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Following statements by the United States indicating that it continued to have this matter under review, and by Sri Lanka (on behalf of the informal group of developing countries) expressing the hope that the US would complete its review soon and provide a positive response as soon as possible, several other Members spoke to urge that the Chairman continue his consultations. The General Council took note that the Chairman intended to continue his consultations, and agreed to revert to this item. 2. Work Programme on Small Economies: Under a standing item on its agenda, the General Council considered this matter and took note of a report by the Chairman of the Dedicated Sessions of the Committee on Trade and Development on progress of work in this area, including at a Dedicated Session on 12 May at which two new submissions focusing on trade concerns raised by both land-locked and island small economies were considered. 3. Waivers under Article IX of the АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ Agreement: Following reports by the Chairmen of the Goods and Services Councils, respectively, on the results of those bodies' consideration of requests for waivers, the General Council adopted decisions granting the following waivers: (a) Introduction of Harmonized System 1996 Changes into АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ Schedules of Tariff Concessions (Israel, Malaysia and Panama); (b) Minimum values in regard to the Agreement on the Implementation of Article VII of GATT 1994 (Senegal); and (c) Implementation of specific commitments in telecommunications services (Albania). 4. Reports of the Committee on Budget, Finance and Administration: Following the presentation of two reports of the Budget Committee concerning its meetings of November & December 2003, and April 2004, respectively, the General Council approved specific recommendations contained in the Committee's report in document WT/BFA/72, and adopted the two reports (WT/BFA/71 and 72). 5. Management Board of the АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ Pension Plan: The General Council elected Mr. Terry Collins-Williams (Canada) as Chairman of the Management Board of the АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ Pension Plan for a period of three years, to replace Amb. Jѓhannesson (Iceland), whose term expires this month. 6. Work under the Doha work programme: The General Council heard a report by the Chairman of the Trade Negotiations Committee, as well as a statement by the General Council Chairman on the latter's recent consultations relating to work under the DDA. A large number of delegations spoke to provide their views on the current state-of-play in the DDA work programme and the outlook to July, touching on recent significant initiatives at the political level, including at recent Ministerial-level meetings outside Geneva. 7. Trade Integration Mechanism (TIM) of the IMF: The General Council heard a presentation by the Acting Managing-Director of the IMF, Ms. Anne Krueger, on the Trade Integration Mechanism (TIM). Several delegations took advantage of Ms. Krueger's presence to seek clarification and provide a direct feedback on this IMF initiative. Matters considered under "Other Business": 1. Cuba made a statement expressing its concern at recent measures adopted by the United States against Cuba. 2. The Chairman announced, on the basis of informal consultations, that the following nominations had been agreed regarding Chairmanships of Working Parties on the Accession of Algeria, Lao PDR and Uzbekistan, to replace outgoing Chairs: - Amb Valles (Uruguay) – Working Party on the Accession of Algeria - Amb. Groser (New Zealand) – Working Party on the Accession of Lao PDR - Amb. Choi (Korea) – Working Party on the Accession of Uzbekistan `: E F H L † h j k m n   " O 8Д$tvyˆЗгю№ђѓa™ќ§#CbЅЙЦ   9ЊЫWX„…‡Иопђєќїќ№ќ№ќ№ќ№ќїќїќшрќйбйќшїшќйќїќЩќйќйїќСќКќКќКќКќїќВќКќ­ЅќїќїќhcvAhUhm5hЛhUhm6 hUhm6h?zhUhm5 h\ hUhmhMahUhm5hV6хhUhm5hwevhUhmh hwevhUhmh7|hUhm5h`GHhUhm5 h‡(ehUhm hUhm5hUhm> !_`i k   uvя№§ў  WX„…ѕіфх+їїїђђхђхххххххххххђђђђђххх „а„0§^„а`„0§gdUhmgdUhm"$a$gdUhmОП§§єѕіїј9>АљЖФ’МЦШЪОПРљђэхђсђсэйэбсЪсЦсГѓ<9 hk8ohUhmhk8ohUhm5hV6хhUhm5hUhmhШ@hUhm5 hUhm5 h/FЄhUhm h`GHhUhm+.wzОПРђђффтф$„а„0§^„а`„0§gdUhm „а„0§^„а`„0§gdUhm А‚. 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