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Warning Text %zWarning Text 2%{1KG=K9_FOR_T_SD'|N,_trade1_std1_scXTableStyleMedium2PivotStyleLight16`Methodological noteSummary_world_table/Summary_world_chartO Exports_SA Imports_SAH Exports_notSAI Imports_notSAr Data sources r_StatItsStatistical_ProgrammesShort-term time seriesQuarterly_merchandise_volumeQ_volume_reported_data.xlsxAbbreviations&codesMonthly exportsMonthly importsQuart_Year_exportsQuart_Year_importsValidation 20-07-12 XValidation 20-07-12 M\D_StatItsStatistical_ProgrammesQuarterly Merchandise VolumeQ_volume_reported_data.xlsxAbbreviations&codesMonthly exportsMonthly importsQuart_Year_exportsQuart_Year_importsValidation 20-07-12 XValidation 20-07-12 MPRINT< PRINT< SUP<SUP< 18Q418Q318Q218Q117Q417Q317Q217Q116Q416Q316Q216Q115Q415Q315Q215Q114Q414Q314Q214Q113Q413Q313Q213Q112Q412Q312Q212Q111Q411Q311Q211Q110Q410Q310Q210Q109Q409Q309Q209Q108Q408Q308Q208Q107Q407Q307Q207Q106Q406Q306Q206Q105Q405Q305Q205Q1extra-EUintra-EUTotalThailandHong Kong, ChinaJapanTurkeyNorwayCanada United StatesOtherAsiaEuropeSouth & Central America North AmericaWorld(Indices, 2005Q1=100)IsraelMalaysiaTaipei, Chinese SingaporeKorea, Rep. ofChina Australia SwitzerlandChileBrazil ArgentinaDQuarterly merchandise import volume indices, not seasonally adjusted Data sources Last update:www.bcentral.cl/index.asp > Estadisticas economicas > Series de indicadores (Excel) > Sector externo > ndices de exportaciones e importaciones)www.cbs.gov.il/engindex.htm > Israel's economy > foreign trade - Press release - Foreign trade price indices in Xth quarter YYYY (click "List of tables" icon) > 1.Prices And Terms Of Trade Indices In Foreign Trade (Fisher'S Formula)" Values in Australian dollar from WTO monthly value source www.abs.gov.au > Statistics > International Accounts - International Trade in Goods and Services > Downloads > Time series spreadsheets > Table 12a and Table 13a " Prices in terms of AUD from www.abs.gov.au > Economy (Left-hand banner) > Inflation and price indexes > International Trade Price Indexes > Latest publication > Downloads > Time series spreadsheets. - Imports: Tables 1, 3 and 12. - Exports: Tables 7 and 9www.singstat.gov.sg > quicklinks > finding AZ > External Trade > External trade > Statistical Tables from Economic Survey of Singapore &Reported merchandise trade volume datagJapan; China; Hong Kong, China; Korea, Republic of; Singapore; Taipei, Chinese; Malaysia and Thailand. Depending on the form in which data are disseminated, quarterly volume indices are either retrieved directly or derived from monthly data, or through theYdeflation of merchandise trade values with the corresponding price or unit value indices.national statistical authorities of the United States; Canada; Argentina; Brazil; Chile; the European Union (EU); Norway; Switzerland; Turkey; Israel; Australia; xNon-reported volume indices are estimated by deflating their quarterly merchandise trade value with estimated deflators.The deflators are estimated by weighting average prices of five product categories (food, raw materials, metals and minerals, fuels, and manufactures) >with the product structure of the group's exports and imports.V" Average prices used in compiling deflators are retrieved from the following sources:-Seasonally and non-seasonally adjusted seriesAvailable seasonally adjusted merchandise trade volume data are collected from national statistical sources for the United States; Canada; European Union; For non-reporting countries, as well as for countries and economies that do not produce seasonally adjusted series, the unadjusted merchandise trade volume Seasonally adjusted data for the world and regions are constructed by aggregating seasonally adjusted data for individual countries/economies, rather than by Vseasonally adjusting the unadjusted world and regions merchandise trade volume series.Access the data6Merchandise export volume indices, seasonally adjusted6Merchandise import volume indices, seasonally adjusted:Merchandise export volume indices, not seasonally adjusted:Merchandise import volume indices, not seasonally adjustedThe world and regional aggregates are constructed using available reported data and estimates for non-reporting countries and economies. Aggregations -Complete data source references are provided.BQuarterly merchandise trade volume indices - methodological note:Relations with the corresponding merchandise trade values ϲʹ's data on merchandise trade volume indices (in real terms) are fully consistent with the corresponding merchandise trade values (in nominal terms). Merchandise trade developments in value terms (or in nominal terms, or in terms of current US dollars) result from changes in quantities and prices of the exported and imported goods. On the other hand, the statistics on merchandise trade volume indices reflect changes in the quantity of internationally traded 4goods only (data in volume terms or in real terms). Both datasets are disseminated simultaneously, two months after the end of the reference quarter. Quarterly merchandise trade volume indices are compiledboth on a seasonally adjusted and not-seasonally adjusted basis, while quarterly merchandise trade values are only available on a not seasonally adjusted basis.SANSAImportsExports (average exports/imports)Indices 05Q1=100:Summary quarterly world trade developments in volume termsSeasonally adjustedNot seasonally adjustedIndices 2005=100Summary world tradeare made on quarterly percentage changes rather than fixed-base indices. Previous year's trade values are used as weights for aggregating seasonally adjustedd series, whereas not-seasonally adjusted series are aggregated using values of the previous quarter.Data for chart World averageThe quarterly merchandise trade values are sourced from ϲʹ's short-term data on www.wto.org/english/res_e/statis_e/quarterly_world_exp_e.htm .$Q#$f" Values from WTO monthly value source: www.census.gov/tradestats > Press releases > FT900 > Supplt exhibits > Ex 5 " Prices from www.bls.gov/mxp/home.htm - MXP Databases, one screen - BEA END USE EXPORT INDEXES & BEA END USE IMPORT INDEXES, All commodities, "add to your selections", "get data" (More formatting options - Output Type: Text, comma delimited)}www.statcan.gc.ca > CANSIM > International trade > Merchandise exports > 228-0063 Merchandise imports and exports, customs and balance of payments basis for all countries, by seasonal adjustment, price and volume indexes, weighting and North American Product Classification (NAPCS), monthly (index, 2007=100) . Indices used are "customs volume index", Laspeyre fixed weight basis.European UnionH" Not seasonally-adjusted values in terms of Japanese Yen from WTO monthly value source: www.customs.go.jp/toukei/info/index_e.htm > time series data " Not seasonally-adjusted prices in terms of Japanese Yen from www.stat-search.boj.or.jp/ssi/cgi-bin/famecgi2?cgi=$nme_a000_en&lstSelection=8 - Search by time series code, specify PR'PRCG10_2400000000 (exports) and PR'PRCG10_2600000000 (imports) " Seasonally-adjusted volume indices from www.boj.or.jp/en/ > Statistics > Balance< of Payments > Real Exports and Real Imports - select series codes "BP'BP180110001" and "BP'BP180110002"www.censtatd.gov.hk/home/index.jsp > Hong Kong Statistics > Browse by Subject > External Trade > Merchandise Trade > Publications and tables > [Scroll down to "Statistical tables and charts" section] > T071 to 080 Korea Rep. Ofv" Values from WTO monthly data " Price indices from http://ecos.bok.or.kr > Search stats > Export and import prices >" Values from WTO monthly data " Price indices from http://eng.stat.gov.tw > Statistical Database (left-hand bottom) > Prices Index > Export / Import Prices Index> Export / Import Price Indices by S.I.T.C. on U.S.D. Basis > Monthlyfwww.statistics.gov.my > products and services > online publications > External trade indices, Malaysiaiwww.bot.or.th > Statistics > Eco and financial > Eco indices and indicators > International trade indicesadjustment for holidays. series are seasonally adjusted and corrected for trading days using United States Census Bureau's X-12 ARIMA program interfaced through Gretl with no @www.funcex.org.br/ > BOLETIM DE COMERCIO EXTERIOR > LATEST MONTHAggregation methodology World trade, seasonally adjusted$World trade, not seasonally adjustedvThese series are released along with the corresponding merchandise trade values, according to the following timetable:Q1mid-JuneQ2 mid-SeptemberQ3 mid-DecemberQ4?end-March / early April, along with the release of annual data."Timeliness - frequency of updatinghttp://statbank.ssb.no/statistikkbanken/ > External trade... > Values and volume indices > External trade > External trade in commodities. Indices of volume and price (2000=100)www.indec.gov.ar > Sector externo > Comercio exterior > Precios y cantidades de comercio exterior > Series histricas > 'Indices de valor, precio y cantidad, de las exportaciones, importaciones, y trminos del intercambio, base 2004=100JNorway; Switzerland; Turkey; Israel; Japan; Hong Kong, China and Thailand.kwww.turkstat.gov.tr > Statistics by theme > Foreign trade > Foreign trade indices > Statistical tables and dynamic search > " Seasonally adjusted in > Seasonally and Calendar Adjusted Foreign Trade Indices " Not seasonally adjusted in > Foreign Trade Indices > Volume Indices (2010=100) by Year and Month. Latest month to be found in the press release thumbnail.Chinese TaipeiwIF THE BOOKMARK DOES NOT WORK...> Eurostat website > Extl trade short-term indicators > EU28 trade by BEC product group&%European Union (28)This file contains the latest statistics on quarterly world merchandise trade volume indices by selected regions and countries/economies. uStatistics include both seasonally adjusted and non-seasonally adjusted series. Series are presented in the form of fixed-base indices using the first quarter of w2005 as the base period, with the exception of the summary world trade table which shows quarterly percentage changes. The data presented are the result of the common work of World Trade Organization (ϲʹ) and UNCTAD, and are published simultaneously by both organizations.?(Quarterly merchandise trade volume in the UNCTADStat database)Together, reporting economies account for about 75% of world exports and 80% of world imports. Data are collected directly from websites of the ]For the sake of timeliness, the latest month's volume change in intra-EU trade is estimated as equal to that of its value in terms of euros.,Estimates for non-reported volume statistics" The product structure is compiled from previous year values sourced from WTO's network of world merchandise trade, and WTO's merchandise trade 3by products, and UNCTAD's merchandise trade matrix.SeeM http://stat.wto.org/StatisticalProgram/WSDBStatProgramSeries.aspx?Language=Eand[trade structure by product in http://unctadstat.unctad.org/ReportFolders/reportFolders.aspx$#o for the group's primary commodity exports and imports, UNCTAD provides aggregate price series based on data collected at three-digit level of the SITC classification. o For the group's manufacture exports and imports, ϲʹ compiles its own monthly manufacture prices based on statistics produced by 36 large.economies (including the 28 EU member States).ϲʹ's monthly manufacture prices are disseminated on www.wto.org/english/res_e/statis_e/daily_update_e/monthly_xm_manuf_price_e.xls$5#Exceptionally, provisional estimates for the latest quarter may be produced using fuels and commodity prices sourced from the World Bank for @non-reported exports, and from the IMF for non-reported imports.Eurostat database bookmarked as http://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/show.do?query=BOOKMARK_DS-337915_QID_-3E800C00_UID_-3F171EB0&layout=INDIC_ET,L,X,0;PARTNER,L,X,1;TIME,C,Y,0;STK_FLOW,L,Z,0;BEC,L,Z,1;GEO,L,Z,2;INDICATORS,C,Z,3;&zSelection=DS-337915BEC,TOTAL;DS-337915GEO,EU28;DS-337915INDICATORS,OBS_FLAG;DS-337915STK_FLOW,IMP;&rankName1=STK-FLOW_1_2_-1_2&rankName2=INDICATORS_1_2_-1_2&rankName3=BEC_1_2_-1_2&rankName4=GEO_1_2_-1_2&rankName5=INDIC-ET_1_2_0_0&rankName6=PARTNER_1_2_1_0&rankName7=TIME_1_0_0_1&sortR=ASC_-1_FIRST&rStp=&cStp=&rDCh=&cDCh=&rDM=true&cDM=true&footnes=false&empty=false&wai=false&time_mode=ROLLING&time_most_recent=false&lang=EN&cfo=%23%23%23%2C%23%23%23.%23%23%23Quarterly % changeMemorandum Item(Excluding Gold)r" Values and Quantities (for Gold estimates): from WTO monthly value source: www.swiss-impex.admin.ch (Total 2 and Gold (in Special Trade Since 1.1.2012)). " Unit Value Indices and Volume Indices (excluding Gold) from www.ezv.admin.ch > Themes > Statistiques du commerce exterieur (bottom left) > Indices du commerce exterieur (left-hand banner) (previous month=100). Annual % ChangeFollowing the inclusion of non-monertary gold in trade statistics by the Swiss Customs Authorities, we follow their approach in not including gold in our volume series, as gold trade flows can be very erratic. However, we publish as a memorandum item, our estimates of volume of exports and imports (not seasonally adjusted)including gold from 2012. (Including Gold)DQuarterly merchandise export volume indices, not seasonally adjusted@Quarterly merchandise export volume indices, seasonally adjusted@Quarterly merchandise import volume indices, seasonally adjusted}" Values from WTO monthly data sourced from "China customs statistics" " Unit value indices are sourced from China's Customs 7a. From q1-2012, the series is based on ϲʹ estimates. a...ϲʹ Data portal: data.wto.org For feedback: statistics@wto.orgNote to the users: starting in January 2019, the quarterly merchandise trade volume indices will no longer be disseminated in this format.You can access the data presented<C in this document in the WTO Data portal: Select  International Trade Statistics  >  Merchandise trade - indices and prices   >  Merchandise export (import) volume indices, not seasonally adjusted - quarterly (Index - (2005Q1=100)) and  Merchandise export (import) volume indices, seasonally adjusted - quarterly (Index - (2005Q1=100)) , then click "Apply" . You can then download your data in Excel or CSV format.]\ \D\|]=]u]$]\];^^M _1`gL k_mqP0rs`~D"oA } Zq .ccB G Re  dMbP?_*+% &ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?M \\marcopolo1\2159-MFP-C11-4E9B$ dXX"dPcKS 4 ****4 **** EE0010000L -L - 2 dd@ ? ?XX0J,X< Inactif0000Arial?  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