World Trade Developments in 2001 and Prospects for 2002

The complete publication “International trade statistics 2002” can be ordered from the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ or can be downloaded by clicking the links below.

 Table of contents:
> Abbreviations and symbols
> World Trade Developments in 2001 and Prospects for 2002
> I. World trade in 2001 — Overview
II. Selected long-term trends
III. Trade by region
IV. Trade by sector
Appendix tables
Technical Notes



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World Trade Developments in 2001 and Prospects for 2002

Documents listed here are downloadable in MS Excel format.

  • Chart 1 Rise and decline of US capital goods imports, 1993-2001 (file size 18KB)
  • Chart 2 World merchandise trade and production by major product group, 2001 (file size 18KB)
  • Chart 3 World merchandise exports by product, 2001 (file size 19KB)
  • Chart 4 World merchandise trade by region, 2001 (file size 19KB)
  • Chart 5 Share of developing countries in world merchandise and commercial services trade, 1990-2001 (file size 23KB)
  • Chart 6 Share of developing country intra-trade in world and developing country exports, 1990-2001 (file size 18KB)
  • Chart 7 Top five developing exporters of merchandise by region, 2001 (file size 28KB)
  • Chart 8 Share of intra-trade in merchandise imports of selected RTAs, 1990-2001 (file size 30KB)
  • Chart 9 Latin America. Merchandise trade by country, 1990-2001 (file size 92KB)
  • Chart 10 Western Europe. Merchandise trade by country, 1990-2001 (file size 84KB)
  •  Chart 11 Transition economies. Merchandise trade by country, 1995-2001 (file size 77KB)
  • Chart 12 Africa. Merchandise trade by country, 1990-2001 (file size 118KB)
  • Chart 13 Middle East. Merchandise trade by country, 1990-2001 (file size 81KB)
  • Chart 14 Asia. Merchandise trade by country, 1990-2001 (file size 97KB)
  • Chart 15 Real GDP and trade growth of OECD countries, 2000-2002 (file size 106KB).
  • Table 1 World exports of merchandise and commercial services, 1990-2001 (file size 16KB)
  • Table 2 Trade and output growth of developing economies, 1990-2001 (file size 15KB)
  • Table 3 Merchandise exports of least developed countries by selected country groups, 1990-2001 (file size 17KB)
  • Table 4-10 GDP and trade developments in North America, 1990-2001 (file size 45KB)
You may download these files and view them with any spreadsheet software, or use Quick View Plus or other viewer software for displaying the statistical tables within your browser.

> Download the World Trade Developments in 2001 and Prospects for 2002 in pdf format (21 pages; 153KB)

See also: Guide to downloading files
