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Argentina Argentine Bahamas Barbados Barbade Belize Belice Bolivia Bolivie Brazil Brsil Brasil Chile Chili Colombia Colombie Costa Rica Cuba Dominica Dominique Dominican Republic Rpublique dominicaine Repblica Dominicana Ecuador Equateur El Salvador Grenada Grenade Granada Guatemala Guyana Haiti Hati Hait Honduras Jamaica Jamaque Mexique Mxico Mexico Netherlands Antilles  Antilles nerlandaises Antillas Neerlandesas Nicaragua Panama  Panama Panam Paraguay Peru Prou Per St. Kitts and Nevis Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis Saint Kitts y Nevis St. Lucia Sainte-Lucie Santa Luca St. Vincent and the Grenadines! Saint-Vincent-et-les-Grenadines San Vicente y las Granadinas Suriname Trinidad and Tobago Trinit-et-Tobago Trinidad y Tabago Uruguay VenezuelaWestern EuropeEurope occidentaleEuropa Occidental Austria Autriche Belgium-Luxembourg Belgique-Luxembourg Blgica-Luxemburgo Croatia Croatie Croacia Denmark Danemark Dinamarca Finland Finlande Finlandia France Francia Greece Grce Grecia Iceland Islande Islandia Ireland Irlande Irlanda Italy Italie Italia Malta Malte Netherlands Pays-Bas Pases Bajos Norway Norvge Noruega Portugal Slovenia Slovnie Eslovenia Spain Espagne Espaa Sweden Sude Suecia Switzerland Suisse Suiza Turkey Tu \pUsanase Janvier Ba= ThisWorkbook=98X@"1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial14Frutiger 47LightCn12Frutiger 45 Light12Frutiger 45 Light14Frutiger 47LightCn14Frutiger 47LightCn14Frutiger 47LightCn12xFrutiger 45 Light12xFrutiger 45 Light12xFrutiger 45 Light1Arial1 CG Times12Frutiger 45 Light"$"\ #,##0_-;"$"\ #,##0\-#"$"\ #,##0_-;[Red]"$"\ #,##0\-$"$"\ #,##0.00_-;"$"\ #,##0.00\-)$"$"\ #,##0.00_-;[Red]"$"\ #,##0.00\-;*6_-"$"\ * #,##0_-;_-"$"\ * #,##0\-;_-"$"\ * "-"_-;_-@_-,)'_-* #,##0_-;_-* #,##0\-;_-* "-"_-;_-@_-C,>_-"$"\ * #,##0.00_-;_-"$"\ * #,##0.00\-;_-"$"\ * "-"??_-;_-@_-4+/_-* #,##0.00_-;_-* #,##0.00\-;_-* "-"??_-;_-@_-""#,##0;\-""#,##0""#,##0;[Red]\-""#,##0""#,##0.00;\-""#,##0.00#""#,##0.00;[Red]\-""#,##0.0050_-""* #,##0_-;\-""* #,##0_-;_-""* "-"_-;_-@_-,'_-* #,##0_-;\-* #,##0_-;_-* "-"_-;_-@_-=8_-""* #,##0.00_-;\-""* #,##0.00_-;_-""* "-"??_-;_-@_-4/_-* #,##0.00_-;\-* #,##0.00_-;_-* "-"??_-;_-@_-"$"\ #,##0;"$"\ \-#,##0!"$"\ #,##0;[Red]"$"\ \-#,##0""$"\ #,##0.00;"$"\ \-#,##0.00'""$"\ #,##0.00;[Red]"$"\ \-#,##0.00=8_ "$"\ * #,##0_ ;_ "$"\ * \-#,##0_ ;_ "$"\ * "-"_ ;_ @_ .)_ * #,##0_ ;_ * \-#,##0_ ;_ * "-"_ ;_ @_ E@_ "$"\ * #,##0.00_ ;_ "$"\ * \-#,##0.00_ ;_ "$"\ * "-"??_ ;_ @_ 61_ * #,##0.00_ ;_ * \-#,##0.00_ ;_ * "-"??_ ;_ @_ 0_) 0.0_)0.0                           H)  "  ,        "    #  #     (              ) ) ) X) X) X)   # #\     $  L)  (   Normal_Export_valuesFinalNormal_ITS2001_A3A4_Work Normal_Iv05`AEnglishp[FrenchbSpanish,G2Labels)/;>;Ey;;G2Labels)/;@;Gx;;G2Labels)/;>;Ey;;  ;  ;  rquie Turqua United Kingdom Royaume-Uni Reino Unido Yugoslavia, former Yougoslavie, ex Yugoslavia, exEuropean Union (15) Union europenne (15)Unin Europea (15) Extra-exports Exportations extra-UE Exportaciones extra-UE Albania Albanie Bulgaria Bulgarie $ Czech and Slovak Fed. Rep., former# Rp. fd. tchque et slovaque, ex Rep. Fed. Checa y Eslovaca, ex Czech Rep. Rp. tchque Rep. Checa Hungary Hongrie Hungra Poland Pologne Polonia Romania Roumanie Rumania Slovak Rep. Rp. slovaque Rep. Eslovaca Armenia Armnie Azerbaijan Azerbadjan Azerbaiyn Belarus Blarus Belars Estonia Estonie Georgia Gorgie Latvia Lettonie Letonia Lithuania Lituanie Lituania Moldova, Rep. of Moldova, Rp. de Moldova, Rep. de Russian Fed. Russie, Fd. de Rusia, Fed. de Tajikistan Tadjikistan Tayikistn Turkmenistan Turkmnistan Turkmenistn Ukraine Ucrania Uzbekistan Ouzbkistan Uzbekistn USSR, former URSS, exAfricaAfrique Algeria Algrie Argelia Angola Benin Bnin Botswana Burkina Faso Burundi Cameroon Cameroun Camern Cape Verde Cap-Vert Cabo Verde Central African Republic Rpublique centrafricaine Repblica Centroafricana Chad Tchad Comoros Comores Comoras Congo Cte d'Ivoire Djibouti Egypt Egypte Egipto Equatorial Guinea Guine quatoriale Guinea Ecuatorial Ethiopia Ethiopie Etiopa Ethiopia, former Ethiopie, ex Etiopa, ex Gabon Gabn Gambia Gambie Ghana Guinea Guine Guinea-Bissau Guine-Bissau Kenya Lesotho Liberia Libria Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Jamahiriya arabe libyenne Madagascar Malawi Mali Mal Mauritania Mauritanie Mauritius Maurice Mauricio Morocco Maroc Marruecos Mozambique Namibia Namibie Niger Nger Nigeria Nigria Rwanda Sao Tome and Principe Sao Tom-et-Principe Santo Tom y Prncipe Senegal Sngal Seychelles Sierra Leone Sierra Leona Somalia Somalie Sudan Soudan Sudn Swaziland Swazilandia Tanzanie, Rp.-Unie de Tanzana, R. U. de Togo Tunisia Tunisie Tnez Uganda Ouganda Zambia Zambie Zimbabwe Middle East Moyen-Orient Oriente Medio Bahrain Bahren Bahrein Cyprus Chypre Chipre Iran, Islamic Rep. of Iran, Rp. islamique d'  Irn, Rep. Islmica del Iraq Israel Isral Jordan Jordanie Jordania Kuwait Kowet Lebanon Liban Lbano Oman Omn Qatar Saudi Arabia Arabie saoudite Arabia Saudita Syrian Arab Republic Rpublique arabe syrienne United Arab Emirates Emirats arabes unis Yemen  Ymen  YemenAsia a Afghanistan Afganistn Australia Australie Bangladesh Bhutan Bhoutan Bhutn Brunei Darussalam Bruni Darussalam Cambodia Cambodge Camboya China Chine Taipei, Chinese Taipei chinois Taipei Chino Fiji Fidji Hong Kong, China Hong Kong, Chine domestic exports re-exports India Inde Indonesia Indonsie Japan Japon Japn Kiribati Korea, Rep. of Core, Rp. de Corea, Rep. de Lao People's Dem. Rep. Rp. dm. pop. lao Rep. Dem. Pop., Lao Malaysia Malaisie Malasia Maldives Maldivas Mongolia Mongolie Myanmar Nepal Npal New Caledonia Nouvelle-Caldonie Nueva Caledonia New Zealand Nouvelle-Zlande Nueva Zelandia Pakistan Pakistn Papua New Guinea Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guine Papua Nueva Guinea Philippines Filipinas Samoa  Samoa Singapore Singapour Singapur Solomon Islands Iles Salomon Islas Salomn Sri Lanka Thailand Thalande Tailandia Tonga Tuvalu Vanuatu Viet NamMemorandum items Pour mmoire Pro memoria#a Includes significant re-exports.*a Y compris d'importantes rexportations.8a Incluye una cantidad considerable de reexportaciones.`Recent figures for a number of countries and territories have been estimated by the Secretariat.{Note: Breaks in the continuity of the value series for particular countries and regional groupings are indicated by an 'I'. (En millions de dollars)Mundo aMonde aAsie a!Europe occidentale, l'exclusion des exportations intra-UE(Millones de dlares) el comercio interno de la UEEuropa Occidental, excluidoMonde, l'exclusion EU intra-exports Western Europe excl.Europe centrale et orientaleEuropa Central y Orientalfrica Repblica rabe Siria Jamahiriya rabe LibiaTotal mundial, excluidoyNote: Les ruptures dans la continuit des sries pour certains pays et groupements rgionaux sont indiques par un "I".  hPour un certain nombre de pays et territoires, les chiffres rcents sont des estimations du Secrtariat. rexportationsEurope c./o., Etats baltes, CEI#Europa C./O., Estados Blticos, CEI KazakhstanCentral and Eastern Europe Congo, Dem. Rep. of Tanzania, United Rep. of Congo, Rp. dm. du Congo, Rep. Dem. del Emiratos rabes UnidosC./E. Europe/Baltic States/CIS Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnie-Herzgovine Bosnia y HerzegovinaIt should be noted that the World and Asia totals contain a significant element of double counting due to the use of the general system of recording merchandise trade statisticswhich includes re-exports. Il convient de noter que des doubles comptages sont nombreux dans les totaux correspondant au monde et l'Asie du fait de l'utilisation du systme gnral d'enregistrement < Odes statistiques du commerce des marchandises, qui comprend les rexportations.Tde las estadsticas sobre el comercio de mercancas que incluye las reexportaciones. TFYR Macedonia- la ex R. Y. de Macedonia ex-R. y. de Macdoine World excl. EU intra-exports! exportations d'origine locale Belgium Luxembourg Yugoslavia Blgica Belgique Luxemburgo Yougoslavie Macao, Chine Macao, China exportaciones locales reexportaciones KazajstnAWorld merchandise exports by region and selected economy, 1990-00VExportations mondiales de marchandises par rgions et par certaines conomies, 1990-00UExportaciones mundiales de mercancas, por regiones y determinadas economas, 1990-00Nota: Se indican con una "I" las interrupciones en la continuidad de la serie de valores correspondientes a determinados pases y grupos regionales. Obedecen a: compilacin y comunicacin de las estadsticas sobre el comercio de mercancas. Las Notas Tcnicas contienen informaciones detalladas. Cabe sealar que en los totales correspondientes al mundo y a Asia aparece reflejado un doble cmputo significativo debido a la utilizacin del sistema general de registro WLas cifras recientes de algunos pases y territorios son estimaciones de la Secretara.lb Beginning with 1998, figures refer to South Africa only and no longer to the South African Customs Union. Germany Allemagne Alemania Sudfrica b Afrique du Sud b South Africa b& rb partir de 1998, les chiffres concernent l'Afrique du Sud et non plus l'Union douanire de l'Afrique Australe.ib A partir de 1998, las cifras se refieren a Sudfrica y no la Zona Aduanera Comn de Africa Meridional. Kyrgyz Rep.Table A5 Tableau A5 Cuadro A5They result from (i) changes in political boundaries; (ii) inclusion of the Baltic States and the CIS mutual trade beginning with 1996; and (iii) changes in the methods of collecting Pand reporting merchandise trade statistics. Details are in the Technical Notes. Elles sont dues aux raisons suivantes: i) modification de frontires politiques; ii) inclusion des changes mutuels des Etats baltes et de la CEI partir de 1996; et iii) modification des mthodes de collecte et de dclaration des statistiques sur le commerce des marchandises. On trouvera des dtails dans les Notes techniques. i) modificaciones de las fronteras polticas; ii) inclusin del comercio entre los Estados Blticos y la CEI a partir de 1996; y iii) cambios en los mtodos de - ~ Table A5 (continued) Tableau A5 (suite) Cuadro A5 (continuacin)  Rp. kirghize Rep. Kirguisa " I|*r|_aiSr08"`?)` q oY :/|oY   o6   ~h  q O YK5 I C-,դ4 ~ h!2m!W!E"/ǩ"4#+#t4$I$4%{%e%{&et&r'\((i+(*2+ +-e.O0Ɂ1O1g45t/6]7+: abelsPercentyperlink7?@?$ 0dy 0{T0T00Tye0yp00yyy00 yy kT0e0{T0L0{T0LkT00 70@HNd .dǬp0p00  , ,S]0 yh%0a0^ ` B<020Odes statistiques du commerce des marchandises, qui comprend les rexportations.Tde las estadsticas sobre el comercio de mercancas que incluye las reexportaciones. TFYR Macedonia- la ex R. Y. de Macedonia ex-R. y. de Macdoine World excl. EU intra-exports! exportations d'origine locale Belgium Luxembourg Yugoslavia Blgica Belgique Luxemburgo Yougoslavie Maca  0CiؐdX$L[  dMbP?_*+%@{&v/?'v/?(%C?)%C?MLocal Linotronic 530 v52.3G 4bA4PRIV''''8" b??U} } I} } } } 7} } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } (! the Baltic States and the CIS,T0@@,@,?@)O@@@,@@ @  ,@  @  @  @ @@~ @hm!@W@0@@%@%@d@(@(@2+@ -@ 0@1@/6@@ +0 ,0 *0 !@!@!~ ! @!~ !$@!~  !(@ !~  !,@ !~  !0@!~ !4@!~ !8@!~ !<@~ !@@4 1BJA2JA2~ 1̭LA "~ 1\LA "~  10PA  "~  1b5  1~  1ZF "~ 1Q 1~ 1buL 1~ 1LUA~ 1FXA 1A1^! 1~ 1># "~ 1@%"~  1Ng)  "~  14'A  1~  1&|2 "~ 1$7 1~ 1^+A 1~ 1,A~ 1@ 1(@1 @ 1~ 1iA "~ 1иA"~  10A  "~  1(vA  1~  1A "~ 1, A 1~ 1) A 1~ 1p A~ 1lA 1A1A 1~ 1ZA "~ 1^A"~  1IA  "~  1#  1~  1&& "~ 1* 1~ 14$A 1~ 1$m%A~ 1/    1A1`A 1~ 1`A "~ 1@A "~ 1`A "~ 1 A 1~ 1`IA "~ 1`RA 1~ 1 A 1~ 10;A ~ 1A    15@1D@ 1~ 1K@ "~ 1G@ "~ 1;@ "~ 1>@ 1~ 11@ "~ 1*@ 1~ ".@ "~ "$@ ~ "$@    1 @1e@ 1~ 1@ "~ 1@ "~ 1@ "~ 1y@ 1~ 1@@ "~ 1@ 1~ 1@@ 1~ 1@@ ~ 1@    1h@1@ 1~ 1@ "~ 1@ "~ 1@ "~ 1`@ 1~ 1@ "~ 1X@ 1~ 1@ 1~ 1@ ~ 1p@    1 j@1i@ 1~ 1g@ "~ 1`f@ "~ 1f@ "~ 1m@ 1~ 1q@ "~ 1q@ 1~ 1o@ 1~ 1p@ ~ 1q@  1[@1X@ 1~ 1\@ "~ 1]@"~  1_@  "~  1a@  1~  1@c@ "~ 1c@ 1~ 1`c@ 1~ 1d@~ 1@h@ 1@1@ 1~ 10@ "~ 1@"~  1 @  "~  10@  1~  1đ@ "~ 1<@ 1~ 1@@ 1~ 1l@~ 1@ 1@1@ 1~ 1 z@ "~ 1@"~  1D@  "~  1@@  1~  1`P@ "~ 1@ 1~ 1@ 1~ 1`q@~ 1@ 1Z@1v@ 1~ 1@ "~ 1@"~  1@  "~  1L@  1~  1@ "~ 1E@ 1~ 1@ 1~ 1@~ 1@  1n@1@@ 1~ 1@ "~ 1˻@"~  1q@  "~  1@  1~  1@ "~ 1@ 1~ 12@ 1~ 1@~ 1x@ "1@1@ 1~ 1Ĝ@ "~ 1@"~  1j@  "~  1@  1~  1$@ "~ 1@ 1~ 1@ 1~ 1@~ 1@ #1@1@ 1~ 1@ "~ 1@@"~  1@  "~  1@  1~  1|@ "~ 1P@ 1~ 1@ 1~ 1@~ 1@ $1K@1K@ 1~ 1L@ "~ 1H@"~  1G@  "~  1F@  1~  1I@ "~ 1J@ 1~ 1O@ 1~ 1K@~ 1J@ &1@1"@ 1~ 1@ "~ 1@"~  1@  "~  1@  1~  1@ "~ 1@ 1~ 1}@ 1~ 1@~ 1D@ )14@1H@ 1~ 1~@ "~ 1@"~  1֭@  "~  1Ӱ@  1~  1$@ "~ 1@ 1~ 1k@ 1~ 1c@~ 1@ +10@1`@ 1~ 1@ "~ 1 @"~  1@  "~  1Й@  1~  1@ "~ 1@ 1~ 1(@ 1~ 1@~ 1@ ,1;@17@ 1~ 14@ "~ 16@"~  19@  "~  17@  1~  15@ "~ 17@ 1~ ";@ "~ "G@~ "I@ /1,@1Ȓ@ 1~ 1<@ "~ 1@"~  1ė@  "~  1֠@  1~  1@ "~ 1P@ 1~ 1,@ 1~ 1@~ 1@ 01`o@1o@ 1~ 1r@ "~ 1pz@"~  1|@  "~  1p|@  1~  1(@ "~ 1 @ 1~ 1@~@ 1~ 1X@~ 1Ё@ 11d@1d@ 1~ 1@R@ "~ 1T@"~  1T@  "~  1[@  1~  1V@ "~ 1^@ 1~ 1e@ 1~ 1h@~ 1d@ 41@1@ 1~ 1@ "~ 1p@"~  1X@  "~  1@  1~  1@ "~ 1@ 1~ 1@ 1~ 1@~ 1@ 51@1t@ 1~ 18@ "~ 1@"~  1@  "~  1L@  1~  1@ "~ 1@ 1~ 1@ 1~ 1`@~ 1@@ 91@1@ 1~ 1@ "~ 1U@"~  1@@  "~  1`k@  1~  1p@ "~ 1@ 1~ 1@@ 1~ 18A~ 1PADF$lLLL8,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, T0@!@"@#?@)$@%@&@'@(@)@ *@ +@ ,@ -,@ .@/@0~ @h1m!@W2@30@4@5%@6%@7d@8(@9(@:2+@ ;-@ <0@=1@>/6@?O@  : 1@1@ 1~ 1\@ "~ 1 @ "~ 1@ "~ 1ȗ@ 1~ 1ԓ@ "~ 1@@ 1~ "D@ "~ "@@ ~ "(@ ! !=!1t@1q@ !1~ !1k@ !"~ !1p@!"~ ! 1u@ ! 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@!~ !$@!~ !(@ !~ !,@ !~ !0@!~ !4@!~ !8@!~ !<@~ !@@4)))Asia a1.(A1*A1~ 1-A"~ 170A"~ 12A "~ 1 6A 1~ 1P6A"~ 17A1~ 1|6A1~ 17A~ 1;A Afghanistan1`m@1g@1~ 1 b@"~ 1a@"~ 1`c@ "~ 1`c@ 1~ 1`c@"~ 1b@1~ 1a@1~ 1^@ 1 Australia1i@1o@1~ 1@"~ 1`@"~ 1@6@ "~ 1@ 1~ 1q@"~ 1@1~ 1J@1~ 1b@~ 1/@ Bangladesh1@1d@1~ 1d@"~ 1̡@"~ 1ʤ@ "~ 1@ 1~ 1@"~ 1b@1~ 1@1~ 17@~ 1d@DK"l6"%$$&'%$3"$$$%"#*22%88d[8#('T0@@@@# @@@@@@@G@# @w@# @@@@Gw@@G@G@w@d@@@@T@@ @@# @ Bhutan1R@1R@1~ 1Q@"~ 1@Q@"~ 1P@ "~ 1T@ 1~ 1X@"~ 1]@1~ 1Z@1~ 1`@ 1 Brunei Darussalam1J@1@1~ 1¢@"~ 1@"~ 1t@ "~ 1@ 1~ 1T@"~ 1F@1~ 1@1~ 1@~ 1X@ Cambodia1U@1j@1~ 1p@"~ 1p@"~ 1n@ "~ 1`w@ 1~ 1w@"~ 1y@1~ 1x@1~ 10@~ 1@ China1`Q@1`@1~ 1@"~ 1f@"~ 1@ "~ 1`)A 1~ 1@pA"~ 1RA1~ 1(iA1~ 1pA~ 1nA Fiji18@1|@1~ 1py@"~ 1Py@"~ 10@ "~ 1x@ 1~ 1p@"~ 1`@1~ 1@1~ 1P@~ 1Ё@ Hong Kong, China1`@10@1~ 102@"~ 1ȆA"~ 1H}A "~ 1x9A 1~ 1A"~ 1A1~ 1xXA1~ 1JA~ 1@A domestic exports1R@1 @1~ 1@"~ 1'@"~ 1@ "~ 1>@ 1~ 1@"~ 1@1~ 1@1~ 1@@~ 1@ re-exports1@1@1~ 1@"~ 1@"~ 1@ "~ 1A 1~ 1hA"~ 1ȣA1~ 1 XA1~ 1A~ 1hA India1@1@@1~ 1@"~ 1@ @"~ 1o@ "~ 1@ 1~ 1 *@"~ 1@1~ 1S@1~ 1@~ 1@ Indonesia1@1u@1~ 1@"~ 1@"~ 1@ "~ 1 -@ 1~ 1R@"~ 1`@1~ 1@1~ 1 @~ 1U@ Japan1tA16A1~ 1A"~ 1A"~ 14;A "~ 1 A 1~ 1TA"~ 1tA1~ 1\A1~ 1A~ 1D@A Kiribati1@1@1~ 1@"~ 1@"~ 1@ "~ 1@ 1~ 1@"~ 1@1~ 1@1~ 1@ 1 Korea, Rep. of1@1@1~ 1@"~ 1@"~ 1p@ "~ 1 @ 1~ 10@"~ 1 A1~ 1&A1~ 10A~ 1`A  Lao People's Dem. Rep.1S@1X@1~ 1`@"~ 1n@"~ 1r@ "~ 1ps@ 1~ 1 t@"~ 1pv@1~ 1 w@1~ 1ps@~ 1t@ Macao, China1x@1@1~ 1l@"~ 1@"~ 1̜@ "~ 1@ 1~ 1h@"~ 1ԡ@1~ 1@1~ 1 @~ 1£@ Malaysia1@1@1~ 1 @"~ 1@@"~ 1@ "~ 1 @ 1~ 1p@"~ 1@9@1~ 1@1~ 1p@~ 1@ Maldives1J@1K@1~ 1D@"~ 1A@"~ 1F@ "~ 1H@ 1~ 1M@"~ 1@R@1~ 1R@1~ 1P@~ 1S@ Mongolia1@1u@1~ 1@x@"~ 1w@"~ 1@v@ "~ 1}@ 1~ 1z@"~ 1@|@1~ 1u@1~ 1u@~ 10v@ Myanmar1Pt@10z@1~ 1Ȁ@"~ 18@"~ 1@ "~ 1@ 1~ 1P@"~ 1@1~ 1@1~ 1@~ 1@ Nepal1@j@1p@1~ 1`w@"~ 1`x@"~ 1v@ "~ 1u@ 1~ 1x@"~ 1 y@1~ 1}@1~ 1Ђ@~ 1 @ New Caledonia1|@1{@1~ 1y@"~ 1@v@"~ 10v@ "~ 1@ 1~ 1~@"~ 1x@1~ 1x@1~ 1x@~ 1؃@ New Zealand1@1@1~ 10@"~ 1@"~ 1@ "~ 1@ 1~ 1:@"~ 1@1~ 1@1~ 1S@~ 1@ Pakistan1յ@1@1~ 1@"~ 1 @"~ 1o@ "~ 1@ 1~ 1@"~ 1@1~ 1@1~ 1@~ 1@ Papua New Guinea1@1@1~ 1H@"~ 1v@"~ 1@ "~ 1@ 1~ 1@"~ 1@1~ 1@1~ 1T@~ 1@ Philippines1@1@1~ 1 @"~ 1@"~ 1@ "~ 1@@ 1~ 1@"~ 1L@1~ 1@1~ 1@~ 1l@ Samoa 1"@1@1~ 1@"~ 1@"~ 1@ "~ 1"@ 1~ 1$@"~ 1.@1~ 1.@1~ 14@~ 1,@ Singapore1@1 @1~ 1@"~ 1@"~ 1@ "~ 1@ 1~ 1`@"~ 1@1~ 1p@1~ 1@~ 1A domestic exports1@1@1~ 1@@"~ 1@"~ 1{@ "~ 1P@ 1~ 1@"~ 1 @1~ 1@1~ 10@~ 1@@@ re-exports1|@1@1~ 10@"~ 1@"~ 1@ "~ 1@ 1~ 1+@"~ 1@1~ 1@@1~ 1u@~ 1@ Solomon Islands1Q@1T@1~ 1Y@"~ 1 `@"~ 1a@ "~ 1e@ 1~ 1@d@"~ 1e@1~ 1_@1~ 1@b@~ 1Y@ Sri Lanka1@1ܟ@1~ 1.@"~ 1V@"~ 1@ "~ 1@ 1~ 1@"~ 1@1~ 1ɲ@1~ 1@~ 1@ Taipei, Chinese1`d@10@1~ 10@"~ 1`@"~ 1@ "~ 1<@ 1~ 1 A@"~ 1@1~ 1`@1~ 1@~ 1AD'l#/&#".0*#'#%,4*&&&%#+)&.)$'0*-'T0@@@@# @,@@@@O@@G@# @w@# @@@@G<w@GGw Thailand1@1@1~ 1@"~ 1@"~ 1@ "~ 1@ 1~ 15@"~ 1@1~ 1@1~ 1@~ 1@ Tonga1&@1*@1~ 1(@"~ 10@"~ 1,@ "~ 1,@ 1~ 1"@"~ 1$@1~ 1 @1~ 1(@ 1 Tuvalu111~ 1"~ 1"~ 1 "~ 1 1~ 1"~ 11~ 11 1... 1... Vanuatu13@12@1~ 18@"~ 17@"~ 19@ "~ 1<@ 1~ 1>@"~ 1A@1~ 1A@1~ 1:@~ 19@ Viet Nam1Ȣ@1N@1~ 1(@"~ 14@"~ 1@ "~ 1I@ 1~ 1W@"~ 1@1~ 1H@1~ 1@~ 19@Memorandum items0    & World excl. EU intra-exportsBA;CA~ DA~ 4EA~ mHA ~ LA I~ TNA~ ,PA~ hOA~ o~ xRA Western Europe excl.0 EU intra-exportsh$AA#A~ 8$A~ $A ~ _'A  к,A ~ -A~ .<~ V;~ ~;~ @4$444+&#a Includes significant re-exports.0##################t&lb Beginning with 1998, figures refer to South Africa only and no longer to the South African Customs Union.0##################({Note: Breaks in the continuity of the value series for particular countries and regional groupings are indicated by an 'I'. 0'They result from (i) changes in political boundaries; (ii) inclusion of the Baltic States and the CIS mutual trade beginning with 1996; and (iii) changes in the methods of collecting 0X3Pand reporting merchandise trade statistics. Details are in the Technical Notes. 0'It should be noted that the World and Asia totals contain a significant element of double counting due to the use of the general system of recording merchandise trade statistics0#'which includes re-exports. 0h'`Recent figures for a number of countries and territories have been estimated by the Secretariat.04$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$)))4    4    4    4    !!!!2t&"&%&Z/`&8me8888=98X> "  , .Qvۘ^%4  dMbP?_*+%,Bz&M&d2?'M&d2?(~?)~?MRLocal Linotronic 530 v52.3G 4bA4een estimated by the SecretarPRIV''''8" b `? `? English SpanishU} } I} } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } Column B ,T0@@,@,@O@@@,@ @ ,@G @ # @ w@# @@@@p@0@@@w@d@p0@p0@@  @  @@@@- Tableau A50^.VExportations mondiales de marchandises par rgions et par certaines conomies, 1990-000 /(En millions de dollars)01@1@1~ 1 @1~ 1$@1~  1(@ 1~  1,@ 1~  10@1~ 14@1~ 18@1~ 1<@1~ 1@@0$Monde a1BJA1JA1~ 1̭LA 1I~ 1\LA1~  10PA 1~  1b5  1I~  1ZF1~ 1Q1~ 1buL1~ 1LUA~ 1FXAAmrique du Nord1A1^!1~ 1>#1~ 1@%1~  1Ng) 1~  14'A 1~  1&|21~ 1$71~ 1^+A1~ 1,A~ 1@ Canada1(@1 @1~ 1iA1~ 1иA1~  10A 1~  1(vA 1~  1A1~ 1, A1~ 1) A1~ 1p A~ 1lA Etats-Unis 1A1A1~ 1ZA1~ 1^A1~  1IA 1~  1# 1~  1&&1~ 1*1~ 14$A1~ 1$m%A~ 1/ Amrique latine 1A1`A 1~ 1`A 1I~ 1@A 1~ 1`A 1~ 1 A 1~ 1`IA 1~ 1`RA 1~ 1 A 1~ 10;A ~ 1A  Antigua-et-Barbuda 15@1D@ 1~ 1K@ 1~ 1G@ 1~ 1;@ 1~ 1>@ 1~ 11@ 1~ 1*@ 1~ 1.@ 1~ 1$@ ~ 1$@  Antilles nerlandaises 1@1@ 1~ 1\@ 1~ 1 @ 1~ 1@ 1~ 1ȗ@ 1~ 1ԓ@ 1~ 1@@ 1~ 1D@ 1~ 1@@ ~ 1(@  Argentine 1 @1e@ 1~ 1@ 1~ 1@ 1~ 1@ 1~ 1y@ 1~ 1@@ 1~ 1@ 1~ 1@@ 1~ 1@@ ~ 1@  Bahamas 1h@1@ 1~ 1@ 1~ 1@ 1~ 1@ 1~ 1`@ 1~ 1@ 1~ 1X@ 1~ 1@ 1~ 1@ ~ 1p@ Barbade1 j@1i@1~ 1g@1~ 1`f@1~  1f@ 1~  1m@ 1~  1q@1~ 1q@1~ 1o@1~ 1p@~ 1q@ Belize1[@1X@1~ 1\@1~ 1]@1~  1_@ 1~  1a@ 1~  1@c@1~ 1c@1~ 1`c@1~ 1d@~ 1@h@ Bolivie1@1@1~ 10@1~ 1@1~  1 @ 1~  10@ 1~  1đ@1~ 1<@1~ 1@@1~ 1l@~ 1@ Brsil1@1@1~ 1 z@1~ 1@1~  1D@ 1~  1@@ 1~  1`P@1~ 1@1~ 1@1~ 1`q@~ 1@ Chili1Z@1v@1~ 1@1~ 1@1~  1@ 1~  1L@ 1~  1@1~ 1E@1~ 1@1~ 1@~ 1@ Colombie1n@1@@1~ 1@1~ 1˻@1~  1q@ 1~  1@ 1~  1@1~ 1@1~ 12@1~ 1@~ 1x@ Costa Rica1@1@1~ 1Ĝ@ 1I~ 1@1~  1j@ 1~  1@ 1~  1$@1~ 1@1~ 1@1~ 1@~ 1@ Cuba1@1@1~ 1@1~ 1@@1~  1@ 1~  1@ 1~  1|@1~ 1P@1~ 1@1~ 1@~ 1@ Dominique1K@1K@1~ 1L@1~ 1H@1~  1G@ 1~  1F@ 1~  1I@1~ 1J@1~ 1O@1~ 1K@~ 1J@ El Salvador10@1`@1~ 1@1~ 1 @1~  1@ 1~  1Й@ 1~  1@1~ 1@1~ 1(@1~ 1@~ 1@ Equateur14@1H@1~ 1~@1~ 1@1~  1֭@ 1~  1Ӱ@ 1~  1$@1~ 1@1~ 1k@1~ 1c@~ 1@ Grenade1;@17@1~ 14@1~ 16@1~  19@ 1~  17@ 1~  15@1~ 17@1~ 1;@1~ 1G@~ 1I@ Guatemala1,@1Ȓ@1~ 1<@1~ 1@1~  1ė@ 1~  1֠@ 1~  1@1~ 1P@1~ 1,@1~ 1@~ 1@ Guyana1`o@1o@1~ 1r@1~ 1pz@1~  1|@ 1~  1p|@ 1~  1(@1~ 1 @1~ 1@~@1~ 1X@~ 1Ё@ Hati1d@1d@1~ 1@R@1~ 1T@1~  1T@ 1~  1[@ 1~  1V@1~ 1^@1~ 1e@1~ 1h@~ 1d@ Honduras1@1@1~ 1@1~ 1p@1~  1X@ 1~  1@ 1~  1@1~ 1@1~ 1@1~ 1@~ 1@ Jamaque1@1t@1~ 18@1~ 1@1~  1@ 1~  1L@ 1~  1@1~ 1@1~ 1@1~ 1`@~ 1@@ Mexique1@1@1~ 1@1~ 1U@1~  1@@ 1~  1`k@ 1~  1p@1~ 1@1~ 1@@1~ 18A~ 1PAD!lTb4  T0@!@"@#@$@%@&@'@(@)@*@G+@,# @-,w@.# @/@0@1@p2@30@4@5@6w@7d@8p0@9p0@:@ ; @ < @=@>@?@  Nicaragua 1t@1q@ 1~ 1k@ 1~ 1p@ 1~ 1u@ 1~ 1p@ 1~ 1@ 1~ 1@ 1~ 1@ 1~ 1@ ~ 1@! 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K1W@K1~ K1@K~ K1@L Yougoslavie L1- L1-L1L1@11t@L1L 1n@11l@ L 1~ L 1@L1~ L1@L1~ L1T@L1~ L1h@L~ L1@M Yougoslavie, exM1@1=@M1 M1-M1 M1-M1 M 1-M 1 M 1-M 1 M 1-M1 M1-M1 M1-M1 M1-M M1-NUnion europenne (15)N1\1,6AN1~ N1` N1I~ N1F{YN1~ N 1eN 1~ N 1M?AN 1~ N 16hN1~ N1ʀN1~ N1N1~ N1N~ N1gO Exportations extra-UEO1K 1AO1~ O1~ O1~ O1!O1~ O 1?&O 1O 1к'AO 1~ O 1>0O1~ O1(AO1~ O1~1O1~ O1\w(AO~ O1fl4'PEurope c./o., Etats baltes, CEIP1@1@ P1I~ P1 m@ P1I~ P1,@P1~ P 13@ P 1I~ P 1wA P 1IP 1W A P1I~ P1L A P1I~ P1m A P1I~ P1: AP~ P1$AQ AlbanieQ1l@1Y@Q1~ Q1Q@Q1~ Q1@_@Q1~ Q 1a@Q 1~ Q 1i@Q 1~ Q 1j@Q1~ Q1a@Q1~ Q1i@Q1~ Q1p@Q~ Q1@p@R Armnie R1- R1-R1 R1...R1 R1...R1~ R 1K@R 1~ R 1Y@ R 1I~ R 1 r@R1~ R1`m@R1~ R1k@R1~ R1`m@R~ R1r@S Azerbadjan S1- S1-S1 S1...S1 S1...S1~ S 1pw@S 1~ S 1@u@ S 1I~ S 1@S1~ S1`@S1~ S1@S1~ S1@S~ S1X@T Blarus T1- T1-T1 T1...T1 T1...T1~ T 1(@T 1~ T 1@ T 1I~ T 1@T1~ T1@T1~ T1@T1~ T1 @T~ T1Լ@U Bulgarie U1@1`@U1~ U1@U1~ U1@U1~ U 1J@U 1~ U 1@U 1~ U 1@U1~ U1L@U1~ U1̰@U1~ U1@U~ U1u@V Estonie V1- V1-V1 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Vanuatu13@12@1~ 18@1~ 17@1~ 19@ 1~ 1<@ 1~ 1>@1~ 1A@1~ 1A@1~ 1:@~ 19@ Viet Nam1Ȣ@1N@1~ 1(@1~ 14@1~ 1@ 1~ 1I@ 1~ 1W@1~ 1@1~ 1H@1~ 1@~ 19@ Pour mmoire.Monde, l'exclusion.% des exportations intra-UEBA;CADA4EA mHALA  I~ TNA~ ,PA~ hOA~ o~ xRA)!Europe occidentale, l'exclusion.% des exportations intra-UEh$AA#A8$A$A _'A  к,A ~ -A~ .<~ V;~ ~;~ @0$20*a Y compris d'importantes rexportations.z&rb partir de 1998, les chiffres concernent l'Afrique du Sud et non plus l'Union douanire de l'Afrique Australe.(yNote: Les ruptures dans la continuit des sries pour certains pays et groupements rgionaux sont indiques par un "I".  'Elles sont dues aux raisons suivantes: i) modification de frontires politiques; ii) inclusion des changes mutuels des Etats baltes et de la CEI partir de 1996; et iii) modification des 'mthodes de collecte et de dclaration des statistiques sur le commerce des marchandises. On trouvera des dtails dans les Notes techniques. 'Il convient de noter que des doubles comptages sont nombreux dans les totaux correspondant au monde et l'Asie du fait de l'utilisation du systme gnral d'enregistrement W'Odes statistiques du commerce des marchandises, qui comprend les rexportations.p'hPour un certain nombre de pays et territoires, les chiffres rcents sont des estimations du Secrtariat.0$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$,|JR_46~[t=98X> "  ,7Y[BtF->  dMbP?_*+%,@{&v/?'v/?(%C?)%C?MRLocal Linotronic 530 v52.3$$G 4bA4ents sont des estimations du PRIV''''8" b?? EnglishFrenchU} } I} } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } Column B ,T0@@,@,@O@@@,@@ @ ,@G @ # @ w@# @@@@p# @@# @# @w@@# @@# @Gw@c @# @G@@# - Cuadro A50].UExportaciones mundiales de mercancas, por regiones y determinadas economas, 1990-000/(Millones de dlares)01@1@1~ 1 @1~ 1$@1~  1(@ 1~  1,@ 1~  10@1~ 14@1~ 18@1~ 1<@1~ 1@@0$Mundo a1BJA1JA1~ 1̭LA 1I~ 1\LA1~  10PA 1~  1b5  1I~  1ZF1~ 1Q1~ 1buL1~ 1LUA~ 1FXAAmrica del Norte1A1^!1~ 1>#1~ 1@%1~  1Ng) 1~  14'A 1~  1&|21~ 1$71~ 1^+A1~ 1,A~ 1@ Canad1(@1 @1~ 1iA1~ 1иA1~  10A 1~  1(vA 1~  1A1~ 1, A1~ 1) A1~ 1p A~ 1lA Estados Unidos 1A1A1~ 1ZA1~ 1^A1~  1IA 1~  1# 1~  1&&1~ 1*1~ 14$A1~ 1$m%A~ 1/ Amrica Latina 1A1`A 1~ 1`A 1I~ 1@A 1~ 1`A 1~ 1 A 1~ 1`IA 1~ 1`RA 1~ 1 A 1~ 10;A ~ 1A  Antigua y Barbuda 15@1D@ 1~ 1K@ 1~ 1G@ 1~ 1;@ 1~ 1>@ 1~ 11@ 1~ 1*@ 1~ 1.@ 1~ 1$@ ~ 1$@  Antillas Neerlandesas 1@1@ 1~ 1\@ 1~ 1 @ 1~ 1@ 1~ 1ȗ@ 1~ 1ԓ@ 1~ 1@@ 1~ 1D@ 1~ 1@@ ~ 1(@  Argentina 1 @1e@ 1~ 1@ 1~ 1@ 1~ 1@ 1~ 1y@ 1~ 1@@ 1~ 1@ 1~ 1@@ 1~ 1@@ ~ 1@  Bahamas 1h@1@ 1~ 1@ 1~ 1@ 1~ 1@ 1~ 1`@ 1~ 1@ 1~ 1X@ 1~ 1@ 1~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{}~ 1@ ~ 1p@ Barbados1 j@1i@1~ 1g@1~ 1`f@1~  1f@ 1~  1m@ 1~  1q@1~ 1q@1~ 1o@1~ 1p@~ 1q@ Belice1[@1X@1~ 1\@1~ 1]@1~  1_@ 1~  1a@ 1~  1@c@1~ 1c@1~ 1`c@1~ 1d@~ 1@h@ Bolivia1@1@1~ 10@1~ 1@1~  1 @ 1~  10@ 1~  1đ@1~ 1<@1~ 1@@1~ 1l@~ 1@ Brasil1@1@1~ 1 z@1~ 1@1~  1D@ 1~  1@@ 1~  1`P@1~ 1@1~ 1@1~ 1`q@~ 1@ Chile1Z@1v@1~ 1@1~ 1@1~  1@ 1~  1L@ 1~  1@1~ 1E@1~ 1@1~ 1@~ 1@ Colombia1n@1@@1~ 1@1~ 1˻@1~  1q@ 1~  1@ 1~  1@1~ 1@1~ 12@1~ 1@~ 1x@ Costa Rica1@1@1~ 1Ĝ@ 1I~ 1@1~  1j@ 1~  1@ 1~  1$@1~ 1@1~ 1@1~ 1@~ 1@ Cuba1@1@1~ 1@1~ 1@@1~  1@ 1~  1@ 1~  1|@1~ 1P@1~ 1@1~ 1@~ 1@ Dominica1K@1K@1~ 1L@1~ 1H@1~  1G@ 1~  1F@ 1~  1I@1~ 1J@1~ 1O@1~ 1K@~ 1J@ Ecuador14@1H@1~ 1~@1~ 1@1~  1֭@ 1~  1Ӱ@ 1~  1$@1~ 1@1~ 1k@1~ 1c@~ 1@ El Salvador10@1`@1~ 1@1~ 1 @1~  1@ 1~  1Й@ 1~  1@1~ 1@1~ 1(@1~ 1@~ 1@ Granada1;@17@1~ 14@1~ 16@1~  19@ 1~  17@ 1~  15@1~ 17@1~ 1;@1~ 1G@~ 1I@ Guatemala1,@1Ȓ@1~ 1<@1~ 1@1~  1ė@ 1~  1֠@ 1~  1@1~ 1P@1~ 1,@1~ 1@~ 1@ Guyana1`o@1o@1~ 1r@1~ 1pz@1~  1|@ 1~  1p|@ 1~  1(@1~ 1 @1~ 1@~@1~ 1X@~ 1Ё@ Hait1d@1d@1~ 1@R@1~ 1T@1~  1T@ 1~  1[@ 1~  1V@1~ 1^@1~ 1e@1~ 1h@~ 1d@ Honduras1@1@1~ 1@1~ 1p@1~  1X@ 1~  1@ 1~  1@1~ 1@1~ 1@1~ 1@~ 1@ Jamaica1@1t@1~ 18@1~ 1@1~  1@ 1~  1L@ 1~  1@1~ 1@1~ 1@1~ 1`@~ 1@@ Mxico1@1@1~ 1@1~ 1U@1~  1@@ 1~  1`k@ 1~  1p@1~ 1@1~ 1@@1~ 18A~ 1PAD!lS_4 T0@!@"@#@$@%@&@'@(@)@*@G+@,# @-,w@.# @/@0@1@p2# @3@4# @# 5@6w@7@# 8@9@# :@G;w@<c @=# @G>@?O@#   Nicaragua 1t@1q@ 1~ 1k@ 1~ 1p@ 1~ 1u@ 1~ 1p@ 1~ 1@ 1~ 1@ 1~ 1@ 1~ 1@ ~ 1@! 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Austria.1 &@1@.1~ .1`@.1~ .1@.1~ . 1 @. 1~ . 1@. 1~ . 1`<@.1~ .1@.1~ .1@.1~ .1d@.~ .13@/ Blgica /1- /1-/1 /1-/1 /1-/1 / 1-/ 1 / 1-/ 1 / 1-/1 /1-/1 /1-/1~ /1A/~ /1 A0 Blgica-Luxemburgo01p@1p@01~ 01@ 01I~ 01w@01~ 0 1A0 1~ 0 1A0 1~ 0 1A01~ 01A 01I~ 01A01 01-0 01-1 Bosnia y Herzegovina 11- 11-11~ 11@q@11~ 11W@11~ 1 1V@1 1~ 1 1c@1 1~ 1 1u@11~ 11@11~ 11@11~ 11@1~ 11@2 Croacia 21- 21-21~ 21@21~ 21@21~ 2 1@2 1~ 2 1@2 1~ 2 1@21~ 21J@21~ 21@21~ 21ϰ@2~ 21&@3 Dinamarca31@1x@31~ 31 M@ 31I~ 31n@31~ 3 1 @3 1~ 3 1@@3 1~ 3 1@@31~ 31@31~ 31@31~ 31 E@3~ 31;@4 Eslovenia 41- 41-41~ 41@41~ 41÷@41~ 4 1@4 1~ 4 1>@4 1~ 4 1<@41~ 41Z@41~ 41@41~ 41@4~ 41@5 Espaa51@+@1 b@51~ 51i@ 51I~ 51@51~ 5 1@5 1~ 5 1]@5 1~ 5 1@51~ 51Pu@51~ 51О@51~ 51`@5~ 510@6 Finlandia61@1@61~ 61@k@61~ 61@61~ 6 1@6 1~ 6 1@6 1~ 6 1@61~ 61@61~ 61 @61~ 61`q@6~ 61`H@7 Francia71`p A1` A71~ 71 A 71I~ 71x A71~ 7 1 A7 1~ 7 1,A 7 1I~ 7 1ԪA71~ 71dA71~ 71A71~ 71uA7~ 71<2A8 Grecia81@1@81~ 81@ 81I~ 81z@81~ 8 1[@8 1~ 8 1`@8 1~ 8 14@81~ 81@81~ 81:@81~ 81@8~ 81@9 Irlanda91/@1@91~ 91@ 91I~ 91i@91~ 9 1@9 1~ 9 1@@9 1~ 9 1 @91~ 91 (@91~ 91c@91~ 91e@9~ 91@: Islandia:1@18@:1~ :1@:1~ :1ܕ@:1~ : 1\@: 1~ : 10@: 1~ : 1@:1~ :1@:1~ :1@:1~ :1P@:~ :1@; Italia;1A1ȯA;1~ ;1XA ;1I~ ;1`A;1~ ; 1@RA; 1~ ; 1 A; 1~ ; 1A;1~ ;1S A;1~ ;1 A;1~ ;1 A;~ ;1 A"< la ex R. Y. de Macedonia <1- <1-<1~ <1@<1~ <1|@<1~ < 1@< 1~ < 1В@< 1~ < 1@<1~ <1P@<1~ <1|@<1~ <1@<~ <1@= Luxemburgo =1- =1-=1 =1-=1 =1-=1 = 1-= 1 = 1-= 1 = 1-=1 =1-=1 =1-=1~ =1@=~ =1@> Malta>1@1H@>1~ >1@>1~ >1,@>1~ > 1@> 1~ > 1@> 1~ > 1 @>1~ >1@>1~ >1@>1~ >1@>~ >1@@0?$D/$l&"&@,T0@A@B,@C,@DO@E,@F@G@H@I@J@GK@L# @Mw@N,# @O@P@Q,@pR# @S@T# @# U@Vw@W@# X@Y@# Z@G[w@\c @]# @G^@_@# @&@-Cuadro A5 (continuacin)  0@55555555555555555555A]A.UExportaciones mundiales de mercancas, por regiones y determinadas economas, 1990-000A55555555555555555555BB/(Millones de dlares)0B55555555555555555555C1@1@C1~ C1 @C~ C1$@C~ C 1(@C ~ C 1,@C ~ C 10@C~ C14@C1~ C18@C1~ C1<@C~ C1@@0D$E NoruegaE1@1`@E1~ E1@-@E1~ E1@@E1~ E 1@E 1~ E 1@E 1~ E 1=@E1~ E1@E1~ E1@@E1~ E14@E~ E1P@F Pases BajosF1A1OAF1~ F1x!A F1I~ F1AF1~ F 1GAF 1~ F 10 AF 1~ F 1AF1~ F1AF1~ F1AF1~ F1hAF~ F1 AG PortugalG1@@1@G1~ G1@ G1I~ G1@G1~ G 1@G 1~ G 1@G 1~ G 1@G1~ G1@^@G1~ G10@G1~ G1@G~ G1@H Reino UnidoH1A1 AH1~ H11A H1I~ H1h,AH1~ H 1 AH 1~ H 1 AH 1~ H 1AH1~ H10AH1~ H1AH1~ H1LmAH~ H1VAI SueciaI1@1 @I1~ I1f@I1~ I1 X@I1~ I 1@I 1~ I 1n@I 1~ I 1@I1~ I10<@I1~ I1@I1~ I1@I~ I1P9@J SuizaJ1%@1 @J1~ J1@J1~ J1 @J1~ J 1-@J 1~ J 1@J 1~ J 1@J1~ J1`@J1~ J1@@J1~ J1@J~ J1@K TurquaK1O@1@K1~ K1@K1~ K1@K1~ K 1@K 1~ K 1@!@K 1~ K 1@K1~ K1@@K1~ K1W@K1~ K1@K~ K1@L Yugoslavia L1- L1-L1~ L1@L1~ L1t@L1~ L 1n@L 1~ L 1l@L 1~ L 1@L1~ L1@L1~ L1T@L1~ L1h@L~ L1@M Yugoslavia, exM1@1=@M1 M1-M1 M1-M1 M 1-M 1 M 1-M 1 M 1-M1 M1-M1 M1-M1 M1-M M1-NUnin Europea (15)N1\1,6AN1~ N1` N1I~ N1F{YN1~ N 1eN 1~ N 1M?AN 1~ N 16hN1~ N1ʀN1~ N1N1~ N1N~ N1g O Exportaciones extra-UEO1K 1AO1~ O1~ O1~ O1!O1~ O 1?&O 1O 1к'AO 1~ O 1>0O1~ O1(AO1~ O1~1O1~ O1\w(AO~ O1fl4+P#Europa C./O., Estados Blticos, CEIP1@1@ P1I~ P1 m@ P1I~ P1,@P1~ P 13@ P 1I~ P 1wA P 1IP 1W A P1I~ P1L A P1I~ P1m A P1I~ P1: AP~ P1$AQ AlbaniaQ1l@1Y@Q1~ Q1Q@Q1~ Q1@_@Q1~ Q 1a@Q 1~ Q 1i@Q 1~ Q 1j@Q1~ Q1a@Q1~ Q1i@Q1~ Q1p@Q~ Q1@p@R Armenia R1- R1-R1 R1...R1 R1...R1~ R 1K@R 1~ R 1Y@ R 1I~ R 1 r@R1~ R1`m@R1~ R1k@R1~ R1`m@R~ R1r@S Azerbaiyn S1- S1-S1 S1...S1 S1...S1~ S 1pw@S 1~ S 1@u@ S 1I~ S 1@S1~ S1`@S1~ S1@S1~ S1@S~ S1X@T Belars T1- T1-T1 T1...T1 T1...T1~ T 1(@T 1~ T 1@ T 1I~ T 1@T1~ T1@T1~ T1@T1~ T1 @T~ T1Լ@U Bulgaria U1@1`@U1~ U1@U1~ U1@U1~ U 1J@U 1~ U 1@U 1~ U 1@U1~ U1L@U1~ U1̰@U1~ U1@U~ U1u@V Estonia V1- V1-V1 V1...V1 V1...V1~ V 1@V 1~ V 1 @ V 1I~ V 1@@V1~ V1@V1~ V1Z@ V1I~ V1Ԣ@V~ V1Ψ@W Georgia W1- W1-W1 W1...W1 W1...W1~ W 1D@W 1~ W 1K@ W 1I~ W 1i@W1~ W1n@W1~ W1g@W1~ W1n@W~ W1t@X HungraX1@1@X1~ X1@X1~ X1d@X1~ X 1@X 1~ X 1 @ X 1I~ X 1@X1~ X1@X1~ X1@w@X1~ X1m@X~ X1n@Y Kazajstn Y1- Y1-Y1 Y1...Y1 Y1...Y1~ Y 1@Y 1~ Y 1&@ Y 1I~ Y 1@Y1~ Y1_@Y1~ Y1;@Y1~ Y1ֵ@Y~ Y1@Z Letonia Z1- Z1-Z1 Z1...Z1 Z1...Z1~ Z 1P~@Z 1~ Z 1@ Z 1I~ Z 1@Z1~ Z1@Z1~ Z1H@Z1~ Z1@Z~ Z1$@[ Lituania [1- [1-[1 [1...[1 [1...[1~ [ 1@ [ 1I~ [ 1x@ [ 1I~ [ 16@[1~ [1(@[1~ [1@[1~ [1z@[~ [1ĭ@\ Moldova, Rep. de \1- \1-\1 \1...\1 \1...\1~ \ 1b@\ 1~ \ 1p@ \ 1I~ \ 1؈@\1~ \1X@\1~ \1@\1~ \1|@\~ \1`}@] Polonia]1@1@]1~ ]1R@]1~ ]1@]1~ ] 1@] 1~ ] 1[@] 1~ ] 1@]1~ ]1%@ ]1I~ ]1@]1~ ]1@@]~ ]1@^ Rep. 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'Cabe sealar que en los totales correspondientes al mundo y a Asia aparece reflejado un doble cmputo significativo debido a la utilizacin del sistema general de registro \'Tde las estadsticas sobre el comercio de mercancas que incluye las reexportaciones._'WLas cifras recientes de algunos pases y territorios son estimaciones de la Secretara.0$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$0IUY4Du`c=98X> " a] k*\G{000204F3-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}#1.0#9#C:\WINNT\System32\VBAEN32.OLB#Visual Basic For Applications2>*\G{00020813-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}#1.0#409#xl5en32.olb#\*\G{00020430-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}#2.0#0#C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\STDOLE2.TLB#OLE Automation*\G{2DF8D04C-5BFA-101B-BDE5-00AA0044DE52}#2.0#0#C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\mso97.dll#Microsoft Office 8.0 Object LibraryQ (;%* 4+ F`u (VBAExcelVBAProjectstdolesOffice< *  Oh+'0@HXp CreppyUsanase JanvierMicrosoft Excel@N&@3NsDocumentSummaryInformation8CompObjf՜.+,08@ T\ d  OMC - ϲʹEx EnglishFrenchSpanish  Worksheets FMicrosoft Excel WorksheetBiff8Excel.Sheet.59q