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Extra-exports ^I KU@  * \pUsanase Janvier [Bb EnglishFrench Spanish)Labels;1)LAbels;1)Labels;1$ ;6 $ ;6 $ ;6 =98@"1CG Times1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial1!Frutiger 47LightCn1 Frutiger 45 Light1 Frutiger 45 Light1!Frutiger 47LightCn1 xFrutiger 45 Light1!Frutiger 47LightCn1CG Times1 xFrutiger 45 Light1!Frutiger 47LightCn"$"\ #,##0_-;"$"\ #,##0\-!"$"\ #,##0_-;[Red]"$"\ #,##0\-""$"\ #,##0.00_-;"$"\ #,##0.00\-'$"$"\ #,##0.00_-;[Red]"$"\ #,##0.00\-9*6_-"$"\ * #,##0_-;_-"$"\ * #,##0\-;_-"$"\ * "-"_-;_-@_-*)'_-* #,##0_-;_-* #,##0\-;_-* "-"_-;_-@_-A,>_-"$"\ * #,##0.00_-;_-"$"\ * #,##0.00\-;_-"$"\ * "-"??_-;_-@_-2+/_-* #,##0.00_-;_-* #,##0.00\-;_-* "-"??_-;_-@_-"$"#,##0_);\("$"#,##0\)"$"#,##0_);[Red]\("$"#,##0\) "$"#,##0.00_);\("$"#,##0.00\)%""$"#,##0.00_);[Red]\("$"#,##0.00\)52_("$"* #,##0_);_("$"* \(#,##0\);_("$"* "-"_);_(@_),)_(* #,##0_);_(* \(#,##0\);_(* "-"_);_(@_)=:_("$"* #,##0.00_);_("$"* \(#,##0.00\);_("$"* "-"??_);_(@_)41_(* #,##0.00_);_(* \(#,##0.00\);_(* "-"??_);_(@_)"$"\ #,##0;"$"\ \-#,##0"$"\ #,##0;[Red]"$"\ \-#,##0 "$"\ #,##0.00;"$"\ \-#,##0.00%""$"\ #,##0.00;[Red]"$"\ \-#,##0.00;8_ "$"\ * #,##0_ ;_ "$"\ * \-#,##0_ ;_ "$"\ * "-"_ ;_ @_ ,)_ * #,##0_ ;_ * \-#,##0_ ;_ * "-"_ ;_ @_ C@_ "$"\ * #,##0.00_ ;_ "$"\ * \-#,##0.00_ ;_ "$"\ * "-"??_ ;_ @_ 41_ * #,##0.00_ ;_ * \-#,##0.00_ ;_ * "-"??_ ;_ @_ ""#,##0;\-""#,##0""#,##0;[Red]\-""#,##0""#,##0.00;\-""#,##0.00!""#,##0.00;[Red]\-""#,##0.0030_-""* #,##0_-;\-""* #,##0_-;_-""* "-"_-;_-@_-*'_-* #,##0_-;\-* #,##0_-;_-* "-"_-;_-@_-;8_-""* #,##0.00_-;\-""* #,##0.00_-;_-""* "-"??_-;_-@_-2/_-* #,##0.00_-;\-* #,##0.00_-;_-* "-"??_-;_-@_-0.0_) 0.00_)0_)0.0                        # # #  & "  @# # !       #  #  H) X)  ) X)   # # !    ! #  Normal_Iv0583ffff̙3f3fff3f3f33333f33333English 9FrencheSpanish  9$'-7  MbP?_*+%,D&v/?'v/?(%C?)%C?M\\MARCOPOLO4\1158-X2L0 pc XX;ۘ(@ *:W &"@ *Gւ$@  +`a$%@ + ዅ@ +T<%a6@ +ͬ`j! , United States  _@  *|s3@ *D6M1@ *.[.@  +i @ +xə$@ +a6@ +Phi1 ,Japan {/LT@  * 03z5@ *8q6@ *p#@  +LÜ? + I0?6@ +刭e2@ +`ZH7 , Singapore cCN@  *:3 @ *&yU0{@ *G@  +a&@ +)Q9@ + 76a|5@ +hDgN0, domestic exports#GG?@*B @*,'@*kp@+Pk%@ +`O.=@ +PY!@ +\yk7, re-exportsCl=@*r;l?*G\a?*# @+2@ +aj@ +X:rG@ + p,China al!J@*t?*?*xJC@+Xu z.=@ +882@ +5{)F@ +\3{&4@,Hong Kong, Chinaj';I@ *- *- *-+0nL*@ +)y~~@ +{Q>@ +Xz?, domestic exportsb֋(@*3Z -@*1?*1Z?+;GL +L/ +VLt%@ + s8, re-exportsV-G@ *- *- *-+x4rpX1@ +i鮓@ +",@@ +5g@,Taipei, ChinesevF@*7Ƣj @*FD@*F:o'@+m&@ +`*/@ +nr=@ +5, Malaysia a]P2oF@*Vt?* @*z@+Hq0@ +Î;@ +iFT2@ +񺹲,,Korea, Rep. ofԕF@*X3?*g3Yi>6@*Kj[@+~+%@ +NNnA@ +X\ b^B@ +8ZPɵ8, Mexico a&0A@*x_&?*媫N?*@+԰MĠ74@ +|D}&6@ + <@ +}pf?,Philippines ac4@*7ȇa;?*B?*Zm]@+x쪔8@ +%;qR=@ +m>JE@ + t1,Thailand v60@*ޘ?*į^?*?OSY?+ /-@ +`A3@ +LPn6@ +?i*,Canada9@0G)@*X b?*( )!?*u?+d2@ +,Ҍ @ +]yG@ +ӜB, Hungary aV-2@*" `?*VU?*[CJ?+hA(, Mexico a(mj@@((*TqW?(*'?(*#.N@((+LR=x3@( +8l:@ ( +( +(($@),Taipei, Chinese)|?5=@))*jK4W?)*猟J2@)*K*JX @))+H*k*@) +XR6@) +:cH]@@) +LB8*, Malaysia a*od;@***i[?**̛q?**l @**+H.@* +=K0@* +};ŷl<@* +@~ Hg-+,Korea, Rep. of+!TS:@++*-.]?+*sBz@+*V @+++IY'@+ +-ZH@+ +LB@+ +,6,, Canada b,$[7@,,*i|s@,*# @,*Gؐ@,,+'@@, +xH[6#@, +4=6@, +$@X47-,Thailand-&*@--*#6<ܙ?-*A2?-*u*?--+ &n*@- +L>,>W5@- +ƎF@- +A.,Philippines a.iWV&@..*?.* ,?.*%?..+| ɟv0@. +@5FJ@. +}MY. +V!3%/, Australia b/Afu @//*xq(?/*\o9?/*s?//+x8Ħ@/ +@bM2@/ +ѐ0@/ +5թ70,Brazil07ܸ@00*bJ?0*q X?0*\w?00+Pᔂf.@0 +Y0 + H@@0 +5/]6"1Above 151:K҈@11*~ ^S@1*ҋV@1*bzPOW@1# 1$- 1 $- 1 $- 1 $-2 C3!;a Includes significant shipments through processing zones.$4!b Imports are valued f.o.b.5 6 8-4 G( =98> ????m|܍wVܰD7V zT0бٱ~0,߱%0б zTб~0~0бNz zT0y0бݍy0XBy9`ڱqq     "   7;MRb  MbP?_*+%,D&v/?'v/?(%C?)%C?M\\MARCOPOLO4\1158-X2?pc XXA4 9''''" dX?? English SpanishU} }  } } }  } }  } }  7  ,T0@ @ ,@ ,@ @  O@ ,@ O@ @ h@d T0@ @ d#@ d#@T @T 0@T @ h@T @ 0@ @ @ @ @ hp0@ p0@ @  @  @ @  @ h@%& Tableau IV.45%%%%%%%%%%% %n'fPrincipaux exportateurs et importateurs de machines de bureau et quipement de tlcommunication, 2001%%%%%%%%%%% %3(+(En milliards de dollars et en pourcentage)%%%%%%%%%%% #Part dans les exportations/ Valeurimportations mondiales )!Variation annuelle en pourcentage    ~ D@ 1980 1990~ D@1990-01 <@@@D@  " Exportateurs  ,Union europenne (15) ?5^I8n@  * xA@ *_ʱ?@ *<6=@  + H+"@ +^9' @ +\n.@ +E E# , Exportations extra-UE ^I KU@  *;ۘ(@ *:W &"@ *Gւ$@  +`a$%@ + ዅ@ +T<%a6@ +ͬ`j! , Etats-Unis  _@  *|s3@ *D6M1@ *.[.@  +i @ +xə$@ +a6@ +Phi1 ,Japon {/LT@  * 03z5@ *8q6@ *p#@  +LÜ? + I0?6@ +刭e2@ +`ZH7 , Singapour cCN@  *:3 @ *&yU0{@ *G@  +a&@ +)Q9@ + 76a|5@ +hDgN0', exportations d'origine locale#GG?@*B @*,'@*kp@+Pk%@ +`O.=@ +PY!@ +\yk7, rexportationsCl=@*r;l?*G\a?*# @+2@ +aj@ +X:rG@ + p,Chine al!J@*t?*?*xJC@+Xu z.=@ +882@ +5{)F@ +\3{&4@,Hong Kong, Chinej';I@ *- *- *-+0nL*@ +)y~~@ +{Q>@ +Xz?', exportations d'origine localeb֋(@*3Z -@*1?*1Z?+;GL +L/ +VLt%@ + s8, rexportationsV-G@ *- *- *-+x4rpX1@ +i鮓@ +",@@ +5g@,Taipei chinoisvF@*7Ƣj @*FD@*F:o'@+m&@ +`*/@ +nr=@ +5, Malaisie a]P2oF@*Vt?* @*z@+Hq0@ +Î;@ +iFT2@ +񺹲,,Core, Rp. deԕF@*X3?*g3Yi>6@*Kj[@+~+%@ +NNnA@ +X\ b^B@ +8ZPɵ8, Mexique a&0A@*x_&?*媫N?*@+԰MĠ74@ +|D}&6@ + <@ +}pf?,Philippines ac4@*7ȇa;?*B?*Zm]@+x쪔8@ +%;qR=@ +m>JE@ + t1, Thalande v60@*ޘ?*į^?*?OSY?+ /-@ +`A3@ +LPn6@ +?i*,Canada9@0G)@*X b?*( )!?*u?+d2@ +,Ҍ @ +]yG@ +ӜB, Hongrie aV-2@*" `?*VU?*[CJ?+hA(, Mexique a(mj@@((*TqW?(*'?(*#.N@((+LR=x3@( +8l:@ ( +( +(($@),Taipei chinois)|?5=@))*jK4W?)*猟J2@)*K*JX @))+H*k*@) +XR6@) +:cH]@@) +LB8*, Malaisie a*od;@***i[?**̛q?**l @**+H.@* +=K0@* +};ŷl<@* +@~ Hg-+,Core, Rp. de+!TS:@++*-.]?+*sBz@+*V @+++IY'@+ +-ZH@+ +LB@+ +,6,, Canada b,$[7@,,*i|s@,*# @,*Gؐ@,,+'@@, +xH[6#@, +4=6@, +$@X47-, Thalande-&*@--*#6<ܙ?-*A2?-*u*?--+ &n*@- +L>,>W5@- +ƎF@- +A.,Philippines a.iWV&@..*?.* ,?.*%?..+| ɟv0@. +@5FJ@. +}MY. +V!3%/, Australie b/Afu @//*xq(?/*\o9?/*s?//+x8Ħ@/ +@bM2@/ +ѐ0@/ +5թ70,Brsil07ܸ@00*bJ?0*q X?0*\w?00+Pᔂf.@0 +Y0 + H@@0 +5/]6"1Total 15 pays ci-dessus1:K҈@11*~ ^S@1*ҋV@1*bzPOW@1# 1$- 1 $- 1 $- 1 $-2 ^3)Va Y compris d'importantes exportations et importations des zones de perfectionnement.3 4)b Importations f.a.b.4 5 6 2 @ =98> ????m|܍wVܰD7V zT0бٱ~0,߱%0б zTб~0~0бNz zT0y0бy0XBy7Pڱqq     "   7;g}  MbP?_*+%,D&v/?'v/?(%C?)%C?M\\MARCOPOLO4\1158-X2?pc XXA4 9''''" dX?? EnglishFrenchU} }  } } }  } }  } }  7  ,T0@ @ ,@ ,@ @  O@ ,@ O@ @ h@d T0@ @ d#@ d#@T @T 0@T @ h@ @ 0@ @ @ @ @ hp0@ p0@ @  @  @ @  @ h@%& Cuadro IV.45%%%%%%%%%%% %k'cPrincipales exportadores e importadores de mquinas de oficina y equipo de telecomunicaciones, 2001%%%%%%%%%%% %4(,(Miles de millones de dlares y porcentajes)%%%%%%%%%%% #Parte en las exportaciones/  Valorimportaciones mundiales "Variacin porcentual anual    ~ D@ 1980 1990~ D@1990-01 <@@@D@  " Exportadores  ,Unin Europea (15) ?5^I8n@  * xA@ *_ʱ?@ *<6=@  + H+"@ +^9' @ +\n.@ +E E# . Exportaciones extra-UE ^I KU@  *;ۘ(@ *:W &"@ *Gւ$@  +`a$%@ + ዅ@ +T<%a6@ +ͬ`j! ,Estados Unidos  _@  *|s3@ *D6M1@ *.[.@  +i @ +xə$@ +a6@ +Phi1 ,Japn {/LT@  * 03z5@ *8q6@ *p#@  +LÜ? + I0?6@ +刭e2@ +`ZH7 ,Singapur cCN@  *:3 @ *&yU0{@ *G@  +a&@ +)Q9@ + 76a|5@ +hDgN0, exportaciones locales#GG?@*B @*,'@*kp@+Pk%@ +`O.=@ +PY!@ +\yk7, reexportacionesCl=@*r;l?*G\a?*# @+2@ +aj@ +X:rG@ + p,China al!J@*t?*?*xJC@+Xu z.=@ +882@ +5{)F@ +\3{&4@,Hong Kong, Chinaj';I@ *- *- *-+0nL*@ +)y~~@ +{Q>@ +Xz?, exportaciones localesb֋(@*3Z -@*1?*1Z?+;GL +L/ +VLt%@ + s8, reexportacionesV-G@ *- *- *-+x4rpX1@ +i鮓@ +",@@ +5g@, Taipei ChinovF@*7Ƣj @*FD@*F:o'@+m&@ +`*/@ +nr=@ +5, Malasia a]P2oF@*Vt?* @*z@+Hq0@ +Î;@ +iFT2@ +񺹲,,Corea, Rep. deԕF@*X3?*g3Yi>6@*Kj[@+~+%@ +NNnA@ +X\ b^B@ +8ZPɵ8, Mxico a&0A@*x_&?*媫N?*@+԰MĠ74@ +|D}&6@ + <@ +}pf?, Filipinas ac4@*7ȇa;?*B?*Zm]@+x쪔8@ +%;qR=@ +m>JE@ + t1, Tailandia v60@*ޘ?*į^?*?OSY?+ /-@ +`A3@ +LPn6@ +?i*,Canad9@0G)@*X b?*( )!?*u?+d2@ +,Ҍ @ +]yG@ +ӜB, Hungra aV-2@*" `?*VU?*[CJ?+hA(, Mxico a(mj@@((*TqW?(*'?(*#.N@((+LR=x3@( +8l:@ ( +( +(($@), Taipei Chino)|?5=@))*jK4W?)*猟J2@)*K*JX @))+H*k*@) +XR6@) +:cH]@@) +LB8*, Malasia a*od;@***i[?**̛q?**l @**+H.@* +=K0@* +};ŷl<@* +@~ Hg-+,Corea, Rep. de+!TS:@++*-.]?+*sBz@+*V @+++IY'@+ +-ZH@+ +LB@+ +,6,, Canad b,$[7@,,*i|s@,*# @,*Gؐ@,,+'@@, +xH[6#@, +4=6@, +$@X47-, Tailandia-&*@--*#6<ܙ?-*A2?-*u*?--+ &n*@- +L>,>W5@- +ƎF@- +A., Filipinas a.iWV&@..*?.* ,?.*%?..+| ɟv0@. +@5FJ@. +}MY. +V!3%/, Australia b/Afu @//*xq(?/*\o9?/*s?//+x8Ħ@/ +@bM2@/ +ѐ0@/ +5թ70,Brasil07ܸ@00*bJ?0*q X?0*\w?00+Pᔂf.@0 +Y0 + H@@0 +5/]6""1Total 15 pases anteriores1:K҈@11*~ ^S@1*ҋV@1*bzPOW@1# 1$- 1 $- 1 $- 1 $-2 Y3)Qa Incluye importantes exportaciones e importaciones de las zonas de elaboracin.3 4)b Importaciones f.o.b.4 5 6 2 {A =98> ????m|܍wVܰD7V zT0бٱ~0,߱%0б zTб~0~0бNz zT0@y0бy0@XBy7Pڱqq     "  01B-BDE5-00AA0044DE52}#2.0#0#C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\mso97.dll#Microsoft Office 8.0 Object LibraryQ >=* 4+ `u (VBAExcelVBAProjectistdoleOffice< *  Oh+'0@HXp creppyUsanase JanvierMicrosoft Excel@'c@dH՜.+,08@ LT \ ϲʹ EnglishFrenchSpanish  Worksheets FMicrosoft Excel WorksheetBiDocumentSummaryInformation8CompObjfff8Excel.Sheet.59q