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Ukraine a, b Ucrania a, bChine cChina c Canada d Canad d7Leading exporters and importers of iron and steel, 2001b 2000 instead of 2001.1990-01BPrincipaux exportateurs et importateurs du fer et de l'acier, 2001*b Chiffres relatifs 2000 et non 2001.?Principales exportadores e importadores de hierro y acero, 20011b Las cifras no corresponden a 2001 sino a 2000. Table IV.34 Tableau IV.34 Cuadro IV.34European Union (15)Core, Rp. deCorea, Rep. deKorea, Rep. ofCanadaCanadTurquieTurquaTurkeyAfrique du Sud Sudfrica South Africa exportations d'origine locale exportaciones locales domestic exports rexportations reexportaciones re-exportsRussie, Fd. de aRusia, Fed. de aRussian Fed. aRp. tchque c Rep. 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Share in world   Valueexports/imports  Annual percentage change    ~ D@ 1980@D@1990-01 <@@@D@  & Exporters +European Union (15) "L@  )@uvJ@ )cUL@ )]QTF@  (T(ؿ~ ( (@ +O"@ (/M+  Extra-exports ~j1@  )5@ )?`1@ )\h1BT+@  (al0ڿ~ ( ( ̅)@ (C[ +Japan \pUsanase Muganga [Bb EnglishFrench Spanish)Labels;.)Labels;.)LAbels;.$ ;5 $ ;5 $ ;5 =98X@"1CG Times1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial1!Frutiger 47LightCn1 Frutiger 45 Light1 Frutiger 45 Light1!Frutiger 47LightCn1 xFrutiger 45 Light1!Frutiger 47LightCn1CG Times1 xFrutiger 45 Light""#,##0;\-""#,##0""#,##0;[Red]\-""#,##0""#,##0.00;\-""#,##0.00!""#,##0.00;[Red]\-""#,##0.003*0_-""* #,##0_-;\-""* #,##0_-;_-""* "-"_-;_-@_-*)'_-* #,##0_-;\-* #,##0_-;_-* "-"_-;_-@_-;,8_-""* #,##0.00_-;\-""* #,##0.00_-;_-""* "-"??_-;_-@_-2+/_-* #,##0.00_-;\-* #,##0.00_-;_-* "-"??_-;_-@_-"$"\ #,##0_-;"$"\ #,##0\-!"$"\ #,##0_-;[Red]"$"\ #,##0\-""$"\ #,##0.00_-;"$"\ #,##0.00\-'$"$"\ #,##0.00_-;[Red]"$"\ #,##0.00\-96_-"$"\ * #,##0_-;_-"$"\ * #,##0\-;_-"$"\ * "-"_-;_-@_-*'_-* #,##0_-;_-* #,##0\-;_-* "-"_-;_-@_-A>_-"$"\ * #,##0.00_-;_-"$"\ * #,##0.00\-;_-"$"\ * "-"??_-;_-@_-2/_-* #,##0.00_-;_-* #,##0.00\-;_-* "-"??_-;_-@_-"$"#,##0_);\("$"#,##0\)"$"#,##0_);[Red]\("$"#,##0\) "$"#,##0.00_);\("$"#,##0.00\)%""$"#,##0.00_);[Red]\("$"#,##0.00\)52_("$"* #,##0_);_("$"* \(#,##0\);_("$"* "-"_);_(@_),)_(* #,##0_);_(* \(#,##0\);_(* "-"_);_(@_)=:_("$"* #,##0.00_);_("$"* \(#,##0.00\);_("$"* "-"??_);_(@_)41_(* #,##0.00_);_(* \(#,##0.00\);_(* "-"??_);_(@_)"$"\ #,##0;"$"\ \-#,##0"$"\ #,##0;[Red]"$"\ \-#,##0 "$"\ #,##0.00;"$"\ \-#,##0.00%""$"\ #,##0.00;[Red]"$"\ \-#,##0.00;8_ "$"\ * #,##0_ ;_ "$"\ * \-#,##0_ ;_ "$"\ * "-"_ ;_ @_ ,)_ * #,##0_ ;_ * \-#,##0_ ;_ * "-"_ ;_ @_ C@_ "$"\ * #,##0.00_ ;_ "$"\ * \-#,##0.00_ ;_ "$"\ * "-"??_ ;_ @_ 41_ * #,##0.00_ ;_ * \-#,##0.00_ ;_ * "-"??_ ;_ @_ 0.0_) 0.00_)0_)0.0 0.00000.000                        # #  & "  @# # # !  H) X)  ) X)        # #  !     Normal_Iv0583ffff̙3f3fff3f3f33333f33333English 6FrenchK`Spanish  9X&4  MbP?_*+%,D&v/?'v/?(%C?)%C?M\\MARCOPOLO4\1158-X2rkpc XXA40NT0 +@  )6Eeb4@ )Ǫ'@ ) T$@  (xZ;? (Ȋ" (hdIli$@ (!T\! +Russian Fed. a Cl@  )- )- )ڊc.u@  (- (_- ('2@@ (݀y# + United States i@  )cV&@ )zc @ )ahm@  (y@ (."# (; v/@ (]!+Korea, Rep. oftM@)['5@)@ |xC @)'@($@ (x@1 (h٫)@ (@)+ Ukraine a, b5^I @ )- )-)y0ҧ @ (- (r!, (to>@  (+Taipei, ChineseA`"@)%4=o?) żؔ?)A@(iK,@ (W[5m%@ (֡gi>@ (4C[u 2+China c9d7 @ ))e?)@)v@( + !@ (B 3 (GP@ (C5<+BrazileI)( @)t`?)m @)r ?.j@(@:R9 (v. (Y1@ ( I++Canadaje@)K.@)%)?)6H@(,U@ (s (2&@ (pO)+Turkeyn@)Pwewi?)M(h?)|_|?($—E@ (Wk (@ (\xA@+ South Africa"~j@)ڹU?)Fd@)"`?(H? (e (2@ (Kn5+Hong Kong, China4)^? )- )- )-({ P"@ (=i2 ( y@ ( 4+ domestic exportsq?)> ?)3?);j$ x?(Pill' (3 (AA2 ( MwD+ re-exportsÞvk? )- )- )-(ɿWP#@ (/+)f2 (&3K@ (014+ Czech Rep. c"~? )- )-)5z\? (- (wR.(4 (p@ (8OF--@+India bZd;?)W?)BdG?)!v?(F2@ (M|19@ (j A@  (Above 15䠄\@MֱGVU@I+LHU@XU@  -  -  -   -& Importers +European Union (15)xYJ@)\d6B@)e:6F@)i䨖B@(b~W?~  (p ('%@ (h'd  Extra-imports~jt)@),~c@)d)B@)W%!@(i @ (xP Z5 (-ԱRM7@ ( s+ United StatesKTo-@)!2&J*$@)"@)36D(%@(F_ @ (VG5 (lHb1@ (ω6DlAmVC c 3 @! @ " @ # h-@$ @% -@ & -@G' -@ ( @) h@* -@+ @G, -@- @. @/ O-@G0 @ 1 @2 @3 0@4 O@5 @7 w@8 T0@ +China c 6X%@  ) )˫J@ )K)U@  (2|)@ (PC.@ (8IdI=@ (+v%@!+Korea, Rep. of! <@!!)Rkvӈ?!)] 3P@!)9J@!!(/>@! (qm.E@! (aʙd@@! (4g0"+ Canada d"h}@"")-.U?")M ?A@")k D@""(@䫃 @" (XW*$" (,=v+7@" (h }5#+ Mexico c#`<@##)O@#)[!?#)&j@##(0}U(@# (M # (# (p[&$+Taipei, Chinese$/$@$$)gl%PK?$),4Y__@$)@@$$(_K?$ ( T8G $ (KM;&@$ (sk5K$B %+Japan%m`q83@%%)l&ԯ?%)H7*6@%)a_R?%%(l\% (˷|˷% (`7@% (Gh8&+Thailand&5@&&)F5 ?&)#8*@&)`!?&&(+iiԿ& (t2D@& (L@& (Yw '+Hong Kong, China'p l`1@' ')- ')- ')-''(La{@' (RM.' (@(@' (}4(+ retained imports(|a2U?(()ԍt[?()?()4)?(((c?/I?( (pLDm$( (Xdk"@( (*&4)+ Malaysia c)wg@)))5uk?))02T?))^r?))(fn%@) (* (T`0J@* (@P9++Russian Fed. a+Cl?+ +)- +)-+)hWEX?+ +(-+ (SP=+ (0)>@+ (MٰM#,+Iran, Islamic Rep. of a, b,Ǻ?, ,) ,),),@iN?, ,(, (0{!, (G=B@ , (-+Poland~ -c@--)ov?-)ry?-) ?--( ;.@- (,d!,- (8G+@- (f#&@ . .Above 15.4E[@..)2=}M@.)o-mLR@.)~~h{7S@. .- . - . - . -/ *0'"a Includes Secretariat estimates.0**********  1,b 2000 instead of 2001.C2';c Includes significant shipments through processing zones.$3'd Imports are valued f.o.b.4 5 7'8'4  L$G(  =98X> ????m8 w\VD7\V zT0~0l%0 zT~0~0Nz zT0K0y0P:y0K ((By9qq     "   6W9UO]  MbP?_*+%,D&v/?'v/?(%C?)%C?MR\\ZI16871\Linotronic 530 v52.3O 4dA4PRIV88c8c" dX?? English SpanishU} } } } }  } }  } }  6  ,T0@ @ ,@ ,@ @ O@ ,@ O@ @ h@ -@ @G -@ @ @ h-@G @ -@  @ w@ h@  @ @  @G w@ -@ -@G @ @  h@ T0@ T0@!" Tableau IV.34!!!!!!!!!!! !J#BPrincipaux exportateurs et importateurs du fer et de l'acier, 2001!!!!!!!!!!! !3$+(En milliards de dollars et en pourcentage)!!!!!!!!!!! #Part dans les exportations/ Valeurimportations mondiales )!Variation annuelle en pourcentage    ~ D@ 1980@D@1990-01 <@@@D@  & Exportateurs +Union europenne (15) "L@  )@uvJ@ )cUL@ )]QTF@  (T(ؿ~ ( (@ +O"@ (/M+  Exportations extra-UE ~j1@  )5@ )?`1@ )\h1BT+@  (al0ڿ~ ( ( ̅)@ (C[ +Japon +@  )6Eeb4@ )Ǫ'@ ) T$@  (xZ;? (Ȋ" (hdIli$@ (!T\! +Russie, Fd. de a Cl@  )- )- )ڊc.u@  (- (_- ('2@@ (݀y# + Etats-Unis i@  )cV&@ )zc @ )ahm@  (y@ (."# (; v/@ (]!+Core, Rp. detM@)['5@)@ |xC @)'@($@ (x@1 (h٫)@ (@)+ Ukraine a, b5^I @ )- )-)y0ҧ @ (- (r!, (to>@  (+Taipei chinoisA`"@)%4=o?) żؔ?)A@(iK,@ (W[5m%@ (֡gi>@ (4C[u 2+Chine c9d7 @ ))e?)@)v@( + !@ (B 3 (GP@ (C5<+BrsileI)( @)t`?)m @)r ?.j@(@:R9 (v. (Y1@ ( I++Canadaje@)K.@)%)?)6H@(,U@ (s (2&@ (pO)+Turquien@)Pwewi?)M(h?)|_|?($—E@ (Wk (@ (\xA@+Afrique du Sud"~j@)ڹU?)Fd@)"`?(H? (e (2@ (Kn5+Hong Kong, Chine4)^? )- )- )-({ P"@ (=i2 ( y@ ( 4'+ exportations d'origine localeq?)> ?)3?);j$ x?(Pill' (3 (AA2 ( MwD+ rexportationsÞvk? )- )- )-(ɿWP#@ (/+)f2 (&3K@ (014+Rp. tchque c"~? )- )-)5z\? (- (wR.(4 (p@ (8OF--@+Inde bZd;?)W?)BdG?)!v?(F2@ (M|19@ (j A@  (Total 15 pays ci-dessus䠄\@)MֱGVU@)I+LHU@)XU@ ( -  (-  (-  ( -& Importateurs +Union europenne (15)xYJ@)\d6B@)e:6F@)i䨖B@(b~W?~  (p ('%@ (h'd  Importations extra-UE~jt)@),~c@)d)B@)W%!@(i @ (xP Z5 (-ԱRM7@ ( s+ Etats-UnisKTo-@)!2&J*$@)"@)36D(%@(F_ @ (VG5 (lHb1@ (ω6DZlCxaO c 6  T0@! @" @# h@$ @% @& @' @( @) h@* -@+ @G, -@- @. @/ O-@G0 @1 -@ 2 @3 w@4 O@ 5 @ +Chine c 6X%@  ) )˫J@ )K)U@  (2|)@ (PC.@ (8IdI=@ (+v%@!+Core, Rp. de! <@!!)Rkvӈ?!)] 3P@!)9J@!!(/>@! (qm.E@! (aʙd@@! (4g0"+ Canada d"h}@"")-.U?")M ?A@")k D@""(@䫃 @" (XW*$" (,=v+7@" (h }5#+ Mexique c#`<@##)O@#)[!?#)&j@##(0}U(@# (M # (# (p[&$+Taipei chinois$/$@$$)gl%PK?$),4Y__@$)@@$$(_K?$ ( T8G $ (KM;&@$ (sk5K$B %+Japon%m`q83@%%)l&ԯ?%)H7*6@%)a_R?%%(l\% (˷|˷% (`7@% (Gh8&+ Thalande&5@&&)F5 ?&)#8*@&)`!?&&(+iiԿ& (t2D@& (L@& (Yw '+Hong Kong, Chine'p l`1@' ')- ')- ')-''(La{@' (RM.' (@(@' (}4"(+ importations dfinitives(|a2U?(()ԍt[?()?()4)?(((c?/I?( (pLDm$( (Xdk"@( (*&4)+ Malaisie c)wg@)))5uk?))02T?))^r?))(fn%@) (* (T`0J@* (@P9++Russie, Fd. de a+Cl?+ +)- +)-+)hWEX?+ +(-+ (SP=+ (0)>@+ (MٰM%,+Iran, Rp. islamique d' a, b,Ǻ?, ,) ,),),@iN?, ,(, (0{!, (G=B@ , (-+Pologne~ -c@--)ov?-)ry?-) ?--( ;.@- (,d!,- (8G+@- (f#&@.Total 15 pays ci-dessus.4E[@..)2=}M@.)o-mLR@.)~~h{7S@. .- . - . - . -/ 40%,a Y compris des estimations du Secrtariat.0********** 21%*b Chiffres relatifs 2000 et non 2001.1 ^2%Vc Y compris d'importantes exportations et importations des zones de perfectionnement.2 3%d Importations f.a.b.3 4 5 0L VT@ =98X> ????m8 w\VD7\V zT0~0l%0 zT~0~0Nz zT0L0y0Ky0L ((By6qq     "   5bx  MbP?_*+%,D&v/?'v/?(%C?)%C?MR\\ZI16871\Linotronic 530 v52.3O 4dA4PRIV88c8c" dX?? EnglishFrenchU} } } } }  } }  } }  5  ,T0@ @ ,@ ,@ @ O@ ,@ O@ @ h@  T0@ @ -@ -@T @T h0@T @ @T @ 0@ h@ l@ @ @ p0@ p0@ @  @  @ h@ @ @!" Cuadro IV.34!!!!!!!!!!! !G#?Principales exportadores e importadores de hierro y acero, 2001!!!!!!!!!!! !4$,(Miles de millones de dlares y porcentajes)!!!!!!!!!!! #Parte en las exportaciones/  Valorimportaciones mundiales "Variacin porcentual anual    ~ D@ 1980@D@1990-01 <@@@D@  & Exportadores  +Unin Europea (15) "L@  )@uvJ@ )cUL@ )]QTF@  (T(ؿ~ ( (@ +O"@ (/M+  Exportaciones extra-UE ~j1@  )5@ )?`1@ )\h1BT+@  (al0ڿ~ ( ( ̅)@ (C[ +Japn +@  )6Eeb4@ )Ǫ'@ ) T$@  (xZ;? (Ȋ" (hdIli$@ (!T\! +Rusia, Fed. de a Cl@  )- )- )ڊc.u@  (- (_- ('2@@ (݀y# +Estados Unidos i@  )cV&@ )zc @ )ahm@  (y@ (."# (; v/@ (]!+Corea, Rep. detM@)['5@)@ |xC @)'@($@ (x@1 (h٫)@ (@)+ Ucrania a, b5^I @ )- )-)y0ҧ @ (- (r!, (to>@  (+ Taipei ChinoA`"@)%4=o?) żؔ?)A@(iK,@ (W[5m%@ (֡gi>@ (4C[u 2+China c9d7 @ ))e?)@)v@( + !@ (B 3 (GP@ (C5<+BrasileI)( @)t`?)m @)r ?.j@(@:R9 (v. (Y1@ ( I++Canadje@)K.@)%)?)6H@(,U@ (s (2&@ (pO)+Turquan@)Pwewi?)M(h?)|_|?($—E@ (Wk (@ (\xA@+ Sudfrica"~j@)ڹU?)Fd@)"`?(H? (e (2@ (Kn5+Hong Kong, China4)^? )- )- )-({ P"@ (=i2 ( y@ ( 4+ exportaciones localesq?)> ?)3?);j$ x?(Pill' (3 (AA2 ( MwD+ reexportacionesÞvk? )- )- )-(ɿWP#@ (/+)f2 (&3K@ (014+ Rep. Checa c"~? )- )-)5z\? (- (wR.(4 (p@ (8OF--@+India bZd;?)W?)BdG?)!v?(F2@ (M|19@ (j A@  ("Total 15 pases anteriores䠄\@)MֱGVU@)I+LHU@)XU@ ( -  (-  (-  ( -& Importadores +Unin Europea (15)xYJ@)\d6B@)e:6F@)i䨖B@(b~W?~  (p ('%@ (h'd   Importaciones extra-UE~jt)@),~c@)d)B@)W%!@(i @ (xP Z5 (-ԱRM7@ ( s+Estados UnidosKTo-@)!2&J*$@)"@)36D(%@(F_ @ (VG5 (lHb1@ (ω6DelBubO c 66  T0@! @" @# h@$ @% @& @' @( @) h@ * T0@+ @, -@- -@T. @T/ O0@T0 @1 @T2 @3 0@4 O@ +China c 6X%@  ) )˫J@ )K)U@  (2|)@ (PC.@ (8IdI=@ (+v%@!+Corea, Rep. de! <@!!)Rkvӈ?!)] 3P@!)9J@!!(/>@! (qm.E@! (aʙd@@! (4g0"+ Canad d"h}@"")-.U?")M ?A@")k D@""(@䫃 @" (XW*$" (,=v+7@" (h }5#+ Mxico c#`<@##)O@#)[!?#)&j@##(0}U(@# (M # (# (p[&$+ Taipei Chino$/$@$$)gl%PK?$),4Y__@$)@@$$(_K?$ ( T8G $ (KM;&@$ (sk5K$B %+Japn%m`q83@%%)l&ԯ?%)H7*6@%)a_R?%%(l\% (˷|˷% (`7@% (Gh8&+ Tailandia&5@&&)F5 ?&)#8*@&)`!?&&(+iiԿ& (t2D@& (L@& (Yw '+Hong Kong, China'p l`1@' ')- ')- ')-''(La{@' (RM.' (@(@' (}4#(+ importaciones definitivas(|a2U?(()ԍt[?()?()4)?(((c?/I?( (pLDm$( (Xdk"@( (*&4)+ Malasia c)wg@)))5uk?))02T?))^r?))(fn%@) (* (T`0J@* (@P9++Rusia, Fed. de a+Cl?+ +)- +)-+)hWEX?+ +(-+ (SP=+ (0)>@+ (MٰM%,+Irn, Rep. Islmica del a, b,Ǻ?, ,) ,),),@iN?, ,(, (0{!, (G=B@ , (-+Polonia~ -c@--)ov?-)ry?-) ?--( ;.@- (,d!,- (8G+@- (f#&@".Total 15 pases anteriores.4E[@..)2=}M@.)o-mLR@.)~~h{7S@. .- . - . - . -/ 10%)a Incluye estimaciones de la Secretara.0********** 91'1b Las cifras no corresponden a 2001 sino a 2000.1 Y2%Qc Incluye importantes exportaciones e importaciones de las zonas de elaboracin.2 3%d Importaciones f.o.b.3 4 . S[{A=98X> ????m8 w\VD7\V zT0~0l%0 zT~0~0Nz zT00M0y0Ly00M ((By5pqq     "  01B-BDE5-00AA0044DE52}#2.0#0#C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\mso97.dll#Microsoft Office 8.0 Object LibraryQ >=d* 4+ ޓ`u (VBAExcelVBAProjectlstdoleOffice< *  Oh+'0@HXp creppyUsanase MugangaMicrosoft Excel@tc@uG՜.+,08@ LT \ ϲʹ EnglishFrenchSpanish  Worksheets FMicrosoft Excel WorksheetBiDocumentSummaryInformation8CompObjfff8Excel.Sheet.59q