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Checa bHong Kong, Chine Hongrie b Hungra b Hungary b IndonsieIsralJaponJapnCore, Rp. deCorea, Rep. de Malaisie b Malasia bMalte Mexique b Mxico b Filipinas bPolognePoloniaPoland SingapourSingapur...SuisseSuizaTaipei chinois Taipei Chino Thalande TailandiaThailandTurquieTurqua Etats-UnisEstados UnidosEuropean Union (15) exportaciones locales reexportacionesAb Incluye importantes exportaciones de las zonas de elaboracin. rexportationsFb Y compris d'importantes exportations des zones de perfectionnement.6b Includes significant exports from processing zones. Czech Rep. b exportations d'origine localeOExports of office machines and telecom equipment of selected economies, 1990-012001 aeExportations de machines de bureau et quipement de tlcommunication de certaines conomies, 1990-01fExportaciones de mquinas de oficina y equipo de telecomunicaciones de determinadas economas, 1990-01 LithuaniaLituanieLituaniaNorwayNorvgeNoruegaRomaniaRoumanieRumania Slovak Rep. Rp. slovaque Rep. EslovacaSloveniaSlovnie Eslovenia Costa Rica b Morocco bMaroc b Marruecos b Intra-exports Extra-exports Ex \pUsanase Muganga Ba= ThisWorkbook=,#8X@"1 CG Times1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial14Frutiger 47LightCn12Frutiger 45 Light12Frutiger 45 Light14Frutiger 47LightCn12xFrutiger 45 Light14Frutiger 47LightCn1 CG Times"$"#,##0_);\("$"#,##0\)!"$"#,##0_);[Red]\("$"#,##0\)""$"#,##0.00_);\("$"#,##0.00\)'""$"#,##0.00_);[Red]\("$"#,##0.00\)7*2_("$"* #,##0_);_("$"* \(#,##0\);_("$"* "-"_);_(@_).))_(* #,##0_);_(* \(#,##0\);_(* "-"_);_(@_)?,:_("$"* #,##0.00_);_("$"* \(#,##0.00\);_("$"* "-"??_);_(@_)6+1_(* #,##0.00_);_(* \(#,##0.00\);_(* "-"??_);_(@_)"$"\ #,##0_-;"$"\ #,##0\-#"$"\ #,##0_-;[Red]"$"\ #,##0\-$"$"\ #,##0.00_-;"$"\ #,##0.00\-)$"$"\ #,##0.00_-;[Red]"$"\ #,##0.00\-;6_-"$"\ * #,##0_-;_-"$"\ * #,##0\-;_-"$"\ * "-"_-;_-@_-,'_-* #,##0_-;_-* #,##0\-;_-* "-"_-;_-@_-C>_-"$"\ * #,##0.00_-;_-"$"\ * #,##0.00\-;_-"$"\ * "-"??_-;_-@_-4/_-* #,##0.00_-;_-* #,##0.00\-;_-* "-"??_-;_-@_-""#,##0;\-""#,##0""#,##0;[Red]\-""#,##0""#,##0.00;\-""#,##0.00#""#,##0.00;[Red]\-""#,##0.0050_-""* #,##0_-;\-""* #,##0_-;_-""* "-"_-;_-@_-,'_-* #,##0_-;\-* #,##0_-;_-* "-"_-;_-@_-=8_-""* #,##0.00_-;\-""* #,##0.00_-;_-""* "-"??_-;_-@_-4/_-* #,##0.00_-;\-* #,##0.00_-;_-* "-"??_-;_-@_-"$"\ #,##0;"$"\ \-#,##0!"$"\ #,##0;[Red]"$"\ \-#,##0""$"\ #,##0.00;"$"\ \-#,##0.00'""$"\ #,##0.00;[Red]"$"\ \-#,##0.00=8_ "$"\ * #,##0_ ;_ "$"\ * \-#,##0_ ;_ "$"\ * "-"_ ;_ @_ .)_ * #,##0_ ;_ * \-#,##0_ ;_ * "-"_ ;_ @_ E@_ "$"\ * #,##0.00_ ;_ "$"\ * \-#,##0.00_ ;_ "$"\ * "-"??_ ;_ @_ 61_ * #,##0.00_ ;_ * \-#,##0.00_ ;_ * "-"??_ ;_ @_ 0_) 0.0_) 0.00_)0.0 #\ ###\ ##0                + ) , *      ( # & &8  H) X)  X) X)        # # # # "X) " "8 "  Normal_Iv05`English>Գܳ貹Ծ,尭1< _Order1 _Sort; /   LAbels;,  Labels; -  LAbels; /  ;0  ;10 ;3U Value1990MondeMundoWorldI AustraliaBrazilCanadaChina bHong Kong, China domestic exports re-exports IndonesiaIsraelJapanKorea, Rep. oportations intra-UE Exportations extra-UE Exportaciones intra-UE Exportaciones extra-UE Table IV.46 Tableau IV.46 Cuadro IV.46& H lLr`$_ard0`i-\` N  |@T eН0e(eOeeYeIw Xh?w 46ip0jj6+6Iw4,wT0t00?+zm00Z E000ZZ\߿0Z\t0XAbels1Percentyperlink7?@?00dy0{T0T00T0# >y(10 0yyB0l0 yykT0e0{T0L0{T0LkT0v|0 A0@Ǭp0p00D -DS]0XHyTt%0a0~,yb ,l0<Value1990Monde  12;  MbP?_*+%D&v/?'v/?(%C?)%C?M\\ZI16871\Linotronic 530 v52.3O 4dA4PRIV88c8c" dX??U} } }  } '}  } '}  } '}  } '} } } } } 1,T0@@,@,@@O@,@O@,@ ,@ @E @ e@E w@@w@@@@@@@w@,@@@@Gw@@@G@@ } &&&& ` &&&&  &&&&       ((((   ~ ,@~ <@~ @@~  D@~  @  a ((((  ~ "8A )~ "o"A )~ " 'A~ "I-A~  "A)A $ % !@ %ڎ7+@% ~ "@ )~ "h@~ "A~ "A~ "q=A $ %G`? % Z^@  "+٣@ )~ "h@~ "iA~ " A~ "A A $ %R@ %Z Bw@  " @ )~ "@~ "U~ "}~ "cN $ %gq@ %?:@  ~ "l@ )~ "U@~ "FA~ "} ~ "@ $ %wz `#@ %п3@ s "/$? ) "~ "rA~ "A "K $ %ӻ(w? %Acn<@ ^ ".)~ "~@ '~ "@~ "@~  "&@ $  %. %mfQY@ W~ "@ )"*eA~ "pc A~ "aA~  " A $ %m@ %6ͩ%@ w~ "@ )"׿q@~ "A~ "h`A~  "XA $ %- r$@ %"Gώ&@ x~ "t@)"N*@~ "@~ "@~  "@@ $ %cz@ %T#@  ~ "ɩ3A)~ "`@~ "OMA~ "ISA~  "A"SA $ %$LH/@ %po@:@  "ON@)~ "/@~ "4@~ ":@~  "}nA $ %ͨ@/t0@ %]/-@  "5^I,@)~ "u@~ "JA~ ".~  "H@ $ %MAe.@ %⁙;@ 9~ "@)~ "Ȁ@ '~ "8@~ "ܻ@~  "@ $~  %@ %1բJ6@  "+_@)~ "ҡ@~ "@@~ "U7&A~  ""A $ %1i? %c~%@ "C(@)~ "@~ "A~ "]-%A~  "@ $ %'{)L$@ %R: 4@ ~ ")~ "0@~ "S-~ "KF~  ", $ %@#L7@ %MD8x4@ "k@)~ " 8@~ "~ "0f~  "  $ %2]s 6@ %.^=@ d ".)~ "\@~ "F@~ "@~  "l@ $  %. %i@ "F@)~ "@@~ "@~ "׶?~  "k $ %!ݥ;@ %Ǚc9I@ "}@)~ "@~ "@~ "A~  "A@ $ %\D@ %z2~ԓK@ "Csot@)~ "@~ "4DA~ "~  ":JA $ %_ebG&@ %B 5@ t"l\@)~ "o@ )~ "@~ "@~  "|@ $ %Xd@ %Ϫo(=@ g~ "x@)~ "؍@~ "]@~ "@~  "q@ $ %hOA? %.f@Dl<<<@*b$ T0@!,@"@#@$@%@&@'@(@)@*@E+@,e@E-Ow@.@/w@0O@ ~ "@ )~ "@~ "۹~ "m~ "~ $ %T\6@ %1=%P@ !H~ !"`u@!)~ !"`y@ !'~ !"ԑ@~ !"ܓ@~ ! 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% Z^@ Brazil "+٣@ )~ "h@~ "iA~ " A~ "A A $ %R@ %Z Bw@ Canada " @ )~ "@~ "U~ "}~ "cN $ %gq@ %?:@ China b~ "l@ )~ "U@~ "FA~ "} ~ "@ $ %wz `#@ %п3@  Costa Rica b "/$? )I "~ "rA~ "A "... $ %ӻ(w? %Acn<@ Czech Rep. b "-)~ "~@ 'I~ "@~ "@~  "&@ $  %- %mfQY@European Union (15)~ "@ )I"*eA~ "pc A~ "aA~  " A $ %m@ %6ͩ%@ Intra-exports~ "@ )I"׿q@~ "A~ "h`A~  "XA $ %- r$@ %"Gώ&@ Extra-exports~ "t@)"N*@~ "@~ "@~  "@@ $ %cz@ %T#@Hong Kong, China~ "ɩ3A)~ "`@~ "OMA~ "ISA~  "A"SA $ %$LH/@ %po@:@ domestic exports"ON@)~ "/@~ "4@~ ":@~  "}nA $ %ͨ@/t0@ %]/-@ re-exports"5^I,@)~ "u@~ "JA~ ".~  "H@ $ %MAe.@ %⁙;@ Hungary b~ "@)~ "Ȁ@ 'I~ "8@~ "ܻ@~  "@ $~  %@ %1բJ6@ Indonesia"+_@)~ "ҡ@~ "@@~ "U7&A~  ""A $ %1i? %c~%@Israel"C(@)~ "@~ "A~ "]-%A~  "@ $ %'{)L$@ %R: 4@ Japan~ ")~ "0@~ "S-~ "KF~  ", $ %@#L7@ %MD8x4@Korea, Rep. of"k@)~ " 8@~ "~ "0f~  "  $ %2]s 6@ %.^=@ Lithuania "-)~ "\@~ "F@~ "@~  "l@ $  %- %i@ Malaysia b"F@)~ "@@~ "@~ "׶?~  "k $ %!ݥ;@ %Ǚc9I@ Malta"}@)~ "@~ "@~ "A~  "A@ $ %\D@ %z2~ԓK@ Mexico b"Csot@)~ "@~ "4DA~ "~  ":JA $ %_ebG&@ %B 5@ Morocco b"l\@)~ "o@ )I~ "@~ "@~  "|@ $ %Xd@ %Ϫo(=@Norway~ "x@)~ "؍@~ "]@~ "@~  "q@ $ %hOA? %.f@D@lEZ.T*i$ @!,@"@#@$@%@&@G'@(@)@*@+@G,@-O@.@/@G0O@ Philippines b~ "@ )~ "@~ "۹~ "m~ "~ $ %T\6@ %1=%P@!Poland~ !"`u@!)~ !"`y@ !'I~ !"ԑ@~ !"ܓ@~ ! "ؘ@! $! %_U,@! %S`c@"Romania~ ""@@")~ ""5@~ ""b@~ ""@~ " "@" $" %J)RJ?" %Nozӛ@# Singapore#"S㥣@#)~ #"@t@~ #"q~ #"_~ # "Sy# $# %>=B@# %jL_I@$ domestic exports$"@$)$"D-@~ $"~ $"Op~ $ "S$ $$ %0_E@$ %H@% re-exports%"0DN{ű@%)%"Fv@~ %"x@~ %"@@~ % "H@% $% %1Oi9@% %GfJ@& Slovak Rep. &"-&)~ &"@[@ &'I~ &"t@~ &"v@~ & "P|@& $ & %-& %L厱 @'Slovenia '"-')~ '"`a@~ '"@~ '"A_@~ ' "@' $ ' %-' %Pt^@( Switzerland("+N@()~ ("@~ ("}A~ ("A~ ( "A( $( %3@( %Ba @)Taipei, Chinese)"/M@))~ )"@~ )">~ )"tb~ ) " a@) $) %z|5@) %VgB@*Thailand*"%À@*)~ *"@~ *"[]~ *"MDk58@+Turkey+"m0p@+)~ +"o@~ +" @~ +"1@~ + "@@+ $+ % ,?+ %WNR @, United States,"A`D9@,)~ ,"`@~ ,"c~ ,"E~ , "K@, $, %/nu?*@, %d>U1@ -(((( .a Or nearest year.>/6b Includes significant exports from processing zones. 0(((( & @$B=,#8X> ????mȫw\VD7\V zT0~0l%0 zT~0~0Nz zT0@0y0$y0@((By10qq     "   2"4JFW  MbP?_*+%,D&v/?'v/?(%C?)%C?MR\\ZI16871\Linotronic 530 v52.3O 4dA4PRIV88c8c" dX?? English SpanishU} } }  } '}  } '}  } '}  } '} } } } } Column B 2,T0@@,@,@@@O@,@O@ ,@ ,T@ @ @ @@0@T@@T@0@@@,@@p0@p0@@--@--@@@@ Tableau IV.46 &&&&meExportations de machines de bureau et quipement de tlcommunication de certaines conomies, 1990-01 &&&&2*(En millions de dollars et en pourcentage) &&&&" Part dans les exportations  totales de marchandises Valeur   du pays ou du territoire ((((    1990~ ,@~ <@~ @@~  D@~  @ 2001 a ((((   Monde~ "8A )I~ "o"A )I~ " 'A )~ "I-A )~ "A)A # % !@ %ڎ7+@ ! Australie~ "@ )~ "h@ )~ "A )~ "A )~ "q=A # %G`? % Z^@ !Brsil "+٣@ )~ "h@ )~ "iA )~ " A )~ "A A # %R@ %Z Bw@ !Canada " @ )~ "@ )~ "U )~ "} )~ "cN # %gq@ %?:@ !Chine b~ "l@ )~ "U@ )~ "FA )~ "}  )~ "@ # %wz `#@ %п3@!Core, Rp. de"k@)~ " 8@)~ ")~ "0f )~  "  # %2]s 6@ %.^=@! Costa Rica b"/$? )I ")~ "rA)~ "A )  "... # %ӻ(w? %Acn<@! Etats-Unis"A`D9@)~ "`@)~ "c)~ "E )~  "K@ # %/nu?*@ %d>U1@!Hong Kong, Chine~ "ɩ3A)~ "`@)~ "OMA)~ "ISA )~  "A"SA # %$LH/@ %po@:@'! exportations d'origine locale"ON@)~ "/@)~ "4@)~ ":@ )~  "}nA # %ͨ@/t0@ %]/-@! rexportations"5^I,@)~ "u@)~ "JA)~ ". )~  "H@ # %MAe.@ %⁙;@! Hongrie b~ "@)~ "Ȁ@ )I~ "8@)~ "ܻ@ )~  "@ #~  %@ %1բJ6@! Indonsie"+_@)~ "ҡ@)~ "@@)~ "U7&A )~  ""A # %1i? %c~%@!Isral"C(@)~ "@)~ "A)~ "]-%A )~  "@ # %'{)L$@ %R: 4@ !Japon~ ")~ "0@)~ "S-)~ "KF )~  ", # %@#L7@ %MD8x4@!Lituanie "-)~ "\@)~ "F@)~ "@ )~  "l@ #  %- %i@! Malaisie b"F@)~ "@@)~ "@)~ "׶? )~  "k # %!ݥ;@ %Ǚc9I@ !Malte"}@)~ "@)~ "@)~ "A )~  "A@ # %\D@ %z2~ԓK@!Maroc b"l\@)~ "o@ )I~ "@)~ "@ )~  "|@ # %Xd@ %Ϫo(=@! Mexique b"Csot@)~ "@)~ "4DA)~ " )~  ":JA # %_ebG&@ %B 5@!Norvge~ "x@)~ "؍@)~ "]@)~ "@ )~  "q@ # %hOA? %.f@!Philippines b~ "@)~ "@)~ "۹)~ "m )~  "~ # %T\6@ %1=%P@!Pologne~ "`u@)~ "`y@ )I~ "ԑ@)~ "ܓ@ )~  "ؘ@ # %_U,@ %S`c@DvlGd0-Z*i$ ,T0@!@"@#@$@%@&@'@(@)@*T@+@,@-@.O@/0@T0@1O@T ! Rp. slovaque "- )~ "@[@ )I~ "t@ )~ "v@ )~ "P|@ # %- %L厱 @!!Rp. tchque b !"-!)~ !"~@ !)I~ !"@!)~ !"@! )~ ! "&@! # ! %-! %mfQY@"!Roumanie~ ""@@")~ ""5@")~ ""b@")~ ""@" )~ " "@" #" %J)RJ?" %Nozӛ@#! Singapour#"S㥣@#)~ #"@t@#)~ #"q#)~ #"_# )~ # "Sy# ## %>=B@# %jL_I@'$! exportations d'origine locale$"@$)$"D-@$)~ $"$)~ $"Op$ )~ $ "S$ #$ %0_E@$ %H@%! rexportations%"0DN{ű@%)%"Fv@%)~ %"x@%)~ %"@@% )~ % "H@% #% %1Oi9@% %GfJ@&!Slovnie &"-&)~ &"`a@&)~ &"@&)~ &"A_@& )~ & "@& # & %-& %Pt^@'!Suisse'"+N@')~ '"@')~ '"}A')~ '"A' )~ ' "A' #' %3@' %Ba @(!Taipei chinois("/M@()~ ("@()~ (">()~ ("tb( )~ ( " a@( #( %z|5@( %VgB@)! Thalande)"%À@))~ )"@))~ )"[]))~ )"MDk58@*!Turquie*"m0p@*)~ *"o@*)~ *" @*)~ *"1@* )~ * "@@* #* % ,?* %WNR @+!Union europenne (15)~ +"@ +)I+"*eA+)~ +"pc A+)~ +"aA+ )~ + " A+ #+ %m@+ %6ͩ%@,! Exportations intra-UE~ ,"@ ,)I,"׿q@,)~ ,"A,)~ ,"h`A, )~ , "XA, #, %- r$@, %"Gώ&@-! Exportations extra-UE~ -"t@-)-"N*@-)~ -"@-)~ -"@- )~ - "@@- #- %cz@- %T#@ .(((( %/a Ou l'anne la plus proche.N0Fb Y compris d'importantes exportations des zones de perfectionnement. 1(((( (P T$)R=,#8X> ????mȫw\VD7\V zT0~0l%0 zT~0~0Nz zT0(0y0@y0(((By2@qq     "   4\q  MbP?_*+%,D&v/?'v/?(%C?)%C?MR\\ZI16871\Linotronic 530 v52.3O 4dA4PRIV88c8c" dX?? EnglishFrenchU} } }  } '}  } '}  } '}  } '} } } } } Column B 4,T0@@,@,@@@@@O@ ,@ OT@ ,@ ,@ @@0@T@@T@0@@@@@,p0@p0@@--@--@@@@ Cuadro IV.46 &&&&nfExportaciones de mquinas de oficina y equipo de telecomunicaciones de determinadas economas, 1990-01 &&&&+#(Millones de dlares y porcentajes) &&&& Parte que corresponde  a mquinas de oficina y $ equipo de telecomunicaciones $ en las exportaciones totales  Valor $ de mercancas de la economa ((((    1990~ ,@~ <@~ @@~ D@~ @ 2001 a ((((   Mundo~ "8A )I~ "o"A )I~ " 'A )~ "I-A )~ "A)A # % !@ %ڎ7+@ ! 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