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Voir les Notes techniques..a Excepto Mxico en todo el presente informe.1990-01Note: It should be mentioned at the outset that there are numerous breaks in the continuity of the figures at the country and regional levels due to frequent revisions to Note: Il convient de souligner d'entre de jeu qu'il existe des ruptures dans la continuit des donnes au niveau des pays et des rgions tant donn que les donnes relatives Nota: Debe sealarse al principio que hay interrupciones en la continuidad de las cifras relativas a los pases y las regiones a causa de las frecuentes revisiones de que han sido & IGrowth in the value of world trade in commercial services by region, 2001VCroissance de la valeur du commerce mondial des services commerciaux par rgions, 2001VCrecimiento del valor del comercio mundial de servicios comerciales por regiones, 2 \pMeachse Muganga Ba= ThisWorkbook=xX/"8X@"1 CG Times1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial14Frutiger 47LightCn12Frutiger 45 Light12Frutiger 45 Light14Frutiger 47LightCn14Frutiger 47LightCn14Frutiger 47LightCn1 CG Times14Frutiger 47LightCn14 Frutiger 47LightCn12xFrutiger 45 Light12xFrutiger 45 Light14Frutiger 47LightCn12xFrutiger 45 Light12xFrutiger 45 Light""#,##0;\-""#,##0""#,##0;[Red]\-""#,##0""#,##0.00;\-""#,##0.00#""#,##0.00;[Red]\-""#,##0.005*0_-""* #,##0_-;\-""* #,##0_-;_-""* "-"_-;_-@_-,)'_-* #,##0_-;\-* #,##0_-;_-* "-"_-;_-@_-=,8_-""* #,##0.00_-;\-""* #,##0.00_-;_-""* "-"??_-;_-@_-4+/_-* #,##0.00_-;\-* #,##0.00_-;_-* "-"??_-;_-@_-"$"\ #,##0_-;"$"\ #,##0\-#"$"\ #,##0_-;[Red]"$"\ #,##0\-$"$"\ #,##0.00_-;"$"\ #,##0.00\-)$"$"\ #,##0.00_-;[Red]"$"\ #,##0.00\-;6_-"$"\ * #,##0_-;_-"$"\ * #,##0\-;_-"$"\ * "-"_-;_-@_-,'_-* #,##0_-;_-* #,##0\-;_-* "-"_-;_-@_-C>_-"$"\ * #,##0.00_-;_-"$"\ * #,##0.00\-;_-"$"\ * "-"??_-;_-@_-4/_-* #,##0.00_-;_-* #,##0.00\-;_-* "-"??_-;_-@_-"$"#,##0_);\("$"#,##0\)!"$"#,##0_);[Red]\("$"#,##0\)""$"#,##0.00_);\("$"#,##0.00\)'""$"#,##0.00_);[Red]\("$"#,##0.00\)72_("$"* #,##0_);_("$"* \(#,##0\);_("$"* "-"_);_(@_).)_(* #,##0_);_(* \(#,##0\);_(* "-"_);_(@_)?:_("$"* #,##0.00_);_("$"* \(#,##0.00\);_("$"* "-"??_);_(@_)61_(* #,##0.00_);_(* \(#,##0.00\);_(* "-"??_);_(@_)"$"\ #,##0;"$"\ \-#,##0!"$"\ #,##0;[Red]"$"\ \-#,##0""$"\ #,##0.00;"$"\ \-#,##0.00'""$"\ #,##0.00;[Red]"$"\ \-#,##0.00=8_ "$"\ * #,##0_ ;_ "$"\ * \-#,##0_ ;_ "$"\ * "-"_ ;_ @_ .)_ * #,##0_ ;_ * \-#,##0_ ;_ * "-"_ ;_ @_ E@_ "$"\ * #,##0.00_ ;_ "$"\ * \-#,##0.00_ ;_ "$"\ * "-"??_ ;_ @_ 61_ * #,##0.00_ ;_ * \-#,##0.00_ ;_ * "-"??_ ;_ @_ 0_) 0.0_)0.0 0.00000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.00000 0.0000 0.000                       &  ( " #     H) X)  H X) X)           #                    001World North America a Latin America Western Europe European Union (15) C./E. Europe/Baltic States/CIS Africa Middle East Asia China Japan Six East Asian tradersMonde Amrique du Nord a Amrique latine Europe occidentale Union europenne (15)! Europe c./o., Etats baltes, CEI Afrique Moyen-Orient Asie Chine Japon) Six pays commerants d'Asie de l'Est Mundo  Amrica del Norte a Amrica Latina Europa occidental Unin Europea (15) % Europa C./O., Estados Blticos, CEI frica  Oriente Medio Japn. Seis pases comerciantes del Asia OrientalB &qUr_arLi?O O| "+r4O mwН0`T04O8xw?O`T04O` O O 4Oip0+jj+6O+O6OOLwHN,8uw4+T0t00zm00Z E000ZZ\߿0Z4+\t0XabelsPercent0]?OMw@Nw'  0w@p,Ohw@vw4O` O O6O `T06 l|w`T0p Ow?wwVwxOw`T0`T0=O=OEÆ0xO`T0Ǭp0p00 '-k9'-S]0'@i{TtL-%0a0`3 C .  !2  dMbP?_*+%D&v/?'v/?(%C?)%C?M\\ZI16871\Linotronic 530 v52.3O 4dA4PRIV88c8c" dX??U} } } } }  } } } } } } ,T0@@,@,O@O@,@O@,@O@ @ hw@ h@ hw@O ,T0@,O@OhO@h@hO@O,@,w@,@OO@@O@Gw@O@O@G      !                  ~ D@ ' @@ D~ D@~ D@  '  @@ D ~  D@  ~ +Ж@ , -.eM!@@ -A/A@ -a-i,޿ " $!~ -@ , -ԲCY@ -(m@@ --~9 %L7A`r@  K@ txu!@ vyz  " x $(l@  T@ -,@ E `R % OM@  $M} ?@ oէ@%@ ^/n4  # M OQ@  Z@ s^1'@ ;TZп %&†5@  741=@ 0VV? _)L?  $ HP9@  -@  ?f&? @JW%? %eX@  tBt@ z>σ? 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(Billion dollars and percentage) ExportsImports    Value Annual percentage change  Value  Annual percentage change       ~ \pUsanase Muganga [Bb EnglishFrench Spanish)Labels; )Labels; )Labels; $ ; $ ; $ ; =xX/"8X@"1CG Times1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial1!Frutiger 47LightCn1 Frutiger 45 Light1 Frutiger 45 Light1!Frutiger 47LightCn1!Frutiger 47LightCn1!Frutiger 47LightCn1CG Times1!Frutiger 47LightCn1! 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Western Europe HP9@  -@  ?f&? @JW%? %eX@   tBt@ z>σ? H?    European Union (15) :p@  J-^l@ Y^? /T?%BiL@   6Yu&@=7n%@( C./E. Europe/Baltic States/CISx#lM@   6 /$T3@ zx*@%+>@  dlV@L،α?%GЍ   Africam4B@   @ ] OJ@ hv %&†WJ@@   6J6a 0@w V Middle East_LF@   6 68~ @ P/%^)r@  k {@~O(@D   Asiah|?0v@  ~ ӻ@ @o @ n/~ %@  `[01@in.@v,I"@   ChinasC@   6@ 8S{/@ D!@%ǺO@  8@Z,8*@d"   Japan}?5^Z@  h @ ^3? lQ֍%~4b@  fq!@՘`(@~I?  " Six East Asian traders\ Ac`@  6] @ `(.{)@ I,wT  30+a Excluding Mexico throughout this report.....1Note: It should be mentioned at the outset that there are numerous breaks in the continuity of the figures at the country and regional levels due to frequent revisions to ....=05 the trade in services data. See the Technical Notes..... 2:sAbJ(4""IS"=xX/"8X> ????m)9w\VD7\V zT0~0l%0 zT~0~0Nz zT0290y0x*9y029((Byqq     "   *=  dMbP?_*+%,D&v/?'v/?(%C?)%C?MR\\ZI16871\Linotronic 530 v52.3O 4dA4PRIV88c8c" dX?? English SpanishU} } }  } } } } } } } }  ,T0@@,@,@O@,@O@,@O@ @O hT0@ h@ hT0@ hO@Th@Th0@Th@h@Th@h0@h@O@@@p0@Op0@@9 Tableau I.4 ^ VCroissance de la valeur du commerce mondial des services commerciaux par rgions, 2001 3!+(En milliards de dollars et en pourcentage)  Exportations Importations   Valeur)!Variation annuelle en pourcentage Valeur) !Variation annuelle en pourcentage       (D@Z(HZ 1990-01(@@Z(D@Z(D@ Z( ,H Z  1990-01( @@ Z ( D@ Z  ~ -Ж@ , -.eM!@@ -A/A@ -a-i,޿ *  $Monde~ -@ , -ԲCY@ -(m@@ --~9  L7A`r@  K@ txu!@ vyz     Amrique du Nord a x $(l@  T@ -,@ E `R   OM@  $M} ?@ oէ@%@ ^/n4    Amrique latine M OQ@  Z@ s^1'@ ;TZп  &†5@  741=@ 0VV? _)L?    Europe occidentale HP9@  -@  ?f&? @JW%?  eX@  tBt@ z>σ? H?  !  Union europenne (15) :p@  J-^l@ Y^? /T? BiL@ 6Yu&@=7n%@)5! Europe c./o., Etats baltes, CEIx#lM@   6 /$T3@ zx*@ +>@dlV@L،α?%GЍ   Afriquem4B@   @ ] OJ@ hv  &†WJ@@ 6J6a 0@w V Moyen-Orient_LF@   6 68~ @ P/ ^)r@k {@~O(@D   Asieh|?0v@  ~ ӻ@ @o @ n ~ @`[01@in.@v,I"@   ChinesC@   6@ 8S{/@ D!@ ǺO@8@Z,8*@d"   Japon}?5^Z@  h @ ^3? lQ֍ ~4b@fq!@՘`(@~I?  1) Six pays commerants d'Asie de l'Est \ Ac`@  6] @ `(.{)@ I,wT   G3?a A l'exclusion du Mexique dans l'ensemble du prsent rapport.4Note: Il convient de souligner d'entre de jeu qu'il existe des ruptures dans la continuit des donnes au niveau des pays et des rgions tant donn que les donnes relatives e3]au commerce des services ont fait l'objet de nombreuses rvisions. Voir les Notes techniques. 2:CcT(4z""Ki"=xX/"8X> ????m)9w\VD7\V zT0~0l%0 zT~0~0Nz zT0390y029y039((Byqq     "   ]BU  dMbP?_*+%,D&v/?'v/?(%C?)%C?MR\\ZI16871\Linotronic 530 v52.3O 4dA4PRIV88c8c" dX?? EnglishFrenchU} } }  } `} } } } } `} }  ,T0@@,@,@O@,@O@,@O@ @O hT0@ h@ hT0@ hO@Th@Th0@Th@h@h@h0@h@O@O@OO@p0@Op0@@9 Cuadro I.4 ^ VCrecimiento del valor del comercio mundial de servicios comerciales por regiones, 2001 4!,(Miles de millones de dlares y porcentajes)  Exportaciones Importaciones    Valor"Variacin porcentual anual  Valor" Variacin porcentual anual       (D@Z(KZ 1990-01(@@Z(D@Z(D@ Z( K Z  1990-01( @@ Z ( D@ Z )(& ~ -Ж@ , -.eM!@@ -A/A@ -a-i,޿ #  #Mundo ~ "@ # "ԲCY@ "(m@@ "-~9 %%%%% L7A`r@  K@ txu!@ vyz     Amrica del Norte a x $(l@  T@ -,@ E `R %%%%%  OM@  $M} ?@ oէ@%@ ^/n4    Amrica Latina M OQ@  Z@ s^1'@ ;TZп %%%%% &†5@  741=@ 0VV? _)L?    Europa occidental HP9@  -@  ?f&? @JW%? %%%%% eX@  tBt@ z>σ? H?    Unin Europea (15)  :p@  J-^l@ Y^? /T? %%%%%BiL@ 6Yu&@=7n%@-5% Europa C./O., Estados Blticos, CEIx#lM@   6 /$T3@ zx*@%%%%%+>@dlV@L،α?%GЍ   frica m4B@   @ ] OJ@ hv %%%%%&†WJ@@ 6J6a 0@w V Oriente Medio _LF@   6 68~ @ P/%%%%%^)r@k {@~O(@D   Asiah|?0v@  ~ ӻ@ @o @ n%%%%%~ @`[01@in.@v,I"@   ChinasC@   6@ 8S{/@ D!@%%%%%ǺO@8@Z,8*@d"   Japn}?5^Z@  h @ ^3? lQ֍%%%%%~4b@fq!@՘`(@~I?  6. Seis pases comerciantes del Asia Oriental\ Ac`@  6] @ `(.{)@ I,wT %%%%% %%%%%63.a Excepto Mxico en todo el presente informe.4Nota: Debe sealarse al principio que hay interrupciones en la continuidad de las cifras relativas a los pases y las regiones a causa de las frecuentes revisiones de que han sido S3Kobjeto los datos sobre el comercio de servicios. Vanse las Notas Tcnicas. 2:BdV(4"6:W"=xX/"8X> ????m)9w\VD7\V zT0~0l%0 zT~0~0Nz zT0490y039y049((Byqq     "  dirSummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8CompObjfffice\MSO97.DLL#Microsoft Office 8.0 Object LibraryQ  8+* 4+ `u (VBAExcelVBAProjectstdoleOffice< *  Oh+'0@HXp CreppyUsanase MugangaMicrosoft Excel@7+Q@[0x՜.+,08@ T\ d  OMC - ϲʹEx EnglishFrenchSpanish  Worksheets FMicrosoft Excel WorksheetBiff8Excel.Sheet.59q