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'Total merchandise exports 2#~j<*@ ' 2Y@2Y@ ' 2J? 24UGK? C1")[ڙ'@ CqCD@ Cص&@ C*%Og 000 Agricultural products *M?  *3#=\8@ *2Mining products*-?*h1@*+^ @*2uK u?*9{0@  /*(G 2@ /tY?@ /=fu 7 / 0 0:@ Manufactures*&1&@*5LOYQ@*`4U@*nF?*AA?  /+@ /ddt+@ /)8(12@ /"5 Chemicals*ʡE@*Dwy5@*HX"p/@*dhb@*Ç7@  /fdD@ /((@ /@ /[M@# Other semi-manufactures*$C?*(:d*w@*mW@[@*j3w?*mAN?  /_Z 2@ / '? /z,/@ /@UUUUU?-% Machinery and transport equipment*jt@* 3D@*U?K@*,Ѷ4?*I[s#.?  /|þ)/@ /bmp1@ /= S:@ /"ZE8u*.& Other non electrical machinery*$C?*|;E(@*s!C$@*L/=?*b+4@  /$Jom#@ /Zh? /ZTV1 /^^ *****//// ,$ Office and telecom equipment*m@*ǻ+@*P50@*@"*8?*/J"^?  /l .Pf;@ /+Q!@ /FΖP@ /Cx!@)! Other transport eqipment *l@*aoV0@*D71 2@*9ոK@*XFI@  /~E=*@ /8\ 7@ /Y>bVP@ /} A{A 0 Other consumer goods*S㥛?**GM@*^@* ԉ+`?*a%%?  / o@1@ /BaY@ /u @ /3$@"BBBB**0////0'European Union (15)BBBB** //// (!'Total merchandise exports2Gŧ7@'2Y@2Y@'2xʂ?2ۖ? CI"*@ C3C? Csp @ CJ(4@ 000Agricultural products*&$ ?*zŀ @*} @*Fa{>?*"8;?  /3Ȫ*#@ / L1@ /yyA@ /:tP@ Food*7P?*Jwrg@*S*@*1ja?*&ϟ?  /_v @ /<:4@ /5ӎB@ /I@Mining products*^-DG?*ph?*H`1y @*>>?*DBƕ?  /uJw=@ /|ߜs$ /1 /-ʻc@ Manufactures*6{2@*V@*&T@*8 K?* 1 ?  /Ȁ(@ /C /{ )( /i;(Dw-@ Chemicals*4-@*~T%@*IN!@*H3/?*jH@?  /UV%@ /b /CF! /SD@DlFZF*,$M$&I T00!0"0#*w0$0%,&*,'h,(?,)*t+,t-t@.t/01t2*@3t456t@708090:0;0<0=w0>T00?0#  Other semi-manufactures *2d?  * N$@ *ڹ&@  * 4?? *ǣ?  /V#1@ ///aF;@ /AT~ /ڷϛ9@-!% Machinery and transport equipment!*J*@!!*`O@!*O&q?M@!!*d9D?!*uS!?! ! /@(@! /o! /C ! /F@hj"@."& Other non electrical machinery"*H . @""* =H6@@"*WC/ {7@""* 'u_~J@"**@" " /`f!@" /g 7" /:̂." /[B',@ #*****//// ,$$ Office and telecom equipment$*H . @$$*lBfm@$*;{t+@$$*OHh?$*L'?$ $ /j;|;@$ /R;$@$ /!DhD@$ /x8{$  %0 Other consumer goods%*i0?%*%*kf%@%*/@%%*5\&@- /!?W@- /M7ި@- /i6(- /88?. 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English SpanishU} } } } } } }  } } }  g,T0@,@,@@,@O@,@@O@ ,@ Ot@ h, ,t' t@tttww*,ht0@,'T0#$Tableau III.72 ##############r%jExportations de marchandises des Etats-Unis, de l'Union europennne et du Japon destination de la Chine, ##############%%par principaux produits, 1999 ##############3&+(En milliards de dollars et en pourcentage) #############":Part dans les exportations+??:88918:totales +;(: totales du pays ou du territoire: "Variation annuelle en  +"" "Valeur@de marchandises+"par groupe de produits" " pourcentage  +"" ))) )) )))) ~ !<@  !@!<@ !@!<@ !1990-99 !4@!8@!<@ " )))))1))1))))  ' ' Etats-Unis '''' '' '''' , '$Exportations totales de marchandises 2#~j<*@ 2Y@2Y@ 2J? 24UGK? C1")[ڙ'@ CqCD@ Cص&@ C*%Og Produits agricoles *M? *3#=\8@ *2+#Produits des industries extractives*-?*h1@*+^ @*2uK u?*9{0@ /*(G 2@ /tY?@ /=fu 7 / 0 0:@Produits manufacturs*&1&@*5LOYQ@*`4U@*nF?*AA? /+@ /ddt+@ /)8(12@ /"5 Produits chimiques*ʡE@*Dwy5@*HX"p/@*dhb@*Ç7@ /fdD@ /((@ /@ /[M@-% Autres produits semi-manufacturs*$C?*(:d*w@*mW@[@*j3w?*mAN? /_Z 2@ / '? /z,/@ /@UUUUU?-% Machines et matriel de transport*jt@* 3D@*U?K@*,Ѷ4?*I[s#.? /|þ)/@ /bmp1@ /= S:@ /"ZE8u*/' Autres machines non lectriques*$C?*|;E(@*s!C$@*L/=?*b+4@ /$Jom#@ /Zh? /ZTV1 /^^0( Machines de bureau et quipement* ** ** //// & de tlcommunication*m@*ǻ+@*P50@*@"*8?*/J"^? /l .Pf;@ /+Q!@ /FΖP@ /Cx!@+# Autre matriel de transport*l@*aoV0@*D71 2@*9ոK@*XFI@ /~E=*@ /8\ 7@ /Y>bVP@ /} A{A( Autres biens de consommation*S㥛?*GM@*^@* ԉ+`?*a%%? / o@1@ /BaY@ /u @ /3$@"'***0**0//// 'Union europenne (15)*** ** //// ,'$Exportations totales de marchandises2Gŧ7@2Y@2Y@2xʂ?2ۖ? CI"*@ C3C? Csp @ CJ(4@Produits agricoles*&$ ?*zŀ @*} @*Fa{>?*"8;? /3Ȫ*#@ / L1@ /yyA@ /:tP@! Produits alimentaires*7P?*Jwrg@*S*@*1ja?*&ϟ? /_v @ /<:4@ /5ӎB@ /I@+#Produits des industries extractives*^-DG?*ph?*H`1y @*>>?*DBƕ? /uJw=@ /|ߜs$ /1 /-ʻc@Produits manufacturs*6{2@*V@*&T@*8 K?* 1 ? /Ȁ(@ /C /{ )( /i;(Dw-@DLlHWeJ6&Rl&] T0!"#$%&'*,(h,),,*t0+0,t0-t0@.t0/t0001t0203w0405060708w090:t0@;0<=>T0?  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