Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights

The texts reproduced here do not have the legal standing of the original documents which are entrusted and kept at the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ Secretariat in Geneva.


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Table of contents 

I. Preamble  back to top

A. Text of the Preamble
B. Interpretation and Application of the Preamble

II. Article 1  back to top

A. Text of Article 1
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 1

1. Article 1.1

(a) General

(b) “Members shall give effect to the provisions of this Agreement”

(c) “free to determine the appropriate method of implementing”

2. Article 1.2

3. Article 1.3

(a) “Nationals of other Members”

(b) “Criteria for eligibility for protection provided for in the Paris Convention (1967)”

(c) Footnote 1 to Article 1.3

(i) “Separate customs territory Member of the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ”

(ii) “domiciled”; “real and effective industrial and commercial establishment”

III. Article 2 and Incorporated Provisions of the Paris Convention (1967)  back to top

A. Text of Article 2
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 2 and Incorporated Provisions of the Paris Convention (1967)

1. Article 2.1 of the TRIPS Agreement

2. Article 2(1) of the Paris Convention (1967) as incorporated in the TRIPS Agreement

3. Article 2(2) of the Paris Convention (1967) as incorporated in the TRIPS Agreement

4. Article 3 of the Paris Convention (1967) as incorporated in the TRIPS Agreement

5. Article 6 of the Paris Convention (1967) as incorporated in the TRIPS Agreement

6. Article 6bis of the Paris Convention (1967) as incorporated in the TRIPS Agreement

7. Article 6ter of the Paris Convention (1967) as incorporated in the TRIPS Agreement

8. Article 6quinquies of the Paris Convention (1967) as incorporated in the TRIPS Agreement

9. Article 8 of the Paris Convention (1967) as incorporated in the TRIPS Agreement

10. Article 10(2) of the Paris Convention (1967) as incorporated in the TRIPS Agreement

11. Article 2.2 of the TRIPS Agreement

IV. Article 3  back to top

A. Text of Article 3
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 3

1. Article 3.1

(a) “Each Member”

(b) “the nationals of other Members”

(c) “treatment no less favourable”

(d) “own nationals”

(e) “with respect to the protection of intellectual property”

(f) Footnote 3

(g) Notification requirements

2. Relationship with other Articles

3. Relationship with other °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ Agreements

V. Article 4  back to top

A. Text of Article 4
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 4

1. General

2. Chapeau

(a) “the protection of intellectual property”

(b) “any advantage, favour, privilege or immunity granted by a Member”

(c) “immediately and unconditionally”

(d) “to the nationals of any other country”

3. Article 4(d)

(a) Notification requirements

4. Footnote 3

VI. Article 5  back to top

A. Text of Article 5
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 5

1. Notification

VII. Article 6  back to top

A. Text of Article 6
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 6

VIII. Article 7  back to top

A. Text of Article 7
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 7

1. Relationship with other Articles

IX. Article 8  back to top

A. Text of Article 8
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 8

1. Article 8.1

2. Relationship with other Articles

X. Article 9 and Incorporated Provisions of the Berne Convention (1971)  back to top

A. Text of Article 9
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 9 and Incorporated Provisions of the Berne Convention (1971)

1. Relationship with the Berne Convention (1971)

2. Article 5(1) of the Berne Convention (1971) as incorporated in the TRIPS Agreement

(a) Scope of Article 5(1)

3. Article 11 of the Berne Convention (1971) as incorporated in the TRIPS Agreement

(a) Scope of Article 11

(b) Paragraph 1

(c) Relationship between Article 11 of the Berne Convention (1971) and other Articles of this Convention.

4. Article 11bis of the Berne Convention (1971) as incorporated in the TRIPS Agreement

(a) Paragraph 1

(b) Paragraph 2

(c) Relationship between Article 11bis of the Berne Convention (1971) and other Articles of the Convention

(d) Minor exceptions doctrine

(e) Relationship between Article 11bis(2) of the Berne Convention (1971) and Article 13 of the TRIPS Agreement

5. Article 17 of the Berne Convention (1971) as incorporated in the TRIPS Agreement

(a) Scope of Article 17

6. Article 20 of the Berne Convention (1971) as incorporated in the TRIPS Agreement

7. Appendix to the Berne Convention (1971) as incorporated in the TRIPS Agreement

XI. Article 10  back to top

A. Text of Article 10
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 10

XII. Article 11  back to top

A. Text of Article 11
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 11

XIII. Article 12  back to top

A. Text of Article 12
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 12

XIV. Article 13  back to top

A. Text of Article 13
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 13

1. General

(a) Scope

(b) Relationship with other Articles

(c) “certain special cases”

(d) “do not conflict with a normal exploitation of the work”

(e) “do not unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the right holder”

XV. Article 14  back to top

A. Text of Article 14
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 14

XVI. Article 15  back to top

A. Text of Article 15
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 15

1. Article 15.1

2. Article 15.2

XVII. Article 16  back to top

A. Text of Article 16
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 16

1. General

2. Article 16.1

(a) “The owner”

(b) “The exclusive right”

(c) “a likelihood of confusion shall be presumed”

(d) “making rights available on the basis of use”

XVIII. Article 17  back to top

A. Text of Article 17
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 17

1. General

(a) “Limited exceptions”

(b) “such as fair use of descriptive terms”

(c) “legitimate interests”

(d) “take account of the legitimate interests of the owner of the trademark”

(e) “legitimate interests of … third parties”

(f) Burden of Proof

(g) Relationship with other Articles

XIX. Article 18  back to top

A. Text of Article 18
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 18

XX. Article 19  back to top

A. Text of Article 19
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 19

XXI. Article 20  back to top

A. Text of Article 20
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 20

XXII. Article 21  back to top

A. Text of Article 21
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 21

XXIII. Article 22  back to top

A. Text of Article 22
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 22

1. General

2. Article 22.1

(a) “In respect of”

(b) “geographical indications”

3. Article 22.2

(a) “M±ð³¾²ú±ð°ù²õ”

(b) “Interested parties”

(c) No right of objection in Article 22.2

4. Article 22.3

5. Relationship with other Articles

(a) Relationship with Article 16.1

(b) Relationship with Article 24.5

XXIV. Article 23  back to top

A. Text of Article 23
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 23

1. General

2. Article 23.1

3. Article 23.2

4. Article 23.4

5. Relationship with other Articles

XXV. Article 24  back to top

A. Text of Article 24
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 24

1. Article 24.2

2. Article 24.3

(a) “In implementing this Section”

(b) “the protection of geographical indications that existed in that Member”

(c) “the date of entry into force of the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ Agreement”

3. Article 24.5

(a) “the eligibility for or the validity of the registration of a trademark” and “the right to use a trademark”

(b) “this Section”

XXVI. Article 25  back to top

A. Text of Article 25
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 25

XXVII. Article 26  back to top

A. Text of Article 26
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 26

1. Article 26.2

XXVIII. Article 27  back to top

A. Text of Article 27
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 27

1. Article 27.1

(a) “Without discrimination”

(b) “the field of technology”

2. Article 27.3

3. Relationship with other Articles

XXIX. Article 28  back to top

A. Text of Article 28
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 28

XXX. Article 29  back to top

A. Text of Article 29
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 29

XXXI. Article 30  back to top

A. Text of Article 30
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 30

1. General

2. “limited exceptions”

3. “do not unreasonably conflict with a normal exploitation of the patent”

4. “do not unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the patent owner, taking account of the legitimate interests of third parties”

5. Relationship with other Articles

XXXII. Article 31  back to top

A. Text of Article 31
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 31

XXXIII. Article 32  back to top

A. Text of Article 32
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 32

XXXIV. Article 33  back to top

A. Text of Article 33
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 33

1. General

(a) Basic structure

(b) Relationship with other Articles

XXXV. Article 34  back to top

A. Text of Article 34
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 34

XXXVI. Article 35 and Incorporated Provisions of the IPIC Treaty  back to top

A. Text of Article 35
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 35 and Incorporated Provisions of the IPIC Treaty

XXXVII. Article 36  back to top

A. Text of Article 36
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 36

XXXVIII. Article 37  back to top

A. Text of Article 37
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 37

XXXIX. Article 38  back to top

A. Text of Article 38
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 38

XL. Article 39  back to top

A. Text of Article 39
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 39

XLI. Article 40  back to top

A. Text of Article 40
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 40

XLII. Article 41  back to top

A. Text of Article 41
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 41

1. General

2. Article 41.1

3. Article 41.2

4. Article 41.3

5. Relationship between Article 41 and other Articles of the TRIPS Agreement and the Berne Convention

XLIII. Article 42  back to top

A. Text of Article 42
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 42

1. “right holders”

2. Rights covered by Article 42

XLIV. Article 43  back to top

A. Text of Article 43
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 43

XLV. Article 44  back to top

A. Text of Article 44
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 44

XLVI. Article 45  back to top

A. Text of Article 45
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 45

XLVII. Article 46  back to top

A. Text of Article 46
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 46

1. General

XLVIII. Article 47  back to top

A. Text of Article 47
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 47

XLIX. Article 48  back to top

A. Text of Article 48
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 48

L. Article 49  back to top

A. Text of Article 49
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 49

LI. Article 50  back to top

A. Text of Article 50
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 50

LII. Article 51  back to top

A. Text of Article 51
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 51

1. General

2. Scope

LIII. Article 52  back to top

A. Text of Article 52
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 52

LIV. Article 53  back to top

A. Text of Article 53
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 53

LV. Article 54  back to top

A. Text of Article 54
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 54

LVI. Article 55  back to top

A. Text of Article 55
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 55

LVII. Article 56  back to top

A. Text of Article 56
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 56

LVIII. Article 57  back to top

A. Text of Article 57
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 57

LIX. Article 58  back to top

A. Text of Article 58
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 58

LX. Article 59  back to top

A. Text of Article 59
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 59

1. “infringing goods”

2. “shall have the authority”

3. “d¾±²õ±è´Ç²õ²¹±ô

4. “the principles set out in Article 46”

(a) General

(b) Principle in the first sentence of Article 46: “outside the channels of commerce in such a manner as to avoid any harm caused to the right holder”

(c) Principle in the fourth sentence of Article 46: “simple removal of the trademark unlawfully affixed”

LXI. Article 60  back to top

A. Text of Article 60
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 60

1. Relationship with other Articles

LXII. Article 61  back to top

A. Text of Article 61
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 61

1. General

2. The first sentence of Article 61

(a) General

(b) “trademark counterfeiting or copyright piracy”

(c) “on a commercial scale”

3. Relationship with other Articles

LXIII. Article 62  back to top

A. Text of Article 62
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 62

1. Article 62.2

2. Article 62.4

LXIV. Article 63  back to top

A. Text of Article 63
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 63

1. Article 63.2

(a) Notification requirements

LXV. Article 64  back to top

A. Text of Article 64
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 64

1. Articles of the TRIPS Agreement invoked in panel and Appellate Body proceedings

2. Article 64.2 and 64.3

LXVI. Article 65  back to top

A. Text of Article 65
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 65

1. General

2. Article 65.4

(a) “an additional period of five years”

3. Article 65.5

(a) “changes … do not result in a lesser degree of consistency”

4. Relationship with other Articles

LXVII. Article 66  back to top

A. Text of Article 66
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 66

1. Article 66.1

(a) Extension of transition period

(b) Relationship with other Articles

2. Article 66.2

LXVIII. Article 67  back to top

A. Text of Article 67
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 67

LXIX. Article 68  back to top

A. Text of Article 68
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 68

1. Rules of procedure of the Council for TRIPS

2. Observer status

(a) Organizations granted observer status

(b) Organizations having ad hoc observer status

3. Cooperation with WIPO

LXX. Article 69  back to top

A. Text of Article 69
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 69

1. Notification requirements

LXXI. Article 70  back to top

A. Text of Article 70
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 70

1. General

(a) Relationship between Article 70.1 and 70.2

2. Article 70.1

(a) “acts which occurred before the date of application of the Agreement”

3. Article 70.2

(a) “subject matter existing at the date of application of this Agreement”

4. Article 70.8

(a) “a means by which applications for patents for such inventions can be filed”

5. Article 70.9

(a) “exclusive marketing rights”

(b) Least-developed country Members

6. Relationship with other Articles

(a) Relationship between Section 5 of Part II and Article 70.2

(b) Relationships between Articles 65 and 66 and Article 70.8 and 70.9

LXXII. Article 71  back to top

A. Text of Article 71
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 71

LXXIII. Article 72  back to top

A. Text of Article 72
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 72

LXXIV. Article 73  back to top

A. Text of Article 73
B. Interpretation and Application of Article 73

LXXV. Text of the Provisions of the Paris Convention (1967) Incorporated by Article 2.1 of the TRIPS Agreement  back to top

LXXVI. Text of the Provisions of the Berne Convention (1971) Incorporated by Article 9.1 of the TRIPS Agreement  back to top

LXXVII. Text of the Provisions of the IPIC Treaty Incorporated by Article 35 of the TRIPS Agreement  back to top

LXXVIII. Text of the Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health  back to top