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The Council had before it a new communication from Switzerland relating to its proposals submitted to WIPO regarding the declaration of the source of genetic resources and traditional knowledge in patent applications. Reporting on his consultations on how future work on these items should be organized, the Chair said that, despite the efforts made by all parties, the consultations had not developed to a point where he would be able to put a set of suggestions to the Council at the present meeting. The Council agreed that the Chair continue these consultations. The Council continued its work relating to the Decision on the Implementation of Paragraph 6 of the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health. Reporting on his consultations on the preparation of an amendment to the TRIPS Agreement pursuant to paragraph 11 of the Decision, the Chair said that these consultations had indicated that, in regard to issues of content and legal form of the amendment, positions had not evolved. With regard to the issue of timing, there was general acceptance among delegations that the Council would need more time in order to complete its work on the amendment. In this respect, he proposed that the Council agree to continue its work on the preparation of the amendment with a view to the TRIPS Council making a recommendation by the end of March 2005 so that the General Council could conclude its work on the amendment at its first meeting thereafter. He said that this suggestion did not exclude the TRIPS Council agreeing earlier than March 2005 and that obviously he hoped that this would be the case. He also clarified that, in order to meet the new time-frame, the Council would need to work expeditiously and purposefully, starting with its September meeting and expressed his confidence that there was a readiness on the part of delegations to do this. In concluding the discussion, the Chairman said that, while he had noted many positive and supportive reactions to the proposal, he also had noted that some groups still had to consult amongst themselves on this suggestion and, therefore, were not in a position to endorse it at the present meeting. He asked them to let him know the outcome by end of June. He suggested that, if they could join other delegations in supporting the proposal, the TRIPS Council be deemed to have agreed on it and the Chair would inform the General Council accordingly. The Council so agreed. The Council followed up its first annual review pursuant to paragraph 2 of the "Decision on the Implementation of Article 66.2 of the TRIPS Agreement" and took note of a further report received from Canada. The Council requested developed country Members to submit updates to the reports they had provided last year on actions they had taken or planned in pursuance of their commitments under Article 66.2 by 9 November, in order to allow their timely circulation and review at the Council's meeting scheduled for 30 November through 2 December. Following up its annual review of technical co-operation at its meeting in November 2003, the Council took note of a report from the World Health Organization. It agreed that this year the annual review would be held at its meeting scheduled for 21- 23 September. In preparation for this, it invited developed country Members to supply information on their activities pursuant to Article 67 of the TRIPS Agreement. Other Members who also make available technical cooperation were encouraged to share information on these activities if they so wished. Furthermore, intergovernmental organizations that have observer status in the TRIPS Council and the ϲʹ Secretariat were invited to provide information on their activities of relevance. This information was requested by the end of August, in order to allow its timely circulation before the September meeting. Under agenda item "Review of the application of the provisions of the Section on geographical indications under Article 24.2", the Council took note of the responses to a checklist of questions related to this review received from Chinese Taipei (IP/C/W/117/Add.30). Other agenda items that the Council took up were the review of implementation of the TRIPS Agreement under Article 71.1, information on relevant developments elsewhere in the ϲʹ, and observer status for international intergovernmental organizations. The Chair of the Council, Mr. Joshua Law, informed the Council that his authorities in Hong Kong, China had announced that he would return to Hong Kong, China after the summer to take up a new appointment. He said that he had informed the Chair of the General Council of this development ant that it was his understanding that the Chair intended to conduct consultations shortly on the question of the chairmanship of the TRIPS Council.  -Ub y  3  q / A ` p `eoqvw:X^`*CD:X̻h4/~h4/~aJh h4/~aJhh h4/~aJh h4/~aJh4/~h4/~aJh h4/~aJhh'h4/~5aJ h4/~5aJJ -.7 8 o p abjk"#$%&gd^gd4/~$%X!78WYd#%'*8_uip}!"#$%&hB6 h^hh >h4/~6aJh4/~h4/~aJhLh4/~aJh4/~ h4/~aJh h4/~aJ, . 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