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Checa b, cCzech Rep. b, cEquateurEgypteEgiptoHong Kong, Chine Hongrie c Hungra c Hungary c IndonsieIsralJaponJapnCore, Rp. deCorea, Rep. deKowet Malaisie c Malasia c Malaysia cNouvelle-ZlandeNueva ZelandiaNorvgeNoruegaOmnProuPerPhilippines c Filipinas cPolognePoloniaPolandRoumanieRumaniaRomaniaArabie saouditeArabia SauditaRep. Eslovaca bSlovnie EsloveniaAfrique du Sud b Sudfrica bSouth Africa bSuisseSuizaTaipei chinois Taipei Chino Thalande TailandiaTunisieTnezTurquieTurqua Etats-UnisEstados Unidos Venezuela b Zimbabwe b6c Includes significant imports into processing zones.Fc Y compris d'importantes importations des zones de perfectionnement.Dc Incluye significativas importaciones de las zonas de elaboracin.?d See the Technical Notes for information on intra-EU imports. Morocco cMaroc c Marruecos cRp. slovaque bRp. tchque b, cEuropean Union (15)Union europenne (15)Unin Europea (15)=Imports of automotive products of selected economies, 1990-012001 aRImportations de produits de l'industrie automobile de certaines conomies, 1990-01XImportaciones de productos de la industria automotriz de determinadas economas, 1990-01 Table IV.55 Tableau IV.55 Cuadro IV.55AlgeriaAlgrieArgeliaCroatiaCroatieCroaciaCyprusChypreChipre GuatemalaIndiaIndeIran, Islamic Rep. ofIran, Rp. islamique d'Irn, Rep. Islmica delJordanJordanieJordania Kazakhstan KazajstnLebanonLibanLbano LithuaniaLituanieLituaniaQatar Singapore SingapourSingapurChina cChine c&  retained imports Intra-imports d Extra-imports Mexico c, e"f Includes Secretariat estimates.Russian Fed. f Ukraine fUnited Arab Emirates fSlovak Rep. b Mexique c, eEmirats arabes unis dRussie, Fd. de d Ukraine d importations dfinitives Importations intra-UE f Importations extra-UESf Voir les Notes techniques pour des renseignements sur les importations intra-UE.,d Y compris des estimations du Secrtariat. importaciones definitivas Importaciones extra-UE Mxico c, e Importaciones intra-UE fVf Para mayor informacin sobre las importaciones intra-UE, vanse las Notas Tcnicas.)d Incluye estimaciones de la Secretara.9e A partir de 2000 las importaciones se entienden c.i.f.Emiratos rabes Unidos dRusia, Fed. de d Ucrania d/e Beginning with 2000 imports are valued ci.f.0e A partir de 2000 les importations sont c.a.f.l (Yrr_Ha r\5 q6q@7;j  h@q  |k9  @  9   V zT0wTX`T0`T0I^ip0jjwT`T0h%l0wd2T0t00jy 0d2d2zm00Z E000ZZ\߿0Z\t0Xabels1PercentyperlinkLw$(0dy0{T0T00T0# "y(10 yy&0l0 yykT0e0{T0L0{T0LkT0v|0 A0ЃǬp0p00dT2dS]0TcyTt%0a0,),y0,0l0`}Value1990 ArgentinaIChileColombiaEgyptHong Kong, China Indonesia  K;%:RV  dMbP?_*+%D&M&d2?'M&d2?(~?)~?M\\ZI16871\Linotronic 530 v52.3O 4dA4PRIV88c8c" dX `? `?U} } }  } }  } }  } }  } } } } } } Column BXK,T0@@,@,@q@O@,@O@,@ @  @9  V@ @ @@T@@@p,@0@@l0@2@@ 0@2@m@0@@@@,@               ~ ,@~ <@~ @@ ~  D@      !rh|@!~ !}@!~ !@!~ !a@ !  !0 ! 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"Y@ "_@  Argentina !Zd;f@ !~ ! @ !~ !A !~ !$@ !~ !1A ! "%(h@ "B'a#@  Australia b !K7@ !~ !@ !~ !A'A !~ !u*A !~ !m%A ! "o"@ "(p@9'@ Brazil !!rh@ !~ !P@ !~ !A !~ !TA !~ !EA ! "y/&$@ "00xG@  Canada b !@ !~ !W@ !~ !1 !~ !q !~ !s ! "^%5@ "3qEK2@ Chile !h|?@ !~ !Л@ !~ !Q@ !~ !fA !~ !QRA ! "@ "-<R@China c !...!~ !b@!~ !qA!~ !/A !~  !iA !  " "!@Colombia!ʡEy@!~ !\@!~ !A@!~ !@ !~  !@ ! "9@ " ;@Croatia !-!~ !`z@!~ !1O@!~ !aG@ !~  !Z@ !  "- "%&@Cyprus~ !q@!~ !0v@!~ !@!~ !@ !~  !@ ! "0%@ ")oyz%@#Czech Rep. b, c !-!~ !Ԗ@ !I~ ! @!~ !@ !~  !ڧ@ !  "- "n@ @Ecuador!Sc@!~ !@!~ !A6@!~ !@ !~  !!@ ! "ڸ? @ "urh:'@ Egypt~ !K@!~ !Ѓ@!~ !@! !... !~  !g@ ! "R"5 @ "k9Z@European Union (15)~ !HiA !I~ !A!~ ! A!~ !`? A !~  ! A ! "ˡe\#@ ",@ #@ Intra-imports d~ ! @ !I!!!!!!!!  "v)@ " Extra-imports~ !@@!!B> @!~ !l@!~ !@ !~  !`@ ! "_nx/@ "+P3h@ Guatemala!"~j,]@!~ !P|@!~ !!Y@!~ !{@ !~  !@ ! "!Q}N@ "W#@Hong Kong, China~ !B@!~ !*@!~ !lA!~ ! A !~  !^ A ! "5 p? "jPg? retained imports!~jЄ@!~ !r@!~ !!F@!~ !A !~  !NA ! "Ch.@ "x*@ Hungary c~ !X@!~ !@ !I~ !@!~ !b@ !~  !ޣ@ ! "Q٨@ ">廯3@ India!d;OCp@!~ !|@!~ !@! !... !  !... ! ";39? "5U? Indonesia!Vʗ@!~ !@!~ !y@!~ !A !~  !aA ! "<@ "rB>b@Iran, Islamic Rep. of !...! !...!~ !! @!~ !@ !  !... !  " "|Z@Israel!ʡE4@!~ !@!~ !A!~ !@ !~  !֠@ ! "@ "CՊ@DlEwZN`$u$o T0@!@"@#@$@%@&@'@(@),@*@+@,@-@.@/@0@1@2@3,0@4@5@G6@7@8@9@:@G;@G<@=@>,T0@?T0@ Japan !h|?@ !~ !M@ !~ !y<*A !~ !c.A !~ !}#,A ! "t1@ "ù]!@!Jordan~ !!$@!!~ !!r@!!~ !!!@!!~ !!AV@! !~ ! !aG@! !! " d @! "x4!@" Kazakhstan "!-"! "!..."!~ "!u@"!~ "! {@" !~ " !~@" ! " "-" " ;*@#Korea, Rep. of#! r@#!~ #!T@#!~ #!A#!~ #!A# !~ # !A# !# "YsrH?# "pxR?$Kuwait$!jtN|@$!~ $!X@$!~ $!@$!~ $!d@$ ! $ !...$ !$ "k &@$ "$;2@%Lebanon %!...%! %!...%!~ %!ab@%!~ %!@% !~ % !@% ! % "...% "wx2 @& Lithuania &!-&!~ &!@l@&!~ &!A@&!~ &!@& !~ & !@& ! & "-& "c#rp"@' Malaysia c'!~j~@'!~ '!¥@'!~ '!}A'!~ '!iaA' !~ ' !A' !' " u<@' "A@( Mexico c, e(!|,&@(!~ (!0@(!~ (!`@ (!I~ (!ȇ( !~ ( !( !( "ϣ1(@( "u|&@) Morocco c)!s@)!~ )!s@ )!I~ )![@)!~ )!@) !~ ) !`@) !) "BlX@) "r8R@* New Zealand*!A`"@*!~ *!@*!~ *!A*!~ *!A* !~ * !@* !* "QTQL%@* "nY&@+Norway~ +!,@+!~ +!@+!~ +!A+!~ +!QA+ !~ + ! A+ !+ "ڃ)@ @+ "3K@ ,Oman,!Zdz@,!~ ,!@,!~ ,!@,!~ ,!@, ! , !..., !, "]Qr60@, " 6@ -Peru-!7A`e@-!~ -!@-!~ -!!@-!~ -!!@- !~ - !2@- !- "._̬@- "LY@.Philippines c.!%Cƀ@.!~ .!@.!~ .!Q)@.!~ .!@. !~ . !H@. !. ":v@. ":@/Poland~ /!px@/!~ /!t@ /!I~ /!@/!~ /! @/ !~ / !S@/ !/ "&]_] @/ "] O"@ 0Qatar0!'1Fi@0! 0!...0!~ 0!\@0! 0!...0 !~ 0 !A@0 !0 "|zz'@0 "PFoZ,@1Romania~ 1!y@1!~ 1!s@1!~ 1!n@1!~ 1!z@1 !~ 1 !@1 !1 "l(@1 "$S@2Russian Fed. f 2!-2! 2!...2!~ 2!@2!~ 2!<@2 !~ 2 !@2 ! 2 "-2 "cI̟c@3 Saudi Arabia3!S-@3!~ 3!@3!~ 3!|A3!~ 3!HA3 !~ 3 !@3 !3 "` #ɖ'@3 "ܠKE/@4 Singapore~ 4!NA4!~ 4!@4!~ 4!IA4!~ 4!ف A4 !~ 4 !A. A4 !4 "?@4 ">z?5 retained imports5!>C@5!5!:M:*@5!~ 5!Q@5!~ 5!YTA5 !~ 5 !^A5 !5 "_ M}@5 "@|JD@6Slovak Rep. b 6!-6!~ 6!{@ 6!I~ 6!@6!~ 6!@6 !~ 6 !|@6 ! 6 "-6 "+'@7Slovenia 7!-7!~ 7!@7!~ 7! A7!~ 7!Q@7 !~ 7 !s@7 ! 7 "-7 "Q?w\%@8South Africa b 8!...8!~ 8!@ 8!I~ 8!4@8!~ 8!A8 !~ 8 !@8 ! 8 "8 "9\@9 Switzerland~ 9!7$9!~ 9!C@9!~ 9!g'9!~ 9!&9 !~ 9 !'9 !9 "}$t\!@9 "~7@:Taipei, Chinese:!X96 @:!~ :!@:!~ :! A:!~ :!!TA: !~ : !@: !: "t@: "8V,?;Thailand;!9v@;!~ ;!@@;!~ ;!1A;!~ ;!Qq A; !~ ; !ق A; !; "GBR< @; "[N=5 @<Tunisia<!ʡE!s@<!~ <!|@<!~ <!!@<!~ <! @< !~ < !p@< !< "6,5@< "~@=Turkey=! 0c@=!~ =!@=!~ =!m)A=!~ =!!A= !~ = !p@= != "kdH@= "ռs4@> Ukraine f >!->! >!...>!~ >! u@>!~ >!|@> ! > !...> ! > "-> "Gׇ1| @?United Arab Emirates f?!I +@?!~ ?!@?!~ ?!@?!~ ?!إ@? ! ? !...? !? "R G!@? "H#8S@Dl@T0@A@B@CO@D@E@F@G@H@I@JO@@ United States@!#~z]@@!~ @!_@@!~ @!t@!~ @!@ !~ @ !o @ !@ "s.@@ "20+@A Venezuela b~ A!Q@A!~ A!А@A!~ A!I@A!~ A!AA !~ A ! AA !A "X @A "ANx +@B Zimbabwe bB!`"-`@B!~ B!t@B!~ B!@B! B!...B ! B !...B !B "@B "Gm[ !@ C D a Or nearest year.$E b Imports are valued f.o.b.>F 6c Includes significant imports into processing zones.GG ?d See the Technical Notes for information on intra-EU imports.7H$/e Beginning with 2000 imports are valued ci.f.*I "f Includes Secretariat estimates. J $(BK;.=98X> ????mw\VD7\V? zT0~0l%0 zT~0~0Nz zT0Ѓ0y0ୃy0Ѓ((ByKqq     "   MJaz  dMbP?_*+%,D&v/?'v/?(%C?)%C?MR\\ZI16871\Linotronic 530 v52.3O 4dA4PRIV88c8c" dX?? English SpanishU} } }  } }  } }  } }  } } } } } } Column B M,T0@@,@,@@@O@,@O@ ,@ @ @ T0@ @@0@T@@T@,0@@@@@p0@p0@@22@22@@-,@@ Tableau IV.55 ZRImportations de produits de l'industrie automobile de certaines conomies, 1990-01 2*(En millions de dollars et en pourcentage)  " Part dans les importations   totales de marchandises Valeur   du pays ou du territoire    1990~ ,@~ <@~ @@ ~  D@  1990 2001 a   Afrique du Sud b !... !~ !@ !I~ !4@ !~ !A !~ !@  " "9\@ Algrie !rh|@ !~ !}@ !~ !@ !~ !a@ ! !...  "Y@ "_@ Arabie saoudite !S-@ !~ !@ !~ !|A !~ !HA !~ !@  "` #ɖ'@ "ܠKE/@  Argentine !Zd;f@ !~ ! @ !~ !A !~ !$@ !~ !1A  "%(h@ "B'a#@  Australie b !K7@ !~ !@ !~ !A'A !~ !u*A !~ !m%A  "o"@ "(p@9'@Brsil!!rh@!~ !P@!~ !A!~ !TA !~  !EA  "y/&$@ "00xG@ Canada b!@!~ !W@!~ !1!~ !q !~  !s  "^%5@ "3qEK2@ Chili!h|?@!~ !Л@!~ !Q@!~ !fA !~  !QRA  "@ "-<R@Chine c !...!~ !b@!~ !qA!~ !/A !~  !iA   " "!@Chypre~ !q@!~ !0v@!~ !@!~ !@ !~  !@  "0%@ ")oyz%@Colombie!ʡEy@!~ !\@!~ !A@!~ !@ !~  !@  "9@ " ;@Core, Rp. de! r@!~ !T@!~ !A!~ !A !~  !A  "YsrH? "pxR?Croatie !-!~ !`z@!~ !1O@!~ !aG@ !~  !Z@   "- "%&@Egypte~ !K@!~ !Ѓ@!~ !@! !... !~  !g@  "R"5 @ "k9Z@Emirats arabes unis d!I +@!~ !@!~ !@!~ !إ@ !  !...  "R G!@ "H#8S@Equateur!Sc@!~ !@!~ !A6@!~ !@ !~  !!@  "ڸ? @ "urh:'@ Etats-Unis!#~z]@!~ !_@!~ !t!~ ! !~  !o   "s.@ "20+@ Guatemala!"~j,]@!~ !P|@!~ !!Y@!~ !{@ !~  !@  "!Q}N@ "W#@Hong Kong, Chine~ !B@!~ !*@!~ !lA!~ ! A !~  !^ A  "5 p? "jPg?" importations dfinitives!~jЄ@!~ !r@!~ !!F@!~ !A !~  !NA  "Ch.@ "x*@ Hongrie c~ !X@!~ !@ !I~ !@!~ !b@ !~  !ޣ@  "Q٨@ ">廯3@ Inde!d;OCp@!~ !|@!~ !@! !... !  !...  ";39? "5U? Indonsie!Vʗ@!~ !@!~ !y@!~ !A !~  !aA  "<@ "rB>b@DlGdPMf$$ T0@!@"@#@$@%@&@'@(,@)@*@+@,T0@-@.@/0@T0@1@T2,@30@4@5@6@7@8p0@9p0@:@2;2@2<2@=,@->@?@ Iran, Rp. islamique d' !... ! !... !~ !! @ !~ !@ ! !...  " "|Z@!Isral!!ʡE4@!!~ !!@!!~ !!A!!~ !!@! !~ ! !֠@! ! "@! 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C !...C C "@C "Gm[ !@ D %E a Ou l'anne la plus proche.F b Importations f.a.b.NG Fc Y compris d'importantes importations des zones de perfectionnement.4H ,d Y compris des estimations du Secrtariat.8I%0e A partir de 2000 les importations sont c.a.f.[J Sf Voir les Notes techniques pour des renseignements sur les importations intra-UE.KK L w$)"R8<_.=98X> L????mw\VD7\V? zT0~0l%0 zT~0~0Nz zT0҃0y0Ѓy0҃((ByMqq     "   Nk  dMbP?_*+%,D&v/?'v/?(%C?)%C?MR\\ZI16871\Linotronic 530 v52.3O 4dA4PRIV88c8c" dX?? 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"Y@ "_@  Argentina !Zd;f@ !~ ! @ !~ !A !~ !$@ !~ !1A  "%(h@ "B'a#@ Australia b!K7@!~ !@!~ !A'A!~ !u*A !~  !m%A  "o"@ "(p@9'@Brasil!!rh@!~ !P@!~ !A!~ !TA !~  !EA  "y/&$@ "00xG@ Canad b!@!~ !W@!~ !1!~ !q !~  !s  "^%5@ "3qEK2@ Chile!h|?@!~ !Л@!~ !Q@!~ !fA !~  !QRA  "@ "-<R@China c !...!~ !b@!~ !qA!~ !/A !~  !iA   " "!@Chipre~ !q@!~ !0v@!~ !@!~ !@ !~  !@  "0%@ ")oyz%@Colombia!ʡEy@!~ !\@!~ !A@!~ !@ !~  !@  "9@ " ;@Corea, Rep. de! r@!~ !T@!~ !A!~ !A !~  !A  "YsrH? "pxR?Croacia !-!~ !`z@!~ !1O@!~ !aG@ !~  !Z@   "- "%&@Ecuador!Sc@!~ !@!~ !A6@!~ !@ !~  !!@  "ڸ? @ "urh:'@Egipto~ !K@!~ !Ѓ@!~ !@! !... !~  !g@  "R"5 @ "k9Z@!Emiratos rabes Unidos d!I +@!~ !@!~ !@!~ !إ@ !  !...  "R G!@ "H#8S@ Eslovenia !-!~ !@!~ ! A!~ !Q@ !~  !s@   "- "Q?w\%@Estados Unidos!#~z]@!~ !_@!~ !t!~ ! !~  !o   "s.@ "20+@ Filipinas c!%Cƀ@!~ !@!~ !Q)@!~ !@ !~  !H@  ":v@ ":@ Guatemala!"~j,]@!~ !P|@!~ !!Y@!~ !{@ !~  !@  "!Q}N@ "W#@Hong Kong, China~ !B@!~ !*@!~ !lA!~ ! A !~  !^ A  "5 p? 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"wx2 @*Lituania *!-*!~ *!@l@*!~ *!A@*!~ *!@* !~ * !@*  * "-* "c#rp"@+ Malasia c+!~j~@+!~ +!¥@+!~ +!}A+!~ +!iaA+ !~ + !A+ + " u<@+ "A@, Marruecos c,!s@,!~ ,!s@ ,!I~ ,![@,!~ ,!@, !~ , !`@, , "BlX@, "r8R@- Mxico c, e-!|,&@-!~ -!0@-!~ -!`@ -!I~ -!ȇ- !~ - !- - "ϣ1(@- "u|&@.Noruega~ .!,@.!~ .!@.!~ .!A.!~ .!QA. !~ . ! A. . "ڃ)@ @. "3K@/Nueva Zelandia/!A`"@/!~ /!@/!~ /!A/!~ /!A/ !~ / !@/ / "QTQL%@/ "nY&@ 0Omn0!Zdz@0!~ 0!@0!~ 0!@0!~ 0!@0 ! 0 !...0 0 "]Qr60@0 " 6@ 1Per1!7A`e@1!~ 1!@1!~ 1!!@1!~ 1!!@1 !~ 1 !2@1 1 "._̬@1 "LY@2Polonia~ 2!px@2!~ 2!t@ 2!I~ 2!@2!~ 2! @2 !~ 2 !S@2 2 "&]_] @2 "] O"@ 3Qatar3!'1Fi@3! 3!...3!~ 3!\@3! 3!...3 !~ 3 !A@3 3 "|zz'@3 "PFoZ,@4Rep. Checa b, c 4!-4!~ 4!Ԗ@ 4!I~ 4! @4!~ 4!@4 !~ 4 !ڧ@4  4 "-4 "n@ @5Rep. Eslovaca b 5!-5!~ 5!{@ 5!I~ 5!@5!~ 5!@5 !~ 5 !|@5  5 "-5 "+'@6Rumania~ 6!y@6!~ 6!s@6!~ 6!n@6!~ 6!z@6 !~ 6 !@6 6 "l(@6 "$S@7Rusia, Fed. de d 7!-7! 7!...7!~ 7!@7!~ 7!<@7 !~ 7 !@7  7 "-7 "cI̟c@8Singapur~ 8!NA8!~ 8!@8!~ 8!IA8!~ 8!ف A8 !~ 8 !A. 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