

Statistics on merchandise trade

This page contains all statistics on merchandise trade made available by the 澳门六合彩官网资料 Secretariat. Data include merchandise exports and imports, globally or by product and/or country.

Annual trade data

Data on annual trade in merchandise are available in the 澳门六合彩官网资料's and the . Data include exports and imports broken down by commodity group and by selected economies/regions.

The data are sourced from UN Comtrade, the International Monetary Fund, Eurostat, national sources etc. Where needed, reported data are complemented by estimations produced by the 澳门六合彩官网资料.

Annual data are updated in April and October of each year. This includes total values and data broken down by economies and selected regional and economic groupings. The October update also includes data broken down by commodity groups/regions.

Total exports and imports from 1948 for the world, geographical regions and for about 200 economies. Annual merchandise trade data are jointly produced with UNCTAD.

To extract in , select “International Trade Statistics” → “Merchandise trade values”, then select all annual datasets, click Apply, then on the CSV icon. See image here. (updated in April and October of each year)

(base for previous year = 100) and (base 2015 = 100)

Total exports and imports from 1981 for the world, geographical regions and selected economies.

To extract in , select “International Trade Statistics” → “Merchandise trade — indices and prices”, then select all annual datasets, click Apply, then on the CSV icon. See image here. (updated in April and October of each year)

Total exports and imports from 1980 for about 170 economies and 17 product groups.

To extract in , select “International Trade Statistics” → “Merchandise trade values”, then select “Merchandise exports by product group” and/or “Merchandise imports by product group”, click Apply, then on the CSV icon. See image here. (updated in October of each year)

Short-term trade data

Data include information on exports and imports for the world, geographical regions and about 100 economies in value terms and for selected economies in volume terms. Merchandise trade volume data are jointly produced with UNCTAD. Data are updated every quarter, in April, June, September and December.

All short-term trade statistics are now available in the .


Quarterly data

  • Quarterly merchandise trade value
    To extract in , select “International Trade Statistics” → “Merchandise trade values” → select “Total merchandise exports or imports — quarterly (Million US dollar)”, click Apply then choose Excel or CSV format from top right. See image here
  • Quarterly merchandise trade volume
    To extract in , select “International Trade Statistics” → “Merchandise trade — indices and prices ” → “Merchandise export or import volume indices, not seasonally adjusted - quarterly (Index — (2005Q1=100))” and “Merchandise export or import volume indices, seasonally adjusted — quarterly (Index - (2005Q1=100)), click Apply then choose Excel or CSV format from top right. See image here.   

Monthly data

  • Monthly merchandise trade value
    To extract in , select “International Trade Statistics” → “Merchandise trade values” → “Total merchandise exports or imports — monthly (Million US dollar)”, click Apply, then export either in Excel or CSV. See image here.  
  • Monthly changes in export and import price of manufactured goods
    To extract in , select “International Trade Statistics” → “Merchandise trade — indices and prices ” → “Export or Import price changes of manufactured goods — monthly (Index — (January 2005=100))” and “Export or Import price changes of manufactured goods — monthly (monthly percentage change)” , click Apply, then export either in Excel or CSV. See image here



Bulk download of datasets

The complete 澳门六合彩官网资料 merchandise dataset — covering exports and imports broken down by country and commodity group — may be downloaded in its entirety.

Further information: [email protected]

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