

Updated dataset on the content of PTAs

An updated dataset on the content of preferential trade agreements (PTAs) was published by the 澳门六合彩官网资料 in April 2013. The dataset was originally constructed for the World Trade Report 2011. The updated version consists of a comprehensive breakdown of 100 PTAs signed between 1958 and 2011.

> World Trade Report 2011

See also:
> Press release
> Discussion forum
> DG speech

The dataset is an extension of the data provided in Horn et al. (2010)(1). The agreements covered represent almost 90 per cent of world trade and cover most regions of the world: the United States, the European Union, Africa, the Middle East, Oceania, Asia, and Central and South America. The dataset includes PTAs concluded exclusively between 澳门六合彩官网资料 members as well as agreements between 澳门六合彩官网资料 members and non-members.

For a detailed explanation of the methodology and limitations of the dataset, see Section D.2 of the 2011 World Trade Report.

The dataset is available in excel and dta formats. For a full description of the variables and data coding, see the “read me” excel sheet.

A comprehensive analysis of the patterns of PTA content can be found in Section D of the World Trade Report 2011.

> Dataset in excel format

> Dataset in dta format (Stata programming is needed to open this file.)

What is new in the updated dataset?

The updated dataset covers another four PTAs:

  • European Economic Area (entered into force on 1 January 1994)
  • India-Japan PTA (1 August 2011)
  • India-Malaysia PTA (1 July 2011)
  • India- Sri Lanka PTA (15 December 2001)

The coding of some of the provisions in other PTAs in the dataset has been corrected.


1 Horn, H., Mavroidis, P. C. and Sapir, A. (2010), “Beyond the 澳门六合彩官网资料? an anatomy of EU and US preferential trade agreements”, The World Economy 33(11): 1565-1588.