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Tableau I.6YPrincipaux exportateurs et importateurs participant au commerce mondial des marchandises +(En milliards de dollars et en pourcentage) Variation annuelle enRang ExportateursValeurPart pourcentage Importateurs Monde ( l'exclusion du commerceja Les importations dfinitives s'entendent dduction faite des rexportations. Voir les Notes techniques. Cuadro I.6?Principales exportadores e importadores mundiales de mercancas,(Miles de millones de dlares y porcentajes) Variacin porcentualOrden ExportadoresValorParteanual ImportadoresTodo el mundo (excluido elpa Las importaciones definitivas se definen como importaciones menos reexportaciones. Vanse las Notas Tcnicas. Exportations extra-UE Exportaciones extra-UE Hong Kong, China Hong Kong, Chine Importations extra-UE Importaciones extra-UE Extra-EU exports Extra-EU imports Norway Norvge Noruega domestic exports exportaciones locales re-exports rexportations reexportaciones retained imports a importations dfinitives a importaciones definitivas a Ukraine b Ucrania b Kuwait Kowet [Leading exporters and importers in world merchandise trade (excluding intra-EU trade), 1999*( \p Informaticsanga Ba= ThisWorkbook=x7"8X@"1 CG Times1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial14Frutiger 47LightCn14Frutiger 47LightCn12Frutiger 45 Light12Frutiger 45 Light12xFrutiger 45 Light14 Frutiger 47LightCn12 Frutiger 45 Light14Frutiger 47LightCn1  CG Times""#,##0;\-""#,##0""#,##0;[Red]\-""#,##0""#,##0.00;\-""#,##0.00#""#,##0.00;[Red]\-""#,##0.005*0_-""* #,##0_-;\-""* #,##0_-;_-""* "-"_-;_-@_-,)'_-* #,##0_-;\-* #,##0_-;_-* "-"_-;_-@_-=,8_-""* #,##0.00_-;\-""* #,##0.00_-;_-""* "-"??_-;_-@_-4+/_-* #,##0.00_-;\-* #,##0.00_-;_-* "-"??_-;_-@_-"$"\ #,##0;"$"\ \-#,##0!"$"\ #,##0;[Red]"$"\ \-#,##0""$"\ #,##0.00;"$"\ \-#,##0.00'""$"\ #,##0.00;[Red]"$"\ \-#,##0.00=8_ "$"\ * #,##0_ ;_ "$"\ * \-#,##0_ ;_ "$"\ * "-"_ ;_ @_ .)_ * #,##0_ ;_ * \-#,##0_ ;_ * "-"_ ;_ @_ E@_ "$"\ * #,##0.00_ ;_ "$"\ * \-#,##0.00_ ;_ "$"\ * "-"??_ ;_ @_ 61_ * #,##0.00_ ;_ * \-#,##0.00_ ;_ * "-"??_ ;_ @_ "$"#,##0_);\("$"#,##0\)!"$"#,##0_);[Red]\("$"#,##0\)""$"#,##0.00_);\("$"#,##0.00\)'""$"#,##0.00_);[Red]\("$"#,##0.00\)72_("$"* #,##0_);_("$"* \(#,##0\);_("$"* "-"_);_(@_).)_(* #,##0_);_(* \(#,##0\);_(* "-"_);_(@_)?:_("$"* #,##0.00_);_("$"* \(#,##0.00\);_("$"* "-"??_);_(@_)61_(* #,##0.00_);_(* \(#,##0.00\);_(* "-"??_);_(@_)0_) 0.0_)0.0                          # "  H)  X)  HX) X)     (         #   `?#english.Vfrench_spanish,_Order1  ;E  ;G  ;GB Table I.6Share United States Etats-Unis  Estados Unidos  Japan Japon Japn Canada Canad China Chine Korea, Rep. of Core, Rp. de Corea, Rep. de Singapore Singapour Singapur Taipei, Chinese Taipei chinois Taipei Chino Mexico Mexique Mxico Switzerland Suisse Suiza Malaysia Malaisie Malasia Australia Australie Thailand Thalande Tailandia Indonesia Indonsie Brazil Brsil Brasil India Inde Poland Pologne Polonia Argentina Argentine Turkey Turquie Turqua Czech Rep. Rp. tchque Rep. Checa Israel Isral P l'exclusion du commerce intra-UE), 19996(excluido el comercio intracomunitario de la UE), 1999! exportations d'origine locale Russian Fed. Russie, Fd. de Rusia, Fed. de Arabia Saudita Arabie saoudite Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates b Emirats arabes unis b Emiratos rabes Unidos b Sudfrica Afrique du Sud South Africa Venezuela Irn, Rep. Islmica del b Iran, Islamic Rep. of b Kuwait b Kowet b Argelia b Algrie b Algeria b Viet Nam Nigeria b Nigria b Iraq b Libyan Arab Jamahiriya b Jamahiriya arabe libyenne b Jamahiriya rabe Libia b Belars Blarus BelarusTotal of above dWorld (excl. intra-EU trade) dTotal ci-dessus d intra-UE) dTotal d comercio intracomunitario) d Rep. Checa c Rp. tchque c Czech Rep. c Saudi Arabia b Arabie saoudite b Arabia Saudita b Iran, Rp. islamique d' b Ukraine Ucrania Slovak Rep. c Rp. slovaque c Rep. Eslovaca c Dominican Republic b Rpublique dominicaine b Repblica Dominicana b Bangladesh bb Secretariat estimates.c Imports are valued f.o.b.<d Includes significant re-exports or imports for re-export.b Estimations du Secrtariat.c Importations f.a.b.Wd Y compris d'importantes rexportations ou importations destines la rexportation.!b Estimaciones de la Secretara.c Importaciones f.o.b.jd Incluye una cantidad considerable de reexportaciones o de importaciones destinadas a la reexportacin.# t‹ t rr[_a?(r{ `}fD` R; r[ oh_H u^  h"K4  eN  XAOXAYew@P?yw46ip0hRRh6+6q4w48uwhT0t00?+zm00B E000BBD߿0BhDt0@Order1Percent0] 7?@?Գ0wгwвVwxw{ ep00{e{{ e0T0 kT0e0{T0 L0 {T0L0 {T0&lG00020^E070}@}ڬp08ם0p00г4S]0Դ{<\%0a0zQ {` jT0  Table I.6Share United States Etats-Unis  Estados Unidos  Japan Japon Japn Canad  R%;CR T  dMbP?_*+%D&v/?'v/?(%C?)%C?MLocal Linotronic 530 v52.3G 4dA4PRIV''''8" dX??U} } `} } } `} } } } `} } } } } } R,T0@@,@,@@@O@V@@ @4  e@N  @ X@A w@@w@@@@0@@V@w@@@@m@0@@@@V@  "   `   a    a  b    b c d e  f c  g  e    f !!!!!!!!!!!!! ~ ? ~ l@.5˫2@%SX$~ $?   /$@ Gw7@ %\=N(@~ @ ~ @\Od0@%++n?$~ $@  ~  Q@ 6a2@ %׾)@~ @  +5z@ q#@ %'J 5 @ $~ $@  x&1ts@ )T֍@ %" ]C%@~ @  ʡEm@ EV}@ %&@ $~ $@  `"ۅk@ HO@ %"g@~ @  ~ @ g@ %3Y0@ $~ $@  xf@ 2ֺ@ %@ ~ @  Ve@ @s@ %Im-п $$  Mb<@ _\Joo? %w75 ]5  K7a6@ z(? %! $~ $@   K7d@ ^7 @ %y)2@ /c@[墟u @%Fڟ?$~ $@   ʡEb@ ίl} @ %@IG,+@~ @  ~ AE@hJM @%.y"@$~ $ @   ~  ]@ _S@ %E$_<@~  @ "~a@OWt @%a0@$~ $"@  ~  @ 79w@ %"@~ "@ T㥛h^@RG@%!$@ $$   CP@ ڑ},? %[3\QU2@~ $@ jt\@ 4c@% Q s@$~ $$@   &1[@ C@ %~TϷt@ NbX9,Q@y>?%Q| @ $$  % 9vF@$YZ?%`p޿ $$  % ~ &@ ~ ~@_x?%Uiuk.@$~ $&@   mS@ Xw? %~}å˿~ (@ ~ d@LNQ?%6o*?$~ $(@   Zd;GQ@ -? %3@~ *@ ~ @e?%f),@?$~ $*@   =P@  `#? %sʙ&@~ ,@  V-2M@Pⵎ?%TyR@$~ $,@  % V-I@ Ɨn? %cx-~ .@ ~ @ͰC(?%Pr_5i?$~ $.@   ~  @ ? %@-<1@~ 0@ ~ @I@HW ?%<:@$~ $0@  *~  @ EZ? %Iqw~ 1@ #~ @*u;7\?%Wb׿$~ $1@  ( ZdKF@ CϢ? %s`H@~ 2@ % rhH@>=?%S$~ $2@  ~  @ e ZG? %3Mt>~ 3@ x&qF@d?% m*@$~ $3@  / ʡE3D@  Sl? %Y9(~ 4@ 7~ @YNc?%e&A8@$~ $4@   h|?A@ +e@? %, O~ 5@ (~ @Z?%O6ufs!@$~ $5@  5~  @ ƈ8X? %>-*<<88$bb T0@!@"@#@$@%@&@'@(@)V@4 *e@N +@,X@A-w@.@/w@0@1@2@3V0@4@5@6w@7@8@9@m:@;0@<@=V@>@?O@~ 6@ ~ =@ $eYGB?~ %͗@ $~ $6@ 7 SE@@ ij>^/? %uhN3 @~ !7@ !*~ !i@!8ﵚ?!%F.Ia!$~ !$7@ ! ~ ! @! 2?! %wrg@~ "8@ "2~ "@"A]C?"%>?"$~ "$8@ " ~ " @" #L&ƈ?" %~k5?~ #9@ ##E:@#}"&?#%lq?#$~ #$9@ # # x&1<@# `|(?# %.mf~ $:@ $/$I +:@$-ʞ?$%Tm $$~ $$:@ $ >~ $ @$ :b%?$ %AE+!@~ %;@ %5%%C9@%"kv?%%V &*](@%$~ %$;@ % % V-:@% ~|?% %lҨi!~ &<@ &>~ &@&؁z?&%Xvy!@&$~ &$<@ & -& Kw9@&  >3$?& %*2~ '=@ '-'h|?U7@'Ԕx ?'%wX.J''$~ '$=@ ' #' /$8@' CϢÓ?' % Rpb(~ (>@ (('13@(c$RM?(%@b.@($~ ($>@ ( \( ʡ0@( <9?( %{͸~ )?@ )~ )P@)Frr?)%Nf:@)$~ )$?@ ) 9) /$F.@) j W?) %c@7qd3~ *@@ *9*Zd;/@* Ր?*%_hD3@*$~ *$@@ * * -@* do?* %]Ȃ~ +@@ +;+Cl(@+ i?+%\\'@ @+$~ +$@@ + ;+ '1,@+ AT`?+ %V V,@~ ,A@ ,,&1\(@,*a?,%2_;@,$~ ,$A@ , ~ , @, }R?~ , %@~ -A@ -~ -@-_A?-%@V0@-$~ -$A@ - ~ - @- &^>P?- %YH3~ .B@ .~ .@.Kzy?.%b .$~ .$B@ . ~ .  @. ?. %#Ԃ?~ /B@ /A/x&'@/Ux?/%x@/$~ /$B@ / ~ / @/  ]x?/ %+~ 0C@ 00 '@0.)yc?0%܇7@0$~ 0$C@ 0 C0 Mb%@0 2?0 %Ni/@~ 1C@ 1~ 1@18v ?1%2Nd%0@1$~ 1$C@ 1 A1  rhQ%@1 VQx_?1 % *;~ 2D@ 2E~ 2@2p7B?2%<2$~ 2$D@ 2 V~ 2 @2 ;ɹ;?2 %h@~ 3D@ 3~ 3P@3BLjF?3%]tES@3$~ 3$D@ 3 K~ 3 <@3 =?3 %n0E~(~ 4E@ 4~ 4h@4?h^o?4%@B@4$~ 4$E@ 4 ~ 4 4@4 ަ?4 % "o @~ 5E@ 5C5S㥛!@5dX4?5% 柑^#@5$~ 5$E@ 5 H5 Cl#@5 5@' =~ =@=jXnX@ =&h =$$ = ~ = @= :jzW@ = &h >>@Y@>'@ >$$ > > @Y@ > 'T2¹g@ ?!!!!!!!!!!!!! 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Extra-EU exports~ l@.5˫2@%SX$~ $?  United States /$@ Gw7@ %\=N(@~ @ United States~ @\Od0@%++n?$~ $@  Extra-EU imports~  Q@ 6a2@ %׾)@~ @  Japan +5z@ q#@ %'J 5 @ $~ $@  Japan x&1ts@ )T֍@ %" ]C%@~ @  Canada ʡEm@ EV}@ %&@ $~ $@  Canada `"ۅk@ HO@ %"g@~ @  \pUsanase Muganga [Bb englishfrench spanish_Order1$ ;E$ ;G$ ;G=x7"8X@"1CG Times1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial1!Frutiger 47LightCn1!Frutiger 47LightCn1 Frutiger 45 Light1 Frutiger 45 Light1 xFrutiger 45 Light1! Frutiger 47LightCn1 Frutiger 45 Light1!Frutiger 47LightCn1 CG Times""#,##0;\-""#,##0""#,##0;[Red]\-""#,##0""#,##0.00;\-""#,##0.00!""#,##0.00;[Red]\-""#,##0.003*0_-""* #,##0_-;\-""* #,##0_-;_-""* "-"_-;_-@_-*)'_-* #,##0_-;\-* #,##0_-;_-* "-"_-;_-@_-;,8_-""* #,##0.00_-;\-""* #,##0.00_-;_-""* "-"??_-;_-@_-2+/_-* #,##0.00_-;\-* #,##0.00_-;_-* "-"??_-;_-@_-"$"\ #,##0;"$"\ \-#,##0"$"\ #,##0;[Red]"$"\ \-#,##0 "$"\ #,##0.00;"$"\ \-#,##0.00%""$"\ #,##0.00;[Red]"$"\ \-#,##0.00;8_ "$"\ * #,##0_ ;_ "$"\ * \-#,##0_ ;_ "$"\ * "-"_ ;_ @_ ,)_ * #,##0_ ;_ * \-#,##0_ ;_ * "-"_ ;_ @_ C@_ "$"\ * #,##0.00_ ;_ "$"\ * \-#,##0.00_ ;_ "$"\ * "-"??_ ;_ @_ 41_ * #,##0.00_ ;_ * \-#,##0.00_ ;_ * "-"??_ ;_ @_ "$"#,##0_);\("$"#,##0\)"$"#,##0_);[Red]\("$"#,##0\) "$"#,##0.00_);\("$"#,##0.00\)%""$"#,##0.00_);[Red]\("$"#,##0.00\)52_("$"* #,##0_);_("$"* \(#,##0\);_("$"* "-"_);_(@_),)_(* #,##0_);_(* \(#,##0\);_(* "-"_);_(@_)=:_("$"* #,##0.00_);_("$"* \(#,##0.00\);_("$"* "-"??_);_(@_)41_(* #,##0.00_);_(* \(#,##0.00\);_(* "-"??_);_(@_)0_)0.0_)0.0                          # "  H)  X)  HX) X)     ( @        #     Hyperlink83ffff̙3f3fff3f3f33333f33333X english ^Efrench}spanish  R&@C  dMbP?_*+%,D&v/?'v/?(%C?)%C?MRLocal Linotronic 530 v52.3 lG 4dA4w`T0`T0=PRIV''''8" dX??french spanishU} } `} } } `} } } } `} } } } } }  R,T0@@, China~ @ g@ %3Y0@ $~ $@  Hong Kong, China xf@ 2ֺ@ %@ ~ @  Hong Kong, China Ve@ @s@ %Im-п $$  retained imports a Mb<@ _\Joo? %w75 ]5  domestic exports K7a6@ z(? %! $~ $@  China K7d@ ^7 @ %y)2@ re-exports/c@[墟u @%Fڟ?$~ $@  Mexico  ʡEb@ ίl} @ %@IG,+@~ @ Korea, Rep. of~ AE@hJM @%.y"@$~ $ @  Korea, Rep. of~  ]@ _S@ %E$_<@~  @ Mexico "~a@OWt @%a0@$~ $"@  Singapore~  @ 79w@ %"@~ "@ Taipei, ChineseT㥛h^@RG@%!$@ $$  retained imports a CP@ ڑ},? %[3\QU2@~ $@ Singaporejt\@ 4c@% Q s@$~ $$@  Taipei, Chinese &1[@ C@ %~TϷt@ domestic exportsNbX9,Q@y>?%Q| @ $$  %  re-exports9vF@$YZ?%`p޿ $$  % ~ &@ Malaysia~ ~@_x?%Uiuk.@$~ $&@  Switzerland mS@ Xw? %~}å˿~ (@ Switzerland~ d@LNQ?%6o*?$~ $(@  Australia Zd;GQ@ -? %3@~ *@ Russian Fed.~ @e?%f),@?$~ $*@  Malaysia =P@  `#? %sʙ&@~ ,@ ThailandV-2M@Pⵎ?%TyR@$~ $,@  Brazil V-I@ Ɨn? %cx-~ .@ Australia~ @ͰC(?%Pr_5i?$~ $.@  Thailand~  @ ? %@-<1@~ 0@ Saudi Arabia b~ @I@HW ?%<:@$~ $0@  Poland ~  @ EZ? %Iqw~ 1@ Indonesia~ @*u;7\?%Wb׿$~ $1@  India ZdKF@ CϢ? %s`H@~ 2@ Brazil rhH@>=?%S$~ $2@  Russian Fed.~  @ e ZG? %3Mt>~ 3@ Norwayx&qF@d?% m*@$~ $3@  Turkey ʡE3D@  Sl? %Y9(~ 4@ Philippines~ @YNc?%e&A8@$~ $4@  Norway h|?A@ +e@? %, O~ 5@ India~ @Z?%O6ufs!@$~ $5@  Israel~  @ ƈ8X? %>aU-*@DlMZBH$tn T0@!@"@#w@$@%@&@'@(@)V@G*@+@,@-@.@/@0@1@2@3V0@4@5@6@7@8p0@9@:@;@<@=V@>@?O@~ 6@!  United Arab Emirates b~ =@ $eYGB?~ %͗@ $~ $6@  Philippines SE@@ ij>^/? %uhN3 @~ !7@! Poland ~ !i@!8ﵚ?!%F.Ia!$~ !$7@!!  United Arab Emirates b~ ! @! 2?! %wrg@~ "8@" Czech Rep.~ "@"A]C?"%>?"$~ "$8@"  Czech Rep. c~ " @" #L&ƈ?" %~k5?~ #9@# South Africa#E:@#}"&?#%lq?#$~ #$9@#  Saudi Arabia# x&1<@# `|(?# %.mf~ $:@$ Turkey$I +:@$-ʞ?$%Tm $$~ $$:@$  Hungary ~ $ @$ :b%?$ %AE+!@~ %;@% Israel%%C9@%"kv?%%V &*](@%$~ %$;@%  South Africa% V-:@% ~|?% %lҨi!~ &<@& Hungary ~ &@&؁z?&%Xvy!@&$~ &$<@&  Argentina& Kw9@&  >3$?& %*2~ '=@' Argentina'h|?U7@'Ԕx ?'%wX.J''$~ '$=@'  Indonesia' /$8@' CϢÓ?' % Rpb(~ (>@( Venezuela('13@(c$RM?(%@b.@($~ ($>@(  Egypt( ʡ0@( <9?( %{͸~ )?@") Iran, Islamic Rep. of b~ )P@)Frr?)%Nf:@)$~ )$?@)  Chile) /$F.@) j W?) %c@7qd3~ *@@* Chile*Zd;/@* Ր?*%_hD3@*$~ *$@@*  Venezuela* -@* do?* %]Ȃ~ +@@+ New Zealand+Cl(@+ i?+%\\'@ @+$~ +$@@+  New Zealand+ '1,@+ AT`?+ %V V,@~ ,A@, Kuwait b,&1\(@,*a?,%2_;@,$~ ,$A@",  Iran, Islamic Rep. of b~ , @, }R?~ , %@~ -A@- Algeria b~ -@-_A?-%@V0@-$~ -$A@-  Ukraine~ - @- &^>P?- %YH3~ .B@. Ukraine b~ .@.Kzy?.%b .$~ .$B@.  Viet Nam~ .  @. ?. %#Ԃ?~ /B@/ Colombia/x&'@/Ux?/%x@/$~ /$B@/  Slovak Rep. c~ / @/  ]x?/ %+~ 0C@0 Viet Nam0 '@0.)yc?0%܇7@0$~ 0$C@0  Pakistan0 Mb%@0 2?0 %Ni/@~ 1C@1 Nigeria b~ 1@18v ?1%2Nd%0@1$~ 1$C@1  Colombia1  rhQ%@1 VQx_?1 % *;~ 2D@2 Slovak Rep.~ 2@2p7B?2%<2$~ 2$D@2  Morocco~ 2 @2 ;ɹ;?2 %h@~ 3D@3 Iraq b~ 3P@3BLjF?3%]tES@3$~ 3$D@3  Romania ~ 3 <@3 =?3 %n0E~(~ 4E@#4 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya b~ 4h@4?h^o?4%@B@4$~ 4$E@4  Nigeria b~ 4 4@4 ަ?4 % "o @~ 5E@5 Pakistan5S㥛!@5dX4?5% 柑^#@5$~ 5$E@5  Slovenia 5 Cl#@5 5@'=Total of above d~ =@=jXnX@ =&- =$$= Total of above d~ = @= :jzW@ = &-'>World (excl. intra-EU trade) d>@Y@>'@ >$$'> World (excl. intra-EU trade) d> @Y@ > 'T2¹g@ ?!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dl@T0@A@B@Cw@DO@F@M@N@O@P@GQ@\@ Ta Retained imports are defined as imports less re-exports. See the Technical Notes.!A b Secretariat estimates.$B c Imports are valued f.o.b.DC <d Includes significant re-exports or imports for re-export. D!!!!!!!!!!!!! F FM"N"O"P#Q";`%(H$ =x7"8X> ????mL}ܰwDVD7DV? zT0~0T%0 zT~0~0Nz zT0}ܱy0}y0}ܱByRqq     "   PG^wA{  dMbP?_*+%,D&v/?'v/?(%C?)%C?MRLocal Linotronic 530 v52.3G 4dA4PRIV''''8" dX?? english spanishU} } } } } }  } } } } } } } }  PT0@@@@,@@@O@V@ @G @ @ @ @@@@@@@@@Vw@@@@@Gw@@@G@@ Tableau I.6 "aYPrincipaux exportateurs et importateurs participant au commerce mondial des marchandises 2*( l'exclusion du commerce intra-UE), 1999 3+(En milliards de dollars et en pourcentage)   Variation     Variation  annuelle en     annuelle en Rang ExportateursValeur Part pourcentage Rang  Importateurs Valeur  Part  pourcentage !!!!!!!!!!!!! ~ ? Exportations extra-UE~ l@.5˫2@%SX~ ?  Etats-Unis  /$@ Gw7@ %\=N(@~ @  Etats-Unis ~ @ \Od0@ %++n?~ @  Importations extra-UE~ Q@ 6a2@ %׾)@~ @  Japon +5z@ q#@ %'J 5 @~ @  Japon x&1ts@ )T֍@ %" ]C%@~ @  Canada ʡEm@ EV}@ %&@~ @  Canada `"ۅk@ HO@ %"g@~ @  Chine~ @ g@ %3Y0@~ @  Hong Kong, Chine xf@ 2ֺ@ %@ ~ @  Hong Kong, Chine Ve@ @s@ %Im-п'  importations dfinitives a Mb<@ _\Joo? %w75 ]5)! exportations d'origine localeK7a6@z(?%!~ @  Chine K7d@ ^7 @ %y)2@ rexportations/c@[墟u @%Fڟ?~ @  Mexique ʡEb@ ίl} @ %@IG,+@~ @ Core, Rp. de~ AE@hJM @%.y"@~  @  Core, Rp. de~  ]@ _S@ %E$_<@~  @ Mexique"~a@OWt @%a0@~ "@  Singapour~  @ 79w@ %"@~ "@ Taipei chinoisT㥛h^@RG@%!$@'  importations dfinitives a CP@ ڑ},? %[3\QU2@~ $@ Singapourjt\@ 4c@% Q s@~ $@  Taipei chinois &1[@ C@ %~TϷt@)! exportations d'origine localeNbX9,Q@y>?%Q| @  %  rexportations9vF@$YZ?%`p޿  % ~ &@ Malaisie~ ~@_x?%Uiuk.@~ &@  Suisse mS@ Xw? %~}å˿~ (@ Suisse~ d@LNQ?%6o*?~ (@  Australie Zd;GQ@ -? %3@~ *@ Russie, Fd. de~ @e?%f),@?~ *@  Malaisie =P@  `#? %sʙ&@~ ,@ ThalandeV-2M@Pⵎ?%TyR@~ ,@  Brsil V-I@ Ɨn? %cx-~ .@ Australie~ @ͰC(?%Pr_5i?~ .@  Thalande~  @ ? %@-<1@~ 0@ Arabie saoudite b~ @I@HW ?%<:@~ 0@  Pologne~  @ EZ? %Iqw~ 1@ Indonsie~ @*u;7\?%Wb׿~ 1@  Inde ZdKF@ CϢ? %s`H@~ 2@ Brsil rhH@>=?%S~ 2@  Russie, Fd. de~  @ e ZG? %3Mt>~ 3@ Norvgex&qF@d?% m*@~ 3@  Turquie ʡE3D@  Sl? %Y9(~ 4@ Philippines~ @YNc?%e&A8@~ 4@  Norvge h|?A@ +e@? %, ODlOdeFJ$sd VT0@!@"@#@$@%@&@'@(@)@G*V@+@,@-@.@/@0@1@2@3@4V@5@6w@7@8@9@:@G;w@<@=@G>V@?@~ 5@  Inde~ @ Z? %O6ufs!@~ 5@  Isral~ @ ƈ8X? %>aU-*@~ !6@ ! Emirats arabes unis b~ !=@!$eYGB?~ !%͗@~ !6@!  Philippines! SE@@! ij>^/?! %uhN3 @~ "7@" Pologne~ "i@"8ﵚ?"%F.Ia~ "7@ "  Emirats arabes unis b~ " @" 2?" %wrg@~ #8@# Rp. tchque~ #@#A]C?#%>?~ #8@#  Rp. tchque c~ # @# #L&ƈ?# %~k5?~ $9@$ Afrique du Sud$E:@$}"&?$%lq?~ $9@$  Arabie saoudite$ x&1<@$ `|(?$ %.mf~ %:@% Turquie%I +:@%-ʞ?%%Tm ~ %:@%  Hongrie~ % @% :b%?% %AE+!@~ &;@& Isral&%C9@&"kv?&%V &*](@~ &;@&  Afrique du Sud& V-:@& ~|?& %lҨi!~ '<@' Hongrie~ '@'؁z?'%Xvy!@~ '<@'  Argentine' Kw9@'  >3$?' %*2~ (=@( Argentine(h|?U7@(Ԕx ?(%wX.J'~ (=@(  Indonsie( /$8@( CϢÓ?( % Rpb(~ )>@) Venezuela)'13@)c$RM?)%@b.@~ )>@)  Egypte) ʡ0@) <9?) %{͸~ *?@$* Iran, Rp. islamique d' b~ *P@*Frr?*%Nf:@~ *?@*  Chili* /$F.@* j W?* %c@7qd3~ +@@+ Chili+Zd;/@+ Ր?+%_hD3@~ +@@+  Venezuela+ -@+ do?+ %]Ȃ~ ,@@, Nouvelle-Zlande,Cl(@, i?,%\\'@ @~ ,@@,  Nouvelle-Zlande, '1,@, AT`?, %V V,@~ -A@- Kowet b-&1\(@-*a?-%2_;@~ -A@$-  Iran, Rp. islamique d' b~ - @- }R?~ - %@~ .A@. Algrie b~ .@._A?.%@V0@~ .A@.  Ukraine~ . @. &^>P?. %YH3~ /B@/ Ukraine b~ /@/Kzy?/%b ~ /B@/  Viet Nam~ /  @/ ?/ %#Ԃ?~ 0B@0 Colombie0x&'@0Ux?0%x@~ 0B@0  Rp. slovaque c~ 0 @0  ]x?0 %+~ 1C@1 Viet Nam1 '@1.)yc?1%܇7@~ 1C@1  Pakistan1 Mb%@1 2?1 %Ni/@~ 2C@2 Nigria b~ 2@28v ?2%2Nd%0@~ 2C@2  Colombie2  rhQ%@2 VQx_?2 % *;~ 3D@3 Rp. slovaque~ 3@3p7B?3%<~ 3D@3  Maroc~ 3 @3 ;ɹ;?3 %h@~ 4D@4 Iraq b~ 4P@4BLjF?4%]tES@~ 4D@4  Roumanie~ 4 <@4 =?4 %n0E~(~ 5E@&5 Jamahiriya arabe libyenne b~ 5h@5?h^o?5%@B@~ 5E@5  Nigria b~ 5 4@5 ަ?5 % "o @~ 6E@6 Pakistan6S㥛!@6dX4?6% 柑^#@~ 6E@6  Slovnie6 Cl#@6 5@'>Total ci-dessus d~ >@>jXnX@ >&-> Total ci-dessus d~ > @> :jzW@ > &-(? Monde ( l'exclusion du commerce ?%(?  Monde ( l'exclusion du commerce ? % Dl@T0@AO@B@C@D@E@FO@H@K@L@GM@N@O@@ intra-UE) d@@Y@@%@@  intra-UE) d@ @Y@ @ %T2¹g@ A!!!!!!!!!!!!! rB ja Les importations dfinitives s'entendent dduction faite des rexportations. Voir les Notes techniques.&C b Estimations du Secrtariat.D c Importations f.a.b._E Wd Y compris d'importantes rexportations ou importations destines la rexportation. F!!!!!!!!!!!!! H K"L"M"N#O"1$v*"c$ =x7"8X> ????mL}ܰwDVD7DV? zT0~0T%0 zT~0~0Nz zT0\}ܱy0}y0\}ܱByPدqq     "   PϖW  dMbP?_*+%,D&v/?'v/?(%C?)%C?MRLocal Linotronic 530 v52.3G 4dA4PRIV''''8" dX?? englishfrenchU} } } } } }  } } } } } } } }  PT0@@@@,@@@O@V@ @G @ @ @ @@@@@@0@@@V@@@@@@w@@G@w@ Cuadro I.6 "G?Principales exportadores e importadores mundiales de mercancas >6(excluido el comercio intracomunitario de la UE), 1999 4,(Miles de millones de dlares y porcentajes)   Variacin     Variacin  porcentual     porcentual Orden Exportadores Valor Parte anual Orden  Importadores  Valor  Parte  anual !!!!!!!!!!!!! ~ ?  Exportaciones extra-UE~ l@.5˫2@SX~ ?  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