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Labels;L  Labels;L  Labels;L  ;O   ;O   ;O 8 >Ucrania Cambodge c Sri Lanka c (En milliards de dollars et en pourcentage) Table II.32 Tableau II.32 Cuadro II.32Egypt c Chine e Maroc e Mexique e Russie, Fdration de Turquie Rusia, Federacin de Turqua Marruecos d Mxico d Israel e Unin Europea (27) (Miles de millones de dlares y porcentajes) Value -Share in economy's total merchandise exports Valeur Valor cParte que corresponde a las manufacturas en las exportaciones totales de mercancas de la economa  World  | Mundo Belars Brasil Canad Brazil Canada Chile Colombia Croatia Hong Kong, China (Billion dollars and percentage) Serbie Serbia Japan Jordan < Korea, Republic of New Zealand Norway Russian Federation Turkey European Union (27) Union europenne (27) Ukraine United States Sri Lanka b China d Mexico d Morocco d LPart dans les exportations totales de marchandises du pays ou du territoire Singapore Switzerland Taipei, Chinese Thailand Monde Argentine Australie Cambodia c Blarus Brsil Chili Colombie Core, Rpublique de Croatie Dominican Republic d El Salvador d Guatemala El Salvador e Rpublique dominicaine e Repblica Dominicana d Hong Kong, Chine < Japon Jordanie Norvge Nouvelle-Zlande Camboya b Egipto b Argentina  Australia Belarus Singapour Suisse Taipei chinois Thalande gypte c tats-Unis Corea, Repblica de Croacia Estados Unidos Japn Jordania Noruega Nueva Zelandia Singapur Suiza Tailandia Taipei Chino -...Bangladesh b, c intra-EU (27) exports extra-EU (27) exports domestic exports re-exports a Or nearest year. exportations d'origine locale rexportations < exportations intra-UE (27) exportations extra-UE (27) exportaciones locales re-exportaciones exportaciones intra-UE (27) exportaciones extra-UE (27) a O el ao ms prximo. d Incluye importantes exportaciones de las zonas de elaboracin. e Principalmente reexportacines. Arabia Saudita, Reino de b Tnez b Emiratos rabes Unidos b, e Filipinas b, d b Incluye estimaciones de la Secretara. c Las cifras corresponden al ao fiscal. South Africa e Arabie saoudite, Royaume d' c Bangladesh c, d Inde b, c mirats arabes unis c, f Philippines c, e 2009 . Tunisie c a Ou l'anne la plus proche. c Y compris des estimations du Secrtariat. Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of c Tunisia c India c, e Philippines c, d United Arab Emirates c, f b Figures refer to fiscal year.  c Includes Secretariat estimates. d Includes significant exports from processing zones. f Mainly re-exports. <d Les chiffres relatifs l'anne fiscale. e Y compris d'importantes exportations des zones de perfectionnement. f Principalement rexportations. 2011 aBotswana Indonesia d Kazakhstan c Malaysia d Pakistan Viet Nam Malaisie e Kazajstn b Malasia d Pakistn Costa Rica c, d Costa Rica c, e Costa Rica b, d Indonsie Indonesia e Includes significant exports of diamonds. For the most recent year, the share of diamonds in exports of manufactures was 16.8 per cent for India, 32.1 per cent for Israel and 5.8 per cent for South Africa. b Y compris d'importantes exportations de diamants. Pour l'anne la plus rcente, la part des diamants dans les exportations totales de produits manufacturs tait de 5.8 pour cent pour l'Afrique du Sud, de 16.8 pour cent pour l'Inde et de 32.1 pour cent pour Isral.f Incluyen importantes exportaciones de diamantes. El ao anterior, la parte correspondiente a los diamantes en las exportaciones totales de manufacturas fue del 16.8 por ciento en el caso de la India, del 32.1 por ciento en el de Israel y del 5.8 por ciento en el de Sudfrica.Afrique du Sud b Isral b India b, f Israel f Sudfrica f 8Exports of manufactures of selected economies, 1990-20112010GExportations de produits manufacturs de certaines conomies, 1990-2011BExportaciones de manufacturas de determinadas economas, 1990-2011B GjO xSX7`Sglod `vX}iB ړrF.˨{c mY0]ccBOUj_ KU g2Ʉ N36  dMbP?_*+%D&M&d2?'M&d2?( BP(?)M\\MARCOPOLO1\2159-B1C 4dXXA4DINU" @ SMTJHP Universal Printing PCL 6InputBinFORMSOURCERESDLLUniresDLLHPDocUISUITrueESPRITSupportedTrueFastRes2bppResolution600dpiPrintQualityGroupPQGroup_2HPColorSmartAutomaticHPColorSmart_ColorOptions_EdgeControlNormalHPColorSmart_ColorOptions_HalftoneDetailHPColorSmart_Text_NeutralGraysBlackOnlyHPColorSmart_Text_HalftoneDetailHPColorSmart_Graphics_NeutralGraysBlackOnlyHPColorSmart_Graphics_HalftoneDetailHPColorSmart_Photo_NeutralGrays4-ColorHPColorSmart_Photo_HalftoneDetailOrientationPORTRAITHPOrientRotate180FalseDuplexVERTICALHPPrintOnBothSidesManuallyFalsePaperSizeA4HPConsumerCustomPaperTrueMediaTypeAUTOCollateOFFHPNUseDiffFirstPageChoiceTRUEHPPageExceptionsFileHPCPE094HPPageExceptionsInterfaceShowPageExceptionsHPPageExceptionsLowEndHPPageExceptionsLowEndVerHPPageExceptionsCoverInsertionHPOutputBinOrientationFACEDOWNStaplingNoneHPStaplingOpposedFalseEconomodeFalseTextAsBlackFalseAlternateLetterHeadFalseHPSmartHubInet_SID_263_BID_514_HID_265OutputBinAutoHPDocPropResourceDatahpchl094.cabHPLpiSelectionNoneJPEGEnableAutoHPEasyColorOnHPMHDLLNameHPFIE094HP_DIBStitch_TintTestDisabledHPMediaTypeTreeviewPopupTrueHPColorModeCOLOR_MODEColorMode24bppTTAsBitmapsSettingTTModeOutlineHPPDLTypePDL_PCL6HPPJLEncodingUTF8HPJobAccountingHPJOBACCT_JOBACNT_GROUPNAMEHPBornOnDateHPBODHPColorPlaneHPCPHPJobByJobOverrideJBJOHPJobAccWoPinTrueHPXMLFileUsedhpcu0946.xmlHPSmartDuplexSinglePageJobTrueHPDuplicateJobNameOverrideSWFWHPEnableRAWSpoolingTrueRGBColorDefault-sRGBJRConstraintsJRCHDFullJRHDInstalledJRHDOffJRHDNotInstalledJRHDOffHPBestGlossDefaultPSAlignmentFileHPCLS094IUPHxOAǿ&M8&H`#ICfihD]&ꁸ%-@OxD͛^,vTYھO:Nf0PPUX$|9NHIKS9DA86D %6P-tFXZba`h4-Iʯ*?zWx=JАZu P(-Iㅮ>-QS[Vo N RGk|Bbچ(}e5Jʷ.{`ѹѽcYaY/ \v\] 7IPt|aEǙCgSN5X=?[އ'ǙՂт    t3" dXX&U} L} L} L} L} L} L} L} L} L} L} L} L} L} L} LColumn BN,@ @@@-@@O@@@ @ @ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ k WWWWWWWWWWWVTT  XTT & YT TZ     U"ZrZZZZZZZsZZZQ[~ t@ [~ u@@ [ u [ u  [~  ul@  [~  uT@  \Q"QQQQQQQQQQQQQQ v~ Y0 A c CT@ UJR@ U3Έ@  U g{y{@  x y4Q@ yM &P@Q {T @ UjO:j !@ Uvѽr1@ Uͽ95@  U Zbjf:@  } ~40&m>@ ~ s?@ ^V _~c@ U SQ.@ U LTu6@ U =ئ:@ U M$V<@ c _dQc4@ _ OE$@ ^k NcL? 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