGTTT
Trade Negotiations Committee TNC
Dispute Settlement Body DSB
Trade Policy Review Body TPRB
Council for Trade in Goods (subsidiary body of the General Council) Council for Trade in Goods
 - Committee on Market Access  - Committee on Market Access
 - Committee on Agriculture  - Committee on Agriculture
 - Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures  - SPS Committee
 - Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade  - TBT Committee
 - Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures  - SCM Committee
 - Committee on Anti-Dumping Practices  - ADP Committee
 - Committee on Customs Valuation  - Committee on Customs Valuation
 - Committee on Rules of Origin  - Committee on Rules of Origin
 - Committee on Import Licensing  - Licensing Committee
 - Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures  - TRIMs Committee
 - Committee on Safeguards  - Committee on Safeguards
 - Textiles Monitoring Body  - TMB
 - Working Party on State-Trading Enterprises  - Working Party on STE
 - Committee of Participants on the Expansion of Trade in Information Technology Products  - Committee of Participants on the Expansion of Trade in IT Products
Council for Trade in Services (subsidiary body of the General Council) Council for Trade in Services
 - Committee on Trade in Financial Services  - Committee on Trade in Financial Services
 - Committee on Specific Commitments  - CSC
 - Working Party on Domestic Regulation  - WPDR
 - Working Party on GATS Rules  - WP GATS Rules
Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (subsidiary body of the General Council) TRIPS Council
Committee on Trade in Civil Aircraft Aircraft Committee
Committee on Government Procurement Committee on Government Procurement


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V. °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ Document Series and Issuing Bodies(5)  

G/ADP/ Committee on Anti-Dumping Practices
G/ADP/AHG/ Ad Hoc Group on Implementation of the Anti-Dumping Committee
G/ADP/IG/W/ Informal Group on Anti-Circumvention of the Anti-Dumping Committee
G/AG/ Committee on Agriculture
G/C/ Council for Trade in Goods
G/IT Committee of Participants on Expansion of Trade in Information Technology Products
G/L/ General documents
G/LIC/ Committee on Import Licensing
G/MA/ Committee on Market Access
G/NOP/ Working Group on Notification Obligations and Procedures
GPA/ Committee on Government Procurement
GPA/IC/ Interim Committee on Government Procurement
G/PSI/ Preshipment Inspection
G/RO/ Committee on Rules of Origin
G/RS/ Rectifications and Modifications of Schedules Annexed to the Marrakesh Protocol
G/SCM/ Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures
G/SECRET/ Schedules
G/SECRET/HS/ Harmonized System
G/SG/ Committee on Safeguards
G/SP/ Additions to Schedules Annexed to the Marrakesh Protocol to GATT 1994
G/SPS/ Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures
G/STR/ State Trading
G/TBT/ Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade
G/TMB/ Textiles Monitoring Body
G/TRIMS/ Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures
G/VAL/ Committee on Customs Valuation
IDA/ International Dairy Agreement
IDB/URM Integrated Database — User Reference Manual
IMA/ International Bovine Meat Agreement
IP/C/ Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
IP/D/ Dispute Settlement
IP/N/ Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights — Notification of Laws and Regulations
IP/Q/[MEMBER]/ Legislation on copyright-related matters: questions and responses
PC/ Preparatory Committee for the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ
PC/AIR/ Airgrams
PC/BFA/ Sub-Committee on Budget, Finance and Administration
PC/IPL/ Sub-Committee on Institutional, Procedural and Legal Matters
PC/SCS/ Sub-Committee on Services
PC/SCS/SP/ Sub-Committee on Services — Additions to Schedules
PC/SCTE/ Sub-Committee on Trade and Environment
PRESS/ Press Release
S/C/ Council for Trade in Services
S/CSC/ Committee on Specific Commitments
S/ENQ/ Enquiry Point
S/FIN/ Committee on Trade in Financial Services
S/GBT/ Group on Basic Telecommunications
S/IGFS/ Interim Group on Financial Services
S/L/ Trade in Services general documents
S/NGBT/ Negotiating Group on Basic Telecommunications
S/NGMTS/ Negotiating Group on Maritime Transport Services
S/NGNP/ Negotiating Group on Movement of Natural Persons
S/P/ Provisional Schedule of Specific Commitments under the GATS
S/WPDR/ Working Party on Domestic Regulation
S/WPGR/ Working Party on GATS Rules
S/WPPS/ Working Party on Professional Services
TCA/ Committee on Trade in Civil Aircraft
TN/AG/ Committee on Agriculture, Special Session
TN/C/ Trade Negotiations Committee
TN/CTD/ Committee on Trade and Development, Special Session
TN/IP/ Council for TRIPS, Special Session
TN/MA/ Negotiating Group on Market Access
TN/RL/ Negotiating Group on °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ Rules
TN/S/ Council for Trade in Services, Special Session
TN/TE/ Committee on Trade and Environment, Special Session
TN/TF/ Negotiating Group on Trade Facilitation
UNCTAD/°ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ/AIR/ Airgrams convening ITC meetings
WT/AB/WP/ Appellate Body
WT/ACC/ Accessions — Working Party
WT/BFA/ Committee on Budget, Finance and Administration
WT/BOP/ Committee on Balance-of-Payments Restrictions
WT/COMTD/ Committee on Trade and Development
WT/CTE/ Committee on Trade and Environment
WT/DAILYB[YEAR]/ Daily Bulletin
WT/DER/ Derestriction Procedures
WT/DS[NUMBER]/ Dispute Settlement
WT/DSB/ Dispute Settlement Body
WT/FIFTY/ 50th Anniversary of the GATT/°ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ
WT/GC/ General Council
WT/IFSC/ Integrated Framework Steering Committee
WT/INF/ Information
WT/L/ General documents
WT/LDC/HL/ Least-Developed Countries — High Level Meeting
WT/LDC/SWG/IF Sub-Committee on Least-Developed Countries
WT/LET/ Letters
WT/MIN(96)/ Ministerial Conference, Singapore
WT/MIN(98)/ Ministerial Conference, Geneva
WT/MIN(99)/ Ministerial Conference, Seattle
WT/MIN(01)/ Ministerial Conference, Doha
WT/MIN(03)/ Ministerial Conference, Cancún
WT/REG/ Regional Trade
WT/SPEC/ Special distribution documents
WT/ST/ Statements
WT/TC/NOTIF/ Technical Cooperation — Handbook on Notification Requirements
WT/TF/ Trade and Finance
WT/TPR/ Trade Policy Review Body
WT/WGTCP/ Working Group on the Interaction between Trade and Competition Policy
WT/WGTDF/ Working Group on Trade, Debt and Finance
WT/WGTGP/ Working Group on Transparency in Government Procurement
WT/WGTI/ Working Group on the Relationship between Trade and Investment
WT/WGTTT/ Working Group on Trade and Transfer of Technology
°ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ/AIR/ Airgrams


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GATT Disputes  

Short Title Full Case Title and Citation
Australia — Ammonium Sulphate Working Party Report, The Australian Subsidy on Ammonium Sulphate, GATT/CP.4/39, adopted 3 April 1950, BISD II/188
Australia — Glacé Cherries GATT Panel Report, Australia — Imposition of Countervailing Duties on Imports of Glacé Cherries from France and Italy in Application of the Australian Customs Amendment Act 1991, , 28 October 1993, unadopted
Belgium — Family Allowances (allocations familiales) GATT Panel Report, Belgian Family Allowances, G/32, adopted 7 November 1952, BISD 1S/59
Belgium — Income Tax GATT Panel Report, Income Tax Practices Maintained by Belgium, , adopted 7 December 1981, BISD 23S/127 (see also L/5271, BISD 28S/114)
Brazil — EEC Milk GATT Panel Report, Imposition of Provisional and Definitive Countervailing Duties on Milk Powder and Certain Types of Milk from the European Economic Community, , adopted 28 April 1994, BISD 41S/467
Brazil — Internal Taxes Working Party Report, Brazilian Internal Taxes, GATT/CP.3/42 (First Report), adopted 30 June 1949, BISD II/181; GATT/CP.5/37 (Second Report), adopted 13 December 1950, BISD II/186
Canada — Eggs Working Party Report, Canadian Import Quotas on Eggs, , adopted 17 February 1976, BISD 23S/91
Canada — FIRA GATT Panel Report, Canada — Administration of the Foreign Investment Review Act, , adopted 7 February 1984, BISD 30S/140
Canada — Gold Coins GATT Panel Report, Canada — Measures Affecting the Sale of Gold Coins, , 17 September 1985, unadopted
Canada — Grain Corn GATT Panel Report, Panel on Canadian Countervailing Duties on Grain Corn from the United States, and , adopted 26 March 1992, BISD 39S/411
Canada — Herring and Salmon GATT Panel Report, Canada — Measures Affecting Exports of Unprocessed Herring and Salmon, , adopted 22 March 1988, BISD 35S/98
Canada — Ice Cream and Yoghurt GATT Panel Report, Canada — Import Restrictions on Ice Cream and Yoghurt, , adopted 5 December 1989, BISD 36S/68
Canada — Lead and Zinc GATT Panel Report, Canada — Withdrawal of Tariff Concessions (Lead and Zinc), , adopted 17 May 1978, BISD 25S/42
Canada — Manufacturing Beef CVD GATT Panel Report, Canada — Imposition of Countervailing Duties on Imports of Manufacturing Beef from the EEC, , 13 October 1987, unadopted
Canada — Potatoes GATT Panel Report, Exports of Potatoes to Canada, , adopted 16 November 1962, BISD 11S/55 and 88
Canada — Provincial Liquor Boards (EEC) GATT Panel Report, Canada — Import, Distribution and Sale of Alcoholic Drinks by Canadian Provincial Marketing Agencies, , adopted 22 March 1988, BISD 35S/37
Canada — Provincial Liquor Boards (US) GATT Panel Report, Canada — Import, Distribution and Sale of Certain Alcoholic Drinks by Provincial Marketing Agencies, , adopted 18 February 1992, BISD 39S/27
Cuba — Consular Taxes Ruling by the Chairman, The Phrase “Charges of any Kind” in Article I:1 in Relation to Consular Taxes, 24 August 1948, BISD II/12
Cuba — Textiles I Report of Working Party 7 on the Cuban Schedule, GATT/CP.2/43, 13 September 1948, unadopted
Cuba — Textiles II Report of Working Party 8 on Cuban Textiles, GATT/CP.3/82, 10 August 1949, unadopted
Customs Unions and Free-Trade Areas — The Canada-US FTA Working Party Report, Customs Unions and Free-Trade Areas, Working Party on the Free-Trade Agreement between Canada and the United States, L/6927, adopted 12 November 1991, BISD 38S/47
EC — Article XXVIII Award by the Arbitrator, Canada/European Communities — Article XXVIII Rights, , 16 October 1990, BISD 37S/80
EC — Audio Cassettes GATT Panel Report, EC — Anti-Dumping Duties on Audio Tapes in Cassettes Originating in Japan, , 28 April 1995, unadopted
EC — Citrus GATT Panel Report, European Community — Tariff Treatment on Imports of Citrus Products from Certain Countries in the Mediterranean Region, , 7 February 1985, unadopted
EC — Poultry (US) GATT Panel Report, European Communities — United Kingdom Application of EEC Directives to Imports of Poultry from the United States, , adopted 11 June 1981, BISD 28S/90
EC — Sugar Exports (Australia) GATT Panel Report, European Communities — Refunds on Exports of Sugar, , adopted 6 November 1979, BISD 26S/290
EC — Sugar Exports (Brazil) GATT Panel Report, European Communities — Refunds on Exports of Sugar — Complaint by Brazil, , adopted 10 November 1980, BISD 27S/69
EEC — Airbus GATT Panel Report, German Exchange Rate Scheme for Deutsche Airbus, , 4 March 1992, unadopted
EEC — Animal Feed Proteins GATT Panel Report, EEC — Measures on Animal Feed Proteins, , adopted 14 March 1978, BISD 25S/49
EEC — Apples (Chile I) GATT Panel Report, EEC Restrictions on Imports of Apples from Chile, , adopted 10 November 1980, BISD 27S/98
EEC — Apples (Chile II) GATT Panel Report, EEC — Restrictions on Imports of Apples, , 20 June 1994, unadopted
EEC — Apples (US) GATT Panel Report, European Economic Community — Restrictions on Imports of Apples — Complaint by the United States, , adopted 22 June 1989, BISD 36S/135
EEC — Bananas II GATT Panel Report, EEC — Import Regime for Bananas, , 11 February 1994, unadopted
EEC — Canned Fruit GATT Panel Report, European Economic Community — Production Aids Granted on Canned Peaches, Canned Pears, Canned Fruit Cocktail and Dried Grapes, , 20 February 1985, unadopted
EEC — Copper Scrap GATT Panel Report, European Economic Community — Restrictions on Exports of Copper Scrap, , adopted 20 February 1990, BISD 37S/200
EEC — Cotton Yarn GATT Panel Report, European Economic Community — Imposition of Anti-Dumping Duties on Imports of Cotton Yarn from Brazil, , adopted 30 October 1995, BISD 42S/17
EEC — Dessert Apples GATT Panel Report, European Economic Community — Restrictions on Imports of Dessert Apples — Complaint by Chile, , adopted 22 June 1989, BISD 36S/93
EEC — Import Restrictions GATT Panel Report, EEC — Quantitative Restrictions Against Imports of Certain Products from Hong Kong, , adopted 12 July 1983, BISD 30S/129
EEC — Imports of Beef GATT Panel Report, European Economic Community — Imports of Beef from Canada, , adopted 10 March 1981, BISD 28S/92
EEC — Minimum Import Prices GATT Panel Report, EEC — Programme of Minimum Import Prices, Licences and Surety Deposits for Certain Processed Fruits and Vegetables, , adopted 18 October 1978, BISD 25S/68
EEC — Newsprint GATT Panel Report, Panel on Newsprint, , adopted 20 November 1984, BISD 31S/114
EEC — Oilseeds I GATT Panel Report, European Economic Community — Payments and Subsidies Paid to Processors and Producers of Oilseeds and Related Animal-Feed Proteins, , adopted 25 January 1990, BISD 37S/86
EEC — Oilseeds II GATT Panel Report, European Economic Community — Follow-Up on the Panel Report “Payments and Subsidies Paid to Processors and Producers of Oilseeds and Related Animal-Feed Proteins”, , 31 March 1992, BISD 39S/91
EEC — Parts and Components GATT Panel Report, European Economic Community — Regulation on Imports of Parts and Components, , adopted 16 May 1990, BISD 37S/132
EEC — Pasta Subsidies GATT Panel Report, European Economic Community — Subsidies on Export of Pasta Products, , 19 May 1983, unadopted
EEC — VAT and Threshold GATT Panel Report, Panel on Value-Added Tax and Threshold, , adopted 16 May 1984, BISD 31S/247
EEC — Wheat Flour Subsidies GATT Panel Report, European Economic Community — Subsidies on Export of Wheat Flour, , 21 March 1983, unadopted
EEC (member States) — Bananas I GATT Panel Report, EEC — Member States’ Import Regimes for Bananas, , 3 June 1993, unadopted
France — Compensation Tax Contracting Parties Decision, French Special Temporary Compensation Tax on Imports, 17 January 1955, BISD 3S/26
France — Import Restrictions GATT Panel Report, French Import Restrictions, , adopted 14 November 1962, BISD 11S/94 (see also BISD 11S/55)
France — Income Tax GATT Panel Report, Income Tax Practices Maintained by France, adopted 7 December 1981, BISD 23S/114 (see also L/5271, BISD 28S/114)
France — Wheat Exports GATT Panel Report, French Assistance to Exports of Wheat and Wheat Flour, , adopted 21 November 1958, BISD 7S/46
Germany — Sardines GATT Panel Report, Treatment by Germany of Imports of Sardines, , adopted 31 October 1952, BISD 1S/53
Germany — Starch Duties GATT Panel Report, German Import Duties on Starch and Potato Flour, , 16 February 1955, unadopted, BISD 3S/77
Greece — Import Duties GATT Panel Report, Increase of Import Duties on Products Included in Schedule XXV (Greece), , adopted 3 November 1952, BISD 1S/51
Greece — Import Taxes GATT Panel Report, Special Import Taxes Instituted by Greece, , adopted 3 November 1952, BISD 1S/48
Greece — Phonograph Records Group of Experts Report, Greek Increase in Bound Duty, , 9 November 1956, unadopted
Greece — USSR Tariff Quotas Working Party Report, Greece — Preferential Tariff Quotas to the USSR, , adopted 2 December 1970, BISD 18S/179
India — Tax Rebates Ruling by the Chairman, Application of Article I:1 to Rebates on Internal Taxes, 24 August 1948, BISD II/12
Italy — Agricultural Machinery GATT Panel Report, Italian Discrimination Against Imported Agricultural Machinery, , adopted 23 October 1958, BISD 7S/60
Jamaica — Margins of Preference GATT Panel Report, Jamaica — Margins of Preference, , adopted 2 February 1971, BISD 18S/183
Japan — Agricultural Products I GATT Panel Report, Japan — Restrictions on Imports of Certain Agricultural Products, , adopted 2 March 1988, BISD 35S/163
Japan — Alcoholic Beverages I GATT Panel Report, Japan — Customs Duties, Taxes and Labelling Practices on Imported Wines and Alcoholic Beverages, , adopted 10 November 1987, BISD 34S/83
Japan — Leather (Canada) GATT Panel Report, Japan’s Measures on Imports of Leather, , adopted 10 November 1980, BISD 27S/118
Japan — Leather (US I) GATT Panel Report, Japanese Measures on Imports of Leather, , adopted 6 November 1979, BISD 26S/320
Japan — Leather (US II) GATT Panel Report, Panel on Japanese Measures on Imports of Leather, , adopted 15 May 1984, BISD 31S/94
Japan — Semi-Conductors GATT Panel Report, Japan — Trade in Semi-Conductors, , adopted 4 May 1988, BISD 35S/116
Japan — Silk Yarn GATT Panel Report, Japan Measures on Imports of Thrown Silk Yarn, , adopted 17 May 1978, BISD 25S/107
Japan — SPF Dimension Lumber GATT Panel Report, Canada/Japan — Tariff on Imports of Spruce, Pine, Fir (SPF) Dimension Lumber, , adopted 19 July 1989, BISD 36S/167
Japan — Tobacco GATT Panel Report, Japanese Restraints on Imports of Manufactured Tobacco from the United States, , adopted 11 June 1981, BISD 28S/100
Korea — Beef (Australia) GATT Panel Report, Republic of Korea — Restrictions on Imports of Beef — Complaint by Australia, , adopted 7 November 1989, BISD 36S/202
Korea — Beef (New Zealand) GATT Panel Report, Republic of Korea — Restrictions on Imports of Beef — Complaint by New Zealand, , adopted 7 November 1989, BISD 36S/234
Korea — Beef (US) GATT Panel Report, Republic of Korea — Restrictions on Imports of Beef — Complaint by the United States, , adopted 7 November 1989, BISD 36S/268
Korea — Resins GATT Panel Report, Panel on Korea — Anti-Dumping Duties on Imports of Polyacetal Resins from the United States, and , adopted 27 April 1993, BISD 40S/205
Netherlands — Income Tax GATT Panel Report, Income Tax Practices Maintained by The Netherlands, , adopted 7 December 1981, BISD 23S/137 (see also L/5271, BISD 28S/114)
New Zealand — Finnish Transformers GATT Panel Report, New Zealand — Imports of Electrical Transformers from Finland, , adopted 18 July 1985, BISD 32S/55
Norway — Apples and Pears GATT Panel Report, Norway — Restrictions on Imports of Apples and Pears, adopted 22 June 1989, BISD 36S/306
Norway — Textiles GATT Panel Report, Norway — Restrictions on Imports of Certain Textile Products, , adopted 18 June 1980, BISD 27S/119
Norway — Trondheim Toll Ring GATT Panel Report, Panel on Norwegian Procurement of Toll Collection Equipment for the City of Trondheim, , adopted 13 May 1992, BISD 40S/319
Spain — Soyabean Oil GATT Panel Report, Spain — Measures Concerning Domestic Sale of Soyabean Oil — Recourse to Article XXIII:2 by the United States, , 17 June 1981, unadopted
Spain — Unroasted Coffee GATT Panel Report, Spain — Tariff Treatment of Unroasted Coffee, , adopted 11 June 1981, BISD 28S/102
Sweden — AD Duties GATT Panel Report, Swedish Anti-Dumping Duties, , adopted 26 February 1955, BISD 3S/81
Thailand — Cigarettes GATT Panel Report, Thailand — Restrictions on Importation of and Internal Taxes on Cigarettes, , adopted 7 November 1990, BISD 37S/200
UK — Bananas GATT Panel Report, United Kingdom Waivers — Application in Respect of Customs Duties on Bananas, , 11 April 1962, unadopted
UK — Cotton Textiles GATT Panel Report, United Kingdom Import Restrictions on Cotton Textiles, , adopted 5 February 1973, BISD 20S/237
UK — Dollar Quotas

GATT Panel Report, United Kingdom — Dollar Area Quotas, , adopted 30 July 1973, BISD 20S/230 (see also , BISD 20S/236)

UK — Ornamental Pottery GATT Panel Report, Article I — United Kingdom Waiver (Ornamental Pottery), , 19 March 1959, unadopted
Uruguay — Recourse to Article XXIII GATT Panel Report, Uruguayan Recourse to Article XXIII, , adopted 16 November 1962, BISD 11S/95
US — Canadian Pork GATT Panel Report, United States — Countervailing Duties on Fresh, Chilled and Frozen Pork from Canada, , adopted 11 July 1991, BISD 38S/30
US — Canadian Tuna GATT Panel Report, United States — Prohibition of Imports of Tuna and Tuna Products from Canada, , adopted 22 February 1982, BISD 29S/91
US — Cement GATT Panel Report, United States — Anti-Dumping Duties on Gray Portland Cement and Cement Clinker from Mexico, , 7 September 1992, unadopted
US — Customs User Fee GATT Panel Report, United States — Customs User Fee, , adopted 2 February 1988, BISD 35S/245
US — CVD (India) GATT Panel Report, Panel on United States Countervailing Duties, , adopted 3 November 1981, BISD 28S/113
US — DISC GATT Panel Report, United States Tax Legislation (DISC), , adopted 7 December 1981, BISD 23S/98 (see also L/5271, BISD 28S/114)
US — Dried Figs Contracting Parties Decision, Article XIX — Increase in the United States Duty on Dried Figs, 8 November 1952, BISD 1S/28
US — Export Restrictions (Czechoslovakia) Contracting Parties Decision, Article XXI — United States Exports Restrictions, 8 June 1949, BISD II/28
US — Fur Felt Hats Report on the Withdrawal by the United States of a Tariff Concession under Article XIX of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, GATT/CP/106, adopted 22 October 1951
US — Lead and Bismuth I GATT Panel Report, United States — Imposition of Countervailing Duties on Certain Hot-Rolled Lead and Bismuth Carbon Steel Products Originating in France, Germany and the United Kingdom, , 15 November 1994, unadopted
US — Magnesium GATT Panel Report, United States — Measures Affecting the Export of Pure and Alloy Magnesium from Canada, , 9 August 1993, unadopted
US — Malt Beverages GATT Panel Report, United States — Measures Affecting Alcoholic and Malt Beverages, , adopted 19 June 1992, BISD 39S/206
US — Manufacturing Clause GATT Panel Report, United States Manufacturing Clause, , adopted 15 May 1984, BISD 31S/74
US — Margins of Preference Contracting Parties Decision, Margins of Preference, 9 August 1949, BISD II/11
US — MFN Footwear GATT Panel Report, United States — Denial of Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment as to Non-Rubber Footwear from Brazil, , adopted 19 June 1992, BISD 39S/128
US — Nicaraguan Trade GATT Panel Report, United States — Trade Measures Affecting Nicaragua, , 13 October 1986, unadopted
US — Non-Rubber Footwear GATT Panel Report, United States — Countervailing Duties on Non-Rubber Footwear from Brazil, , adopted 13 June 1995, BISD 42S/208
US — Norwegian Salmon AD GATT Panel Report, Imposition of Anti-Dumping Duties on Imports of Fresh and Chilled Atlantic Salmon from Norway, , adopted 27 April 1994, BISD 41S/229
US — Norwegian Salmon CVD GATT Panel Report, Imposition of Countervailing Duties on Imports of Fresh and Chilled Atlantic Salmon from Norway, , adopted 28 April 1994, BISD 41S/576
US — Section 337 Tariff Act GATT Panel Report, United States Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, , adopted 7 November 1989, BISD 36S/345
US — Softwood Lumber I GATT Panel Report, Panel on United States Initiation of a Countervailing Duty Investigation into Softwood Lumber Products from Canada, , 3 June 1987, unadopted, BISD 34S/194
US — Softwood Lumber II GATT Panel Report, Panel on United States — Measures Affecting Imports of Softwood Lumber from Canada, , adopted 27 October 1993, BISD 40S/358
US — Sonar Mapping GATT Panel Report, United States — Procurement of a Sonar Mapping System, GPR.DS1/R, 23 April 1992, unadopted
US — Spring Assemblies GATT Panel Report, United States — Imports of Certain Automotive Spring Assemblies, , adopted 26 May 1983, BISD 30S/107
US — Sugar GATT Panel Report, United States Restrictions on Imports of Sugar, , adopted 22 June 1989, BISD 36S/331
US — Sugar Quota GATT Panel Report, United States — Imports of Sugar from Nicaragua, , adopted 13 March 1984, BISD 31S/67
US — Sugar Waiver GATT Panel Report, United States — Restrictions on the Importation of Sugar and Sugar-Containing Products Applied under the 1955 Waiver and under the Headnote to the Schedule of Tariff Concessions, , adopted 7 November 1990, BISD 37S/228
US — Superfund GATT Panel Report, United States — Taxes on Petroleum and Certain Imported Substances, , adopted 17 June 1987, BISD 34S/136
US — Suspension of Obligations Working Party Report, Netherlands Action under Article XXIII:2 to Suspend Obligations to the United States, L/61, adopted 8 November 1952, BISD 1S/62
US — Swedish Steel GATT Panel Report, United States — Imposition of Anti-Dumping Duties on Imports of Seamless Stainless Steel Hollow Products from Sweden, , 20 August 1990, unadopted
US — Swedish Steel Plate GATT Panel Report, United States — Anti-Dumping Duties on Imports of Stainless Steel Plate from Sweden, and , 24 February 1994, unadopted
US — Taxes on Automobiles GATT Panel Report, United States — Taxes on Automobiles, , 11 October 1994, unadopted
US — Tobacco GATT Panel Report, United States — Measures Affecting the Importation, Internal Sale and Use of Tobacco, , adopted 4 October 1994, BISD 41S/131
US — Tuna (Mexico) GATT Panel Report, United States — Restrictions on Imports of Tuna, , 3 September 1991, unadopted, BISD 39S/155
US — Tuna (EEC) GATT Panel Report, United States — Restrictions on Imports of Tuna, , 16 June 1994, unadopted
US — Vitamin B12 GATT Panel Report, Panel on Vitamins, , adopted 1 October 1982, BISD 29S/110
US — Wine and Grape Products GATT Panel Report, Panel on United States Definition of Industry Concerning Wine and Grape Products, , adopted 28 April 1992, BISD 39S/436
US/EEC — Poultry GATT Panel Report, US/EEC — Panel on Poultry, , 21 November 1963, unadopted


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°ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ Disputes  

Short Title Full Case Title and Citation
Argentina — Ceramic Tiles Panel Report, Argentina — Definitive Anti-Dumping Measures on Imports of Ceramic Floor Tiles from Italy, , adopted 5 November 2001, DSR 2001:XII, 6241
Argentina — Footwear (EC) Appellate Body Report, Argentina — Safeguard Measures on Imports of Footwear, , adopted 12 January 2000, DSR 2000:I, 515
Argentina — Footwear (EC) Panel Report, Argentina — Safeguard Measures on Imports of Footwear, , adopted 12 January 2000, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2000:II, 575
Argentina — Hides and Leather Panel Report, Argentina — Measures Affecting the Export of Bovine Hides and Import of Finished Leather, and , adopted 16 February 2001, DSR 2001:V, 1779
Argentina — Hides and Leather (Article 21.3(c)) Award of the Arbitrator, Argentina — Measures Affecting the Export of Bovine Hides and Import of Finished Leather — Arbitration under Article 21.3(c) of the DSU, , 31 August 2001, DSR 2001:XII, 6013
Argentina — Poultry Anti-Dumping Duties Panel Report, Argentina — Definitive Anti-Dumping Duties on Poultry from Brazil, , adopted 19 May 2003, DSR 2003:V, 1727
Argentina — Preserved Peaches Panel Report, Argentina — Definitive Safeguard Measure on Imports of Preserved Peaches, , adopted 15 April 2003, DSR 2003:III, 1037
Argentina — Textiles and Apparel Appellate Body Report, Argentina — Measures Affecting Imports of Footwear, Textiles, Apparel and Other Items, and , adopted 22 April 1998, DSR 1998:III, 1003
Argentina — Textiles and Apparel Panel Report, Argentina — Measures Affecting Imports of Footwear, Textiles, Apparel and Other Items, , adopted 22 April 1998, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 1998:III, 1033
Australia — Apples Appellate Body Report, Australia — Measures Affecting the Importation of Apples from New Zealand, , adopted 17 December 2010
Australia — Apples Panel Report, Australia — Measures Affecting the Importation of Apples from New Zealand, , adopted 17 December 2010, as modified by Appellate Body Report
Australia — Automotive Leather II Panel Report, Australia — Subsidies Provided to Producers and Exporters of Automotive Leather, , adopted 16 June 1999, DSR 1999:III, 951
Australia — Automotive Leather II (Article 21.5 — US) Panel Report, Australia — Subsidies Provided to Producers and Exporters of Automotive Leather — Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by the United States, and , adopted 11 February 2000, DSR 2000:III, 1189
Australia — Salmon Appellate Body Report, Australia — Measures Affecting Importation of Salmon, , adopted 6 November 1998, DSR 1998:VIII, 3327
Australia — Salmon Panel Report, Australia — Measures Affecting Importation of Salmon, and , adopted 6 November 1998, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 1998: VIII, 3407
Australia — Salmon (Article 21.3(c)) Award of the Arbitrator, Australia — Measures Affecting Importation of Salmon — Arbitration under Article 21.3(c) of the DSU, , 23 February 1999, DSR 1999:I, 267
Australia — Salmon (Article 21.5 — Canada) Panel Report, Australia — Measures Affecting Importation of Salmon — Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by Canada, , adopted 20 March 2000, DSR 2000:IV, 2031
Brazil — Aircraft Appellate Body Report, Brazil — Export Financing Programme for Aircraft, , adopted 20 August 1999, DSR 1999:III, 1161
Brazil — Aircraft Panel Report, Brazil — Export Financing Programme for Aircraft, , adopted 20 August 1999, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 1999:III, 1221
Brazil — Aircraft (Article 21.5 — Canada) Appellate Body Report, Brazil — Export Financing Programme for Aircraft — Recourse by Canada to Article 21.5 of the DSU, , adopted 4 August 2000, DSR 2000:VIII, 4067
Brazil — Aircraft (Article 21.5 — Canada) Panel Report, Brazil — Export Financing Programme for Aircraft — Recourse by Canada to Article 21.5 of the DSU, , adopted 4 August 2000, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2000:IX, 4093
Brazil — Aircraft (Article 21.5 — Canada II) Panel Report, Brazil — Export Financing Programme for Aircraft — Second Recourse by Canada to Article 21.5 of the DSU, , adopted 23 August 2001, DSR 2001:X, 5481
Brazil — Aircraft (Article 22.6 — Brazil) Decision by the Arbitrators, Brazil — Export Financing Programme for Aircraft — Recourse to Arbitration by Brazil under Article 22.6 of the DSU and Article 4.11 of the SCM Agreement, , 28 August 2000, DSR 2002:I, 19
Brazil — Desiccated Coconut Appellate Body Report, Brazil — Measures Affecting Desiccated Coconut, , adopted 20 March 1997, DSR 1997:I, 167
Brazil — Desiccated Coconut Panel Report, Brazil — Measures Affecting Desiccated Coconut, , adopted 20 March 1997, upheld by Appellate Body Report , DSR 1997:I, 189
Brazil — Retreaded Tyres Appellate Body Report, Brazil — Measures Affecting Imports of Retreaded Tyres, , adopted 17 December 2007, DSR 2007:IV, 1527
Brazil — Retreaded Tyres Panel Report, Brazil — Measures Affecting Imports of Retreaded Tyres, , adopted 17 December 2007, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2007:V, 1649
Brazil — Retreaded Tyres (Article 21.3(c)) Award of the Arbitrator, Brazil — Measures Affecting Imports of Retreaded Tyres — Arbitration under Article 21.3(c) of the DSU, , 29 August 2008
Canada — Aircraft Appellate Body Report, Canada — Measures Affecting the Export of Civilian Aircraft, , adopted 20 August 1999, DSR 1999:III, 1377
Canada — Aircraft Panel Report, Canada — Measures Affecting the Export of Civilian Aircraft, , adopted 20 August 1999, upheld by Appellate Body Report , DSR 1999:IV, 1443
Canada — Aircraft (Article 21.5 — Brazil) Appellate Body Report, Canada — Measures Affecting the Export of Civilian Aircraft — Recourse by Brazil to Article 21.5 of the DSU, , adopted 4 August 2000, DSR 2000:IX, 4299
Canada — Aircraft (Article 21.5 — Brazil) Panel Report, Canada — Measures Affecting the Export of Civilian Aircraft — Recourse by Brazil to Article 21.5 of the DSU, , adopted 4 August 2000, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2000:IX, 4315
Canada — Aircraft Credits and Guarantees Panel Report, Canada — Export Credits and Loan Guarantees for Regional Aircraft, and , adopted 19 February 2002, DSR 2002:III, 849
Canada — Aircraft Credits and Guarantees (Article 22.6 — Canada) Decision by the Arbitrator, Canada — Export Credits and Loan Guarantees for Regional Aircraft — Recourse to Arbitration by Canada under Article 22.6 of the DSU and Article 4.11 of the SCM Agreement, , 17 February 2003, DSR 2003:III, 1187
Canada — Autos Appellate Body Report, Canada — Certain Measures Affecting the Automotive Industry, , , adopted 19 June 2000, DSR 2000:VI, 2985
Canada — Autos Panel Report, Canada — Certain Measures Affecting the Automotive Industry, , , adopted 19 June 2000, as modified by Appellate Body Report , , DSR 2000:VII, 3043
Canada — Autos (Article 21.3(c)) Award of the Arbitrator, Canada — Certain Measures Affecting the Automotive Industry — Arbitration under Article 21.3(c) of the DSU, , , 4 October 2000, DSR 2000:X, 5079
Canada — Continued Suspension Appellate Body Report, Canada — Continued Suspension of Obligations in the EC — Hormones Dispute, , adopted 14 November 2008
Canada — Continued Suspension Panel Report, Canada — Continued Suspension of Obligations in the EC — Hormones Dispute, WT/DS321/R, adopted 14 November 2008, as modified by Appellate Body Report
Canada — Dairy Appellate Body Report, Canada — Measures Affecting the Importation of Milk and the Exportation of Dairy Products, , and , adopted 27 October 1999, DSR 1999:V, 2057
Canada — Dairy Panel Report, Canada — Measures Affecting the Importation of Milk and the Exportation of Dairy Products, , , adopted 27 October 1999, as modified by Appellate Body Report , , DSR 1999:VI, 2097
Canada — Dairy (Article 21.5 — New Zealand and US) Appellate Body Report, Canada — Measures Affecting the Importation of Milk and the Exportation of Dairy Products — Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by New Zealand and the United States, , , adopted 18 December 2001, DSR 2001:XIII, 6829
Canada — Dairy (Article 21.5 — New Zealand and US) Panel Report, Canada — Measures Affecting the Importation of Milk and the Exportation of Dairy Products — Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by New Zealand and the United States, , , adopted 18 December 2001, as reversed by Appellate Body Report , , DSR 2001:XIII, 6865
Canada — Dairy (Article 21.5 — New Zealand and US II) Appellate Body Report, Canada — Measures Affecting the Importation of Milk and the Exportation of Dairy Products — Second Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by New Zealand and the United States, , , adopted 17 January 2003, DSR 2003:I, 213
Canada — Dairy (Article 21.5 — New Zealand and US II) Panel Report, Canada — Measures Affecting the Importation of Milk and the Exportation of Dairy Products — Second Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by New Zealand and the United States, , , adopted 17 January 2003, as modified by Appellate Body Report , , DSR 2003:I, 255
Canada — Patent Term Appellate Body Report, Canada — Term of Patent Protection, , adopted 12 October 2000, DSR 2000:X, 5093
Canada — Patent Term Panel Report, Canada — Term of Patent Protection, , adopted 12 October 2000, upheld by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2000:XI, 5121
Canada — Patent Term (Article 21.3(c)) Award of the Arbitrator, Canada — Term of Patent Protection — Arbitration under Article 21.3(c) of the DSU, , 28 February 2001, DSR 2001:V, 2031
Canada — Periodicals Appellate Body Report, Canada — Certain Measures Concerning Periodicals, , adopted 30 July 1997, DSR 1997:I, 449
Canada — Periodicals Panel Report, Canada — Certain Measures Concerning Periodicals, and , adopted 30 July 1997, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 1997:I, 481
Canada — Pharmaceutical Patents Panel Report, Canada — Patent Protection of Pharmaceutical Products, , adopted 7 April 2000, DSR 2000:V, 2289
Canada — Pharmaceutical Patents (Article 21.3(c)) Award of the Arbitrator, Canada — Patent Protection of Pharmaceutical Products — Arbitration under Article 21.3(c) of the DSU, , 18 August 2000, DSR 2002:I, 3
Canada — Wheat Exports and Grain Imports Appellate Body Report, Canada — Measures Relating to Exports of Wheat and Treatment of Imported Grain, , adopted 27 September 2004, DSR 2004:VI, 2739
Canada — Wheat Exports and Grain Imports Panel Report, Canada — Measures Relating to Exports of Wheat and Treatment of Imported Grain, , adopted 27 September 2004, upheld by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2004:VI, 2817
Chile — Alcoholic Beverages Appellate Body Report, Chile — Taxes on Alcoholic Beverages, , , adopted 12 January 2000, DSR 2000:I, 281
Chile — Alcoholic Beverages Panel Report, Chile — Taxes on Alcoholic Beverages, , , adopted 12 January 2000, as modified by Appellate Body Report , , DSR 2000:I, 303
Chile — Alcoholic Beverages (Article 21.3(c)) Award of the Arbitrator, Chile — Taxes on Alcoholic Beverages — Arbitration under Article 21.3(c) of the DSU, , , 23 May 2000, DSR 2000:V, 2583
Chile — Price Band System Appellate Body Report, Chile — Price Band System and Safeguard Measures Relating to Certain Agricultural Products, , adopted 23 October 2002, DSR 2002:VIII, 3045 (, DSR 2006:XII, 5473)
Chile — Price Band System Panel Report, Chile — Price Band System and Safeguard Measures Relating to Certain Agricultural Products, , adopted 23 October 2002, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2002:VIII, 3127
Chile — Price Band System (Article 21.3(c)) Award of the Arbitrator, Chile — Price Band System and Safeguard Measures Relating to Certain Agricultural Products — Arbitration under Article 21.3(c) of the DSU, , 17 March 2003, DSR 2003:III, 1237
Chile — Price Band System (Article 21.5 — Argentina) Appellate Body Report, Chile — Price Band System and Safeguard Measures Relating to Certain Agricultural Products — Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by Argentina, , adopted 22 May 2007, DSR 2007:II, 513
Chile — Price Band System (Article 21.5 — Argentina) Panel Report, Chile — Price Band System and Safeguard Measures Relating to Certain Agricultural Products — Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by Argentina, and , adopted 22 May 2007, upheld by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2007:II-III, 613
China — Auto Parts Appellate Body Reports, China — Measures Affecting Imports of Automobile Parts, , , , adopted 12 January 2009
China — Auto Parts Panel Reports, China — Measures Affecting Imports of Automobile Parts, , , and and , adopted 12 January 2009, upheld () and as modified (, ) by Appellate Body Reports , ,
China — Intellectual Property Rights Panel Report, China — Measures Affecting the Protection and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights, , adopted 20 March 2009
China — Publications and Audiovisual Products Appellate Body Report, China — Measures Affecting Trading Rights and Distribution Services for Certain Publications and Audiovisual Entertainment Products, , adopted 19 January 2010
China — Publications and Audiovisual Products Panel Report, China — Measures Affecting Trading Rights and Distribution Services for Certain Publications and Audiovisual Entertainment Products, and , adopted 19 January 2010, as modified by Appellate Body Report
China — Raw Materials Panel Reports, China — Measures Related to the Exportation of Various Raw Materials, and , and and , and and , circulated to °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ Members 5 July 2011 [appeal in progress as of 30 September 2011]
Colombia — Ports of Entry Panel Report, Colombia — Indicative Prices and Restrictions on Ports of Entry, and , adopted 20 May 2009
Colombia — Ports of Entry (Article 21.3(c)) Award of the Arbitrator, Colombia — Indicative Prices and Restrictions on Ports of Entry — Arbitration under Article 21.3(c) of the DSU, , 2 October 2009
Dominican Republic — Import and Sale of Cigarettes Appellate Body Report, Dominican Republic — Measures Affecting the Importation and Internal Sale of Cigarettes, , adopted 19 May 2005, DSR 2005:XV, 7367
Dominican Republic — Import and Sale of Cigarettes Panel Report, Dominican Republic — Measures Affecting the Importation and Internal Sale of Cigarettes, , adopted 19 May 2005, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2005:XV, 7425
Dominican Republic — Import and Sale of Cigarettes (Article 21.3(c)) Report of the Arbitrator, Dominican Republic — Measures Affecting the Importation and Internal Sale of Cigarettes — Arbitration under Article 21.3(c) of the DSU, , 29 August 2005, DSR 2005:XXIII, 11665
EC — The ACP-EC Partnership Agreement Award of the Arbitrator, European Communities — The ACP-EC Partnership Agreement — Recourse to Arbitration Pursuant to the Decision of 14 November 2001, , 1 August 2005, DSR 2005:XXIII, 11669
EC — The ACP-EC Partnership Agreement II Award of the Arbitrator, European Communities — The ACP-EC Partnership Agreement — Second Recourse to Arbitration Pursuant to the Decision of 14 November 2001, , 27 October 2005, DSR 2005:XXIII, 11703
EC — Approval and Marketing of Biotech Products Panel Report, European Communities — Measures Affecting the Approval and Marketing of Biotech Products, , , , to , and , adopted 21 November 2006, DSR 2006:III-VIII, 847
EC — Asbestos Appellate Body Report, European Communities — Measures Affecting Asbestos and Asbestos-Containing Products, , adopted 5 April 2001, DSR 2001:VII, 3243
EC — Asbestos Panel Report, European Communities — Measures Affecting Asbestos and Asbestos-Containing Products, and , adopted 5 April 2001, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2001:VIII, 3305
EC — Bananas III Appellate Body Report, European Communities — Regime for the Importation, Sale and Distribution of Bananas, , adopted 25 September 1997, DSR 1997:II, 591
EC — Bananas III (Ecuador) Panel Report, European Communities — Regime for the Importation, Sale and Distribution of Bananas, Complaint by Ecuador, , adopted 25 September 1997, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 1997:III, 1085
EC — Bananas III (Guatemala and Honduras) Panel Report, European Communities — Regime for the Importation, Sale and Distribution of Bananas, Complaint by Guatemala and Honduras, , , adopted 25 September 1997, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 1997:II, 695
EC — Bananas III (Mexico) Panel Report, European Communities — Regime for the Importation, Sale and Distribution of Bananas, Complaint by Mexico, , adopted 25 September 1997, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 1997:II, 803
EC — Bananas III (US) Panel Report, European Communities — Regime for the Importation, Sale and Distribution of Bananas, Complaint by the United States, , adopted 25 September 1997, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 1997:II, 943
EC — Bananas III (Article 21.3(c)) Award of the Arbitrator, European Communities — Regime for the Importation, Sale and Distribution of Bananas — Arbitration under Article 21.3(c) of the DSU, , 7 January 1998, DSR 1998:I, 3
EC — Bananas III (Article 21.5 — EC) Panel Report, European Communities — Regime for the Importation, Sale and Distribution of Bananas — Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by the European Communities, , 12 April 1999, and , unadopted, DSR 1999:II, 783
EC — Bananas III (Article 21.5 — Ecuador) Panel Report, European Communities — Regime for the Importation, Sale and Distribution of Bananas — Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by Ecuador, , adopted 6 May 1999, DSR 1999:II, 803
EC — Bananas III (Article 21.5 — Ecuador II) EC — Bananas III (Article 21.5 — US) Appellate Body Reports, European Communities — Regime for the Importation, Sale and Distribution of Bananas — Second Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by Ecuador, , adopted 11 December 2008, and / European Communities — Regime for the Importation, Sale and Distribution of Bananas — Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by the United States, and , adopted 22 December 2008
EC — Bananas III (Article 21.5 — Ecuador II) Panel Report, European Communities — Regime for the Importation, Sale and Distribution of Bananas — Second Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by Ecuador, , adopted 11 December 2008, as modified by Appellate Body Report
EC — Bananas III (Article 21.5 — US) Panel Report, European Communities — Regime for the Importation, Sale and Distribution of Bananas — Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by the United States, and , adopted 22 December 2008, upheld by Appellate Body Report
EC — Bananas III (Ecuador) (Article 22.6 — EC) Decision by the Arbitrators, European Communities — Regime for the Importation, Sale and Distribution of Bananas — Recourse to Arbitration by the European Communities under Article 22.6 of the DSU, , 24 March 2000, DSR 2000:V, 2237
EC — Bananas III (US) (Article 22.6 — EC) Decision by the Arbitrators, European Communities — Regime for the Importation, Sale and Distribution of Bananas — Recourse to Arbitration by the European Communities under Article 22.6 of the DSU, , 9 April 1999, DSR 1999:II, 725
EC — Bed Linen Appellate Body Report, European Communities — Anti-Dumping Duties on Imports of Cotton-Type Bed Linen from India,, adopted 12 March 2001, DSR 2001:V, 2049
EC — Bed Linen Panel Report, European Communities — Anti-Dumping Duties on Imports of Cotton-Type Bed Linen from India, , adopted 12 March 2001, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2001:VI, 2077
EC — Bed Linen (Article 21.5 — India) Appellate Body Report, European Communities — Anti-Dumping Duties on Imports of Cotton-Type Bed Linen from India — Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by India, , adopted 24 April 2003, DSR 2003:III, 965
EC — Bed Linen (Article 21.5 — India) Panel Report, European Communities — Anti-Dumping Duties on Imports of Cotton-Type Bed Linen from India — Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by India, , adopted 24 April 2003, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2003:IV, 1269
EC — Butter Panel Report, European Communities — Measures Affecting Butter Products, , 24 November 1999, unadopted
EC — Chicken Cuts Appellate Body Report, European Communities — Customs Classification of Frozen Boneless Chicken Cuts, , , adopted 27 September 2005, and , DSR 2005:XIX, 9157
EC — Chicken Cuts (Brazil) Panel Report, European Communities — Customs Classification of Frozen Boneless Chicken Cuts, Complaint by Brazil, , adopted 27 September 2005, as modified by Appellate Body Report , , DSR 2005:XIX, 9295
EC — Chicken Cuts (Thailand) Panel Report, European Communities — Customs Classification of Frozen Boneless Chicken Cuts, Complaint by Thailand, , adopted 27 September 2005, as modified by Appellate Body Report , , DSR 2005:XX, 9721
EC — Chicken Cuts (Article 21.3(c)) Award of the Arbitrator, European Communities — Customs Classification of Frozen Boneless Chicken Cuts — Arbitration under Article 21.3(c) of the DSU, , , 20 February 2006
EC — Commercial Vessels Panel Report, European Communities — Measures Affecting Trade in Commercial Vessels, , adopted 20 June 2005, DSR 2005:XV, 7713
EC — Computer Equipment Appellate Body Report, European Communities — Customs Classification of Certain Computer Equipment, , , , adopted 22 June 1998, DSR 1998:V, 1851
EC — Computer Equipment Panel Report, European Communities — Customs Classification of Certain Computer Equipment, , , , adopted 22 June 1998, as modified by Appellate Body Report , , , DSR 1998:V, 1891
EC — Countervailing Measures on DRAM Chips Panel Report, European Communities — Countervailing Measures on Dynamic Random Access Memory Chips from Korea, , adopted 3 August 2005, DSR 2005:XVIII, 8671
EC — Export Subsidies on Sugar Appellate Body Report, European Communities — Export Subsidies on Sugar, , , , adopted 19 May 2005, DSR 2005:XIII, 6365
EC — Export Subsidies on Sugar (Australia) Panel Report, European Communities — Export Subsidies on Sugar, Complaint by Australia, , adopted 19 May 2005, as modified by Appellate Body Report , , , DSR 2005:XIII, 6499
EC — Export Subsidies on Sugar (Brazil) Panel Report, European Communities — Export Subsidies on Sugar, Complaint by Brazil, , adopted 19 May 2005, as modified by Appellate Body Report , , , DSR 2005:XIV, 6793
EC — Export Subsidies on Sugar (Thailand) Panel Report, European Communities — Export Subsidies on Sugar, Complaint by Thailand, , adopted 19 May 2005, as modified by Appellate Body Report , , , DSR 2005:XIV, 7071
EC — Export Subsidies on Sugar (Article 21.3(c)) Award of the Arbitrator, European Communities — Export Subsidies on Sugar — Arbitration under Article 21.3(c) of the DSU, , , , 28 October 2005, DSR 2005:XXIII, 11581
EC — Fasteners (China) Appellate Body Report, European Communities — Definitive Anti-Dumping Measures on Certain Iron or Steel Fasteners from China, , adopted 28 July 2011
EC — Fasteners (China) Panel Report, European Communities — Definitive Anti-Dumping Measures on Certain Iron or Steel Fasteners from China, and , adopted 28 July 2011, as modified by Appellate Body Report
EC — Hormones Appellate Body Report, EC Measures Concerning Meat and Meat Products (Hormones), , , adopted 13 February 1998, DSR 1998:I, 135
EC — Hormones (Canada) Panel Report, EC Measures Concerning Meat and Meat Products (Hormones), Complaint by Canada, , adopted 13 February 1998, as modified by Appellate Body Report , , DSR 1998:II, 235
EC — Hormones (US) Panel Report, EC Measures Concerning Meat and Meat Products (Hormones), Complaint by the United States, , adopted 13 February 1998, as modified by Appellate Body Report , , DSR 1998:III, 699
EC — Hormones (Article 21.3(c)) Award of the Arbitrator, EC Measures Concerning Meat and Meat Products (Hormones) — Arbitration under Article 21.3(c) of the DSU, , , 29 May 1998, DSR 1998:V, 1833
EC — Hormones (Canada) (Article 22.6 — EC) Decision by the Arbitrators, European Communities — Measures Concerning Meat and Meat Products (Hormones), Original Complaint by Canada — Recourse to Arbitration by the European Communities under Article 22.6 of the DSU, , 12 July 1999, DSR 1999:III, 1135
EC — Hormones (US) (Article 22.6 — EC) Decision by the Arbitrators, European Communities — Measures Concerning Meat and Meat Products (Hormones), Original Complaint by the United States — Recourse to Arbitration by the European Communities under Article 22.6 of the DSU, , 12 July 1999, DSR 1999:III, 1105
EC — IT Products Panel Report, European Communities and its member States — Tariff Treatment of Certain Information Technology Products, , , , adopted 21 September 2010
EC — Poultry Appellate Body Report, European Communities — Measures Affecting the Importation of Certain Poultry Products, , adopted 23 July 1998, DSR 1998:V, 2031
EC — Poultry Panel Report, European Communities — Measures Affecting the Importation of Certain Poultry Products, , adopted 23 July 1998, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 1998:V, 2089
EC — Salmon (Norway) Panel Report, European Communities — Anti-Dumping Measure on Farmed Salmon from Norway, , adopted 15 January 2008, and , DSR 2008:I, 3
EC — Sardines Appellate Body Report, European Communities — Trade Description of Sardines, , adopted 23 October 2002, DSR 2002:VIII, 3359
EC — Sardines Panel Report, European Communities — Trade Description of Sardines, and , adopted 23 October 2002, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2002:VIII, 3451
EC — Scallops (Canada) Panel Report, European Communities — Trade Description of Scallops — Request by Canada, , 5 August 1996, unadopted, DSR 1996:I, 89
EC — Scallops (Peru and Chile) Panel Report, European Communities — Trade Description of Scallops — Requests by Peru and Chile, , , 5 August 1996, unadopted, DSR 1996:I, 93
EC — Selected Customs Matters Appellate Body Report, European Communities — Selected Customs Matters, , adopted 11 December 2006, DSR 2006:IX, 3791
EC — Selected Customs Matters Panel Report, European Communities — Selected Customs Matters, , adopted 11 December 2006, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2006:IX-X, 3915
EC — Tariff Preferences Appellate Body Report, European Communities — Conditions for the Granting of Tariff Preferences to Developing Countries, , adopted 20 April 2004, DSR 2004:III, 925
EC — Tariff Preferences Panel Report, European Communities — Conditions for the Granting of Tariff Preferences to Developing Countries, , adopted 20 April 2004, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2004:III, 1009
EC — Tariff Preferences (Article 21.3(c)) Award of the Arbitrator, European Communities — Conditions for the Granting of Tariff Preferences to Developing Countries — Arbitration under Article 21.3(c) of the DSU, , 20 September 2004, DSR 2004:IX, 4313
EC — Trademarks and Geographical Indications (Australia) Panel Report, European Communities — Protection of Trademarks and Geographical Indications for Agricultural Products and Foodstuffs, Complaint by Australia, , adopted 20 April 2005, DSR 2005:X, 4603
EC — Trademarks and Geographical Indications (US) Panel Report, European Communities — Protection of Trademarks and Geographical Indications for Agricultural Products and Foodstuffs, Complaint by the United States, , adopted 20 April 2005, DSR 2005:VIII, 3499
EC — Tube or Pipe Fittings Appellate Body Report, European Communities — Anti-Dumping Duties on Malleable Cast Iron Tube or Pipe Fittings from Brazil, , adopted 18 August 2003, DSR 2003:VI, 2613
EC — Tube or Pipe Fittings Panel Report, European Communities — Anti-Dumping Duties on Malleable Cast Iron Tube or Pipe Fittings from Brazil, , adopted 18 August 2003, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2003:VII, 2701
EC and certain member States — Large Civil Aircraft Appellate Body Report, European Communities and Certain Member States — Measures Affecting Trade in Large Civil Aircraft, , adopted 1 June 2011
EC and certain member States — Large Civil Aircraft Panel Report, European Communities and Certain Member States — Measures Affecting Trade in Large Civil Aircraft, , adopted 1 June 2011, as modified by Appellate Body Report,
Egypt — Steel Rebar Panel Report, Egypt — Definitive Anti-Dumping Measures on Steel Rebar from Turkey, , adopted 1 October 2002, DSR 2002:VII, 2667
Guatemala — Cement I Appellate Body Report, Guatemala — Anti-Dumping Investigation Regarding Portland Cement from Mexico, , adopted 25 November 1998, DSR 1998:IX, 3767
Guatemala — Cement I Panel Report, Guatemala — Anti-Dumping Investigation Regarding Portland Cement from Mexico, , adopted 25 November 1998, as reversed by Appellate Body Report , DSR 1998:IX, 3797
Guatemala — Cement II Panel Report, Guatemala — Definitive Anti-Dumping Measures on Grey Portland Cement from Mexico, , adopted 17 November 2000, DSR 2000:XI, 5295
India — Additional Import Duties Appellate Body Report, India — Additional and Extra-Additional Duties on Imports from the United States, , adopted 17 November 2008
India — Additional Import Duties Panel Report, India — Additional and Extra-Additional Duties on Imports from the United States, , adopted 17 November 2008, as reversed by Appellate Body Report
India — Autos Appellate Body Report, India — Measures Affecting the Automotive Sector, , , adopted 5 April 2002, DSR 2002:V, 1821
India — Autos Panel Report, India — Measures Affecting the Automotive Sector, , and , adopted 5 April 2002, DSR 2002:V, 1827
India — Patents (EC) Panel Report, India — Patent Protection for Pharmaceutical and Agricultural Chemical Products, Complaint by the European Communities and their member States, , adopted 22 September 1998, DSR 1998:VI, 2661
India — Patents (US)

Appellate Body Report, India — Patent Protection for Pharmaceutical and Agricultural Chemical Products, , adopted 16 January 1998, DSR 1998:I, 9

India — Patents (US) Panel Report, India — Patent Protection for Pharmaceutical and Agricultural Chemical Products, Complaint by the United States, WT/DS50/R, adopted 16 January 1998, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 1998:I, 41
India — Quantitative Restrictions Appellate Body Report, India — Quantitative Restrictions on Imports of Agricultural, Textile and Industrial Products, , adopted 22 September 1999, DSR 1999:IV, 1763
India — Quantitative Restrictions Panel Report, India — Quantitative Restrictions on Imports of Agricultural, Textile and Industrial Products, , adopted 22 September 1999, upheld by Appellate Body Report , DSR 1999:V, 1799
Indonesia — Autos Panel Report, Indonesia — Certain Measures Affecting the Automobile Industry, , , , and and , adopted 23 July 1998, and and , DSR 1998:VI, 2201
Indonesia — Autos (Article 21.3(c)) Award of the Arbitrator, Indonesia — Certain Measures Affecting the Automobile Industry — Arbitration under Article 21.3(c) of the DSU, , , , , 7 December 1998, DSR 1998:IX, 4029
Japan — Agricultural Products II Appellate Body Report, Japan — Measures Affecting Agricultural Products, , adopted 19 March 1999, DSR 1999:I, 277
Japan — Agricultural Products II Panel Report, Japan — Measures Affecting Agricultural Products, , adopted 19 March 1999, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 1999:I, 315
Japan — Alcoholic Beverages II Appellate Body Report, Japan — Taxes on Alcoholic Beverages, , , , adopted 1 November 1996, DSR 1996:I, 97
Japan — Alcoholic Beverages II Panel Report, Japan — Taxes on Alcoholic Beverages, , , , adopted 1 November 1996, as modified by Appellate Body Report , , , DSR 1996:I, 125
Japan — Alcoholic Beverages II (Article 21.3(c)) Award of the Arbitrator, Japan — Taxes on Alcoholic Beverages — Arbitration under Article 21.3(c) of the DSU, , , , 14 February 1997, DSR 1997:I, 3
Japan — Apples Appellate Body Report, Japan — Measures Affecting the Importation of Apples, , adopted 10 December 2003, DSR 2003:IX, 4391
Japan — Apples Panel Report, Japan — Measures Affecting the Importation of Apples, , adopted 10 December 2003, upheld by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2003:IX, 4481
Japan — Apples (Article 21.5 — US) Panel Report, Japan — Measures Affecting the Importation of Apples — Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by the United States, , adopted 20 July 2005, DSR 2005:XVI, 7911
Japan — DRAMs (Korea) Appellate Body Report, Japan — Countervailing Duties on Dynamic Random Access Memories from Korea, and , adopted 17 December 2007, DSR 2007:VII, 2703
Japan — DRAMs (Korea) Panel Report, Japan — Countervailing Duties on Dynamic Random Access Memories from Korea, , adopted 17 December 2007, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2007:VII, 2805
Japan — DRAMs (Korea) (Article 21.3(c)) Award of the Arbitrator, Japan — Countervailing Duties on Dynamic Random Access Memories from Korea — Arbitration under Article 21.3(c) of the DSU, , 5 May 2008
Japan — Film Panel Report, Japan — Measures Affecting Consumer Photographic Film and Paper, , adopted 22 April 1998, DSR 1998:IV, 1179
Japan — Quotas on Laver Panel Report, Japan — Import Quotas on Dried Laver and Seasoned Laver, , 1 February 2006, unadopted
Korea — Alcoholic Beverages Appellate Body Report, Korea — Taxes on Alcoholic Beverages, , , adopted 17 February 1999, DSR 1999:I, 3
Korea — Alcoholic Beverages Panel Report, Korea — Taxes on Alcoholic Beverages, , , adopted 17 February 1999, as modified by Appellate Body Report , , DSR 1999:I, 44
Korea — Alcoholic Beverages (Article 21.3(c)) Award of the Arbitrator, Korea — Taxes on Alcoholic Beverages — Arbitration under Article 21.3(c) of the DSU, , , 4 June 1999, DSR 1999:II, 937
Korea — Certain Paper Panel Report, Korea — Anti-Dumping Duties on Imports of Certain Paper from Indonesia, , adopted 28 November 2005, DSR 2005:XXII, 10637
Korea — Certain Paper (Article 21.5 — Indonesia) Panel Report, Korea — Anti-Dumping Duties on Imports of Certain Paper from Indonesia — Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by Indonesia, , adopted 22 October 2007, DSR 2007:VIII, 3369
Korea — Commercial Vessels Panel Report, Korea — Measures Affecting Trade in Commercial Vessels, , adopted 11 April 2005, DSR 2005:VII, 2749
Korea — Dairy Appellate Body Report, Korea — Definitive Safeguard Measure on Imports of Certain Dairy Products, , adopted 12 January 2000, DSR 2000:I, 3
Korea — Dairy Panel Report, Korea — Definitive Safeguard Measure on Imports of Certain Dairy Products, and , adopted 12 January 2000, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2000:I, 49
Korea — Procurement Panel Report, Korea — Measures Affecting Government Procurement, , adopted 19 June 2000, DSR 2000:VIII, 3541
Korea — Various Measures on Beef Appellate Body Report, Korea — Measures Affecting Imports of Fresh, Chilled and Frozen Beef, , , adopted 10 January 2001, DSR 2001:I, 5
Korea — Various Measures on Beef Panel Report, Korea — Measures Affecting Imports of Fresh, Chilled and Frozen Beef, , , adopted 10 January 2001, as modified by Appellate Body Report , , DSR 2001:I, 59
Mexico — Anti-Dumping Measures on Rice Appellate Body Report, Mexico — Definitive Anti-Dumping Measures on Beef and Rice, Complaint with Respect to Rice, , adopted 20 December 2005, DSR 2005:XXII, 10853
Mexico — Anti-Dumping Measures on Rice Panel Report, Mexico — Definitive Anti-Dumping Measures on Beef and Rice, Complaint with Respect to Rice, , adopted 20 December 2005, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2005:XXIII, 11007
Mexico — Corn Syrup Panel Report, Mexico — Anti-Dumping Investigation of High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) from the United States, , adopted 24 February 2000, and , DSR 2000:III, 1345
Mexico — Corn Syrup (Article 21.5 — US) Appellate Body Report, Mexico — Anti-Dumping Investigation of High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) from the United States — Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by the United States, , adopted 21 November 2001, DSR 2001:XIII, 6675
Mexico — Corn Syrup (Article 21.5 — US) Panel Report, Mexico — Anti-Dumping Investigation of High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) from the United States — Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by the United States, , adopted 21 November 2001, upheld by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2001:XIII, 6717
Mexico — Olive Oil Panel Report, Mexico — Definitive Countervailing Measures on Olive Oil from the European Communities, , adopted 21 October 2008, DSR 2008:IX, 3179
Mexico — Steel Pipes and Tubes Panel Report, Mexico — Anti-Dumping Duties on Steel Pipes and Tubes from Guatemala, , adopted 24 July 2007, DSR 2007:IV, 1207
Mexico — Taxes on Soft Drinks Appellate Body Report, Mexico — Tax Measures on Soft Drinks and Other Beverages, , adopted 24 March 2006, DSR 2006:I, 3
Mexico — Taxes on Soft Drinks Panel Report, Mexico — Tax Measures on Soft Drinks and Other Beverages, , adopted 24 March 2006, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2006:I, 43
Mexico — Telecoms Panel Report, Mexico — Measures Affecting Telecommunications Services, , adopted 1 June 2004, DSR 2004:IV, 1537
Philippines — Distilled Spirits Panel Reports, Philippines — Taxes on Distilled Spirits, , , circulated to °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ Members 15 August 2011 [appeal in progress as of 30 September 2011]
Thailand — Cigarettes (Philippines) Appellate Body Report, Thailand — Customs and Fiscal Measures on Cigarettes from the Philippines, , adopted 15 July 2011
Thailand — Cigarettes (Philippines) Panel Report, Thailand — Customs and Fiscal Measures on Cigarettes from the Philippines, , adopted 15 July 2011, as modified by Appellate Body Report
Thailand — H-Beams Appellate Body Report, Thailand — Anti-Dumping Duties on Angles, Shapes and Sections of Iron or Non-Alloy Steel and H-Beams from Poland, , adopted 5 April 2001, DSR 2001: VII, 2701
Thailand — H-Beams Panel Report, Thailand — Anti-Dumping Duties on Angles, Shapes and Sections of Iron or Non-Alloy Steel and H-Beams from Poland, , adopted 5 April 2001, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2001:VII, 2741
Turkey — Rice Panel Report, Turkey — Measures Affecting the Importation of Rice, , adopted 22 October 2007, DSR 2007:VI, 2151
Turkey — Textiles Appellate Body Report, Turkey — Restrictions on Imports of Textile and Clothing Products, , adopted 19 November 1999, DSR 1999:VI, 2345
Turkey — Textiles Panel Report, Turkey — Restrictions on Imports of Textile and Clothing Products, , adopted 19 November 1999, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 1999:VI, 2363
US — 1916 Act Appellate Body Report, United States — Anti-Dumping Act of 1916, , , adopted 26 September 2000, DSR 2000:X, 4793
US — 1916 Act (EC) Panel Report, United States — Anti-Dumping Act of 1916, Complaint by the European Communities, and , adopted 26 September 2000, upheld by Appellate Body Report , , DSR 2000:X, 4593
US — 1916 Act (Japan) Panel Report, United States — Anti-Dumping Act of 1916, Complaint by Japan, and , adopted 26 September 2000, upheld by Appellate Body Report , , DSR 2000:X, 4831
US — 1916 Act (Article 21.3(c)) Award of the Arbitrator, United States — Anti-Dumping Act of 1916 — Arbitration under Article 21.3(c) of the DSU, , , 28 February 2001, DSR 2001:V, 2017
US — 1916 Act (EC) (Article 22.6 — US) Decision by the Arbitrators, United States — Anti-Dumping Act of 1916, Original Complaint by the European Communities — Recourse to Arbitration by the United States under Article 22.6 of the DSU, , 24 February 2004, DSR 2004:IX, 4269
US — Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duties (China) Appellate Body Report, United States — Definitive Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duties on Certain Products from China, , adopted 25 March 2011
US — Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duties (China) Panel Report, United States — Definitive Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duties on Certain Products from China, , adopted 25 March 2011, as modified by Appellate Body Report
US — Anti-Dumping Measures on Oil Country Tubular Goods Appellate Body Report, United States — Anti-Dumping Measures on Oil Country Tubular Goods (OCTG) from Mexico, , adopted 28 November 2005, DSR 2005:XX, 10127
US — Anti-Dumping Measures on Oil Country Tubular Goods Panel Report, United States — Anti-Dumping Measures on Oil Country Tubular Goods (OCTG) from Mexico, , adopted 28 November 2005, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2005:XXI, 10225
US — Anti-Dumping Measures on PET Bags Panel Report, United States — Anti-Dumping Measures on Polyethylene Retail Carrier Bags from Thailand, , adopted 18 February 2010
US — Carbon Steel Appellate Body Report, United States — Countervailing Duties on Certain Corrosion-Resistant Carbon Steel Flat Products from Germany, and , adopted 19 December 2002, DSR 2002:IX, 3779
US — Carbon Steel Panel Report, United States — Countervailing Duties on Certain Corrosion-Resistant Carbon Steel Flat Products from Germany, and , adopted 19 December 2002, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2002:IX, 3833
US — Certain EC Products Appellate Body Report, United States — Import Measures on Certain Products from the European Communities, , adopted 10 January 2001, DSR 2001:I, 373
US — Certain EC Products Panel Report, United States — Import Measures on Certain Products from the European Communities, and , adopted 10 January 2001, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2001:II, 413
US — Clove Cigarettes Panel Report, United States — Measures Affecting the Production and Sale of Clove Cigarettes, , circulated to °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ Members 2 September 2011 [adoption/appeal pending as of 30 September 2011]
US — Continued Suspension Appellate Body Report, United States — Continued Suspension of Obligations in the EC — Hormones Dispute, , adopted 14 November 2008, DSR 2008:X, 3507
US — Continued Suspension Panel Report, United States — Continued Suspension of Obligations in the EC — Hormones Dispute, , adopted 14 November 2008, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2008:XI, 3891
US — Continued Zeroing Appellate Body Report, United States — Continued Existence and Application of Zeroing Methodology, , adopted 19 February 2009
US — Continued Zeroing Panel Report, United States — Continued Existence and Application of Zeroing Methodology, , adopted 19 February 2009, as modified as Appellate Body Report
US — Corrosion-Resistant Steel Sunset Review Appellate Body Report, United States — Sunset Review of Anti-Dumping Duties on Corrosion-Resistant Carbon Steel Flat Products from Japan, , adopted 9 January 2004, DSR 2004:I, 3
US — Corrosion-Resistant Steel Sunset Review Panel Report, United States — Sunset Review of Anti-Dumping Duties on Corrosion-Resistant Carbon Steel Flat Products from Japan, , adopted 9 January 2004, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2004:I, 85
US — Cotton Yarn Appellate Body Report, United States — Transitional Safeguard Measure on Combed Cotton Yarn from Pakistan, , adopted 5 November 2001, DSR 2001:XII, 6027
US — Cotton Yarn Panel Report, United States — Transitional Safeguard Measure on Combed Cotton Yarn from Pakistan, , adopted 5 November 2001, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2001:XII, 6067
US — Countervailing Duty Investigation on DRAMS Appellate Body Report, United States — Countervailing Duty Investigation on Dynamic Random Access Memory Semiconductors (DRAMS) from Korea, , adopted 20 July 2005, DSR 2005:XVI, 8131
US — Countervailing Duty Investigation on DRAMS Panel Report, United States — Countervailing Duty Investigation on Dynamic Random Access Memory Semiconductors (DRAMS) from Korea, , adopted 20 July 2005, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2005:XVII, 8243
US — Countervailing Measures on Certain EC Products Appellate Body Report, United States — Countervailing Measures Concerning Certain Products from the European Communities, , adopted 8 January 2003, DSR 2003:I, 5
US — Countervailing Measures on Certain EC Products Panel Report, United States — Countervailing Measures Concerning Certain Products from the European Communities, , adopted 8 January 2003, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2003:I, 73
US — Countervailing Measures on Certain EC Products (Article 21.5 — EC) Panel Report, United States — Countervailing Measures Concerning Certain Products from the European Communities — Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by the European Communities, , adopted 27 September 2005, DSR 2005:XVIII, 8950
US — Customs Bond Directive Panel Report, United States — Customs Bond Directive for Merchandise Subject to Anti-Dumping/Countervailing Duties, , adopted 1 August 2008, as modified by Appellate Body Report / , DSR 2008:VIII, 2925
US — DRAMS Panel Report, United States — Anti-Dumping Duty on Dynamic Random Access Memory Semiconductors (DRAMS) of One Megabit or Above from Korea, , adopted 19 March 1999, DSR 1999:II, 521
US — DRAMS (Article 21.5 — Korea) Panel Report, United States — Anti-Dumping Duty on Dynamic Random Access Memory Semiconductors (DRAMS) of One Megabit or Above from Korea — Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by Korea, , 7 November 2000, unadopted
US — Export Restraints Panel Report, United States — Measures Treating Exports Restraints as Subsidies, and , adopted 23 August 2001, DSR 2001:XI, 5767
US — FSC Appellate Body Report, United States — Tax Treatment for “Foreign Sales Corporations”, , adopted 20 March 2000, DSR 2000:III, 1619
US — FSC Panel Report, United States — Tax Treatment for “Foreign Sales Corporations”, , adopted 20 March 2000, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2000:IV, 1675
US — FSC (Article 21.5 — EC) Appellate Body Report, United States — Tax Treatment for “Foreign Sales Corporations” — Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by the European Communities, , adopted 29 January 2002, DSR 2002:I, 55
US — FSC (Article 21.5 — EC) Panel Report, United States — Tax Treatment for “Foreign Sales Corporations” — Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by the European Communities, , adopted 29 January 2002, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2002:I, 119
US — FSC (Article 21.5 — EC II) Appellate Body Report, United States — Tax Treatment for “Foreign Sales Corporations” — Second Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by the European Communities, , adopted 14 March 2006, DSR 2006:XI, 4721
US — FSC (Article 21.5 — EC II) Panel Report, United States — Tax Treatment for “Foreign Sales Corporations” — Second Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by the European Communities, , adopted 14 March 2006, upheld by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2006:XI, 4761
US — FSC (Article 22.6 — US) Decision by the Arbitrator, United States — Tax Treatment for “Foreign Sales Corporations” — Recourse to Arbitration by the United States under Article 22.6 of the DSU and Article 4.11 of the SCM Agreement, , 30 August 2002, DSR 2002:VI, 2517
US — Gambling Appellate Body Report, United States — Measures Affecting the Cross-Border Supply of Gambling and Betting Services, , adopted 20 April 2005, DSR 2005:XII, 5663 (, DSR 2006:XII, 5475)
US — Gambling Panel Report, United States — Measures Affecting the Cross-Border Supply of Gambling and Betting Services, , adopted 20 April 2005, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2005:XII, 5797
US — Gambling (Article 21.3(c)) Award of the Arbitrator, United States — Measures Affecting the Cross-Border Supply of Gambling and Betting Services — Arbitration under Article 21.3(c) of the DSU, , 19 August 2005, DSR 2005:XXIII, 11639
US — Gambling (Article 21.5 — Antigua and Barbuda) Panel Report, United States — Measures Affecting the Cross-Border Supply of Gambling and Betting Services — Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by Antigua and Barbuda, , adopted 22 May 2007, DSR 2007:VIII, 3105
US — Gambling (Article 22.6 — US) Decision by the Arbitrator, United States — Measures Affecting the Cross-Border Supply of Gambling and Betting Services — Recourse to Arbitration by the United States under Article 22.6 of the DSU, , 21 December 2007, DSR 2007:X, 4163
US — Gasoline Appellate Body Report, United States — Standards for Reformulated and Conventional Gasoline, , adopted 20 May 1996, DSR 1996:I, 3
US — Gasoline Panel Report, United States — Standards for Reformulated and Conventional Gasoline, , adopted 20 May 1996, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 1996:I, 29
US — Hot-Rolled Steel Appellate Body Report, United States — Anti-Dumping Measures on Certain Hot-Rolled Steel Products from Japan, , adopted 23 August 2001, DSR 2001:X, 4697
US — Hot-Rolled Steel Panel Report, United States — Anti-Dumping Measures on Certain Hot-Rolled Steel Products from Japan, , adopted 23 August 2001 modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2001:X, 4769
US — Hot-Rolled Steel (Article 21.3(c)) Award of the Arbitrator, United States — Anti-Dumping Measures on Certain Hot-Rolled Steel Products from Japan — Arbitration under Article 21.3(c) of the DSU, , 19 February 2002, DSR 2002:IV, 1389
US — Lamb Appellate Body Report, United States — Safeguard Measures on Imports of Fresh, Chilled or Frozen Lamb Meat from New Zealand and Australia, , , adopted 16 May 2001, DSR 2001:IX, 4051
US — Lamb Panel Report, United States — Safeguard Measures on Imports of Fresh, Chilled or Frozen Lamb Meat from New Zealand and Australia, , , adopted 16 May 2001, as modified by Appellate Body Report , , DSR 2001:IX, 4107
US — Large Civil Aircraft (2nd complaint) Panel Report, United States — Measures Affecting Trade in Large Civil Aircraft (Second Complaint), , circulated to °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ Members 31 March 2011 [appeal in progress as of 30 September 2011]
US — Lead and Bismuth II Appellate Body Report, United States — Imposition of Countervailing Duties on Certain Hot-Rolled Lead and Bismuth Carbon Steel Products Originating in the United Kingdom, , adopted 7 June 2000, DSR 2000:V, 2595
US — Lead and Bismuth II Panel Report, United States — Imposition of Countervailing Duties on Certain Hot-Rolled Lead and Bismuth Carbon Steel Products Originating in the United Kingdom, and , adopted 7 June 2000, upheld by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2000:VI, 2623
US — Line Pipe Appellate Body Report, United States — Definitive Safeguard Measures on Imports of Circular Welded Carbon Quality Line Pipe from Korea, , adopted 8 March 2002, DSR 2002:IV, 1403
US — Line Pipe Panel Report, United States — Definitive Safeguard Measures on Imports of Circular Welded Carbon Quality Line Pipe from Korea, , adopted 8 March 2002, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2002:IV, 1473
US — Line Pipe (Article 21.3(c)) Report of the Arbitrator, United States — Definitive Safeguard Measures on Imports of Circular Welded Carbon Quality Line Pipe from Korea — Arbitration under Article 21.3(c) of the DSU, , 26 July 2002, DSR 2002:V, 2061
US — Offset Act (Byrd Amendment) Appellate Body Report, United States — Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act of 2000, , , adopted 27 January 2003, DSR 2003:I, 375
US — Offset Act (Byrd Amendment) Panel Report, United States — Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act of 2000, , , adopted 27 January 2003, as modified by Appellate Body Report , , DSR 2003:II, 489
US — Offset Act (Byrd Amendment) (Article 21.3(c)) Award of the Arbitrator, United States — Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act of 2000 — Arbitration under Article 21.3(c) of the DSU, , , 13 June 2003, DSR 2003:III, 1163
US — Offset Act (Byrd Amendment) (Brazil) (Article 22.6 — US) Decision by the Arbitrator, United States — Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act of 2000, Original Complaint by Brazil — Recourse to Arbitration by the United States under Article 22.6 of the DSU, , 31 August 2004, DSR 2004:IX, 4341
US — Offset Act (Byrd Amendment) (Canada) (Article 22.6 — US) Decision by the Arbitrator, United States — Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act of 2000, Original Complaint by Canada — Recourse to Arbitration by the United States under Article 22.6 of the DSU, , 31 August 2004, DSR 2004:IX, 4425
US — Offset Act (Byrd Amendment) (Chile) (Article 22.6 — US) Decision by the Arbitrator, United States — Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act of 2000, Original Complaint by Chile — Recourse to Arbitration by the United States under Article 22.6 of the DSU, , 31 August 2004, DSR 2004:IX, 4511
US — Offset Act (Byrd Amendment) (EC) (Article 22.6 — US) Decision by the Arbitrator, United States — Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act of 2000, Original Complaint by the European Communities — Recourse to Arbitration by the United States under Article 22.6 of the DSU, , 31 August 2004, DSR 2004:IX, 4591
US — Offset Act (Byrd Amendment) (India) (Article 22.6 — US) Decision by the Arbitrator, United States — Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act of 2000, Original Complaint by India — Recourse to Arbitration by the United States under Article 22.6 of the DSU, , 31 August 2004, DSR 2004:X, 4691
US — Offset Act (Byrd Amendment) (Japan) (Article 22.6 — US) Decision by the Arbitrator, United States — Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act of 2000, Original Complaint by Japan — Recourse to Arbitration by the United States under Article 22.6 of the DSU, , 31 August 2004, DSR 2004:X, 4771
US — Offset Act (Byrd Amendment) (Korea) (Article 22.6 — US) Decision by the Arbitrator, United States — Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act of 2000, Original Complaint by Korea — Recourse to Arbitration by the United States under Article 22.6 of the DSU, , 31 August 2004, DSR 2004:X, 4851
US — Offset Act (Byrd Amendment) (Mexico) (Article 22.6 — US) Decision by the Arbitrator, United States — Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act of 2000, Original Complaint by Mexico — Recourse to Arbitration by the United States under Article 22.6 of the DSU, , 31 August 2004, DSR 2004:X, 4931
US — Oil Country Tubular Goods Sunset Reviews Appellate Body Report, United States — Sunset Reviews of Anti-Dumping Measures on Oil Country Tubular Goods from Argentina, , adopted 17 December 2004, DSR 2004:VII, 3257
US — Oil Country Tubular Goods Sunset Reviews Panel Report, United States — Sunset Reviews of Anti-Dumping Measures on Oil Country Tubular Goods from Argentina, and , adopted 17 December 2004, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2004:VIII, 3421
US — Oil Country Tubular Goods Sunset Reviews (Article 21.3(c)) Award of the Arbitrator, United States — Sunset Reviews of Anti-Dumping Measures on Oil Country Tubular Goods from Argentina — Arbitration under Article 21.3(c) of the DSU, , 7 June 2005, DSR 2005:XXIII, 11619
US — Oil Country Tubular Goods Sunset Reviews (Article 21.5 — Argentina) Appellate Body Report, United States — Sunset Reviews of Anti-Dumping Measures on Oil Country Tubular Goods from Argentina — Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by Argentina, , adopted 11 May 2007, DSR 2007:IX, 3523
US — Oil Country Tubular Goods Sunset Reviews (Article 21.5 — Argentina) Panel Report, United States — Sunset Reviews of Anti-Dumping Measures on Oil Country Tubular Goods from Argentina — Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by Argentina, , adopted 11 May 2007, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2007:IX-X, 3609
US — Orange Juice (Brazil) Panel Report, United States — Anti-Dumping Administrative Reviews and Other Measures Related to Imports of Certain Orange Juice from Brazil, , adopted 17 June 2011
US — Poultry (China) Panel Report, United States — Certain Measures Affecting Imports of Poultry from China, , adopted 25 October 2010
US — Section 110(5) Copyright Act Panel Report, United States — Section 110(5) of the US Copyright Act, , adopted 27 July 2000, DSR 2000:VIII, 3769
US — Section 110(5) Copyright Act (Article 21.3(c)) Award of the Arbitrator, United States — Section 110(5) of the US Copyright Act — Arbitration under Article 21.3(c) of the DSU, , 15 January 2001, DSR 2001:II, 657
US — Section 110(5) Copyright Act (Article 25) Award of the Arbitrators, United States — Section 110(5) of the US Copyright Act — Recourse to Arbitration under Article 25 of the DSU, , 9 November 2001, DSR 2001:II, 667
US — Section 129(c)(1) URAA Panel Report, United States — Section 129(c)(1) of the Uruguay Round Agreements Act, , adopted 30 August 2002, DSR 2002:VII, 2581
US — Section 211 Appropriations Act Appellate Body Report, United States — Section 211 Omnibus Appropriations Act of 1998, , adopted 1 February 2002, DSR 2002:II, 589
US — Section 211 Appropriations Act Panel Report, United States — Section 211 Omnibus Appropriations Act of 1998, , adopted 1 February 2002, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2002:II, 683
US — Section 301 Trade Act Panel Report, United States — Sections 301–310 of the Trade Act of 1974, , adopted 27 January 2000, DSR 2000:II, 815
US — Shrimp Appellate Body Report, United States — Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products, , adopted 6 November 1998, DSR 1998:VII, 2755
US — Shrimp Panel Report, United States — Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products, and , adopted 6 November 1998, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 1998:VII, 2821
US — Shrimp (Article 21.5 — Malaysia) Appellate Body Report, United States — Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products — Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by Malaysia, , adopted 21 November 2001, DSR 2001:XIII, 6481
US — Shrimp (Article 21.5 — Malaysia) Panel Report, United States — Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products — Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by Malaysia, , adopted 21 November 2001, upheld by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2001: XIII, 6529
US — Shrimp (Ecuador) Panel Report, United States — Anti-Dumping Measure on Shrimp from Ecuador, , adopted on 20 February 2007, DSR 2007:II, 425
US — Shrimp (Thailand) /US — Customs Bond Directive Appellate Body Report, United States — Measures Relating to Shrimp from Thailand / United States — Customs Bond Directive for Merchandise Subject to Anti-Dumping/Countervailing Duties, / , adopted 1 August 2008, DSR 2008:VII, 2385 / DSR 2008:VIII, 2773
US — Shrimp (Thailand) Panel Report, United States — Measures Relating to Shrimp from Thailand, , adopted 1 August 2008, as modified by Appellate Body Report / , DSR 2008:VII, 2539
US — Shrimp (Viet Nam) Panel Report, United States — Anti-Dumping Measures on Certain Shrimp from Viet Nam, , adopted 2 September 2011
US — Softwood Lumber III Panel Report, United States — Preliminary Determinations with Respect to Certain Softwood Lumber from Canada, , adopted 1 November 2002, DSR 2002:IX, 3597
US — Softwood Lumber IV Appellate Body Report, United States — Final Countervailing Duty Determination with Respect to Certain Softwood Lumber from Canada, , adopted 17 February 2004, DSR 2004: II, 571
US — Softwood Lumber IV Panel Report, United States — Final Countervailing Duty Determination with Respect to Certain Softwood Lumber from Canada, and , adopted 17 February 2004, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2004:II, 641
US — Softwood Lumber IV (Article 21.5 — Canada) Appellate Body Report, United States — Final Countervailing Duty Determination with Respect to Certain Softwood Lumber from Canada — Recourse by Canada to Article 21.5 of the DSU, , adopted 20 December 2005, DSR 2005:XXIII, 11357
US — Softwood Lumber IV (Article 21.5 — Canada) Panel Report, United States — Final Countervailing Duty Determination with Respect to Certain Softwood Lumber from Canada — Recourse by Canada to Article 21.5 [of the DSU], , adopted 20 December 2005, upheld by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2005:XXIII, 11401
US — Softwood Lumber V Appellate Body Report, United States — Final Dumping Determination on Softwood Lumber from Canada, , adopted 31 August 2004, DSR 2004:V, 1875
US — Softwood Lumber V Panel Report, United States — Final Dumping Determination on Softwood Lumber from Canada, , adopted 31 August 2004, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2004:V, 1937
US — Softwood Lumber V (Article 21.3(c)) Report of the Arbitrator, United States — Final Dumping Determination on Softwood Lumber from Canada — Arbitration under Article 21.3(c) of the DSU, , 13 December 2004, DSR 2004:X, 5011
US — Softwood Lumber V (Article 21.5 — Canada) Appellate Body Report, United States — Final Dumping Determination on Softwood Lumber from Canada — Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by Canada, , adopted 1 September 2006, DSR 2006:XII, 5087
US — Softwood Lumber V (Article 21.5 — Canada) Panel Report, United States — Final Dumping Determination on Softwood Lumber from Canada — Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by Canada, , adopted 1 September 2006, as reversed by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2006: XII, 5147
US — Softwood Lumber VI Panel Report, United States — Investigation of the International Trade Commission in Softwood Lumber from Canada, , adopted 26 April 2004, DSR 2004:VI, 2485
US — Softwood Lumber VI (Article 21.5 — Canada) Appellate Body Report, United States — Investigation of the International Trade Commission in Softwood Lumber from Canada — Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by Canada, , adopted 9 May 2006, and , DSR 2006:XI, 4865
US — Softwood Lumber VI (Article 21.5 — Canada) Panel Report, United States — Investigation of the International Trade Commission in Softwood Lumber from Canada — Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by Canada, , adopted 9 May 2006, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2006:XI, 4935
US — Stainless Steel (Korea) Panel Report, United States — Anti-Dumping Measures on Stainless Steel Plate in Coils and Stainless Steel Sheet and Strip from Korea, , adopted 1 February 2001, DSR 2001:IV, 1295
US — Stainless Steel (Mexico) Appellate Body Report, United States — Final Anti-Dumping Measures on Stainless Steel from Mexico, , adopted 20 May 2008, DSR 2008:II, 513
US — Stainless Steel (Mexico) Panel Report, United States — Final Anti-Dumping Measures on Stainless Steel from Mexico, , adopted 20 May 2008, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2008:II, 599
US — Stainless Steel (Mexico) (Article 21.3(c)) Award of the Arbitrator, United States — Final Anti-Dumping Measures on Stainless Steel from Mexico — Arbitration under Article 21.3(c) of the DSU, , 31 October 2008
US — Steel Plate Panel Report, United States — Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Measures on Steel Plate from India, and , adopted 29 July 2002, DSR 2002:VI, 2073
US — Steel Safeguards Appellate Body Report, United States — Definitive Safeguard Measures on Imports of Certain Steel Products, , , , , , , , , adopted 10 December 2003, DSR 2003:VII, 3117
US — Steel Safeguards Panel Reports, United States — Definitive Safeguard Measures on Imports of Certain Steel Products, / / / / / / / , and , adopted 10 December 2003, as modified by Appellate Body Report , , , , , , , , DSR 2003:VIII, 3273
US — Textiles Rules of Origin Panel Report, United States — Rules of Origin for Textiles and Apparel Products, and , adopted 23 July 2003, DSR 2003:VI, 2309
US — Tuna II (Mexico) Panel Report, United States — Measures Concerning the Importation, Marketing and Sale of Tuna and Tuna Products, , circulated to °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ Members 15 September 2011 [adoption/appeal pending as of 30 September 2011]
US — Tyres (China) Appellate Body Report, United States — Measures Affecting Imports of Certain Passenger Vehicle and Light Truck Tyres from China, , circulated to °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ Members 5 September 2011 [adoption pending as of 30 September 2011]
US — Tyres (China) Panel Report, United States — Measures Affecting Imports of Certain Passenger Vehicle and Light Truck Tyres from China, , upheld by Appellate Body Report [appealed/ adoption pending as of 30 September 2011]
US — Underwear Appellate Body Report, United States — Restrictions on Imports of Cotton and Man-made Fibre Underwear, , adopted 25 February 1997, DSR 1997:I, 11
US — Underwear Panel Report, United States — Restrictions on Imports of Cotton and Man-made Fibre Underwear, , adopted 25 February 1997, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 1997:I, 31
US — Upland Cotton Appellate Body Report, United States — Subsidies on Upland Cotton, , adopted 21 March 2005, DSR 2005:I, 3
US — Upland Cotton Panel Report, United States — Subsidies on Upland Cotton, , , and to , adopted 21 March 2005, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2005:II, 299
US — Upland Cotton (Article 21.5 — Brazil) Appellate Body Report, United States — Subsidies on Upland Cotton — Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by Brazil, , adopted 20 June 2008, DSR 2008:III, 809
US — Upland Cotton (Article 21.5 — Brazil) Panel Report, United States — Subsidies on Upland Cotton — Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by Brazil, and , adopted 20 June 2008, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2008:III, 997 to DSR 2008:VI, 2013
US — Upland Cotton (Article 22.6 — US I) Decision by the Arbitrator, United States — Subsidies on Upland Cotton — Recourse to Arbitration by the United States under Article 22.6 of the DSU and Article 4.11 of the SCM Agreement, , 31 August 2009
US — Upland Cotton (Article 22.6 — US II) Decision by the Arbitrator, United States — Subsidies on Upland Cotton — Recourse to Arbitration by the United States under Article 22.6 of the DSU and Article 7.10 of the SCM Agreement, and , 31 August 2009
US — Wheat Gluten Appellate Body Report, United States — Definitive Safeguard Measures on Imports of Wheat Gluten from the European Communities, , adopted 19 January 2001, DSR 2001:II, 717
US — Wheat Gluten Panel Report, United States — Definitive Safeguard Measures on Imports of Wheat Gluten from the European Communities, , adopted 19 January 2001, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2001:III, 779
US — Wool Shirts and Blouses Appellate Body Report, United States — Measure Affecting Imports of Woven Wool Shirts and Blouses from India, , adopted 23 May 1997, and , DSR 1997:I, 323
US — Wool Shirts and Blouses Panel Report, United States — Measure Affecting Imports of Woven Wool Shirts and Blouses from India, , adopted 23 May 1997, upheld by Appellate Body Report , DSR 1997:I, 343
US — Zeroing (EC) Appellate Body Report, United States — Laws, Regulations and Methodology for Calculating Dumping Margins (“Zeroing”), , adopted 9 May 2006, and , DSR 2006:II, 417
US — Zeroing (EC) Panel Report, United States — Laws, Regulations and Methodology for Calculating Dumping Margins (“Zeroing”), , adopted 9 May 2006, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2006:II, 521
US — Zeroing (EC) (Article 21.5 — EC) Appellate Body Report, United States — Laws, Regulations and Methodology for Calculating Dumping Margins (“Zeroing”) — Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by the European Communities, and , adopted 11 June 2009
US — Zeroing (EC) (Article 21.5 — EC) Panel Report, United States — Laws, Regulations and Methodology for Calculating Dumping Margins (“Zeroing”) — Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by the European Communities, , adopted 11 June 2009, as modified by Appellate Body Report
US — Zeroing (Japan) Appellate Body Report, United States — Measures Relating to Zeroing and Sunset Reviews, , adopted 23 January 2007, DSR 2007:I, 3
US — Zeroing (Japan) Panel Report, United States — Measures Relating to Zeroing and Sunset Reviews, , adopted 23 January 2007, as modified by Appellate Body Report , DSR 2007:I, 97
US — Zeroing (Japan) (Article 21.3(c)) Report of the Arbitrator, United States — Measures Relating to Zeroing and Sunset Reviews — Arbitration under Article 21.3(c) of the DSU, , 11 May 2007, DSR 2007:X, 4160
US — Zeroing (Japan) (Article 21.5 — Japan) Appellate Body Report, United States — Measures Relating to Zeroing and Sunset Reviews — Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by Japan, , adopted 31 August 2009
US — Zeroing (Japan) (Article 21.5 — Japan) Panel Report, United States — Measures Relating to Zeroing and Sunset Reviews — Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by Japan, , adopted 31 August 2009, upheld by Appellate Body Report
US — Zeroing (Korea) Panel Report, United States — Use of Zeroing in Anti-Dumping Measures Involving Products from Korea, , adopted 24 February 2011



  • 1 The International Dairy Agreement and the International Bovine Meat Agreement were originally included in Annex 4 of the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization. These Agreements were terminated in September 1997. On 10 December 1997, the General Council adopted decisions deleting these Agreements from Annex 4 (, ). Accordingly, they are not included in this work. Back to text
  • 2 As of 30 September 2011, several panel reports referred to in this work are either under appeal, or have potential appeals pending. These include the panel reports in (under appeal), (under appeal), (under appeal), (adoption/appeal pending), and (adoption/ appeal pending). Back to text
  • 3 GATT Analytical Index: Guide to GATT Law and Practice, Updated 6th Edition (1995) (“GATT Analytical Index”). Back to text
  • 4 Where reference is made to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1947, the abbreviation “GATT 1947” is used. Back to text
  • 5 Document symbols may include sub-designations, including: COM (Communication), D (Dispute), INF (Information and/or List of Representatives), M (Minutes), N (Notification), Q (Questions and Replies), R (Report), W (Working Paper), Add. (Addition), Corr. (Corrigendum), Rev. (Revision). Back to text