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'e\B@Travel &:M-2@ & &k?:@&/sD>0@&&`TR'B@& &>gD@ &yeD@"Other commercial services &ǘ&R@ & &pJ@&LP@&&Xf,>@& &#a@@ &L5@@  Communication services'0 e? ' 'gS$S@'/y ?''[ @' '+g @ 'IF@ Construction services(, ? ( 'M$?(1#^?((|eުP?( '&=? (-|/? Insurance services'4c@ ' 'wb-b@'ـd`@''lC8?' 'B? '?y1? Financial services 'Tt$2@ ' 'V '@'.?1@''f6w@' '4@ 'kz@+# Computer and information services'^ D @ ' 'Cd;8?'8Z, @''Y ?' 'A? 'W>?$ Royalties and licence fees'I5O @ ' '@'ӈf@''X0_@' 'MDz @ ' ;@" Other business services ':M@@ ' '#}[y6@',@>@''&-@' 'M-@ 'MB8&0@7/ Personal, cultural, and recreational services'#bJ? ' 'g^?'AzB?''Y-?' '85`~=? 'l? $:@lTR3zf =98X> ????m9wVܰD7Vl zT0бٱ~0,߱%0б zTб~0~0бNz zT0<9y0б9y0<9XByڱqq     "   $4  MbP?_*+%,D&v/?'v/?(%C?)%C?M\\MARCOPOLO4\1158-X2?pc XXA4 9''''" dX?? English SpanishU} } }  }  } } } }  } } }    ,T0@ @ ,@ ,@ O@ ,@ O@ ,@ O@ h@ h@ @ @G w@ h@G h@G @ (@ @ 0@ @ (@ @ @ Op0@ p0@ <) !Tableau III.44  <"4Royaume-Uni - Commerce de services commerciaux, 2001  3#+(En milliards de dollars et en pourcentage)  Exportations Importations     Valeur Part Valeur  Part  ~ D@,@D@~ D@ ,@D@  & Total des services commerciaux &HPs[@ & &Y@&Y@ & &#GGV@ & &Y@&Y@   Transports &|гY1@ & &o5@ &(5&90@ & &߾36@ & &l3;@ &Z78@  Transports maritimes 'dX@ ' 'Uy!@ '$%_@ ' '0@&&`TR'B@& &>gD@ &yeD@#Autres services commerciaux&ǘ&R@&&pJ@&LP@&&Xf,>@& &#a@@ &L5@@$ Services de communication '0 e?''gS$S@'/y ?''[ @' '+g @ 'IF@ Services de btiment', ?''M$?'1#^?''|eުP?' '&=? '-|/? Services d'assurance'4c@''wb-b@'ـd`@''lC8?' 'B? '?y1? Services financiers 'Tt$2@''V '@'.?1@''f6w@' '4@ 'kz@2* Services d'informatique et d'information'^ D @''Cd;8?'8Z, @''Y ?' 'A? 'W>?)! Redevances et droits de licence'I5O @''@'ӈf@''X0_@' 'MDz @ ' ;@*" Autres services aux entreprises ':M@@''#}[y6@',@>@''&-@' 'M-@ 'MB8&0@@8 Services personnels, culturels et relatifs aux loisirs'#bJ?''g^?'AzB?''Y-?' '85`~=? 'l? % :OBh_\3zf =98X> ????m9wVܰD7V zT0бٱ~0,߱%0б zTб~0~0бNz zT09y0б<9y09XByڱqq     "   <9dI  MbP?_*+%,D&v/?'v/?(%C?)%C?M\\MARCOPOLO4\1158-X2?pc XXA4 9''''" dX?? EnglishFrenchU} } }  }  } } } }  } } }    ,T0@ @ ,@ ,@ O@ ,@ O@ ,@ O@ h@ h@ @ @G w@ h@G hQ@G @ Q@Q @ w@ @Q @ @Q @G Ow@ @ OQ)@ ! Cuadro III.44  ?"7Comercio de servicios comerciales del Reino Unido, 2001  4#,(Miles de millones de dlares y porcentajes)  Exportaciones Importaciones      Valor Parte  Valor  Parte  ~ D@,@D@~ D@ ,@D@  ' Todos los servicios comerciales &HPs[@ & &Y@&Y@ & &#GGV@ & &Y@&Y@   Transporte &|гY1@ & &o5@ &(5&90@ & &߾36@ & &l3;@ &Z78@  Transporte martimo 'dX@ ' 'Uy!@ '$%_@ ' '0@&&`TR'B@& &>gD@ &yeD@#Otros servicios comerciales&ǘ&R@&&pJ@&LP@&&Xf,>@& &#a@@ &L5@@# Servicios de comunicacin'0 e?''gS$S@'/y ?''[ @' '+g @ 'IF@# Servicios de construccin(, ?('M$?(1#^?((|eުP?( '&=? (-|/? Servicios de seguros'4c@''wb-b@'ـd`@''lC8?' 'B? '?y1?! Servicios financieros 'Tt$2@''V '@'.?1@''f6w@' '4@ 'kz@3+ Servicios de informtica y de informacin'^ D @''Cd;8?'8Z, @''Y ?' 'A? 'W>?)! Regalas y derechos de licencia'I5O @''@'ӈf@''X0_@' 'MDz @ ' ;@2* Otros servicios prestados a las empresas':M@@''#}[y6@',@>@''&-@' 'M-@ 'MB8&0@=5 Servicios personales, culturales y de esparcimiento'#bJ?''g^?'AzB?''Y-?' '85`~=? 'l? % :dAk`^3zf =98X> ????m9wVܰD7V zT0бٱ~0,߱%0б zTб~0~0бNz zT09y0б9y09XByڱqq     "  a] k*\G{000204F3-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}#1.0#9#C:\WINNT\System32\VBAEN32.OLB#Visual Basic For Applications>*\G{00020813-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}#1.0#409#xl5en32.olb#\*\G{00020430-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}#2.0#0#C:\WINNT\System32\stdole2.tlb#OLE Automation*\G{2DF8D04C-5BFA-101B-BDE5-00AA0044DE52}#2.0#0#C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\MSO97.DLL#Microsoft Office 8.0 Object LibraryQ =* 4+ F`u (VBAExcelVBAProjectstdoleFOffice< *  Oh+'0@HXp creppyUsanase MugangaMicrosoft Excel@w/@#ÁCDocumentSummaryInformation8CompObjf՜.+,08@ LT \ ϲʹ EnglishFrenchSpanish  Worksheets FMicrosoft Excel WorksheetBiff8Excel.Sheet.59q