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"Western Europe ~ -@ - -Y@-Y@ # 0@*@*@*?  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(.g@.@`@ ( (+?)@)@) )Memorandum item:)....++++ * European Union (15)*....++++ + Exports~ +.@ +. +.]@.@ + ++@+@+?+? , Imports~ ,.A@ ,. ,.l@.`W@ , ,+@+@+@+@ - trttssxt8=ww=;6!8X> ????m@m9wVܰD7V zT0бٱ~0,߱%0б zTб~0~0бNz zT0n9y0бn9y0n9XBy.ڱqq     "   .-=>YE  MbP?_*+%,D&v/?'v/?(%C?)%C?MR\\ZI16871\Linotronic 530 v52.3O 4dA4PRIV88c8c" dX?? English SpanishU} } } }  } }  }  } } }  .  ,T0@ @ ,@ ,@ O@ ,@ O@ @ @ h@ @ @G @ @ h@ @G @ T(@ @ h0@ @ T(@ @ @ p0@ p0@ h@ @ @ @- T(@ hT(@$%Tableau III.40$$$$$$$$$$ $b&ZEurope occidentale - Principaux exportateurs et importateurs de services commerciaux, 2001$$$$$$$$$$ $3'+(En milliards de dollars et en pourcentage)$$$$$$$$$$ Valeur Part )!Variation annuelle en pourcentage   ~  D@  @ D@  1990-01 <@ @@ D@  " Exportateurs!!!! "Europe occidentale ~ -@ - -Y@-Y@ # 0@*@*@*?   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".v@.~@ " "+ @)@)?)@ # Danemark ~ #.7@ #. #.@p@.v@ # #+ @)1@)3@)@ $Sude ~ $.@ $. $.z@. @ $ $+@)@)@) %Norvge ~ %.@ %. %.`s@.n@ % %+@)@))@ &Suisse ~ &.H@ &. &.q@.l@ & &+@)@)) 'Grce ~ '.@ '.  '/...~ '.@e@ '  ')... ')... ' )...~ ' )@( Finlande ~ (.P@ (. (.g@.@`@ ( (+?)@)@) ) Pour mmoire:)....++++ * Union europenne (15)*....++++ + Exportations~ +.@ +. +.]@.@ + ++@+@+?+? , Importations~ ,.A@ ,. ,.l@.`W@ , ,+@+@+@+@ - ttuurtsu5?||=;6!8X> ????m@m9wVܰD7V zT0бٱ~0,߱%0б zTб~0~0бNz zT0p9y0бn9y0p9XBy.ڱqq     "   .JZa  MbP?_*+%,D&v/?'v/?(%C?)%C?MR\\ZI16871\Linotronic 530 v52.3O 4dA4PRIV88c8c" dX?? EnglishFrenchU} } } }  } }  }  } } }  .  ,T0@ @ ,@ ,@ O@ ,@ O@ @ @ h@ @ @G @ @ h@ @G @ T(@ @ h0@ @ T(@ @ @ @ @ hw@ @ @ @ @G hw@$% Cuadro III.40$$$$$$$$$$ $c&[Principales exportadores e importadores de servicios comerciales de Europa Occidental, 2001$$$$$$$$$$ $4',(Miles de millones de dlares y porcentajes)$$$$$$$$$$  Valor Parte "Variacin porcentual anual   ~  D@  @ D@  1990-01 <@ @@ D@  " Exportadores!!!! "Europa occidental ~ -@ - -Y@-Y@ # 0@*@*@*?  (  Reino Unido ~ .,@ .  .*@.0@   +@)@)@)  Francia ~ .,@ .  .ؘ@.p@   +@)))   Alemania ~ ."@ .  .`@.H@   +@)@))  Espaa ~ .l@ .  .@.!@   +@) @)) @  Italia ~ .L@ .  .H@.@@   +?)*))@  Pases Bajos ~ .2@ . .@.@  +@)@)) Blgica-Luxemburgo ~ .@ . .p@.@  +@)$@)@) Austria ~ .@@@ . .@.~@  +@)@)?)@  Dinamarca ~ .@ . .`s@.@  +@)@@)5@)$@ Suiza ~ .@ . .{@. w@  +@)?)) Suecia ~ .@ . .t@.t@  +@)&@)@)"@ Irlanda ~ .4@ . .T@.@  +2@)) @)4@ Grecia ~ .P@ .  /...~ . r@   )... )...  )...~  )?Noruega ~ .@ . .@.@  +@,?, @,(@ Turqua ~ .ؘ@ . .g@.l@  +@)>)3@)1 " Importadores....+))) "Europa occidental ~ -@ - -Y@-Y@ # 0@*@*@*?  Alemania ~ .@ . .@.4@  +@)@))  Reino Unido ~ .@ . .Б@.@  +@)"@)@) Francia ~ .@ . .(@.#@  +@))) Italia ~ .µ@ . .@.@  +@)&))@  Pases Bajos ~ .@ . . @.@  +@)@)@)@ Blgica-Luxemburgo ~ .@ . .`@.@  +@)@)@)@ DlA`zq4xtussytvrsttt4~uxtsy  T0@! @" @# @$ h@% @& @' @( @) h@* @+ @G, @- O@ Irlanda ~ .0@ .  .@`@.@   +3@)$) @)5@ !Espaa ~ !.@ !. !.`x@.@ ! !+@)&@)@)@ "Austria ~ ".?@ ". ".v@.~@ " "+ @)@)?)@ # Dinamarca ~ #.7@ #. #.@p@.v@ # #+ @)1@)3@)@ $Suecia ~ $.@ $. $.z@. @ $ $+@)@)@) %Noruega ~ %.@ %. %.`s@.n@ % %+@)@))@ &Suiza ~ &.H@ &. &.q@.l@ & &+@)@)) 'Grecia ~ '.@ '.  '/...~ '.@e@ '  ')... ')... ' )...~ ' )@( Finlandia ~ (.P@ (. (.g@.@`@ ( (+?)@)@) ) Pro memoria:)....++++ * Unin Europea (15)*....++++ + Exportaciones~ +.@ +. +.]@.@ + ++@+@+?+? , Importaciones~ ,.A@ ,. ,.l@.`W@ , ,+@+@+@+@ - tstvstrv4<}}=;6!8X> ????m@m9wVܰD7V zT0бٱ~0,߱%0б zTб~0~0бNz zT0dr9y0бp9y0dr9XBy.ڱqq     "  a] k*\G{000204F3-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}#1.0#9#C:\WINNT\System32\VBAEN32.OLB#Visual Basic For Applications8 a>*\G{00020813-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}#1.0#409#xl5en32.olb#\*\G{00020430-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}#2.0#0#C:\WINNT\System32\stdole2.tlb#OLE Automation*\G{2DF8D04C-5BFA-101B-BDE5-00AA0044DE52}#2.0#0#C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\MSO97.DLL#Microsoft Office 8.0 Object LibraryQ =* 4+ F`u (VBAExcelVBAProjectstdoleOffice< *  Oh+'0@HXp CreppyUsanase MugangaMicrosoft Excel@9SR@ɩxDocumentSummaryInformation8CompObjf՜.+,08@ T\ d  OMC - ϲʹEx EnglishFrenchSpanish  Worksheets FMicrosoft Excel WorksheetBiff8Excel.Sheet.59q