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Checa b, cCzech Rep. b, cEgypteEgiptoFrancia AllemagneAlemaniaGermanyGrceGreciaHong Kong, Chine Hongrie c Hungra c Hungary c IndonsieIsralItalieItaliaJaponJapnCore, Rp. deCorea, Rep. deKowet Malaisie c Malasia c Malaysia cMauriceMauricioPays-Bas Pases BajosNouvelle-ZlandeNueva ZelandiaPolognePoloniaPolandRoumanieRumaniaRomaniaArabie saouditeArabia Saudita SingapourSingapurSlovnie EsloveniaSloveniaAfrique du Sud b Sudfrica bSouth Africa bEspagneEspaaSuisseSuiza Thalande TailandiaTunisieTnezTurquieTurqua Royaume-Uni Reino Unido Etats-UnisEstados Unidos6c Includes significant imports into processing zones.Fc Y compris d'importantes importations des zones de perfectionnement.Dc Incluye significativas importaciones de las zonas de elaboracin. importaciones definativasb Importaciones f.o.b. Mxico b, c Mexico b, cPhilippines c Filipinas c"d Includes Secretariat estimates.?e See the Technical Notes for information on intra-EU imports.,d Y compris des estimations du Secrtariat.Se Voir les Notes techniques pour des renseignements sur les importations intra-UE.)d Incluye estimaciones de la Secretara.Ve Para mayor informacin sobre las importaciones intra-UE, vanse las Notas Tcnicas.1999 a2Imports of textiles of selected economies, 1990-99<Importaciones de textiles de determinadas economas, 1990-99AImportations de textiles de certains pays et territoires, 1990-99 Unin Europea (15) Importaciones intra-UE e Importaciones extra-UE Union europenne (15) Importations intra-UE e Importations e \pUsanase Muganga Ba= ThisWorkbook=#8X@"1 CG Times1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial14Frutiger 47LightCn12Frutiger 45 Light12Frutiger 45 Light14Frutiger 47LightCn12xFrutiger 45 Light""#,##0;\-""#,##0""#,##0;[Red]\-""#,##0""#,##0.00;\-""#,##0.00#""#,##0.00;[Red]\-""#,##0.005*0_-""* #,##0_-;\-""* #,##0_-;_-""* "-"_-;_-@_-,)'_-* #,##0_-;\-* #,##0_-;_-* "-"_-;_-@_-=,8_-""* #,##0.00_-;\-""* #,##0.00_-;_-""* "-"??_-;_-@_-4+/_-* #,##0.00_-;\-* #,##0.00_-;_-* "-"??_-;_-@_-"$"\ #,##0;"$"\ \-#,##0!"$"\ #,##0;[Red]"$"\ \-#,##0""$"\ #,##0.00;"$"\ \-#,##0.00'""$"\ #,##0.00;[Red]"$"\ \-#,##0.00=8_ "$"\ * #,##0_ ;_ "$"\ * \-#,##0_ ;_ "$"\ * "-"_ ;_ @_ .)_ * #,##0_ ;_ * \-#,##0_ ;_ * "-"_ ;_ @_ E@_ "$"\ * #,##0.00_ ;_ "$"\ * \-#,##0.00_ ;_ "$"\ * "-"??_ ;_ @_ 61_ * #,##0.00_ ;_ * \-#,##0.00_ ;_ * "-"??_ ;_ @_ "$"#,##0_);\("$"#,##0\)!"$"#,##0_);[Red]\("$"#,##0\)""$"#,##0.00_);\("$"#,##0.00\)'""$"#,##0.00_);[Red]\("$"#,##0.00\)72_("$"* #,##0_);_("$"* \(#,##0\);_("$"* "-"_);_(@_).)_(* #,##0_);_(* \(#,##0\);_(* "-"_);_(@_)?:_("$"* #,##0.00_);_("$"* \(#,##0.00\);_("$"* "-"??_);_(@_)61_(* #,##0.00_);_(* \(#,##0.00\);_(* "-"??_);_(@_)0_) 0.0_) 0.00_)0.0                       #  &   &  H) X)  ) X)    # #  `denglishRfrench{spanish,_Key1: _Order1 _Sort; =   ;I  ;I  ;J Value1990 ArgentinaAustria BangladeshBelgium-LuxembourgIChileColombiaEgyptFranceGreeceHong Kong, China retained imports IndonesiaIsraelItalyJapanKorea, Rep. ofKuwait Mauritius Netherlands New ZealandPortugal Saudi Arabia SingaporeSpain Sri Lanka SwitzerlandTunisiaTurkeyUnited Kingdom United States Pour mmoire: Pro memoria:Memorandum item: (Million dollars and percentage)Share in economy's total merchandise importsa Or nearest year.*(En millions de dollars et en pourcentage)Part dans les importationstotales de marchandisesValeurdu pays ou du territoirea Ou l'anne la plus proche.#(Millones de dlares y porcentajes)Parte que correspondea los textiles en las importaciones totales de Valormercancas de la economaa O el ao ms prximo.BrazilThailand...- Cuadro IV.74 Tableau IV.74 Table IV.74b Importationsxtra-UE European Union (15) Intra-imports e Extra-importsBelgiqueBlgicaBelgium Luxembourg LuxemburgoRussian Fed. d Mexique b,cRusia, Fed. de dRussie, Fd. de d Morocco cMaroc c Marruecos cUnited Arab Emirates dEmiratos rabes Unidos dEmirats arabes unis dRp. tchque b, c importations dfinitives Macau, China Macao, Chine Macao, China$ w _ r6 _ a2r2ZB kJP8nVP8   } * Н0.4. {w`T04.` . . <ip0B@RRB@|&l0ȱ\@T0t00zm00B E000BBD߿0B\@Dt0@Sortr1Percent0]?.+.Owh@Գ 0г4.p,.88uw4.` . .?7.`T0 7?@?T|w`T0p .w?ww//xVwx.w`T0`T0=.=.8Æ0x.`T0ڬp08ם0p00г h@@V#h@@S]0h@p'Z){<\@%0a06$Y){0Y) T0 Value1990 ArgentinaAustria BangladeshBelgium-LuxembourgIChil  I 6BNP  dMbP?_*+%D&v/?'v/?(%C?)%C?MLocal Linotronic 530 v52.3G 4dA4PRIV''''8" dX??U} } }  } }  } }  } }  } } } } } } I,T0@@,@,@@O@,@O@,@ @  *@  @ @ T0@.@.@@.@,@w@@@@@Gw@//@.@G@@,@T0@T0@ <    %   &    '   ~ 0@~ 4@~ 8@ ~  <@      ~  J@  $~  @ ~  @ ~  Ј@ ~  @  !i? !o@ A~  @  $~  h@  ~  @  ~  @ ~ @  ! @ !W'@ ~  ̞@  ~  @  ~  ؛@  ~  \@ ~ @  !V @ !c`@ ~  @|@  $~  @  ~  0@  ~  ȗ@ 8  !DW*@ !'5@   9   9   9   9 ~ ֬@ !9 !=t[@ ~  @  ~  @  ~  հ@  ~  F@ 9  !c]@ 9 6~  o@  $~  X@ ~  Ē@ ~  @ ~  @  ! ̈? !Emst? 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!o@  Australia b~  @  ~  h@  ~  @  ~  @ ~ @  ! @ !W'@ Austria~  ̞@  I~  @  ~  ؛@  ~  \@ ~ @  !V @ !c`@  Bangladesh~  @|@  ~  @  ~  0@  ~  ȗ@  ...  !DW*@ !'5@ Belgium  -    -    -    - ~ ֬@  !- !=t[@ Belgium-Luxembourg~  @  I~  @  ~  հ@  \pUsanase Muganga [Bb englishfrench spanish%_Key1: _Order1(_Sort; = $ ;I$ ;I$ ;J=#8X@"1CG Times1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial1!Frutiger 47LightCn1 Frutiger 45 Light1 Frutiger 45 Light1!Frutiger 47LightCn1 xFrutiger 45 Light""#,##0;\-""#,##0""#,##0;[Red]\-""#,##0""#,##0.00;\-""#,##0.00!""#,##0.00;[Red]\-""#,##0.003*0_-""* #,##0_-;\-""* #,##0_-;_-""* "-"_-;_-@_-*)'_-* #,##0_-;\-* #,##0_-;_-* "-"_-;_-@_-;,8_-""* #,##0.00_-;\-""* #,##0.00_-;_-""* "-"??_-;_-@_-2+/_-* #,##0.00_-;\-* #,##0.00_-;_-* "-"??_-;_-@_-"$"\ #,##0;"$"\ \-#,##0"$"\ #,##0;[Red]"$"\ \-#,##0 "$"\ #,##0.00;"$"\ \-#,##0.00%""$"\ #,##0.00;[Red]"$"\ \-#,##0.00;8_ "$"\ * #,##0_ ;_ "$"\ * \-#,##0_ ;_ "$"\ * "-"_ ;_ @_ ,)_ * #,##0_ ;_ * \-#,##0_ ;_ * "-"_ ;_ @_ C@_ "$"\ * #,##0.00_ ;_ "$"\ * \-#,##0.00_ ;_ "$"\ * "-"??_ ;_ @_ 41_ * #,##0.00_ ;_ * \-#,##0.00_ ;_ * "-"??_ ;_ @_ "$"#,##0_);\("$"#,##0\)"$"#,##0_);[Red]\("$"#,##0\) "$"#,##0.00_);\("$"#,##0.00\)%""$"#,##0.00_);[Red]\("$"#,##0.00\)52_("$"* #,##0_);_("$"* \(#,##0\);_("$"* "-"_);_(@_),)_(* #,##0_);_(* \(#,##0\);_(* "-"_);_(@_)=:_("$"* #,##0.00_);_("$"* \(#,##0.00\);_("$"* "-"??_);_(@_)41_(* #,##0.00_);_(* \(#,##0.00\);_(* "-"??_);_(@_)0_)0.0_) 0.00_)0.0                       #  &  @& @ H) X)  ) X)    # #  83ffff̙3f3fff3f3f33333f33333 english Bfrench{spanish  I($z=@  dMbP?_*+%,D&v/?'v/?(%C?)%C?MRLocal Linotronic 530 v52.3 .lG 4dA4w`T0`T0=.PRIV''''8" dX??french spanishU} } }  } }  } }  } }  } } } } } }  I,T0@@,@,w@@O@,@O@,@ @G  ~  F@  -  !c]@ -Brazil~  o@ ~  X@ ~  Ē@ ~  @ ~  @  ! ̈? !Emst? Canada b~  *@ ~  @ ~  ^@ ~  ~@ ~  8@  !s? !Cj>? Chile~  `i@ ~  ~@ ~  ~@ ~  @|@   ...  !TP&@ !RDkA@China c~  @ ~  f@ ~  @ ~  @ ~  @  !{5#@ !:̓@Colombia~  R@ ~  w@ ~  {@ ~  @}@ ~  y@  !0w? !q"bn@Croatia  - ~  `i@ ~  j@ ~  @h@ ~  d@   !- !E mw@Czech Rep. b, c  - ~  x@ ~  P@ ~  @ ~  @   !- !"o*@ Egypt~  @j@ ~  r@ ~  r@ ~  x@   ...  !:@ !j@France~  @  I~  @ ~  <@ ~  P@ ~  @  !bZ @ !h~@Germany~  -@  I~  :@ ~  @ ~  @ ~  S@  ! @ !Ɋ@Greece~  В@  I~  L@ ~  @ ~  đ@ ~  8@  !U-Y@ !@Hong Kong, China~  @ ~  @ ~  @ ~  V@ ~  @  ! (@ !Bp@ retained imports~  ,@ ~  +@ ~  J@ ~  @ ~  @  ! %l*@ !T@ Hungary c~  p@  I~  @ ~  @ ~  D@ ~  @  !|@ ! ]@ Indonesia~  @ ~  ȓ@ ~  @ ~  @ ~  @  !. @ !˶ @Israel~  }@ ~  @ ~  @ ~  @ ~  @  !@ !\O~I@ Italy~  @  I~  @ ~  @ ~  Թ@ ~  ö@  !~jye @ !hQ|@ Japan~  @ ~  @ ~  @ ~  @ ~  ±@  !zOZ? !Єz;^?DlElZNa$u$ T0@!@"@#w@$@%@&@',@(@)@G*@+@,@-@.@/@0@1@2,@30@4@5@@6@@7@8p0@9p0@:@V;V#@V<V#@=,@>@?@ Korea, Rep. of~  h@  ~  @  ~  Ы@  ~  T@ ~ r@  !v(J@ !2/f @!Kuwait~ ! e@! ~ ! `o@! ~ ! pp@! ~ ! n@! ~ ! i@! ! !y)@~ ! !p@" Luxembourg " -"  " -"  " -"  " -" ~ " k@"  " !-" !/a@@# Macau, China~ # X@# ~ # @# ~ # @@# ~ # P@# ~ # @# # !w33D@# !,~TC@$ Malaysia c~ $ @$ ~ $ L@$ ~ $ $@$ ~ $ @$ ~ $ @$ $ !7 @$ !h?% Mauritius~ % u@% ~ % |@% ~ % |@% ~ % @}@% ~ % y@% % !Xk5@% !J2.Q3@& Mexico b, c~ & @& ~ & Z@& ~ & j@& ~ & ֪@& ~ & ݲ@& & !M,躯@& !{ @' Morocco c~ ' v@ ' I~ ' x@' ~ ' Px@'  ' ...'  ' ...' ' !------@' !`XV@( Netherlands~ ( >@ ( I~ ( ڪ@( ~ ( @( ~ ( @( ~ ( N@( ( !1@( !5)?) New Zealand~ ) x@) ~ ) }@) ~ ) @|@) ~ ) @u@) ~ ) y@) ) !&w@) !mgn@*Philippines c~ * p@* ~ * @* ~ * @* ~ * @* ~ * @* * !Vv@* ! i@+Poland~ + n@+ ~ + b@+ ~ + @ + I~ + v@+ ~ + @+ + !#L@+ !F@,Portugal~ , @@ , I~ , ؝@, ~ , @, ~ , r@, ~ , @, , !0`~@, !79@-Romania~ - P@- ~ - h@- ~ - @- ~ - @- ~ - @- - !_Cy 5?- !aL.@.Russian Fed. d . -. ~ . <@. ~ . ę@. ~ . @. ~ . ȑ@.  . !-. !!5&@/ Saudi Arabia~ / @/ ~ / 0@/ ~ / @/ ~ / ̐@/  / .../ / !ޥ@/ !B| @0 Singapore~ 0 ț@0 ~ 0 @0 ~ 0 @0 ~ 0 d@0 ~ 0 |@0 0 !Y Q[@0 !?1 retained imports~ 1 @1 ~ 1 @1 ~ 1 Ȇ@1 ~ 1 x@1 ~ 1 @1 1 !oގ@1 !"m\EfT?2Slovenia 2 -2 ~ 2 t@2 ~ 2 `t@2 ~ 2 x@2  2 ...2  2 !-2 !b@3South Africa b~ 3 @3 ~ 3 @3 ~ 3 8@ 3 I~ 3 @3 ~ 3 p@3 3 !< @3 !.P@ 4Spain~ 4 @ 4 I~ 4 @4 ~ 4 z@4 ~ 4 d@4 ~ 4 @4 4 !ڊi@4 !;݌ ,@5 Sri Lanka~ 5 y@5 ~ 5 @5  5 ...5  5 ...5 ~ 5 ̔@5 5 !y{(c.@~ 5 !t@6 Switzerland~ 6 @6 ~ 6 Ԛ@6 ~ 6 ȗ@6 ~ 6 @6 ~ 6 @6 6 !Ix7@6 !fv^?7Thailand~ 7 @7 ~ 7 @7 ~ 7 @7 ~ 7 @7 ~ 7 @7 7 !B|Å@7 !{ַc@8Tunisia~ 8 @8 ~ 8 @@8 ~ 8 t@8 ~ 8 @8 ~ 8 Д@8 8 !!r,@8 !8n/@9Turkey~ 9 @9 ~ 9 4@9 ~ 9 (@9 ~ 9 @9 ~ 9 ̝@9 9 !IݗV@9 !n @:United Arab Emirates d~ : @: ~ : @: ~ : @: ~ : \@:  : ...: : !f"@: !n@;United Kingdom~ ; i@ ; I~ ; @; ~ ; @; ~ ; 9@; ~ ; @; ; !), @; !R@< United States~ < J@< ~ < @< ~ < W@< ~ < K@< ~ < @< < !O?< !B<:?=Memorandum item: = !! > European Union (15)~ > @@ > I~ > @> ~ > @> ~ > 3@> ~ > S@> > !~P @> !X~R@? Intra-imports e~ ? @ ? I? ? !hSs @? !D]l?@T0@AO@B@Cw@D@E@F@GO@H@@ Extra-imports~ @ @@ ~ @ @@ ~ @ @@@ ~ @ @@ ~ @ .@@ @ !@@ !h!@ A Ba Or nearest year.$Cb Imports are valued f.o.b.>D6c Includes significant imports into processing zones.*E"d Includes Secretariat estimates.GF?e See the Technical Notes for information on intra-EU imports. G H""""""""""""" $(B.K$=#8X> ????m}ܰwDVD7DV? zT0~0T%0 zT~0~0Nz zT0Ԫ}ܱy0T}y0Ԫ}ܱByIqq     "   JSE\tx  dMbP?_*+%,D&v/?'v/?(%C?)%C?MRLocal Linotronic 530 v52.3G 4dA4PRIV''''8" dX?? english spanishU} } }  } }  } }  } }  } } } } } } Column B J,T0@@,@,@@@O@,@O@ ,@G @ @ @ @@@@@@,0@@@@@@p0@p0@@VV#@VV#@@-,Z)@@@ Tableau IV.74 IAImportations de textiles de certains pays et territoires, 1990-99 2*(En millions de dollars et en pourcentage)  " Part dans les importations   totales de marchandises Valeur   du pays ou du territoire    1990~ 0@~ 4@~ 8@ ~  <@  1990 1999 a   Afrique du Sud b~  @  ~  @  ~  8@  I~  @ ~ p@  !< @ !.P@  Allemagne~  -@  I~  :@  ~  @  ~  @ ~ S@  ! @ !Ɋ@ Arabie saoudite~  @  ~  0@  ~  @  ~  ̐@  ...  !ޥ@ !B| @  Argentine~  J@  ~  @  ~  @  ~  Ј@ ~ @  !i? !o@  Australie b~  @  ~  h@  ~  @  ~  @ ~ @  ! @ !W'@Autriche~  ̞@  I~  @ ~  ؛@ ~  \@ ~  @  !V @ !c`@ Bangladesh~  @|@ ~  @ ~  0@ ~  ȗ@   ...  !DW*@ !'5@Belgique  -   -   -   - ~  ֬@   !- !=t[@Belgique-Luxembourg~  @  I~  @ ~  հ@ ~  F@   -  !c]@  -Brsil~  o@ ~  X@ ~  Ē@ ~  @ ~  @  ! ̈? !Emst? Canada b~  *@ ~  @ ~  ^@ ~  ~@ ~  8@  !s? !Cj>? Chili~  `i@ ~  ~@ ~  ~@ ~  @|@   ...  !TP&@ !RDkA@Chine c~  @ ~  f@ ~  @ ~  @ ~  @  !{5#@ !:̓@Colombie~  R@ ~  w@ ~  {@ ~  @}@ ~  y@  !0w? !q"bn@Core, Rp. de~  h@ ~  @ ~  Ы@ ~  T@ ~  r@  !v(J@ !2/f @Croatie  - ~  `i@ ~  j@ ~  @h@ ~  d@   !- !E mw@Egypte~  @j@ ~  r@ ~  r@ ~  x@   ...  !:@ !j@Emirats arabes unis d~  @ ~  @ ~  @ ~  \@   ...  !f"@ !n@Espagne~  @  I~  @ ~  z@ ~  d@ ~  @  !ڊi@ !;݌ ,@ Etats-Unis~  J@ ~  @ ~  W@ ~  K@ ~  @  !O? !B<:?France~  @  I~  @ ~  <@ ~  P@ ~  @  !bZ @ !h~@ Grce~  В@  I~  L@ ~  @ ~  đ@ ~  8@  !U-Y@ !@Hong Kong, Chine~  @ ~  @ ~  @ ~  V@ ~  @  ! (@ !Bp@DlG{dPMf$$ T0@!@"@#@$@%@&@'@(,@)@G*@+@,@-@.@/@0@1@2@3,0@4@5@@6@7@8p0@9p0@:@V;V#@V<V#@=@->,Z)@?@@"  importations dfinitives~  ,@  ~  +@  ~  J@  ~  @ ~ @  ! %l*@ !T@! Hongrie c~ ! p@ ! I~ ! @! ~ ! @! ~ ! D@! ~ ! @! ! !|@! ! ]@" Indonsie~ " @" ~ " ȓ@" ~ " @" ~ " @" ~ " @" " !. @" !˶ @#Isral~ # }@# ~ # @# ~ # @# ~ # @# ~ # @# # !@# !\O~I@$Italie~ $ @ $ I~ $ @~ $ @$ ~ $ Թ@$ ~ $ ö@$ $ !~jye @$ !hQ|@ %Japon~ % @% ~ % @% ~ % @% ~ % @% ~ % ±@% % !zOZ?% !Єz;^?&Kowet~ & e@& ~ & `o@& ~ & pp@& ~ & n@& ~ & i@& & !y)@~ & !p@' Luxembourg ' -'  ' -'  ' -'  ' -' ~ ' k@'  ' !-' !/a@@( Macao, Chine~ ( X@( ~ ( @( ~ ( @@( ~ ( P@( ~ ( @( ( !w33D@( !,~TC@) Malaisie c~ ) @) ~ ) L@) ~ ) $@) ~ ) @) ~ ) @) ) !7 @) !h?*Maroc c~ * v@ * I~ * x@* ~ * Px@*  * ...*  * ...* * !------@* !`XV@+Maurice~ + u@+ ~ + |@+ ~ + |@+ ~ + @}@+ ~ + y@+ + !Xk5@+ !J2.Q3@, Mexique b,c~ , @, ~ , Z@, ~ , j@, ~ , ֪@, ~ , ݲ@, , !M,躯@, !{ @-Nouvelle-Zlande~ - x@- ~ - }@- ~ - @|@- ~ - @u@- ~ - y@- - !&w@- !mgn@.Pays-Bas~ . >@ . I~ . ڪ@. ~ . @. ~ . @. ~ . 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H I y$)"R8_$=#8X> ????m}ܰwDVD7DV? zT0~0T%0 zT~0~0Nz zT0}ܱy0Ԫ}y0}ܱByJqq     "   Kl}e  dMbP?_*+%,D&v/?'v/?(%C?)%C?MRLocal Linotronic 530 v52.3G 4dA4PRIV''''8" dX?? englishfrenchU} } }  } }  } }  } }  } } } } } } Column B K,T0@@,@,@@@@O@,@ O@G ,@ @ @ @@@@@@0@,@@@@@p0@p0@@VV#@VV#@@-Z)@,@@ Cuadro IV.74 D<Importaciones de textiles de determinadas economas, 1990-99 +#(Millones de dlares y porcentajes)   Parte que corresponde   a los textiles en las  #  importaciones totales de   Valor ! mercancas de la economa    1990~ 0@~ 4@~ 8@ ~  <@  1990 1999 a   Alemania~  -@  I~  :@  ~  @  ~  @ ~ S@  ! @ !Ɋ@ Arabia Saudita~  @  ~  0@  ~  @  ~  ̐@  ...  !ޥ@ !B| @  Argentina~  J@  ~  @  ~  @  ~  Ј@ ~ @  !i? !o@  Australia b~  @  ~  h@  ~  @  ~  @ ~ @  ! @ !W'@Austria~  ̞@  I~  @ ~  ؛@ ~  \@ ~  @  !V @ !c`@ Bangladesh~  @|@ ~  @ ~  0@ ~  ȗ@   ...  !DW*@ !'5@Blgica  -   -   -   - ~  ֬@   !- !=t[@Blgica-Luxemburgo~  @  I~  @ ~  հ@ ~  F@   -  !c]@  -Brasil~  o@ ~  X@ ~  Ē@ ~  @ ~  @  ! ̈? !Emst? Canad b~  *@ ~  @ ~  ^@ ~  ~@ ~  8@  !s? !Cj>? Chile~  `i@ ~  ~@ ~  ~@ ~  @|@   ...  !TP&@ !RDkA@China c~  @ ~  f@ ~  @ ~  @ ~  @  !{5#@ !:̓@Colombia~  R@ ~  w@ ~  {@ ~  @}@ ~  y@  !0w? !q"bn@Corea, Rep. de~  h@ ~  @ ~  Ы@ ~  T@ ~  r@  !v(J@ !2/f @Croacia  - ~  `i@ ~  j@ ~  @h@ ~  d@   !- !E mw@Egipto~  @j@ ~  r@ ~  r@ ~  x@   ...  !:@ !j@!Emiratos rabes Unidos d~  @ ~  @ ~  @ ~  \@   ...  !f"@ !n@ Eslovenia  - ~  t@ ~  `t@ ~  x@   ...   !- !b@Espaa~  @  I~  @ ~  z@ ~  d@ ~  @  !ڊi@ !;݌ ,@Estados Unidos~  J@ ~  @ ~  W@ ~  K@ ~  @  !O? !B<:? Filipinas c~  p@ ~  @ ~  @ ~  @ ~  @  !Vv@ ! i@Francia~  @  I~  @ ~  <@ ~  P@ ~  @  !bZ @ !h~@DlFv]KKQf$$ T0@!@"@#@$@%@&@'@(@),@G*@+@,@-@.@/@0@1@2@30@4,@5@@6@7@8p0@9p0@:@V;V#@V<V#@=@->Z)@?,@@ Grecia~  В@  I~  L@  ~  @  ~  đ@ ~ 8@  !U-Y@ !@!Hong Kong, China~ ! @! ~ ! @! ~ ! @! ~ ! V@! ~ ! @! ! ! (@! !Bp@#" importaciones definativas~ " ,@" ~ " +@" ~ " J@" ~ " @" ~ " @" " ! %l*@" !T@# Hungra c~ # p@ # I~ # @# ~ # @# ~ # D@# ~ # @# # !|@# ! ]@$ Indonesia~ $ @$ ~ $ ȓ@$ ~ $ @$ ~ $ @$ ~ $ @$ $ !. @$ !˶ @%Israel~ % }@% ~ % @% ~ % @% ~ % @% ~ % @% % !@% !\O~I@&Italia~ & @ & I~ & @& ~ & @& ~ & Թ@& ~ & ö@& & !~jye @& !hQ|@ 'Japn~ ' @' ~ ' @' ~ ' @' ~ ' @' ~ ' ±@' ' !zOZ?' !Єz;^?(Kuwait~ ( e@( ~ ( `o@( ~ ( pp@( ~ ( n@( ~ ( i@( ( !y)@~ ( !p@) Luxemburgo ) -)  ) -)  ) -)  ) -) ~ ) k@)  ) !-) !/a@@* Macao, China~ * X@* ~ * @* ~ * @@* ~ * P@* ~ * @* * !w33D@* !,~TC@+ Malasia c~ + @+ ~ + L@+ ~ + $@+ ~ + @+ ~ + @+ + !7 @+ !h?, Marruecos c~ , v@ , I~ , x@, ~ , Px@,  , ...,  , ..., , !------@, !`XV@-Mauricio~ - u@- ~ - |@- ~ - |@- ~ - @}@- ~ - y@- - !Xk5@- !J2.Q3@. Mxico b, c~ . @. ~ . Z@. ~ . j@. ~ . ֪@. ~ . ݲ@. . !M,躯@. !{ @/Nueva Zelandia~ / x@/ ~ / }@/ ~ / @|@/ ~ / @u@/ ~ / y@/ / !&w@/ !mgn@0 Pases Bajos~ 0 >@ 0 I~ 0 ڪ@0 ~ 0 @0 ~ 0 @0 ~ 0 N@0 0 !1@0 !5)?1Polonia~ 1 n@1 ~ 1 b@1 ~ 1 @ 1 I~ 1 v@1 ~ 1 @1 1 !#L@1 !F@2Portugal~ 2 @@ 2 I~ 2 ؝@2 ~ 2 @2 ~ 2 r@2 ~ 2 @2 2 !0`~@2 !79@3 Reino Unido~ 3 i@ 3 I~ 3 @3 ~ 3 @3 ~ 3 9@3 ~ 3 @3 3 !), @3 !R@4Rep. Checa b, c 4 -4 ~ 4 x@4 ~ 4 P@4 ~ 4 @4 ~ 4 @4  4 !-4 !"o*@5Rumania~ 5 P@5 ~ 5 h@5 ~ 5 @5 ~ 5 @5 ~ 5 @5 5 !_Cy 5?5 !aL.@6Rusia, Fed. de d 6 -6 ~ 6 <@6 ~ 6 ę@6 ~ 6 @6 ~ 6 ȑ@6  6 !-6 !!5&@7Singapur~ 7 ț@7 ~ 7 @7 ~ 7 @7 ~ 7 d@7 ~ 7 |@7 7 !Y Q[@7 !?#8 importaciones definativas~ 8 @8 ~ 8 @8 ~ 8 Ȇ@8 ~ 8 x@8 ~ 8 @8 8 !oގ@8 !"m\EfT?9 Sri Lanka~ 9 y@9 ~ 9 @9  9 ...9  9 ...9 ~ 9 ̔@9 9 !y{(c.@~ 9 !t@: Sudfrica b~ : @: ~ : @: ~ : 8@ : I~ : @: ~ : p@: : !< @: !.P@ ;Suiza~ ; @; ~ ; Ԛ@; ~ ; ȗ@; ~ ; @; ~ ; @; ; !Ix7@; !fv^?< Tailandia~ < @< ~ < @< ~ < @< ~ < @< ~ < @< < !B|Å@< !{ַc@ =Tnez~ = @= ~ = @@= ~ = t@= ~ = @= ~ = Д@= = !!r,@= !8n/@>Turqua~ > @> ~ > 4@> ~ > (@> ~ > @> ~ > ̝@> > !IݗV@> !n @? Pro memoria:? !! 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