Trade by subject

The complete publication “International trade statistics 2002” can be ordered from the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ or can be downloaded by clicking the links below.

Leading traders
> Geographical region
Trade by sector and product
4 key traders
4 key traders' imports
 Regional trade
> LDCs
> Long term trends
> Core data



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Who are the leading traders:  

  Merchandise (69 KB) Commercial Services (86 KB)
> Do you want the European Union (EU) as one reporter? (114 KB)

Interested in a longer time-series?

Exports (242 KB)
Imports (213 KB)
Commercial Services
Exports (175 KB)
Imports (159 KB)


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Information on trade by 7 geographical regions:  

Exports (86 KB)
Imports (67 KB)
Commercial Services
Exports (72 KB)
Imports (64 KB)
> More details by region?

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Information on trade by sector and product:  

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Who are their main partners:  

  Who they are selling to …   Who they are buying from … 
Canada (66 KB)
United States (68 KB)
European Union (68 KB)
Japan (64 KB)

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What is happening on the import markets of key traders in some important products?  

Iron and Steel
European Union (65 KB)
United States (65 KB)

IT products (Office Machinery and Telecommunications equipment)
Canada (54 KB)
United States (54 KB)
European Union (57 KB)
Japan (57 KB)

Automotive products
Canada (53 KB)
United States (53 KB)
European Union (53 KB)

Canada (70 KB)
United States (70 KB)
European Union (73 KB)
Japan (73 KB)

Canada (66 KB)
United States (66 KB)
European Union (70 KB)
Japan (70 KB)

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What is happening at the regional level in world merchandise trade?  

  Intra and inter-regional trade (68 KB)
Regional integration arrangements (EU, NAFTA, APEC, et al.)  (98 KB)
> More details: Regions (235 KB) and RIAs (89 KB)

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Trade developments of Least-Developed Countries  

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Core data by region and economy  

  A lot of the tables in this report are derived from the Appendix tables
You may download these files and view them with any spreadsheet software, or use Quick View Plus or other viewer software for displaying the statistical tables within your browser.

See also: Guide to downloading files
