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International trade and the position of European low-skilled labour

This paper presents a discussion of the potential channels through which international trade affects the position of low skilled workers in the European Union. After an analysis of the European Union's trade flows showing the predominant role of intra-industry trade with other industrialised countries, the discussion focuses on the potential effects of intra-industry trade on low skilled labour. Particular attention is paid to possible interactions between trade and technological change and to the possible effects of trade on the price elasticity of labour. The paper also discusses how trade may affect incentives to invest in skills and thus a country's potential to alter the skill structure of its working force.

No: ERAD-2000-01

Marion Jansen

Manuscript date:  November 2000

Key Words  

Intra-industry trade, skill inequalities, investment in skills

JEL classification numbers  

F10, J31, J24

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