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See the Technical Notes.lExportaciones de mercancas de Europa C./O., los Estados Blticos y la CEI, por grandes grupos de productos WorldMonde Total mundial Europe occidentale Europa Occidental" C./E. Europe/Baltic States/CIS# Europe c./o., Etats baltes, CEI' Europa C./O., Estados Blticos, CEI AsieCentral and Eastern Europe Baltic StatesEurope centrale et orientaleEuropa Central y Oriental Etats baltesEstados Blticos"Commonwealth of Independent StatesCommunaut d'Etats indpendants#Comunidad de Estados Independientessa Les chiffres sont affects par des ruptures de continuit dans les sries de donnes. Voir les Notes techniques.ta Las interrupciones en la continuidad de las series de valores distorsionan las cifras. Vanse las Notas Tcnicas. Table III.47Tableau III.47 Cuadro III.47Productos agrcolas y por principales destinos, 2001pEurope c./o., Etats baltes et CEI - Exportations de marchandises par grand groupe de produits et par principale destination, 2001tMerchandise exports of C./E. Europe, the Baltic States and the CIS by major product group and main destination, 200125 \ drL#_gaxOrP<0QRwP r0mT03$l0s90 GН0PYdYd<6_@@ttip0jjT0t00zm00Z E000ZZ\߿0Z\t0XabelsPercent0]Lw 0\y0{T0T00Tye0yUp00yLyyU0l0 yy kT0e0{T0L0{T0LkT0v|0 B0(OǬp0p00 GS]0FyTt%0a0 y6v 7  ?,9=  dMbP?_*+%D&v/?'v/?(%C?)%C?M\\ZI16871\Linotronic 530 v52.3O 4bA4PRIV88c8c" bX??U} } U'} } } } }  } } ?,T0@@,@,@O@G,@O@h@@ @ @ @ ?@ @@@ ?@ @ @ 0@ ?@ @ @ @ O@ h@m @ 0@ @ @ ?@ @ /  6    &  & &  #  ~ D@0@D@8@<@@@D@  !$ ! ~ $G@  $Y@$Y@  "4޵&@ "0׉W͉? "3*GT,@ "l%='@ ~ $@  $Yn&P@ $n/BQvR@  "PLtC1@ ">@ "Fy 5/@ "x_&@  ~ $?@  $S 7@ $mP1@  "u[a8  "Sv* "UĒk#@ ",?Æ*@ ! $""""  $ɤZ@  $Y@$Y@  "e"xU0@ "P>? "&)d.@ "*(@ $^(%T@$Cm{*Q@$"S@"qKֽ6@"8u@ "190@ "P{n(@  $Y/@$^74@$#ᙷ-@",N?"a-8, "_g&@ "`ɮ-@ !$"""" $O ]Y%@$Y@$Y@"}"N)I  "f4b "8M'@ $&>@$+fJ@$)xcL@"3#l"6o@ "ҕ "+E$@  $l < ")Gӿ "8 e$@ !$"""" $m;$@$Y@$Y@"GX P%"C.M "1A@ "H+QoC@ ${QS@$: g/]P@$gP@"JB!"? 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Europe, the Baltic States and the CIS by major product group and main destination, 2001 ( (Billion dollars and percentage)  Value& Share & Annual percentage change&  #  ~ D@0@D@8@<@@@D@  "!Central and Eastern Europe !Total merchandise  World~ $G@  $Y@$Y@  "4޵&@ "0׉W͉? "3*GT,@ "l%='@  Western Europe~ $@  $Yn&P@ $n/BQvR@  "PLtC1@ ">@ "Fy 5/@ "x_&@* " C./E. Europe/Baltic States/CIS~ $?@  $S 7@ $mP1@  "u[a8  "Sv* "UĒk#@ ",?Æ*@ ! Manufactures $""""  World $ɤZ@  $Y@$Y@  "e"xU0@ "P>? "&)d.@ "*(@ Western Europe$^(%T@$Cm{*Q@$"S@"qKֽ6@"8u@ "190@ "P{n(@*" C./E. Europe/Baltic States/CIS$Y/@$^74@$#ᙷ-@",N?"a-8, "_g&@ "`ɮ-@!Agricultural products$""""  World$O ]Y%@$Y@$Y@"}"N)I  "f4b "8M'@ Western Europe$&>@$+fJ@$)xcL@"3#l"6o@ "ҕ "+E$@*" C./E. Europe/Baltic States/CIS$l < ")Gӿ "8 e$@!Mining products$""""  World$m;$@$Y@$Y@"GX P%"C.M "1A@ "H+QoC@ Western Europe${QS@$: g/]P@$gP@"JB!"? "WAA@ "gֹ?*" C./E. Europe/Baltic States/CIS$-cor@$!s'%9@$zv;@"`E &"!9 " ?B@ "|:"@ ! Baltic States !Total merchandise  World~ $@$Y@$Y@"T @"ZB&2 "7@ "S'@ Western Europe~ $܂@$)kʺE@$Ôf~N@~ "@"Ld? "7"D9@ "ƿ@*" C./E. Europe/Baltic States/CIS~ $ s@$$;NJ@$/*¹>@"LD:s*"~fOE "2@ "ί=6@! Manufactures$""""  World$}k@$Y@$Y@"8y4@"jXe0 "J/2[7@ "2eE)@D9l@Tz*FB94=7594  T0@! @" ?@# @$ @% @& ?@' @( @) @* O@T+ h0@T, @- @. 0@/ @0 ?@1 @2 @3 0@4 ?@5 @G6 @7 @8 ?@9 @: @G; @G< O@= @> OT0@  Western Europe $4̜@  $6^G@ $_B;P@  "z8@ "r? "_q;@ "2G?@*!" C./E. Europe/Baltic States/CIS!$oȌ_/?!!$˥H@!$sg ;@!!"pGS,!"e&F! "h Fh-@! "$f[?@"!Agricultural products"$""""  #World#$^T@##$Y@$Y@##"\$?#"|Lo 3# "=@%%") B-%"?F% "rJoZ% "B3<@&!Mining products&$""""  'World'$IA ?''$Y@$Y@''"W[ '"B9' "ְP@' "ԓ( &@*(" C./E. Europe/Baltic States/CIS($W\P?(($:m(R@($HPF@(("37q ("AD( "՞cIK@( "5)dB?) Western Europe)$-#ޢ?))$^9@)$5_H@))"-1@)"fTFO"@) " S@) "5'I>@* *+!"Commonwealth of Independent States+ ,!Total merchandise,  -World-$uE@--$Y@$Y@--"-=++(-" Ox- "A@- "@*." C./E. Europe/Baltic States/CIS.$\3@..$N@.$RF@.."ݣLL3."v6i1. "@ B@. "3 @/ Western Europe~ /$ʒ@//$ogo'4@/$bt;@//"L28@/"P/ "9\@D@/ ".$[ @0! Manufactures0$""""  1World1$s#G 5@11$Y@$Y@11"'  9!1"HѪ%$)1 "zՄ>4@1 "%"x.@*2" C./E. Europe/Baltic States/CIS2$T"#@22$¯N@2$81G@22" -2"Aud72 "rخ5@2 "'@3 Western Europe3$/Tu@33$T</@3$&"Tn5@33" τ'4@3"cw+3 "ޕ*Х<@3 "r~Ǚ*@4!Mining products4$""""  5World5$yf/$'/@55$Y@$Y@55"v5"}&hA@5 "^q֡S@5 "6 *6" C./E. Europe/Baltic States/CIS6$7|M@66$2'*N@6$& w\ND@66"΃,6"Hs06 "OuU@6 "K-a7 Western Europe7$[?@77$94<@7$#UB@77"oe?7"+'7 "Az:S@7 "h7@8!Agricultural products8$""""  9World9$hO@99$Y@$Y@99"cp;99"Rx09 "r@9 "<&j @*:" C./E. Europe/Baltic States/CIS:$jk[? @::$ eCO@:$aM@::"hIHE@:"C: "-k0@: " 98x?; Asia;$0 ?;;$:_'s@;$$DB"@;;",{B;" wT; "wvOQF; "'Cw< l=%da The figures are affected by breaks in the continuity of the data series. See the Technical Notes.> BUX=7J947=p= 8> ????mw\VD7\V zT0~0l%0 zT~0~0Nz zT0(O0y0"y0(O((By?qq     "   A.:K_ `  dMbP?_*+%,D&v/?'v/?(%C?)%C?MR\\ZI16871\Linotronic 530 v52.3O 4cA4PRIV88c8c" cX?? English SpanishU} } U'} } } } }  } }  A  ,T0@ @ @ ,@ ,@ O@ ,@ O@ h@ @ @T 0@T @ @ 0@ @ @ @ @ 0@ @ @ @ @ p0@ Op0@ h@ @ @ @T @ @Tableau III.47 xpEurope c./o., Etats baltes et CEI - Exportations de marchandises par grand groupe de produits et par principale  destination, 2001 3 +(En milliards de dollars et en pourcentage) Valeur Part)!Variation annuelle en pourcentage    ~ D@0@D@8@<@@@D@  $)Europe centrale et orientale(((((((((  !Total des marchandises   Monde~ G@  Y@Y@  "4޵&@ "0׉W͉? "3*GT,@ "l%='@  Europe occidentale~ @  Yn&P@ n/BQvR@  "PLtC1@ ">@ "Fy 5/@ "x_&@+ # Europe c./o., Etats baltes, CEI~ ?@  S 7@ mP1@  "u[a8  "Sv* "UĒk#@ ",?Æ*@ !Produits manufacturs   MondeɤZ@Y@Y@"e"xU0@"P>? "&)d.@ "*(@ Europe occidentale^(%T@Cm{*Q@"S@"qKֽ6@"8u@ "190@ "P{n(@+# Europe c./o., Etats baltes, CEIY/@^74@#ᙷ-@",N?"a-8, "_g&@ "`ɮ-@!Produits agricoles  MondeO ]Y%@Y@Y@"}"N)I  "f4b "8M'@ Europe occidentale&>@+fJ@)xcL@"3#l"6o@ "ҕ "+E$@+# Europe c./o., Etats baltes, CEIl < ")Gӿ "8 e$@+!#Produits des industries extractives  Mondem;$@Y@Y@"GX P%"C.M "1A@ "H+QoC@ Europe occidentale{QS@: g/]P@gP@"JB!"? "WAA@ "gֹ?+# Europe c./o., Etats baltes, CEI-cor@!s'%9@zv;@"`E &"!9 " ?B@ "|:"@ ) Etats baltes((((((((( !Total des marchandises  Monde~ @Y@Y@"T @"ZB&2 "7@ "S'@ Europe occidentale~ ܂@)kʺE@Ôf~N@~ "@"Ld? "7"D9@ "ƿ@+# Europe c./o., Etats baltes, CEI~  s@$;NJ@/*¹>@"LD:s*"~fOE "2@ "ί=6@!Produits manufacturs D(lBE_i*FD>=:K4>  T0@! @" @# @$ @% @& @' @( @) @* @T+ O0@T, h@- @. 0@/ @0 @1 @2 @3 0@4 @5 @6 @7 @8 p0@9 p0@: @; @< @= O@T> @? O@ Monde }k@  Y@Y@  "8y4@ "jXe0 "J/2[7@ "2eE)@! Europe occidentale!4̜@!!6^G@!_B;P@!!"z8@!"r?! "_q;@! "2G?@+"# Europe c./o., Etats baltes, CEI"oȌ_/?""˥H@"sg ;@"""pGS,""e&F" "h Fh-@" "$f[?@#!Produits agricoles#  $Monde$^T@$$Y@Y@$$"\$?$"|Lo 3$ "=@&&") B-&"?F& "rJoZ& "B3<@+'!#Produits des industries extractives'  (Monde(IA ?((Y@Y@(("W[ ("B9( "ְP@( "ԓ( &@+)# Europe c./o., Etats baltes, CEI)W\P?)):m(R@)HPF@))"37q )"AD) "՞cIK@) "5)dB?* Europe occidentale*-#ޢ?**^9@*5_H@**"-1@*"fTFO"@* " S@* "5'I>@+ ',)Communaut d'Etats indpendants,((((((((( -!Total des marchandises-  .Monde.uE@..Y@Y@.."-=++(." Ox. "A@. "@+/# Europe c./o., Etats baltes, CEI/\3@//N@/RF@//"ݣLL3/"v6i1/ "@ B@/ "3 @0 Europe occidentale~ 0ʒ@00ogo'4@0bt;@00"L28@0"P0 "9\@D@0 ".$[ @1!Produits manufacturs1  2Monde2s#G 5@22Y@Y@22"'  9!2"HѪ%$)2 "zՄ>4@2 "%"x.@+3# Europe c./o., Etats baltes, CEI3T"#@33¯N@381G@33" -3"Aud73 "rخ5@3 "'@4 Europe occidentale4/Tu@44T</@4&"Tn5@44" τ'4@4"cw+4 "ޕ*Х<@4 "r~Ǚ*@+5!#Produits des industries extractives5  6Monde6yf/$'/@66Y@Y@66"v6"}&hA@6 "^q֡S@6 "6 +7# Europe c./o., Etats baltes, CEI77|M@772'*N@7& w\ND@77"΃,7"Hs07 "OuU@7 "K-a8 Europe occidentale8[?@8894<@8#UB@88"oe?8"+'8 "Az:S@8 "h7@9!Produits agricoles9  :Monde:hO@::Y@Y@::"cp;9:"Rx0: "r@: "<&j @+;# Europe c./o., Etats baltes, CEI;jk[? @;; eCO@;aM@;;"hIHE@;"C; "-k0@; " 98x?< Asie<0 ?<<:_'s@<$DB"@<<",{B<" wT< "wvOQF< "'Cw= {>%sa Les chiffres sont affects par des ruptures de continuit dans les sries de donnes. Voir les Notes techniques.? DYl:KG>=K:@T0@@#@#(= 8> ????mw\VD7\V? zT0~0l%0 zT~0~0Nz zT0P0y0(Oy0P((ByA0qq     "   @dv  dMbP?_*+%,D&v/?'v/?(%C?)%C?MR\\ZI16871\Linotronic 530 v52.3O 4bA4PRIV88c8c" bX?? EnglishFrenchU} } U'} } } } }  } }  @  T0@ @ @ @ ,@ O@ ,@ O@ h@ @ @T 0@T @ ?@ 0@ @ @ ?@ @ 0@ @ ?@ @ @ p0@ Op0@ h@ @ @ @ @ ?@ Cuadro III.47 tlExportaciones de mercancas de Europa C./O., los Estados Blticos y la CEI, por grandes grupos de productos  (' y por principales destinos, 2001 4 ,(Miles de millones de dlares y porcentajes)  Valor Parte"Variacin porcentual anual    ~ D@0@D@8@<@@@D@  !)Europa Central y Oriental  !Total de mercancas    Total mundial~ $G@  $Y@$Y@  "4޵&@ "0׉W͉? "3*GT,@ "l%='@  Europa Occidental~ $@  $Yn&P@ $n/BQvR@  "PLtC1@ ">@ "Fy 5/@ "x_&@/ ' Europa C./O., Estados Blticos, CEI~ $?@  $S 7@ $mP1@  "u[a8  "Sv* "UĒk#@ ",?Æ*@ ! Manufacturas $""""  Total mundial$ɤZ@$Y@$Y@"e"xU0@"P>? "&)d.@ "*(@ Europa Occidental$^(%T@$Cm{*Q@$"S@"qKֽ6@"8u@ "190@ "P{n(@/' Europa C./O., Estados Blticos, CEI$Y/@$^74@$#ᙷ-@",N?"a-8, "_g&@ "`ɮ-@!Productos agrcolas$""""  Total mundial$O ]Y%@$Y@$Y@"}"N)I  "f4b "8M'@ Europa Occidental$&>@$+fJ@$)xcL@"3#l"6o@ "ҕ "+E$@/' Europa C./O., Estados Blticos, CEI$l < ")Gӿ "8 e$@/!'Productos de las industrias extractivas$""""  Total mundial$m;$@$Y@$Y@"GX P%"C.M "1A@ "H+QoC@ Europa Occidental${QS@$: g/]P@$gP@"JB!"? "WAA@ "gֹ?/' Europa C./O., Estados Blticos, CEI$-cor@$!s'%9@$zv;@"`E &"!9 " ?B@ "|:"@ )Estados Blticos !Total de mercancas  Total mundial~ $@$Y@$Y@"T @"ZB&2 "7@ "S'@ Europa Occidental~ $܂@$)kʺE@$Ôf~N@~ "@"Ld? "7"D9@ "ƿ@/' Europa C./O., Estados Blticos, CEI~ $ s@$$;NJ@$/*¹>@"LD:s*"~fOE "2@ "ί=6@! Manufacturas$"""" DQlAT`b*FA;4;O8;  T0@! @" @# ?@$ @% @& @' ?@( @) @* @T+ O0@T, h@- @. 0@/ @0 @1 ?@2 @3 0@4 @5 ?@6 @7 @8 p0@9 ?p0@: @; @< @= O@> @? O@  Total mundial $}k@  $Y@$Y@  "8y4@ "jXe0 "J/2[7@ "2eE)@! 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