GATT Analytical Index

This book provides a guide to the interpretation and application of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, drawn from official documentary sources of the GATT. The material is arranged in forty-three chapters covering the Preamble of the General Agreement, its thirty-nine Articles, Part IV, provisional application of the General Agreement, and the institutional and decision-making practice of the GATT, plus appendix tables and this introduction.

Table of contents




Part I

Article I

General Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment

Article II

Schedules of Concessions


Part II

Article III

National Treatment on Internal Taxation and Regulation

Article IV

Special Provisions relating to Cinematograph Films

Article V

Freedom of Transit

Article VI

Anti-dumping and Countervailing Duties

Article VII

Valuation for Customs Purposes

Article VIII

Fees and Formalities connected with Importation and Exportation

Article IX

Marks of Origin

Article X

Publication and Administration of Trade Regulations

Article XI

General Elimination of Quantitative Restrictions

Article XII

Restrictions to Safeguard the Balance of Payments

Article XIII

Non-discriminatory Administration of Quantitative Restrictions

Article XIV

Exceptions to the Rule of Non-discrimination

Article XV

Exchange Arrangements

Article XVI


Article XVII

State Trading Enterprises

Article XVIII

Governmental Assistance to Economic Development

Article XIX

Emergency Action on Imports of Particular Products

Article XX

General Exceptions

Article XXI

Security Exceptions

Article XXII


Article XXIII

Nullification or Impairment


Part III

Article XXIV

Territorial Application — Frontier Traffic — Customs Unions and Free-trade Areas

Article XXV

Joint Action by the Contracting Parties

Article XXVI

Acceptance, Entry into Force and Registration

Article XXVII

Withholding or Withdrawal of Concessions

Article XXVIII

Modification of Schedules

Article XXVIII bis

Tariff Negotiations

Article XXIX

The Relation of this Agreement to the Havana Charter

Article XXX


Article XXXI


Article XXXII

Contracting Parties

Article XXXIII


Article XXXIV


Article XXXV

Non-application of the Agreement between Particular Contracting Parties


Part IV — Trade and development

Article XXXVI

Principles and Objectives

Article XXXVII



Joint Action


Provisional application of the general agreement

Institutions and procedure

