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Importations extra-UE (27) Extra-EU (27) exports Extra-EU (27) importsShare in 10 economiesPart dans 10 conomiesParte in 10 economasKuwaitMoroccoAbove 10KowetMarocTotal 10 conomies ci-dessus MarruecosTotal 10 economas anteriores ...Nota: Sobre la base de la informacin de que dispone de la Secretara. Algunos de los principales comerciantes de servicios de comunicaciones pueden no aparecer en la lista, dado que no comunican datos por separado sobre los servicios de telecomunicaciones. Las transacciones de servicios de telecomunicaciones suelen notificarse en cifras netas en lugar de brutas. Vanse los Metadatos. Note: D'aprs les informations la disposition du Secrtariat. Certains des principaux importateurs et exportateurs de services de communications ne fournissant pas de donnes spares sur les services de tlcommunications, il se peut qu'ils ne figurent pas dans la liste. Les donnes fournies sur les transactions relatives aux services de tlcommunications correspondent souvent des rsultats nets et non des chiffres bruts. Voir les Mtadonnes. FNote: Based on information available to the Secretariat. As certain major traders in communications services do no report the item telecommunications services separately, they may not appear in the list. Transactions on telecommunications services are often reported on a net rather than a gross basis. See the Metadata.  Table III.14 (Million dollars and percentage)Tableau III.14*(En millions de dollars et en pourcentage) Cuadro III.14#(Millones de dlares y porcentajes)WPrincipales exportadores e importadores de servicios de telecomunicaciones, 2011 y 20122005-11KMajor exporters and importers of telecommunications services, 2011 and 2012Saudi Arabia, Kingdom ofMalaisieArabie saoudite, Royaume d'CanadMalasiaArabia Saudita, Reino deVPrincipaux exportateurs et importateurs de services de tlcommunication, 2011 et 2012Js? ?~@@A(ZBBH I ccB g2Ʉ *{Ra9d  dMbP?_*+%&M&d2?'M&d2?( BP(?)MAdobe PDFS 4dXXA4PRIV ''''0P4(FFSMTJAdobe PDF ConverterResolution1200dpiPageSizeA4PageRegionLeadingEdgeInputSlot*UseFormTrayTable0EBDAOMC RONEO" dXX&U} C} C} C} C} C} C}  C} C*  ,Z Z Z @ -@ @ K@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @d v8wwwwwwwwwe f x@yyyyyyyyyg f z9{{{{{{{{{g | } }| q)r q qqq |}}|qrqqqq lkl@jp@n~ ml@m p?ph@ol@Dp@ EEEF GGTHIIIIII U ~ Ml@ h4N~ O@OM"@M@M$@  h# V'~ K@@ Y4 P~ J@ J K3@K3@K*@ Y# V  K@K@ P Jffffff2@ J Y# K$@K,@K"@ V, K"@K@ P~ J@@ J K3@KHK?K V~ K@ Y4 P~ J r@ J K$@K&@K0@ Y# V K@K\@ P~ Jn@ J K*@K&K @K VK@K@P~ J@JK,@KK@K@ V~ Kx@ Y4P~ Jf@JK&@KM@K@@  Y# V~ K@ Y4P~ Ja@JK6@K"@K@R@  Y# V-KЇ@K@PJ?JK.@K@K @K( VKh@K@P~ JV@JK?K6@KK;@ L.~ Q@ i4R~ SY@S Q$ Q$  Q$  Q$ G^^HIIIIII W ~ M@@ h4M~ OP@OM"@M?M@  h# V(~ K5@ Y4K~ J@JK,@K@K@  Y# X K @K߾@K~ J@J Y#K@KK@ XAKN@K@K~ Jz@JKD@K2@K2@K6 XK@K@K~ J@z@JK7@K&@K6@K6@ X~ Kl@ Y4K~ J@p@JK&@KA@K  Y# XK@K@KJ@JKB@K(@K7@K< XKD@K8@K~ Jg@JK"@K3@K;@K&@ X~ K@ Y4K~ J@e@JK=@KT@K@  Y# XK@Kp@K~ J?J Y#KK@K X~ K`@ Y4K~ J^@JK"@K@R@K=@  Y#Dl666\l*vvthvhhvvlh*vvphhvlhvp  @! 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