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Annual percentage changes and rankings are affected by continuity breaks  _ ` a Estimation du Secrtariat.a Estimacin de la Secretara.a Secretariat estimate.KLeading exporters and importers in world trade in commercial services, 1999fPrincipaux exportateurs et importateurs participant au commerce mondial des services commerciaux, 1999PPrincipales exportadores e importadores mundiales de servicios comerciales, 1999United States United Kingdom France Germany Italy Japan Netherlands Spain Belgium-Luxembourg Hong Kong, China Canada Austria Switzerland Korea, Rep. of China Singapore Sweden Australia Denmark Norway Taipei, Chinese Thailand Ireland India Mexico Israel Poland Egypt Russian Fed. Portugal Czech Rep. Brazil Finland Hungary Saudi Arabia South Africa Philippines Indonesia Argentina Etats-Unis Royaume-Uni Allemagne Italie Japon Pays-Bas Espagne Belgique-Luxembourg Hong Kong, Chine Autriche Suisse Core, Rp. de Chine Singapour Sude Australie Danemark Norvge Taipei chinois Thalande Irlande Inde Mexique Isral Pologne Egypte Russie, Fd. de Rp. tchque Brsil Finlande Hongrie Arabie saoudite Afrique du Sud Indonsie Argentine Estados Unidos Reino Unido Francia Alemania Italia Japn Pases Bajos Espaa Blgica-Luxemburgo Canad Suiza C \p Informatics Ba= ThisWorkbook=;X/!8X@"1 CG Times1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial14Frutiger 47LightCn12Frutiger 45 Light12Frutiger 45 Light14Frutiger 47LightCn14Frutiger 47LightCn12xFrutiger 45 Light12xFrutiger 45 Light12x Frutiger 45 Light14 Frutiger 47LightCn12xFrutiger 45 Light"$"\ #,##0;"$"\ \-#,##0!"$"\ #,##0;[Red]"$"\ \-#,##0""$"\ #,##0.00;"$"\ \-#,##0.00'""$"\ #,##0.00;[Red]"$"\ \-#,##0.00=*8_ "$"\ * #,##0_ ;_ "$"\ * \-#,##0_ ;_ "$"\ * "-"_ ;_ @_ .))_ * #,##0_ ;_ * \-#,##0_ ;_ * "-"_ ;_ @_ E,@_ "$"\ * #,##0.00_ ;_ "$"\ * \-#,##0.00_ ;_ "$"\ * "-"??_ ;_ @_ 6+1_ * #,##0.00_ ;_ * \-#,##0.00_ ;_ * "-"??_ ;_ @_ ""#,##0;\-""#,##0""#,##0;[Red]\-""#,##0""#,##0.00;\-""#,##0.00#""#,##0.00;[Red]\-""#,##0.0050_-""* #,##0_-;\-""* #,##0_-;_-""* "-"_-;_-@_-,'_-* #,##0_-;\-* #,##0_-;_-* "-"_-;_-@_-=8_-""* #,##0.00_-;\-""* #,##0.00_-;_-""* "-"??_-;_-@_-4/_-* #,##0.00_-;\-* #,##0.00_-;_-* "-"??_-;_-@_- 0.0_)0_)0.0                + ) , *     "  #  # &  H) X)  H X) X)     (       !    (   (  (  #    #  #  #   `" english}Afrenchaspanish,  ;6  ;7  ;7U Table I.7 (Billion dollars and percentage)Annual percentageRank ExportersValueSharechange ImportersTotal of above World Tableau I.7+(En milliards de dollars et en pourcentage) Variation Variation annuelle enRang ExportateursValeurPart pourcentage ImportateursMonde Cuadro I.7,(Miles de millones de dlares y porcentajes) Variacin porcentualOrden ExportadoresValorParteanual ImportadoresTotal Total, ci-dessus Mundo Note: Les chiffres concernant un certain nombre de pays et de territoires rsultent d'estimations effectues par le Secrtariat. Les taux de croissance et les classements ont   Nota: Las cifras correspondientes a algunos pases y territorios han sido estimadas por la Secretara. Las interrupciones en la continuiorea, Rep. de Singapur Suecia Dinamarca Noruega Taipei Chino Tailandia Irlanda Mxico Polonia Egipto Rusia, Fed. de Rep. Checa Brasil Finlandia Hungra Arabia Saudita Sudfrica Filipinas -& Turkey a Malaysia a in the series for a large number of economies, and by limitations in cross-country comparability. See the Technical Notes. For annual data 1989-99, see Appendix Tables A5 and A6. Turquie a Malaisie a Turqua a Malasia a clasificacin. Vanse las Notas Tcnicas. Para los datos estadsticos sobre los valores anuales de 1989-99, vanse los cuadros A5 y A6 del Apndice.]Les statistiques annuelles de 1989-99 sont donnes dans les tableaux de l'Appendice A5 et A6. Turkey a Malaysia a Greece a Turquie a Malaisie a Grce a Turqua a Malasia a Grecia a   t r S_sa?rrGF $  = 2T  $  M M L;`T0Н0&<4&p0w`T0<4&` & & ip0**ҙDT0Pt008Hzm00 E000߿0Dt0Percent0]?&+&w$ ,0 4&p,&w4&` & &?7&`T0  7?@?w`T0p &wwwfwx&P^w`T0`T0 =&=&/Æ0x&`T0 Ǭp0p00   8 S]0\?y\%0a0V &0 0 U Table I.7 (Billion dollars and percentage)Annual percent  9"3@?  dMbP?_*+%D&v/?'v/?(%C?)%C?MLocal Linotronic 530 v52.3G 4dA4PRIV''''8" dX??U} } }  } ` } } } } } } } ` } } } }  } 9,T0@@,@,@G@ @O@h@@ @ @T @ h@ T0@&@&@@h@@0@@@h@@@@m@h0@@@@@    -  !                       ############# ~ ? 0,@,`@.@~ ?  0 ,@,@."@ ~ @ 1,`Y@,@.@~ @  3 ,@,@.@ ~ @ 2 ,"@,@.~ @ 5 ,N@,!@.@ ~ @ 3 ,@,p@.~ @ 1 ,̿@,@.@ ~ @ 4 ,@,@. ~ @ 2 ,@,`}@. ~ @ 5 ,@,@.~ @ 4 ,ж@,z@. ~ @ 6 ,,@,@.@~ @ 6 ,G@, @.? ~  @ 7,J@,`x@. @~  @  : ,@C@, r@.@ ~ "@ 8,C@, r@.@~ "@  8 ,@,p@.@ ~ $@ 9,D@,@p@.@~ $@  > ,@,l@.0@ ~ &@ :,@,@.@~ &@  7 ,>@,k@.&@ ~ (@ ;,>@,l@.~ (@  ; ,@,@j@. ~ *@ <,@,g@.@~ *@  = ,d@,g@.&@ ~ ,@ =,`@,f@.@~ ,@  F ,d@,g@." ~ .@ >,@,f@.~ .@  9 ,8@,f@. ~ 0@ ?,p@,@e@.9@~ 0@  D ,7@,@e@.? ~ 1@ @,@,a@.@~ 1@  @ ,7@,@e@.@ ~ 2@ A,@,@`@."@~ 2@  ? ,`@,a@. @ ~ 3@ ,0@,^@ .~ 3@  A ,@,@`@.@ ~ 4@ B,@,^@.@~ 4@  C ,@,@`@.0@ ~ 5@ C,@,[@.$@~ 5@  G ,@,@`@.5@ ~ 6@ D,-@,[@.*~ 6@  < ,(@,^@.@ ~ 7@ E,@,?. @~ 7@  B ,@,[@. ~ 8@ F,,@,?.(~ 8@   ,X@,[@  . ~ 9@ G,@,?.:@~ 9@  E ,,@,?.2@ D&l<<<,$pppppppppp hT0@!@"@#@G$@ %h@&@'@(@)@*h@T+@,@-T0@.&@&/h@0@1O@2@30@4@5O@8@~ :@  ,(@,V@ .~ :@ H ,@,?."@ ~ !;@ !H!,p@,V@.~ !;@ ! 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(Billion dollars and percentage) Annual Annual  percentage  percentage Rank Exporters Value Sharechange Rank  Importers  Value  Share change ############# ~ ?United States ,@,`@.@~ ? United States  ,@,@."@ ~ @United Kingdom ,`Y@,@.@~ @ Germany  ,@,@.@ ~ @ France  ,"@,@.~ @ Japan  ,N@,!@.@ ~ @ Germany  ,@,p@.~ @ United Kingdom  ,̿@,@.@ ~ @ Italy  ,@,@. ~ @ France  ,@,`}@. ~ @ Japan  ,@,@.~ @ Italy  ,ж@,z@. ~ @  Netherlands  ,,@,@.@~ @  Netherlands  ,G@, @.? ~  @Spain ,J@,`x@. @~  @ Canada  ,@C@, r@. \p Informatics [Bb englishfrench spanish$ ;6$ ;7$ ;7=;X/!8X@"1CG Times1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial1!Frutiger 47LightCn1 Frutiger 45 Light1 Frutiger 45 Light1!Frutiger 47LightCn1!Frutiger 47LightCn1 xFrutiger 45 Light1 xFrutiger 45 Light1 x Frutiger 45 Light1! Frutiger 47LightCn1 xFrutiger 45 Light"$"\ #,##0;"$"\ \-#,##0"$"\ #,##0;[Red]"$"\ \-#,##0 "$"\ #,##0.00;"$"\ \-#,##0.00%""$"\ #,##0.00;[Red]"$"\ \-#,##0.00;*8_ "$"\ * #,##0_ ;_ "$"\ * \-#,##0_ ;_ "$"\ * "-"_ ;_ @_ ,))_ * #,##0_ ;_ * \-#,##0_ ;_ * "-"_ ;_ @_ C,@_ "$"\ * #,##0.00_ ;_ "$"\ * \-#,##0.00_ ;_ "$"\ * "-"??_ ;_ @_ 4+1_ * #,##0.00_ ;_ * \-#,##0.00_ ;_ * "-"??_ ;_ @_ ""#,##0;\-""#,##0""#,##0;[Red]\-""#,##0""#,##0.00;\-""#,##0.00!""#,##0.00;[Red]\-""#,##0.0030_-""* #,##0_-;\-""* #,##0_-;_-""* "-"_-;_-@_-*'_-* #,##0_-;\-* #,##0_-;_-* "-"_-;_-@_-;8_-""* #,##0.00_-;\-""* #,##0.00_-;_-""* "-"??_-;_-@_-2/_-* #,##0.00_-;\-* #,##0.00_-;_-* "-"??_-;_-@_-0.0_)0_)0.0                + ) , *     "  #  # &  H) X)  H X) X)     ( @      !    (   (  (  #    #  #  #   83ffff̙3f3fff3f3f33333f33333 english 1frenchWspanish  9!X/  dMbP?_*+%,D&v/?'v/?(%C?)%C?MRLocal Linotronic 530 v52.3 &G 4dA4w`T0`T0 =&PRIV''''8" dX??french spanishU} } }  } ` } } } } } } } ` } } } }  }  9,T0@@,@,w@@@O@h@@ @G @ ~ "@Belgium-Luxembourg ,C@, r@.@~ "@ Belgium-Luxembourg  ,@,p@.@ ~ $@Hong Kong, China ,D@,@p@.@~ $@ China  ,@,l@.0@ ~ &@Canada ,@,@.@~ &@ Spain  ,>@,k@.&@ ~ (@Austria ,>@,l@.~ (@ Austria  ,@,@j@. ~ *@ Switzerland ,@,g@.@~ *@ Korea, Rep. of  ,d@,g@.&@ ~ ,@Korea, Rep. of ,`@,f@.@~ ,@ Ireland  ,d@,g@." ~ .@China ,@,f@.~ .@ Hong Kong, China  ,8@,f@. ~ 0@ Singapore ,p@,@e@.9@~ 0@ Taipei, Chinese  ,7@,@e@.? ~ 1@Sweden ,@,a@.@~ 1@ Sweden  ,7@,@e@.@ ~ 2@ Australia ,@,@`@."@~ 2@  Singapore  ,`@,a@. @ ~ 3@ Turkey a ,0@,^@ .~ 3@  Australia  ,@,@`@.@ ~ 4@Denmark ,@,^@.@~ 4@ Norway  ,@,@`@.0@ ~ 5@Norway ,@,[@.$@~ 5@ India  ,@,@`@.5@ ~ 6@Taipei, Chinese ,-@,[@.*~ 6@  Switzerland  ,(@,^@.@ ~ 7@ Thailand ,@,?. @~ 7@ Denmark  ,@,[@. ~ 8@Ireland ,,@,?.(~ 8@  Malaysia a  ,X@,[@   . ~ 9@India ,@,?.:@~ 9@  Thailand  ,,@,?.2@ D_lCZ$<$yyxy hT0@!@"@#w@$@%h@&@'@(@)@G*h@T+@,@-T0@.&@&/h@0@G1O@2@30@4@5O@8@~ :@  Malaysia a  ,(@,V@ .~ :@ Mexico  ,@,?."@ ~ !;@!Mexico !,p@,V@.~ !;@!  Russian Fed. ! ,`@,V@.7 !~ "<@"Israel ",@,T@..@~ "<@" Brazil " ,@,V@.8 "~ #=@# Greece a #,@,Q@ #.~ #=@#  Indonesia # ,@,T@. #~ $>@$Poland $,$@,Q@."~ $>@$ Israel $ ,@,T@.(@ $~ %?@%Egypt %,@,Q@.2@~ %?@%  Saudi Arabia % ,#@,Q@."@ %~ &@@& Russian Fed. &,p@,Q@.;~ &@@&  Turkey a & ,@@,N@  & . &~ '@@' Portugal ',@,N@.~ '@@'  Argentina ' ,@,N@. '~ (A@( Czech Rep. (,@@,?. ~ (A@( Poland ( ,@,N@.0@ (~ )A@)Brazil ),@@,?.~ )A@) Finland ) ,@,N@. )~ *B@*Finland *,@,?.~ *B@*  Philippines * ,@,N@  * . *~ +B@+Hungary +,@,D@.~ +B@+  Portugal + ,@,?. +~ ,C@, Saudi Arabia ,,@@,D@."@~ ,C@, Egypt , ,@,D@.? ,~ -C@- South Africa -,~@,D@.~ -C@-  Czech Rep. - ,@,D@. -~ .D@. Philippines .,~@,D@ ..~ .D@.  South Africa . ,@@,D@.@` ./"Total of above /-`@-@ //- /+"" / "Total of above / -$@-@  / /-0"World 0-@-Y@0? 0""" 0 "World 0 -@-Y@1@ 1#############  2)a Secretariat estimate.2*((((((((((( 3%Note: Figures for a number of countries and territories have been estimated by the Secretariat. Annual percentage changes and rankings are affected by continuity breaks  _ ` 33 4$in the series for a large number of economies, and by limitations in cross-country comparability. See the Technical Notes. For annual data 1989-99, see Appendix Tables A5 and A6.44  5############# 8'2 l$F$=;X/!8X> ????mT,wVTD7V4 zT0HQ~0W%0H zTH~0~0HNz zT0,hy0Hy0`,`By9Rqq     "   =$4G$U  dMbP?_*+%,D&v/?'v/?(%C?)%C?MRLocal Linotronic 530 v52.3G 4dA4PRIV''''8" dX?? english spanishU} } }  } ` } } } } } } } ` } } } }  }  =,T0@@,@,@@@O@h@@ @& T0@ @ h@ &@T@T0@T@h@T@0@@@h@@p0@@@h@@@@@ Tableau I.7 n fPrincipaux exportateurs et importateurs participant au commerce mondial des services commerciaux, 1999 3!+(En milliards de dollars et en pourcentage)  Variation  Variation  annuelle en  annuelle en Rang ExportateursValeur Part pourcentage Rang  Importateurs Valeur  Part  pourcentage ############# ~ ? Etats-Unis ,@,`@.@~ ?  Etats-Unis  ,@,@."@ ~ @ Royaume-Uni ,`Y@,@.@~ @  Allemagne  ,@,@.@ ~ @ France  ,"@,@. ~ @ Japon  ,N@,!@.@ ~ @  Allemagne  ,@,p@. ~ @  Royaume-Uni  ,̿@,@.@ ~ @ Italie  ,@,@.  ~ @ France  ,@,`}@. ~ @ Japon  ,@,@.~ @ Italie  ,ж@,z@. ~ @  Pays-Bas  ,,@,@.@ ~ @  Pays-Bas  ,G@, @.? ~  @Espagne ,J@,`x@. @~  @ Canada  ,@C@, r@.@ ~ "@Belgique-Luxembourg ,C@, r@.@~ "@ Belgique-Luxembourg  ,@,p@.@ ~ $@Hong Kong, Chine ,D@,@p@.@~ $@ Chine  ,@,l@.0@ ~ &@Canada ,@,@.@~ &@ Espagne  ,>@,k@.&@ ~ (@ Autriche ,>@,l@.~ (@  Autriche  ,@,@j@. ~ *@Suisse ,@,g@.@~ *@ Core, Rp. de  ,d@,g@.&@ ~ ,@Core, Rp. de ,`@,f@.@~ ,@ Irlande  ,d@,g@." ~ .@Chine ,@,f@.~ .@ Hong Kong, Chine  ,8@,f@. ~ 0@ Singapour ,p@,@e@.9@~ 0@ Taipei chinois  ,7@,@e@.? ~ 1@Sude ,@,a@.@~ 1@ Sude  ,7@,@e@.@ ~ 2@ Australie ,@,@`@."@~ 2@  Singapour  ,`@,a@. @ ~ 3@ Turquie a ,0@,^@ .~ 3@  Australie  ,@,@`@.@ ~ 4@ Danemark ,@,^@.@~ 4@ Norvge  ,@,@`@.0@ ~ 5@Norvge ,@,[@.$@~ 5@  Inde  ,@,@`@.5@ ~ 6@Taipei chinois ,-@,[@.*~ 6@ Suisse  ,(@,^@.@ ~ 7@ Thalande ,@,?. @~ 7@  Danemark  ,@,[@. ~ 8@Irlande ,,@,?.(~ 8@  Malaisie a  ,X@,[@   .~ 9@ Inde ,@,?.:@~ 9@  Thalande  ,,@,?.2@ DMlEe+>$y hT0@!@"@#@$@%h@&@'@(@)@&*hT0@+@,@-&@T.@T/h0@T0@1O@T2@30@4@5@6O@7@<p0@~ :@  Malaisie a  ,(@,V@ .~ :@ Mexique  ,@,?."@ ~ !;@!Mexique !,p@,V@.~ !;@! Russie, Fd. de ! ,`@,V@.7 ~ "<@"Isral ",@,T@..@~ "<@" Brsil " ,@,V@.8 ~ #=@# Grce a #,@,Q@ #.~ #=@#  Indonsie # ,@,T@. ~ $>@$Pologne $,$@,Q@."~ $>@$ Isral $ ,@,T@.(@ ~ %?@%Egypte %,@,Q@.2@~ %?@% Arabie saoudite % ,#@,Q@."@ ~ &@@&Russie, Fd. de &,p@,Q@.;~ &@@&  Turquie a & ,@@,N@  & .~ '@@' Portugal ',@,N@.~ '@@'  Argentine ' ,@,N@. ~ (A@( Rp. tchque (,@@,?. ~ (A@( Pologne ( ,@,N@.0@ ~ )A@)Brsil ),@@,?.~ )A@)  Finlande ) ,@,N@. ~ *B@* Finlande *,@,?.~ *B@*  Philippines * ,@,N@  * .~ +B@+Hongrie +,@,D@.~ +B@+  Portugal + ,@,?. ~ ,C@,Arabie saoudite ,,@@,D@."@~ ,C@, Egypte , ,@,D@.? ~ -C@-Afrique du Sud -,~@,D@.~ -C@-  Rp. tchque - ,@,D@. ~ .D@. Philippines .,~@,D@ ..~ .D@. Afrique du Sud . ,@@,D@.@` /"Total, ci-dessus /-`@-@ //- /""" / "Total, ci-dessus / -$@-@  / /-0"Monde 0-@-Y@1? 0""" 0 "Monde 0 -@-Y@1@ 1############# %2)a Estimation du Secrtariat.2(((((((((((( 3%Note: Les chiffres concernant un certain nombre de pays et de territoires rsultent d'estimations effectues par le Secrtariat. Les taux de croissance et les classements ont   33 4$subi l'incidence de ruptures de continuit dans les sries pour un grand nombre d'conomies, ainsi que des limites de la comparabilit entre pays. Voir les Notes techniques. 44 e5$]Les statistiques annuelles de 1989-99 sont donnes dans les tableaux de l'Appendice A5 et A6. 6############# 7 <)6W z{|}l$Ki$ =;X/!8X> ????mT,wVTD7V4 zT0HQ~0W%0H zTH~0~0HNz zT0,hy0Hy0`,`By=Rqq     "   8YDmz  dMbP?_*+%,D&v/?'v/?(%C?)%C?MRLocal Linotronic 530 v52.3G 4dA4PRIV''''8" dX?? englishfrenchU} } }  } ` }  } } } } } } } } } }  }  8,T0@@,@,@@@O@h@@ @& T0@ @ h@ &@T@T0@T@h@@0@@@&h@&@&&@@G@h&@w@&@@Gw@f Cuadro I.7 X PPrincipales exportadores e importadores mundiales de servicios comerciales, 1999 4!,(Miles de millones de dlares y porcentajes)  Variacin    Variacin porcentual    porcentual &Orden Exportadores Valor Parte anual &Orden   Importadores  Valor  Parte  anual ############# ~ ?Estados Unidos ,@,`@.@~ ? Estados Unidos  ,@,@."@ ~ @ Reino Unido ,`Y@,@.@~ @  Alemania  ,@,@.@ ~ @ Francia  ,"@,@. ~ @ Japn  ,N@,!@.@ ~ @  Alemania  ,@,p@. ~ @  Reino Unido  ,̿@,@.@ ~ @ Italia  ,@,@.  ~ @ Francia  ,@,`}@. ~ @ Japn  ,@,@.~ @ Italia  ,ж@,z@. ~ @  Pases Bajos  ,,@,@.@ ~ @  Pases Bajos  ,G@, @.? ~  @Espaa ,J@,`x@. @~  @ Canad  ,@C@, r@.@ ~ "@Blgica-Luxemburgo ,C@, r@.@~ "@ Blgica-Luxemburgo  ,@,p@.@ ~ $@Hong Kong, China ,D@,@p@.@~ $@ China  ,@,l@.0@ ~ &@Canad ,@,@.@~ &@ Espaa  ,>@,k@.&@ ~ (@Austria ,>@,l@.~ (@ Austria  ,@,@j@. ~ *@Suiza ,@,g@.@~ *@ Corea, Rep. de  ,d@,g@.&@ ~ ,@Corea, Rep. de ,`@,f@.@~ ,@ Irlanda  ,d@,g@." ~ .@China ,@,f@.~ .@ Hong Kong, China  ,8@,f@. ~ 0@ Singapur ,p@,@e@.9@~ 0@  Taipei Chino  ,7@,@e@.? ~ 1@Suecia ,@,a@.@~ 1@ Suecia  ,7@,@e@.@ ~ 2@ Australia ,@,@`@."@~ 2@  Singapur  ,`@,a@. @ ~ 3@ Turqua a ,0@,^@ .~ 3@  Australia  ,@,@`@.@ ~ 4@ Dinamarca ,@,^@.@~ 4@ Noruega  ,@,@`@.0@ ~ 5@Noruega ,@,[@.$@~ 5@ India  ,@,@`@.5@ ~ 6@ Taipei Chino ,-@,[@.*~ 6@ Suiza  ,(@,^@.@ ~ 7@ Tailandia ,@,?. @~ 7@  Dinamarca  ,@,[@. ~ 8@Irlanda ,,@,?.(~ 8@  Malasia a  ,X@,[@   .~ 9@India ,@,?.:@~ 9@  Tailandia  ,,@,?.2@ D=lDf8:$y hT0@!@"@#@$@%h@&@'@(@)@&*hT0@+@,@-&@T.@T/h0@T0@1O@2@30@4@5@&6O@7&@&~ :@  Malasia a  ,(@,V@ .~ :@ Mxico  ,@,?."@ ~ !;@!Mxico !,p@,V@.~ !;@! Rusia, Fed. de ! ,`@,V@.7 ~ "<@"Israel ",@,T@..@~ "<@" Brasil " ,@,V@.8 ~ #=@# Grecia a #,@,Q@ #.~ #=@#  Indonesia # ,@,T@. ~ $>@$Polonia $,$@,Q@."~ $>@$ Israel $ ,@,T@.(@ ~ %?@%Egipto %,@,Q@.2@~ %?@% Arabia Saudita % ,#@,Q@."@ ~ &@@&Rusia, Fed. de &,p@,Q@.;~ &@@&  Turqua a & ,@@,N@  & .~ '@@' Portugal ',@,N@.~ '@@'  Argentina ' ,@,N@. ~ (A@( Rep. Checa (,@@,?. ~ (A@( Polonia ( ,@,N@.0@ ~ )A@)Brasil ),@@,?.~ )A@)  Finlandia ) ,@,N@. ~ *B@* Finlandia *,@,?.~ *B@*  Filipinas * ,@,N@  * .~ +B@+Hungra +,@,D@.~ +B@+  Portugal + ,@,?. ~ ,C@,Arabia Saudita ,,@@,D@."@~ ,C@, Egipto , ,@,D@.? ~ -C@- Sudfrica -,~@,D@.~ -C@-  Rep. Checa - ,@,D@. ~ .D@. Filipinas .,~@,D@ ..~ .D@.  Sudfrica . ,@@,D@.@` /"Total /-`@-@ //- /""" / "Total / -$@-@  / /-0"Mundo 0-@-Y@1? 0""" 0 "Mundo 0 -@-Y@1@ 1############# '2)a Estimacin de la Secretara.2(((((((((((( 3%Nota: Las cifras correspondientes a algunos pases y territorios han sido estimadas por la Secretara. Las interrupciones en la continuidad de las series correspondientes a  f 33 4$un gran nmero de economas y las limitaciones a la comparabilidad de los datos de los distintos pases afectan a las tasas de crecimiento y los puestos ocupados en la 44 5$clasificacin. Vanse las Notas Tcnicas. Para los datos estadsticos sobre los valores anuales de 1989-99, vanse los cuadros A5 y A6 del Apndice. 6############# 7 4< z{}}zl$M$=;X/!8X> ????mT,wVTD7V4 zT0HQ~0W%0H zTH~0~0HNz zT0,hy0Hy0`,`By8Rqq     "  ffice\MSO97.DLL#Microsoft Office 8.0 Object LibraryQ &9* 4+ P`u (VBAExcelVBAProjectstdoleOfficei< *  Oh+'0@HXl Creppy InformaticsMicrosoft Excel@@0x՜.+,08@ T\ d  OMC - ϲʹEx englishfrenchspanish  Worksheets FMicrosoft Excel WorksheetBiff8Excel.Sheet.59qDocumentSummaryInformation8CompObjf