Geneva Trade and Development Workshop (1)

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Spring Semester 2017
Time: 12:30 to 13:30 (2)  Place: Maison de la Paix (2 Chemin Eugène Rigot) (3) 

Date Speaker Title
Thursday, 12 January
Petal 1, Room S5
Andrea Ariu
(University of Geneva)
Providing Services to Boost Goods Exports: Theory and Evidence
Tuesday, 7 February
Petal 2, Room S4
Professor Robert W. Staiger  
(Dartmouth College)
The Economic Structure of International Trade-in-Services Agreements (with Alan Sykes)
Tuesday, 28 February
Petal 2, Room S4
Professor  Ralph Ossa
(University of Zurich)
Accounting for the New Gains from Trade Liberalization
Tuesday, 21 March
Petal 2, Room S4
Professor  Giovanni Maggi
(Yale University)
Choked by Red Tape? The Political Economy of Wasteful Trade Barriers (with Monika Mrázová and J. Peter Neary)
Friday 24 March
At the World Trade Organization
Prof. Marc-Andreas Muendler
(University of California, San Diego)
The Dynamics of Comparative Advantage (with Gordon H. Hanson and Nelson Lind)
Tuesday, 11 April
Petal 2, Room S4
Professor  Costas Arkolakis
(Yale University)
Trade Openness, Agglomeration Effects, and Endogenous Labor Supply: Theory and Evidence
Tuesday, 25 April
Petal 2, Room S4
Professor David Dorn
(University of Zurich)
Importing Political Polarization? The Electoral Consequences of Rising Trade Exposure
Tuesday, 9 May
Petal 2, Room S4
Professor Farid Toubal
(ENS of Cachan)
Cross-Border M&A Activity and Wage Dynamics
Wednesday, 10 May
Petal 2, Auditorium 2
Professor Jens Suedekum
(Düsseldorf Institute of Competition Economics)
Adjusting to Globalization — Evidence from Worker-Establishment Matches in Germany
Tuesday, 23 May
Petal 2, Room S4
Julia Seiermann (UNCTAD and IHEID) Text-as-data Analysis of Preferential Trade Agreements
Tuesday, 6 June
Petal 2, Room S4
Professor Jennifer P. Poole (American University and IZA) The Impact of Digital Technologies on Skills: Do Labor Policies Matter?
Tuesday, 15 June
Petal 2, Room S4
Adam Jakubik (European University Institute, Florence and °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ) The China Shock revisited: Insights from value added trade flows (with Victor Kummritz)


The workshop is a joint initiative by the Graduate Institute’s Centre for Trade and Economic Integration (CTEI), UNCTAD, the University of Geneva, and the World Trade Organization. Its objective is for researchers in the Geneva region working in the area of trade and development to share work and ideas.
2. The workshop begins at 12:30. You can buy a sandwich, or a proper hot meal, at the Maison de la Paix Cafeteria prior to attending the lecture.
3.  Registration is required for each individual workshop, also for those having °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ accreditation.  To do so, please send an email to GTDW ([email protected]) at the latest one day before the relevant workshop