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Table III.73$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!A#9Leading merchandise exporters and importers in Asia, 2001$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!($ (Billion dollars and percentage)$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Annual percentage change Value Share Value   Volume     ~ D@ 1990~ D@1990-01<@@@D@   1990-01 <@@@D@$ % Exporters     %Asia 2/Qpe@ & 2Y@2Y@ 2 3Yw@ 38l^,΂@ 39%w2@ 3v '-`" 2 2@2@20@2  4  Japan .-7y@  ."0vC@ .7 xy:@ . -5V @ -p5 @ -Dg,@ -T}m/ . /?/@/#@/$ +  China~ .@ . .^ @ .gc1@ . -z8K,@ -Ugm@ -%v;@ -5@ . /,@/#@/<@/#@ +  Hong Kong, China .'1g@ . /- /- . -o`K@ -^п -az 70@ -I+ . /!@/ @/1@/ , domestic exports.SE4@./@>g@/Et[?.-r\ -! -l|{@ -L+ . ///@/&+ re-exports.L7A`Ye@. /- /-.-}M&@-.a? -1@ -oVg  . /(@/@/2@/+ Korea, Rep. of.5^I b@..Nx!@.Mz $@.-$@-h^0!@ -k=Y3@ -,qW) . /-@/(@/5@/ @+ Taipei, Chinese~ .A@.. bn("@.e\ @.-@-rz#@ -Ta5@ -~11 . /@/@/$@/-+ Singapore.Mbp^@..O'@.": kC @.-q @-ѵj@ -XG)4@ -i]L' . /$@/@//@/+ domestic exports.MbP@..@A@.ͷE䀪@.-Ddy@-Q| @ -a @-K R@ -[>2@ -A@ . /%@/*@/4@/@+ Philippines.Mb@@..z?.G*@.-3u?*@-TY8@ -ד$=!@ -٭qR=3 . /0@/<@/*@/+ Viet Nam.V-/.@..E?. ?.-Y!-2@-x1G7@ -s339@ -m۶m@ .  /  / / /+ New Zealand.ʡEs+@..JĶW?.cqU?.-Y= @-J` @ -%= @ -(^v @ . /@/?/@/@+ Pakistan.Cl{"@..IQ?.>C?.-:@-ǀJѿ -U L@ -&@ . /@/)@/(@ /+% Importers" %Asia2׼Cz@22Y@2Y@23ձ0?@3;N$@ 3摾]7@ 3K 2 2@2$@20@24D2lJw^>o<(K; ?T0@!@"@#@$@%@&@'h@(@)@*@%+@,h@-@.@/@0@1,@2,@30@4@5,@6@7@8Op0@  Japan .Clu@ . .Ay@@ .;[yEte9@ . -/ @ -" ]C%@ -"25@ ->  . /@/#@/&@/ +! China!.V-sn@!.!.N @!.W1@!.!-^-@!-9D (2@! - ,A@! -`>mWt @! .! /.@/.@/?@/.@!+" Hong Kong, China".K7A@i@"/ "/- "/-"."-Yn"Wp @"-I= " -pq2@" -UBH2}" ." /"@//2@/"+# retained imports~ #.c@#.#/KgU@#/)*@#.#-@-'#-w75 ]5# -\ɡ5@# -'rH%# .# /?/2/5@/#+$ Korea, Rep. of$.B`"a@$.$.-PѸ#@$.($@$.$-d7g@$-V`<@$ -azlA@$ ->W-'($ .$ /!@/=@/3@/$+% Singapore~ %.]@%.%.l,)!@%.ɑ @%.%-à5@%-LV"@% -xf&o%5@% -5%+% .% /@/#@/.@/)%+& retained imports~ &.@&.&.v5@&.@&.&-n! S @&-Y1@& -Q/@& -|Z3& . & / & / &/ &/&+' Taipei, Chinese'.K7Z@'.'.O,?$@'.`7@'.'-m$*@'-=7-,@' -a j:@' -CcU7' .' /@/ @/$@/('+( Malaysia(.VR@(.(.|s%@(.1qQ@(.(-ϟ!@(-sʙ&@( -/՜쳆:@( -1@#( .( /$@/+@/8@/ (+) Australia). rhO@).).W@).B >D@).)-@)-QT-@) -ۤl?s @) -L`%) .) /@/@/@/)+* Thailand*.ClO@*.*.ess@*.4c@*.*-A@*-@-.-.ͨa!@-.^@-.-->~% @-- Rpb(- -,$C@- -dPMx- .- / @/'/B@/-+. Viet Nam~ ..L@....c$?..y?...-( %X` 1@.-h?. -1T>@. -Ćk@. . . / . / ./ ./.+/ New Zealand/.l*@/./.eA%ev?/.G;i?/./-@ @/-H)$,@/ -x./ -0cR/ ./ /@/+@//@/+0 Pakistan0.Cl;%@0.0.Bb?0.ji?0.0--@⣓ @0-+I$@0 -nX#@0 -y Z0 .0 /@/ @/ 0/0+1)Memorandum item:"1&&&&('''''&&&&2* ASEAN (10)"2.....----.....3) Exports3.ˡEx@3.3.М3@3.Ly9@3.3-}E"@3- L$!@3 -K2@3 -z2#3 . 3 / 3 / 3/ 3/4) Imports~ 4.ah@4.4.06@4.u>r8@4.4-%YZ@4- I84 -ui0j`6@4 -u2eo 4 . 4 / 4 / 4/ 4/5* SAPTA (7)"5.....----.////6) Exports6.1%HP@6.6.h @6.~^e@6.6-b5O @6-ƙ4B@6 --l0@6 -A-\9M?6 . 6 / 6 / 6/ 6/7) Imports7.-&S@7.7.-I*@7.H{J@7.7- !@7-bVZ7 -q!@7 -9Q{$@7 . 7 / 7 / 7/ 7/$8 6eB<;=F#8X> ????m<1w\VD7\V zT0~0l%0 zT~0~0Nz zT010y01y01((By9qq     "   :F^>t  dMbP?_*+%,D&v/?'v/?(%C?)%C?MR\\ZI16871\Linotronic 530 v52.3O 4dA4PRIV88c8c" dX?? English SpanishU} }  }  }  }  }  }  } }  } }  :,T0@@,@,@O@,@O@,@O@ @ h% ?@ @ @@@@@h@0@@@@@p0@hp0@@@@@-@h%!"Tableau III.73$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!L#DAsie - Principaux exportateurs et importateurs de marchandises, 2001$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!3$+(En milliards de dollars et en pourcentage)$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)!Variation annuelle en pourcentageValeur PartValeur   Volume     ~ D@ 1990~ D@1990-01<@@@D@   1990-01 <@@@D@$ % Exportateurs     %Asie 2/Qpe@ & 2Y@2Y@ 2 3Yw@ 38l^,΂@ 39%w2@ 3v '-`" 2 2@2@20@2   Japon .-7y@  ."0vC@ .7 xy:@ . -5V @ -p5 @ -Dg,@ -T}m/ . .?.@.#@.$  Chine~ .@ . .^ @ .gc1@ . -z8K,@ -Ugm@ -%v;@ -5@ . /,@/#@/<@/#@  Hong Kong, Chine .'1g@ . /- /- . -o`K@ -^п -az 70@ -I+ . .!@. @.1@.)! exportations d'origine locale.SE4@./@>g@/Et[?.-r\ -! -l|{@ -L+ . ...@.& rexportations.L7A`Ye@. /- /-.-}M&@-.a? -1@ -oVg  . .(@.@.2@. Core, Rp. de.5^I b@..Nx!@.Mz $@.-$@-h^0!@ -k=Y3@ -,qW) . .-@.(@.5@. @ Taipei chinois~ .A@.. bn("@.e\ @.-@-rz#@ -Ta5@ -~11 . .@.@.$@.- Singapour.Mbp^@..O'@.": kC @.-q @-ѵj@ -XG)4@ -i]L' . .$@.@./@.)! exportations d'origine locale.MbP@..@A@.ͷE䀪@.-Ddy@-Q| @ -a @-K R@ -[>2@ -A@ . /%@/*@/4@/@ Philippines.Mb@@..z?.G*@.-3u?*@-TY8@ -ד$=!@ -٭qR=3 . /0@/<@/*@/ Viet Nam.V-/.@..E?. ?.-Y!-2@-x1G7@ -s339@ -m۶m@ .  /  / / / Nouvelle-Zlande.ʡEs+@..JĶW?.cqU?.-Y= @-J` @ -%= @ -(^v @ . /@/?/@/@ Pakistan.Cl{"@..IQ?.>C?.-:@-ǀJѿ -U L@ -&@ . /@/)@/(@ /% Importateurs" %Asie2׼Cz@22Y@2Y@23ձ0?@3;N$@ 3摾]7@ 3K 2 5@5$@50@5DlLiGp<(N> ?T0@!@"@#@$@%@&@'h@(@)@*@%+@,h@-@.@/@0@1,@2,@30@4@5,@6@7@8Op0@9p0@  Japon .Clu@ . .Ay@@ .;[yEte9@ . -/ @ -" ]C%@ -"25@ ->  . /@/#@/&@/! Chine!.V-sn@!.!.N @!.W1@!.!-^-@!-9D (2@! - ,A@! -`>mWt @! .! /.@/.@/?@/.@" Hong Kong, Chine".K7A@i@". "/- "/-"."-Yn"Wp @"-I= " -pq2@" -UBH2}" ." /"@//2@/$# importations dfinitives~ #.c@#.#/KgU@#/)*@#.#-@-'#-w75 ]5# -\ɡ5@# -'rH%# .# /?/2/5@/$ Core, Rp. de$.B`"a@$.$.-PѸ#@$.($@$.$-d7g@$-V`<@$ -azlA@$ ->W-'($ .$ /!@/=@/3@/% Singapour~ %.]@%.%.l,)!@%.ɑ @%.%-à5@%-LV"@% -xf&o%5@% -5%+% .% /@/#@/.@/)$& importations dfinitives~ &.@&.&/v5@&/@&.&-n! S @&-Y1@& -Q/@& -|Z3& . & / & / &/ &/' Taipei chinois'.K7Z@'.'.O,?$@'.`7@'.'-m$*@'-=7-,@' -a j:@' -CcU7' .' /@/ @/$@/(( Malaisie(.VR@(.(.|s%@(.1qQ@(.(-ϟ!@(-sʙ&@( -/՜쳆:@( -1@#( .( /$@/+@/8@/ ) Australie). rhO@).).W@).B >D@).)-@)-QT-@) -ۤl?s @) -L`%) .) /@/@/@/* Thalande*.ClO@*.*.ess@*.4c@*.*-A@*-@-.-.ͨa!@-.^@-.-->~% @-- Rpb(- -,$C@- -dPMx- .- / @/'/B@/. Viet Nam~ ..L@....c$?..y?...-( %X` 1@.-h?. -1T>@. -Ćk@. . . / . / ./ .// Nouvelle-Zlande/.l*@/./.eA%ev?/.G;i?/./-@ @/-H)$,@/ -x./ -0cR/ ./ /@/+@//@0 Pakistan0.Cl;%@0.0.Bb?0.ji?0.0--@⣓ @0-+I$@0 -nX#@0 -y Z0 .0 /@/ @/ 0/1) Pour mmoire:"1&&&&('''''00002* ANASE (10)"2.....----.////3) Exportations3.ˡEx@3.3.М3@3.Ly9@3.3-}E"@3- L$!@3 -K2@3 -z2#3 . 3 / 3 / 3/ 3/4) Importations~ 4.ah@4.4.06@4.u>r8@4.4-%YZ@4- I84 -ui0j`6@4 -u2eo 4 . 4 / 4 / 4/ 4/5* ACPSA (7)"5.....----.////6) Exportations6.1%HP@6.6.h @6.~^e@6.6-b5O @6-ƙ4B@6 --l0@6 -A-\9M?6 . 6 / 6 / 6/ 6/7) Importations7.-&S@7.7.-I*@7.H{J@7.7- !@7-bVZ7 -q!@7 -9Q{$@7 . 7 / 7 / 7/ 7/$8 9)8?<;(=F#8X> ????m<1w\VD7\V zT0~0l%0 zT~0~0Nz zT0@10y01y0@1((By:qq     "   9yj  dMbP?_*+%,D&v/?'v/?(%C?)%C?MR\\ZI16871\Linotronic 530 v52.3O 4dA4PRIV88c8c" dX?? EnglishFrenchU} }  }  }  }  }  }  } }  } }  9,T0@@,@,@O@,@O@,@O@ @ % ?@ @ @@@@@h@0@@@G@@@h@@G@G@0@T0@hT0%!" 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