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People's Rep. of  Korea, Rep. of  Lao People's Dem. Rep.  Macau, China Malaysia Maldives Mongolia Myanmar  Nepal New Zealand Pakistan  Papua New Guinea Philippines Singapore  Solomon Islands Sri Lanka Thailand Viet Nam Merchandise tradeTrade per capitaExports growthImports growth 1990-2000AV 90-2000 (a).Asia. Merchandise trade by country, 1990-2001 Chinese Taipei Chart 14;(a) Referring to the average 1989/1991 - 1999/2001 growth.* SxrMr_lrrea? | n7r4 ?VwН0`T048{w?`T04`   xip0f7jjf7+w46X(T0t00zm00Z E000ZZ\߿0ZX(\t0XPercentyperlink$ߝ0Űp0$  0w(p,w(w4`  6 `T06 lw`T0p wwwX@֜z0xxd{0cT0xx}0RT0XX8z0Xx"%0"x` 0"Q` 00n)  /$!]3;  dMbP?_*+%&?'HzG?(?)M&d2?MN\\MARCOPOLO5\2028-C1pc XXA4 9''''" aXX(\? `?U} I+}  }  }  }  .}  }  } $ Column CX/  T0@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . @ w@ @ w@ T0@ @ @ @ @ @ w@ @ @ @ @ w@ @ @G @ @ @ T0@F G' G%-H !!!:!!I " # #! #! 9! #" #" 9"J$D@$D@$D@ %# :$~ $D@ %# :$K&'((=((K""))>)) L 1Ht@ 2D<%3@ %}! ,M} q!@ ,1"o@ 1KȏQ 1!o> @ /^$U@ 3455?66/  ~ 7_@ 8c!@ BT}m/ Ae\@ D9(@ 3>  31ֹ@ /u5z:@  3?5^I@ 8 'Cy@ <5@ Y詃1-@ -`V,@ 3`>mWt @ 39'.@ /W)S+@   3w/x@ 8!@ <I+ 'J "@ #4 @ 3UBH2} 3L$k#@ /k]E+ @ 7W-'(3#&)#Y!@/]DE@ 3y&1m@8lhj@<i]L'*$@e#="@35%+3ع @/E@ &3rhl@8۶m@<~11So @p@3CcU73ƞ#@/^p$@ ~ 3@d@8 m7@<$_)@z'@31@#3LW%@/@^ 7#@ 3x_@8u%~@<20{Wl@zt+@3L`%36L@/2Ř@ 3l_@8]R?:@<YKe6[-'@<$@3ֺβ?3a)Y@/ J*@k@  3-NW@8YRV@<A@jx!@go!@3㙓' 3 ) @/}H!@  7'1U@8˛y@B"A%<z"@DoE @3dPMx3(@/7$ @ 3|?5O@8XKĉ@<٭qR=3)hI:1@(,/@3 3@yۼ#@/+[$@ 7S㥛>@8Ȉx@Bm۶m@A ˲3@D[h]4@3Ćk@3`2@/'*4d2@ 3 ;@86nv@<(^v @0y @=5=: @30cR36U @/e.A$@ 3Cl3@8;a@<&@ڊ.t@pg C@3y Z3:f5@/LnF @ 3v-@8c[@<ɴ`@vQЃ,@f-@3hJS?37x!@/p7~yE!@ 3Cl{%@8KҜ@<7Wm &ID]8&@  %@36Eq13v$@/T"@ 3/$@8 Z@<)OD@0l1@01@3I 0@3Չ5lD8@/E4@ 3X9v@@ v@<&"X@' ̯ @3:s<@3 G'@/Y @ 3jt@8;m@<Aw T1@H7Ͱ%?3_ӹ03d}@/*gmR@ 7`"@83¿o@<b110@!7#y?@)b;@7ݒ!XG@7p~8@/J#6@BX &zl T0@! @" @# @$ @% @& @' @( @.) @* w@+ @, w@- T0@. @   3rh|@ 8,a@ < x _^jb" #|ԏ# 3k[,E@ 3Vl /kQv !!3/$@!8=bQ@!<tBJe+!@!gAv @!3i[!3sBֿ!/&׌8 "~ "3k@"8L2hW@"< "a If-@"eKxq*@"3~m"32Dh!@"/i,8 @ ##77A`?#8&-@#Bt#B}C6?#Co$,?#7d@#7h\?#/\_@ $$3Mb?$8\Ɛd@$<]tE?$y+!޼.@$ I=.@$3Ե@$3QU(h&@$/^ d'@ %%3n?%8;ar@%< F}1%%OX%3877777#%3`}(W%/f0B &~ &3O@&8 M7@&<L&6&kl6?4&3]H &3߫n&/gp4 ''3 -?'8 mݙ@'<V^Cy '[^L@'-5 @'3.ZȐ?'33A&1%@'/4<7I&@ ((7l?(85yOQv@~ (B4@(B!}@(CU&@~ (74@(7 @(/+'~@ ))37[ A?)8DO z@)<0?)rU^?)]4}~ @)3M:$)3FƉ @)/ 3k"?*0****E*** ,;("r>@%%%  &M&d2?'M&d2?(~?)~?MNHP LaserJet 4pc XXA4ter 9''''" dX `? `?3` d)5` d)5` d)5` d)5` d)5` h)5<` h)5= ( 3f3f3 r  0Y  @LJ=] Y  (<Chart 14 Asia. Merchandise trade by country, 1990-2001 (Countries are ranked in descending orders (from left to right) of the sum of merchandise exports and imports in 2001)<([ 784~v  <NMM?$']    MN\\MARCOPOLO5\2028-C1pc XXA4 9''''" dX??3` <` <` ` ` <d2` <d7  ( 44 2 8O  r  0^  @]^< <Japan<7 #rr  0l^ @ ]l^ <China<7 3rr  0^ @CMaE ]^ <Hong Kong, China<7K l$rr  0 _ @w o ] _4 <Korea, Rep. of<7; rr  0\_ @4 R ]\_  < Singapore<7* #rr  0_ @  ]_ <Chinese Taipei<7= 4rr  0_ @; 3 ]_, < Malaysia<7% 5rr  0L` @l ]L`   < Australia<7% xx  6`  @/ ' ] `  < Thailand<7# #3d23 M NM4 3Qi ; 0Merchandise trade 2001Q ; )Q ; )Q3_4E4D $% M 3O&Q4$% M 3O&Q4FACE c 3O~ 3 b#M-! M43*N#M&2! M4523  43" 44%  S~ M03OP*&P*RQ RMerchandise trade of Asian countries, 2001 (Exports plus imports, billion dollars)'44e Japan  China - Hong Kong, China ) Korea, Rep. of   Singapore + Chinese Taipei   Malaysia   Australia   Thailand   India   Indonesia #  Philippines   Viet Nam #  New Zealand   Pakistan !  Bangladesh   Sri Lanka   Myanmar % Macau, China / Brunei Darussalam   Cambodia E Korea, Dem. People's Rep. of - Papua New Guinea  Nepal  Fiji 9 Lao People's Dem. Rep.   Mongolia #  Afghanistan   Maldives  Bhutan + Solomon Islands eHz@?5^I@w/x@@ ;@Cl3@v-@Cl{%@/$@X9v@jt@`"@rh|@/$@Gz@7A`?Mb?n?RQ? -?l?7[ A?e ~v  <NMM?_']    MN\\MARCOPOLO5\2028-C1pc XXA4 9''''" dX??3` 8<` 8<` ` ` 8<d3` +1d80 (  jB  0D 5 & ]`X rr  0Xe  @[  1 ]Xe <Average<8# #xx  6e  @  ]e <Japan<8 #xx  6e  @ c]eP <Hong Kong, China (57000)<8l xx  6Hf  @Q@]Hf <Singapore (58000)<8K dxx  6f  @Sl j ]f| <Chinese Taipei<8= #ff  c $f  ]f$ <Brunei Darussalam<8O #~~  <8g  @ ]8g $<China<8 @xx  6g  @w  ] g   <Korea Rep. of<89 #xx  6g  @ , f ] g  <India<8 ll  s *(h S K ] (hT!  < Macau, China<89 #ll  s *xh |;  ] xh!  < New Zealand<85 #3d23 M NM4 3Q ; .Trade per capita 2001Q ; )Q ; )Q3_4E4D $% M 3O&Q4$% M 3O&Q4FA| 3ON 3 b#M-! M43*@@@@@N#M&3! M4523 M 43" 44% S- M03O|<&P5UQ UPer capita merchandise trade of Asian countries, 2001 (Exports plus imports, dollars)'44e Japan  China - Hong Kong, China ) Korea, Rep. of   Singapore + Chinese Taipei   Malaysia   Australia   Thailand   India   Indonesia #  Philippines   Viet Nam #  New Zealand   Pakistan !  Bangladesh   Sri Lanka   Myanmar % Macau, China / Brunei Darussalam   Cambodia E Korea, Dem. People's Rep. of - Papua New Guinea  Nepal  Fiji 9 Lao People's Dem. Rep.   Mongolia #  Afghanistan   Maldives  Bhutan + Solomon Islands ec!@ 'Cy@!@ o@lhj@۶m@ m7@u%~@]R?:@ YRV@ ˛y@ XKĉ@ Ȉx@ 6nv@;a@c[@KҜ@ Z@ v@;m@3¿o@,a@=bQ@L2hW@&-@\Ɛd@;ar@ M7@ mݙ@5yOQv@DO z@e ~v  <NMM?"6 ]    MN\\MARCOPOLO5\2028-C1pc XXA4 9''''" dX??3` e` e ` <*` <+` <d4` (d9"@  (  r  0m  @Q ]m$ <Japan <9 +xx  6dm  @3 | ]dm%  < Myanmar (40)<99 #rjB  0D ; # ]`0&xx  6m  @  ]m& <Average<9# x+xx  6,n  @) ],n' <Afghanistan (-56)<9G ,,ff  c $|n B ]|n(( < Cambodia<9+ #xx  6n  @M]n( <China<9 H xx  6o  @x ~ ]ox)  < Philippines<9- +3d23 M NM4 3Q ; *Exports growth 2001Q ; )Q ; )Q3_4E4D $% M 3O&Q4$% M 3O& Q4FA4M [ 3O~ 3 b#M-! M43*49@@?N#M&4! M4523  43" 44% R M03Ob*&*P*,+QQ QMerchandise exports of Asian countries, 2001 (Percentage change in dollar values)'44e Japan  China - Hong Kong, China ) Korea, Rep. of   Singapore + Chinese Taipei   Malaysia   Australia   Thailand   India   Indonesia #  Philippines   Viet Nam #  New Zealand   Pakistan !  Bangladesh   Sri Lanka   Myanmar % Macau, China / Brunei Darussalam   Cambodia E Korea, Dem. People's Rep. of - Papua New Guinea  Nepal  Fiji 9 Lao People's Dem. Rep.   Mongolia #  Afghanistan   Maldives  Bhutan + Solomon Islands eT}m/5@I+,qW)i]L'~11$2YK A@ " ٭qR=3 m۶m@ (^v @&@ɴ`@7Wm &)OD@&"Aw b110@ xtBJe+ t]tE? F}1LV^Cy ?0?e ~v  <NMM?B_ ] \$  MN\\MARCOPOLO5\2028-C1pc XXA4 9''''" dX??3` &&-!` &&-"` &&-#` V,` V-4P ( A0 ( ` r  0s  @ ]s\, <Myanmar<#' xx  68t  @I]8t- <China<# xx  6t  @ p]t- <Korea, Dem. People's Rep. (42)<# xx  6t  @ ]tT.  < Macau, China<#9 rjB  0D HS 'S ]`.xx  6Pu  @M  ]Pu/ <Average<## xx  6u  @ R V ]uL0 <Solomon Islands<#F xx  6u  @` `]u0 <Chinese Taipei (-23)<#R 3d23 M NM4 3Q ; *Imports growth 2001Q ; )Q ; )Q3_4E4D $% M 3O&!Q4$% M 3O&"Q4FA=L Z 3O 3 b#M-! M43*49@@?N#M! M4523  43" 44% SJ M03Od*&,P,,-QQ QMerchandise imports of Asian countries, 2001 (Percentage change in dollar values)'44e Japan  China - Hong Kong, China ) Korea, Rep. of   Singapore + Chinese Taipei   Malaysia   Australia   Thailand   India   Indonesia #  Philippines   Viet Nam #  New Zealand   Pakistan !  Bangladesh   Sri Lanka   Myanmar % Macau, China / Brunei Darussalam   Cambodia E Korea, Dem. People's Rep. of - Papua New Guinea  Nepal  Fiji 9 Lao People's Dem. Rep.   Mongolia #  Afghanistan   Maldives  Bhutan + Solomon Islands e> `>mWt @UBH2}>W-'(5%+CcU71@#L`%ֺβ? 㙓'  dPMx   Ćk@ 0cRy ZhJS?6Eq1I 0@:s<@_ӹ0ݒ!XG@k[,E@i[~md@Ե@877777#]H .ZȐ??M:$e ~v  <NMM?" j] +  MN\\MARCOPOLO5\2028-C1pc XXA4 9''''" dX??3` &&-$` &&-%` &&-&` .` /` d5` :` ( x  r  0z  @e]z3 <China<& xx  6{  @ @]{4 < Mongolia<&( xx  6X{  @rgo d]X{(5 < Viet Nam<&& xx  6{  @C  ]{5 < Cambodia<&+ rjB  0D + ) ]`x6xx  6 |  @ -  ] | 7 <Average<&# xx  6p|  @  ]p|7 <Korea, Dem. People's Rep.of<&x xx  6|  @,]|p8  < Philippines<&- xx  6}  @' ] }9 <Myanmar<&' xx  6`}  @ nE] `}9 <Lao People's Dem.Rep.<&b xx  6}  @[   ] }h:  < Afghanistan<&2 3d23 M NM4 3Q ; >Exports growth AV 90-2000 (a)Q ; )Q ; )Q3_4E4D $% M 3O&$Q4$% M 3O&%Q4FA$< q 3O~ 3 b#M-! M43*$>@@?N#M&5! M4523  43" 44% (QO M03O*&.P.1:2/fQ fMerchandise exports of Asian countries, 1990-2000a (Average annual percentage change in dollar values)'44e Japan  China - Hong Kong, China ) Korea, Rep. of   Singapore + Chinese Taipei   Malaysia   Australia   Thailand   India   Indonesia #  Philippines   Viet Nam #  New Zealand   Pakistan !  Bangladesh   Sri Lanka   Myanmar % Macau, China / Brunei Darussalam   Cambodia E Korea, Dem. People's Rep. of - Papua New Guinea  Nepal  Fiji 9 Lao People's Dem. Rep.   Mongolia #  Afghanistan   Maldives  Bhutan + Solomon Islands e9(@-`V,@#4 @e!@e#="@p@z'@zt+@<$@ go!@ oE @ (,/@ [h]4@ =5=: @pg C@f-@  %@01@' ̯ @H7Ͱ%?)b;@#|ԏ#gAv @eKxq*@o$,? I=.@OXkl6?4-5 @U&@]4}~ @e ~v  <NMM? _v] T3  MN\\MARCOPOLO5\2028-C1pc XXA4 9''''" dX??3` &&-'` &&-(` &&-)` 80` 81` &&-6` 8;4p ( 8 XA4  r  0T  @j L  ]TL= <Korea, Dem. People's Rep.<)o xx  6  @N]= < Viet Nam<)& xx  6  @' < ]> < Cambodia<)+ rjB  0D X ' ]`D?xx  6l  @a Y ]l? <Average<)# xx  6  @P^]@ <China<) xx  6   @_c ] Imports growth AV 90-2000 (a)Q ; )Q ; )Q3_4E4D $% M 3O&'Q4$% M 3O&(Q4FA- 3Oh 3 b#M-! M43*$>@@?N#M&6! M4523  43" 44% P M03Oj<&0P01;21fQ fMerchandise imports of Asian countries, 1990-2000a (Average annual percentage change in dollar values)'44e Japan  China - Hong Kong, China ) Korea, Rep. of   Singapore + Chinese Taipei   Malaysia   Australia   Thailand   India   Indonesia #  Philippines   Viet Nam #  New Zealand   Pakistan !  Bangladesh   Sri Lanka   Myanmar % Macau, China / Brunei Darussalam   Cambodia E Korea, Dem. People's Rep. of - Papua New Guinea  Nepal  Fiji 9 Lao People's Dem. Rep.   Mongolia #  Afghanistan   Maldives  Bhutan + Solomon Islands eu5z:@W)S+@k]E+ @]DE@E@^p$@@^ 7#@2Ř@ J*@k@ }H!@ 7$ @ +[$@ '*4d2@ e.A$@LnF @p7~yE!@T"@E4@Y @*gmR@J#6@kQv&׌8i,8 @\_@^ d'@f0Bgp44<7I&@+'~@ 3k"?e ~vB @ <D@P ` ]`<~vB  <D@ c ]`,D~vB @ <D@z @ ]`Drr  0  @C] ]|E R<Sa Referring to the growth between the averages of the years 1989-91 and 1999-2001.<=<CR3d23 M NM43_4D$% y M 3O&Q4$% y M 3O&Q4FA<.'C3O<.'C3 b43*43" 444eee>  _VBA_PROJECT8 dir)PROJECTwm2PROJECT3a^  *\G{000204EF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}#3.0#9#C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VBA\VBA332.dll#Visual Basic For Applications *\G{00020813-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}#1.2#0#C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\EXCEL8.OLB#Microsoft Excel 8.0 Object Library*\G{00020430-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}#2.0#0#C:\WINNT\System32\stdole2.tlb#OLE Automation*\G{04E5C0FC-A112-11D4-BD94-0006298F07EC}#2.0#0#C:\WINNT\System32\MSForms.TWD#Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library*\G{04E5C0FD-A112-11D4-BD94-0006298F07EC}#2.0#0#C:\TEMP\VBE\MSForms.EXD#Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library.E .`M *\G{2DF8D04C-5BFA-101B-BDE5-00AA0044DE52}#2.0#0#C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\MSO97.DLL#Microsoft Office 8.0 Object Libraryk=X8( )w 8 )w H )w %Excel+VBAWin16~Win32MacProject1 stdole`MSFormsC VBAProjectOfficeuSheet211# _Evaluate Worksheet Sheet2111 Sheet211117H  0* pHd VBAProject4@j = r k= J< rstdole>stdole f%\*\G{00020430-C 0046}#2.0#0#C:\WINNT\System32\c2.tlb#OLE Automation#^MSForms>!SFErms/z pF4E5C0FC-A112-11D4-BD94F6298F07ECF3.TWD#MicrosPoft = ` Ob Libr8ary9P0ZjPD$PTEMP\VBE\ &EX&.E .`0M ACvOf(ficDvO@sficBv)*2DF8D04C-5BFA-10$1BSE5SAA@u4DE52Sgram FilXes\O\MSO97.DLLCHX 8.0XB'ID="{271A6401-B9A7-11D6-BF0A-00062977130C}" Name="VBAProject" HelpContextID="0" CMG="C0C2505654565456545654" DPB="D0D2406341634163" GC="E0E270737173718C" [Host Extender Info] &H00000001={3832D640-CF90-11CF-8E43-00A0C911005A};VBE;&H00000000 Oh+'0@SummaryInformation( 7DocumentSummaryInformation8;CompObjCfHXh ChauvetCooperMicrosoft Excel@ ԋ`@8]nM՜.+,D՜.+,< PXl t|  OMC - ϲʹA1  Chart dataChart 14 Asia  WorksheetsCharts 6> _PID_GUIDAN{271A6402-B9A7-11D6-BF0A-00062977130C} FMicrosoft Excel WorksheetBiff8Excel.Sheet.89q