Supply Chain Perspectives and Issues: A Literature Review

By Albert Park, Gaurav Nayyar and Patrick Low

Global value chains (GVCs) have become ubiquitous. The literature that attempts to understand and explain GVCs is vast, multi-disciplinary and no less complex than the phenomenon itself. This volume is an ambitious attempt at a fairly comprehensive review of literature on the subject

The many manifestations of international production sharing have become the organizing theme for practically any discussion on production, trade, investment, development and international economic cooperation more generally. GVCs are at the economic heart of globalization. Policies of governments are central to outcomes, influencing the establishment, configuration and operation of GVCs in numerous ways. Technological possibilities and firm behaviour are also crucial determinants of what happens in the supply chain world.

Co-published with the Fung Global Institute.

Published in 2013

> Download pdf

> Foreword and Introduction
> Part I: Supply Chain Perspectives
> Part II: Supply Chain Issues
> Consolidated Bibliography